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White people share the times they've been embarrassed of their race. 'Pretty much constantly.'


In case you missed it, there are legitimate talks of a straight pride parade in Boston, potentially slated for the end of August. While there are sadly supporters of this concept, there have been far more people trolling the idea of Straight Pride, including Captain America aka Chris Evans.

Many of the straight people who don't support the false equivalence of a "straight pride parade" have been feeling secondhand embarrassment by the whole ordeal.

To this very point, the Twitter user Deon expressed his secondhand embarrassment at the concept of a straight pride parade, and asked white people if they feel similarly about race.

The question of whether white people feel secondhand embarrassment obviously hit a nerve, because the answers quickly came flooding in like a river. Given centuries of history, and the current political climate, and well, a lot of white culture in general - many of us have found ourselves cringing by association at one point or another.










Guy claims being straight during Pride is like being a Jew in Nazi Germany. Big mistake, bro.


It's Pride Month, which many members of the heterosexual community choose to interpret as a time to celebrate their desire for victim hood by whining about how they don't get a month/parade/enough attention. It's exhausting and takes energy and focus away from the whole point of Pride Month: celebrating and empowering the LGBTQ community, and also, selling them things.

A prime example of attention-deprived cis, straight folks trying to make Pride Month about THEM, as if every freaking day isn't already about them, comes from a guy who goes by "A Gift from God" on Twitter. Sure, if by "God" you mean a cat, and by "gift" you mean a partially decomposing rat carcass. This guy recently posted one of the worst tweets I've ever seen, and I've seen all the tweets. It did not end well for him. Here is the tweet, I am sorry:

"Being a heterosexual during #PrideMonth is like being a Jew back in nazi Germany," he wrote, before making his profile private (surely the best and only good decision this man has ever made). But too late—because this very, very, very bad tweet was captured by someone who posted it on Reddit, where it provoked this absolutely perfect clap-back from someone who goes by "GaydolphShitler." They wrote:

It's true. A sympathetic gay couple have sheltered me in their attic for the last 5 days. The gaystapo came yesterday and interrogated my benefactors, but they didn't search the house. At least not this time.

I'm putting them in terrible danger, but I don't know what else to do. I know what happens to those who protect breeders. They know it too. How long will the be willing to risk their lives for me? I trust them; I have to. What happens when the closet police come back, though? What happens when they are forced to choose between their safety and mine? I pray it doesn't come to that.

A crowd was marching in the street today. I could hear then chanting "YASS QUEEN, YASS QUEEN" through the walls of my hiding place. I can't tell if it's the stomp of their thigh high boots or my own shaking, but it feels like an earthquake. An earthquake inside my own head... my god, there's so many of them. I need to stay positive, but I can feel the spidery thread of hope slipping through my fingers.

Why didn't I listen after homonacht? I could have left. There was still time, but I didn't listen. There's no escape now; only hiding. Hiding and waiting for Pride Month to be over.

And THAT, my friends, is how you murder someone with words. The beautiful and epic takedown was captured and reposted on the sub-Reddit "MurderedByWords" where it went extremely viral. Here you can see the entire exchange in all its beauty:

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Never been prouder to be a member of the LGBTQ community AND the Reddit community. Happy Pride to all except the homophobic shitbags!!!!!!

This kid wrote a hilarious letter to his mom after missing the school bus. He'll go far in life.


Kids write the darnedest things.

When Twitter user Sarah's little brother missed the bus to school, he prepared a formal, comprehensive letter informing their mother of the predicament. It uses very impressive, sophisticated language compared to the juvenility of the handwriting.

Here's what it says:

As your son, I regret to inform you that I've missed my means of public transportation. I know you must be on a rollercoaster of emotions right now but rest assured, I've decided to stay home. This was a tough decision to make while you were gone for 20 minutes. I'm probably in my bed moping about the fact that I can't go to school, so please don't interrupt me. If you require any further assistance, please see the pros/cons chart on the back side.

As promised, here are the pros and cons:


- First day home this quarter, grades will be fine.

- Today was gonna be a bad one, can't get over my hair.


- Might become a habit (doubtful)

-You have to call the school and tell them I've got polio.

(With anti-vaxxers running wild these days, polio actually is a possibility).

The tweet went viral with close to 100,000 likes. Sarah provided an update, explaining that yes, she let the boy stay home.

This kid truly is a genius.

He's going to grow up to be a comedy writer. Or even worse...a lawyer.

22 Walmart employees share the craziest sh*t they've seen on the job. The staring man is dead.


Walmart is truly an emblem of life in America. It's a place full of wild discounts often made possible by a lack of quality where employees are routinely underpaid and overworked.

To add to the culture of unbridled capitalism, Walmart stores, by merit of their massive size and endless hours, are a veritable breeding ground for bonkers stories.

In a recent Reddit thread, former and current employees shared the craziest things they've seen on the job, and this is pure nightmare fuel.

1. FraustFortress does not miss it.

"Somebody put bleach ammonia and drain oh in the fish tanks. Another time somebody sprayed deer pee all over the toy section. I am really glad I don’t work there anymore."

2. Anekcm33 saw something and said something.

"Years ago, the Walmart in our town was selling fire bellied toads. I had some of my own at home, and was horrified to see these terribly starving toads at Walmart.. My seventh grade SJW heart couldn't take it. Toad looked like a twig in it's midsection, where my healthy ones were fat in the same place.. I bought one, took it home and got pictures of it, and took pictures of my own toads. (It ended up dying the next day with a cricket in it's mouth, think I was just too late.)"

"I wrote a letter about my experience, asking Walmart to feed their animals or stop selling them, and sent copies of it with the photos to our local newspaper, the SPCA, and Walmart. Walmart immediately wrote us all back and said they were pulling the fire bellied toads and newts out of all the stores. The newspaper ran a story on it, and I got to give a speech to my middle school about it. I know it sounds like bullshit, but my parents still have the newspaper article. Definitely one of the things I'm most proud of, even if it doesn't seem like much!"

3. pokerbacon watched a man huff in the store.

"Had a customer in a motorized scooter (his personal one, not store provided) come up to me at the sporting goods desk and he asked me where the cans of compressed air are. I walk him over to some and he thanks me, grabs a can off the shelf, and proceeded to start huffing it right in front of me."

4. batterymassacre saw a man die.

"So I used to stock the crafts section on overnights. I'm kinda an awkward person so no human contact was great for me. This old guy on a scooter insisted upon sitting in my aisle for like, hours. Just staring at the needles."

"Ok....whatever. I stocked everything I could. But finally I needed him to move...and honestly I was a little creeped out at this point.. I mentioned it to my manager on the way to lunch."

"After lunch he was gone.

....turns out he had died there like 5 hours ago."

5. NutInsideHer34 constantly saw human shit.

"When I worked at walmart a week wouldnt go by without someone shitting on the ground somewhere in the store, usually in the clothes section."

6. westcoast_wonder experienced way too much mace.

"I worked at Walmart for all of my teenage years, and there was so much poop where it shouldn't be. That's the most disgusting. The worst would've been when some thieves attempted to run out the door, followed closely by loss prevention, turned around and sprayed them with mace... Which then wafted into the store. A few seniors had to be taken to the hospital for respiratory issues. Everyone working in the store spent all day coughing as the mace lingered in the air, because heaven forbid they shut the store down and think of anyone else's health."

7. FrootLoopThroaway saw a tampon fly through the air.

"Ex employee. Saw some crazy lady probably on some kinda drugs take out her tampon and throw it at someone cause they didn't 'like her tone'. Crazy bitch just plucked it out and tossed it like a bloody hand grenade"

8. JohnWickIsMyPatronus saw something truly horrific.

"I worked at Walmart about 20 years ago, being the manager of the photo lab before digital took over. So my department was right next to the electronics department. I'm chatting with the manager of the electronics department, and all of a sudden we hear a woman yell "here it comes!"

"We then see a middle aged woman frantically scuttling down the aisle, holding her shorts near the back. She ran to the restroom, leaving a trail of liquid shit behind her. It looked like when a dog is sick and you're trying to get them out the door before they make a mess all over your carpet, and they keep stopping to shit every few seconds."

"An employee went in with a pair of pants off the shelf to help out. She put them on and made a beeline toward the exit without paying for them, leaving her soiled shorts in the stall on the floor."

9. Egosius feels truly bad for the man they saw.

"It’s kinda shitty to bring up because it’s sad and I’m not trying to make fun of the guy. But it’s like 4AM and this man dressed in a suit and fedora comes in. No face. I concluded some kind of cancer had ate away his face. All he had left was eyes and a massive cancerous hole. He just gurgled, we had to have him write down what he needed."

"It was sad but god damn it, it scared the absolute shit out of me and I never really forgot."

10. ae____ saw a scene from a movie IRL.

"Not an employee, but a very frequent Walmart shopper. All the Walmarts around me are pretty nice, never seen anything nasty going on. BUT, there was an incident once that still sticks with me to this day."

"When I was younger, my mom had to grab meds at Walmart in the middle of a storm. It wasn't a bad storm or anything, just very rainy with some thunder, but it was supposed to continue for several days, so of course the store was packed."

"So we were in line at the in-store pharmacy, and there was a man who was clearly mentally disabled, with a helper, in the front of the line. The man between us and them was this dude who in my young mind must have been a lawyer - did not fit the stereotypical Walmart look at all, wearing an expensive looking suit, perfectly gelled hair, literally carrying a briefcase. He looked annoyed that he was there at all. He intensely reminded me of Patrick Bateman, just an air of disinterest and arrogance, and was brushing his coat off every time anyone walked too close to him."

"Everything's fine, and the guy and his helper at the front of the line get their prescriptions and start to turn around. Just as they do, there's a huge thunderclap and suddenly, the power goes out in the store. It's not pitch black, but it's dark as hell, and immediately there's commotion in line. I look up just in time to witness disabled man punch lawyer dude square in the face."

"Lights flicker, come back on. Lawyer man is standing there holding his bloody nose looking like he's ready to murder someone, disabled guy is freaking out, helper is profusely apologizing and trying to help lawyer guy. Lawyer guy waves him off with a glare, walks to the front and calmly says his name+info and throws down some money. Pharmacist hands him prescription, which he snatches wordlessly and turns away, brushing past me still holding his nose, leaving a trail of blood on the linoleum floor."

"I don't know why but the entire thing felt so surreal I still remember it like it just happened. Wildest thing I've ever seen in Walmart."

11. Acevolts has seen a lot in two weeks.

"I've only been working at a Walmart for two weeks, I've had three people lose their temper on me, one woman slam her cart into someone else's cart because she couldn't buy alcohol with an expired ID, and one guy try to walk away with a whole cart of groceries, in which a different customer walked after him and literally dragged him back inside.

Again, two weeks."

12. BlackHearts_Envy cleaned up a literal crime scene.

"First job out of high school (2009), moved cross country to be with my girlfriend, end up working at a Walmart as a janitor overnight in the worst part of town in Tulsa (Admiral/Memorial for any locals). This place had everything it could under lock. High theft, and a few people had died there so the workers nicknamed it kill mart."

"One night, a guy is in the sporting goods area and wants to buy something. He takes his wallet out, sets it on the counter for a second. Thief walks up and grabs it, runs off. The victim proceeds to grab a golf club, chase the man down and violently beat him in an aisle. Blood, Broken neck (I'm like 95% positive the guy died), destroyed aisle."

"Everyone in the store flipped, a bunch were calling people to view it in the cctv room."

"My manager waved me down and asked me to clean up the aisle so the store would look nice for the morning. You know. The crime scene.

I clocked out for lunch, quit the next day."

13. angreesloth has seen the young and old be messes alike.

"Watched a high schooler stoned out off his mind trip over his own feet and slam through a middle aisle display of those egg crate file holders. Those suckers went everywhere."

"Also an old woman tracking diarrhea through the store trying to find the bathroom cause she shit herself."

14. AshamedCall saw a man try it with a mannequin.

"Somebody was standing next to a female mannequin and took of the clothes and tried to stick his dick into the mannequins butt. Can't unsee that for the rest of my life."

15. ssynec watched a dog die.

"Other than the people freaking out and throwing shit, and one junkie who continuously stole cans of compressed air for dusting computers to do whippets in the handicapped bathroom (how that didn't kill him I still don't know), one story stands out."

"This elderly obese woman came in with her "service dog" - a little chihuahua or something, probably for anxiety. Gets one of the electric scooters, puts the dog with its leash into the basket. During the course of her shopping, the leash goes through the grate of the basket onto the floor and gets run over by the wheels of the scooter. The leash gets twisted up in the motor of the scooter. Eventually, the leash gets yanked tight and begins to strangle the dog."

"The dog uses what little air it has to panic, but quickly falls silent. The woman does nothing about this. Once she gets to the front of the store, she decides to check on the dog - strangled to death 6 inches in front of her. She flips shit and screams at every employee she can find, telling them to do something, save her dog (I guess she didn't know it was dead), it was their fault, blah blah."

"The dog had been dead for almost 20 minutes before she decided to check on it. Piss and shit all over the inside of the cart that she didn't manage to notice or smell for 20 fucking minutes. I no longer work at Walmart. I unfortunately have no idea whether she sued or not, or what really came of it afterwards."

16. socksandpoptarts's mom saw a scammer get her comeuppance.

"I’ve posted this in another Walmart thread, it’s still one of my favorite stories from my mom."

"My mom worked at Walmart for about a year. She actually liked it as she was more active, but she decided to quit after the jewelry department manager had a meltdown and started throwing jewelry at customers. One old lady got pelted in the head with a heavy ring box and it was over."

"Turns out the manager was selling the jewelry to friends and family, but would keep the boxes and stuff them with rocks and trash so inventory would stay the same. She had the meltdown before she was caught. They had to drag her out of the store that day."

17. hymnalysis had a moment.

"Working 4am-1pm 1st shift stocking. This was a couple years back. Dude's shopping. Regular lookin' guy. I'm puttin' up cheese on the shelf. He greets me with a kind of passing-by-you type Hello. Then he asks me "hey man, y'gettin' any pussy?" I answered vaguely, "eh..". He responds: "Well, some is better than none, amirite?"

18. ShadowTheFallen casually sees pee.

"Mine actually happened yesterday. I was walking back to my area and saw one of my coworkers in front of a puddle. She said, “walk around.” I responded, “I don’t want to know.” Her immediate response was, “It is urine.” I lowered and shook my head and walked by."

19. dionyxes can't have cookies now.

"Someone throwing there used children diaper on top of the freshly baked cookies I just put out :/ had to throw out 700 cookies"

20. Steambunny saw terrifying photos.

"I worked as a photo lab specialist for two years and saw some really awful pics. The worst was a toddler surrounded by marijuana buds and guns. We had to get the on duty cop involved when the guy came back to pick them up."

"Edit for more info on why the cop was involved: I believe the guy was in the pic with the kid and had gang signs with one hand and almost putting a gun to the kids head. It’s been a while so it’s a bit fuzzy."

21. Mr_Flim_Flam saw a man's life get saved.

"I worked customer service at Walmart for a lil bit and one night just as I was closing customer service down a man came in screaming for help. He was wearing a white shirt but it was drenched red in some areas. He said he was shot twice and he thought he was gonna die. He lifted up his shirt to show us he wasn’t just some druggy, and really needed help. Low and behold there were two holes bleeding around this mans torso. Lucky for him an off duty paramedic was in line buying groceries and called it in fast for the ambulance."

22. tcusisb32t discovered a home made in a paper towel aisle.

"Not an employee but off duty police officer. Two homeless people dug out a hole into the paper towel section and were living in it. They finally found them when someone complained about “two people having sex in the toilet paper isle”. Also had a homeless person take a homeless/alcoholic shit in the bike isle.

Those employees do not get paid enough."

Just 25 Of The Funniest Memes To Kick Off Your Summer.


Summer is here. It's time to sit back, relax, and constantly complain about the heat. Stay cool by laughing at these hilarious summer memes.


























Woman scammed by cancer-faking 'friend' shared her story and it's outrageous.


Here at Someecards, we loveascam.

It's true. We do. But ideally, a scam is either victimless - e.g., rips off a huge corporation - or defrauds someone who deserves it, karmically and financially. Picture a Robin Hood-style operation that scams the rich and benefits the poor. Unfortunately, that's not always the case. The most ruthless scammers will target whoever's most vulnerable, including their family members and closest friends.

Los Angeles-based comedian Theresa Bateman learned this lesson the hard way. Her friend faked cancer for years and swindled Theresa in the process - and she wasn't the only person taken in by this elaborate ruse.

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Your favorite screenwriter WISHES they could plot a story this compelling. The ending's satisfying, if not exactly happy: Theresa wisely cut ties with her 'friend', who doesn't have custody of a child anymore. Luckily, things deescalated before they could creep into straight-up Lifetime territory. My only remaining question is: did her friend commit and shave her eyebrows, continually, for four years? At least one inquiring mind wants to know.

19 hilarious tweets from women this week that have nothing to do with Trump.


Happy Friday! It's officially the weekend.

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This week, we collectively mocked the Straight Pride Parade, mourned the end of Bradley Cooper's relationship, and celebrated the deliciousness that is garlic bread. Phew! It's time to kick back with a glass of iced tea - perhaps spiked with rum - and become inert. An object in motion stays in motion, and a person watching Netflix is still watching. You can stop asking, computer.

To usher in weekend complacency, I've rounded up some of the week's funniest tweets, all sourced from our planet's most precious resource: women. These ladies' hilarious takes buoyed my mid-afternoon mood and might improve yours, too. Take a look!




















23 Memes Everyone Should Laugh At This Friday.


It's Friday, Friday, Friday! Whether you're going all out at da club, or staying home and snuggling up with a large pizza, it's the weekend, baby. Time for a laugh.
























Trump's take on the moon and Mars makes us want to leave this planet.


It is with a heavy heart I report to you that the president's stupidity appears to have reached new heights...or new lows. Unsatisfied with just denying earth science and condemning humanity to an unlivable future because of climate change, Donald Trump has set his sights on the solar system, saying dumb stuff about the moon and Mars that you wouldn't accept from somebody over the age of six.

Flip-flopping a mere three weeks after declaring his administration's intention to stage of a revival of the moon landing, Trump declared that NASA should focus on "Mars (of which the moon is part)."

Um, it doesn't take a Very Stable Genius to know that THE MOON AND MARS ARE TWO DIFFERENT THINGS!!!

Earth, the moon, and Mars, (of which the moon is NOT part).

Let's parse this tweet for the weird syntax.

Not only is Trump spreading Fake News about space, he all of a sudden learned that one should not end a sentence with a preposition? He learned to say "of which the moon is part" and not "which the moon is part of," improving his grammar but still not understanding these basic kindergarten facts?

Or does Trump understand that the moon and Mars are indeed two separate entities, but simply phrased his directive incoherently? Does Trump mean that the moon is part of the MISSION to Mars, and is simply unable to communicate effectively in the English language?

According to journalist Matthew Gertz, Trump's "of which the moon is part" business comes from his attempt to live-tweet what he saw on Fox News, whereon a NASA guy said that a mission to the moon will help them ultimately get to Mars.

NASA's "Moon to Mars" initiative is a real thing that seeks to use a moon trip as a gateway drug to Mars. Why couldn't the president just have said that?

Either way, the moon/mars jokes are good.

In conclusion:

Just 25 Of The Best Memes This Week.


You worked hard all week and it's finally the weekend. Treat yourself to a laugh with these hilarious memes. You deserve it.



























Beyoncé's publicist had to calm down the Beyhive after THAT viral moment.


We all saw it: the alleged side-eye that shook earth to its core.

If you've been online the past few days, you know that Beyoncé and Jay-Z sat courtside at a recent Warriors game. Next to the power couple was Nicole Curran, wife of the team's owner. She leaned over Queen B to take Jay-Z's drink order, and from there, a viral moment was born. Onlookers couldn't help but notice the singer's frosty reaction to Nicole's, um, hospitality.

Ms. Curran disturbed the hive's nest and they retaliated viciously. She's been on the receiving end of death threats and violent messages since.

The reaction's been so dramatic, Beyoncé's publicist had to step in. It's very B: she won't respond to the backlash personally, and even when her team does, it's about generating positivity - not scaling back existing negativity.

Hopefully, this missive from Team B restores some harmony to the Internet. When pop star stans are fired up, no one is 100% safe.

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11 of the best Keanu Reeves stories to restore your faith in humanity.


With his unforgettable cameo in Netflix's 'Always Be My Maybe', the name on everybody's lips is: Keanu.

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To celebrate this gem of a man, I've compiled eleven of the all-time greatest Keanu stories. Reading these anecdotes is guaranteed to improve your weekend. Enjoy!





5. 'After filming a scene for John Wick 3 with a bunch of child actors, Keanu stuck around to meet and take pictures with all the kids.'

6. 'Went to see John Wick 3 tonight and this guy happened to be in the audience too!'

7. 'Fans trespassed on Keanu's property back in the 1990s. Instead of calling the police, he had a beer with them.'


A friend of mine told me that she was once stranded on the side of a highway outside LA when her jalopy broke down. She had no cell phone (that was before most people had cell phones) and no way to call for help. Then a nice black porsche pulls over and as you can guess, it was Keanu. He tried to help her jump start the car and when it didn't work, he called AAA for her. When they towed her car, he offered her to drive her home, which she accepted. He drove about 50 miles out of his destination just to drive her home. She told me she hoped he would hit on her but he didn't, he was just a gentleman, dropped her at her house, gave her his phone number and told her to call him if she needed further help.




Full story here.

11. 'Keanu Reeves Gave His Fellow Stranded Plane Passengers a Tour of Bakersfield in a Van'

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These celebrities' prom photos prove glow ups are possible.


Ah, prom. That awkward-yet-endearing coming of age event. And in some places, it really is an EVENT.

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I've unearthed a collection of celebrities' prom photos for your perusal. These photographs serve as time capsules while reminding us that everyone had a not-entirely-hot phase. My personal favorite is the dynamic duo of Danielle Fishel and Lance Bass. Just seeing that image made me taste Capri Sun and hear the intro of a Disney Channel original movie.

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1. Rihanna

2. Natalie Portman

3. Harry Styles

4. Jaden Smith

5. Amy Poehler

6. Blake Lively

7. Lady Gaga

8. Meryl Streep

9. Michelle Obama

10. Brad Pitt

11. Britney Spears

12. Ashton Kutcher

13. Carrie Underwood

14 & 15. Danielle Fishel and Lance Bass

16. George Clooney

17. Jennifer Aniston

23 Memes The Lord Isn't Going To Be Happy You Laughed At.


“Sick and perverted always appeals to me.”

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Warning: this meme list contains content that is not acceptable for prudes. If you're easily offended by raunchy sex jokes do not scroll any further.
























Wow. This guy shared a hilariously sweet love story on Twitter that will make your heart swell.


Looking for a good love story? I've got you covered. A writer who goes by the title "Sixth Form Poet" shared a personal story that starts with death and ends with something amazingly sweet. There are so many twists and turns throughout the tale, it feels like a Nicholas Sparks novel without the three-hundred pages of aggressively mediocre writing.

It all begins in a graveyard, where the man is visiting his father's grave.

And then things took a turn...

And then they took another sharp turn.

And here is where it all comes together:

The moral of the story here is if you buy flowers for a dead murderer you just might meet the love of your life. Or maybe it's that love comes to you in the most surprising places? Who can say, really?

5 shows to watch now that 'Game of Thrones' is over and you need something else to live for.


It's been a month since Game of Thrones ended and essentially broke the internet. Even if you were disappointed by the ending, it's still hard to say good-bye to a show that you obsessed over for the past eight years. What do you do with your Sunday nights now that you can't watch a bunch of people with ridiculous names fight dragons and bang their nephews? It's tough, but there are some options. I'm not sure if you're privy to this information, but there are other shows that exist besides Game of Thrones. Wild, I know. Below are five that I think have the potential to replace the hole in your heart where your love for faceless assassins and dire wolves once was.

1. The Society

I've always wondered when the millennial version of Lord of the Flies would be made, and now I have my answer. This Netflix original series centers on a group of teens who come back from a trip to find that everyone else in the town has vanished, their phones are disconnected from the outside world, and all roads out have been blocked. They are stuck in their wealthy town with no supervision, and what starts as a party ends in a struggle to survive as certain people in the group fight for power. Teens, drama, murder, mystery, and pettiness...we're in.

2. The Handmaid's Tale

Hulu aired the first episode of the third season just last week, and sh*t is already hitting the fan. I won't give any spoilers, but I will say it seems like we're in for quite the ride this season. In case you aren't an avid watcher, you can catch up on the past two seasons on Hulu. Handmaid's Tale has the beautiful cinematography and exquisite writing that we used to get from Game of Thrones, but instead of white walkers there are...men. Just regular men, being men, causing the world to be a nightmare. Fun!

3. Dead to Me

Girl. This one is wild. And so much fun. Christina Applegate and Linda Cardellini star in this murder-mystery-comedy-drama about grief, friendship, and betrayal. After Jen's (Applegate) husband dies in a hit-and-run, she joins a grief therapy group, where she meets Judy (Cardellini). Jen is blunt and has some anger management issues, while Judy is sweet and hopelessly non-confrontational. The two form an unlikely friendship and become each other's rocks during a time of grief. However, one of them has a big secret, and it's a twist that you will not see coming. Head to Netflix and hit 'play' now to figure out what it is!

4. Big Little Lies

It's back! Another HBO gem, Big Little Lies has all the drama, murder, and high budget productions you need to feel fully entertained. The second season premieres tonight, and if the trailers are any indication to how good the season will be, we're all in for a treat. Meryl Streep joins the cast this season, and we've never known her to give anything besides an award-winning performance. With this show playing on Sunday nights, it truly has the potential to replace Game of Thrones as our unhealthy obsession.

5. Sex Education

Looking for something more chill and down to Earth after Game of Thrones? Then this might be the show for you! It's got heart, British accents, and lots of sex. Boom, boom, boom. Set somewhere in the UK, the wonderfully charming show follows a duo of teens who start a sex therapy business at their school. Shows that cater to teen nostalgia are making a comeback these days, and this show is one of the best to do so. The first season is on Netflix, so you can sit and binge it all in one go, or watch it bit by bit like a healthy, sane person. But we both know which way you'll choose.

Kylie Jenner is getting dragged to the colonies for her tone-deaf 'Handmaid's Tale' themed party.


I'm not really sure what I was expecting from the Kardashian-Jenner family, but "good, informed decisions" and the ability to interpret art probably isn't in their skill set. The most recent disaster from the Barbie doll bank of America is Kylie Jenner's "Handmaid's Tale" themed party. Now, of course, The Kardashian fam is known for their insane parties. Remember when this was a baby shower?

My first thought was, "Kylie is only 21, maybe she doesn't understand the significance and history behind a show like 'The Handmaid's Tale.' Maybe all she sees is a fun horror story and red dresses. On further thought, though, I definitely don't think that's giving Kyle enough credit.

"The Handmaid's Tale" is about women who are forced into sex slavery when an extremist religious group overthrows the government and the human population is dropping dramatically. Kylie's a mother herself now and a "self-made" billionaire. You have responsibilities, Kylie. Go back to sophomore English class.

The themed party was for her best friend's birthday and it feature vodka cocktails, gowns and bonnets, servers dressed as Martha's and a complete lack of respect for the reproductive rights that are being stripped from women across our own country as we speak.

Of course, this was not lost on the internet as many people came for Kylie immediately.



























Maybe just go dancing next time?

Ryan Reynolds got trolled by his own mom on Instagram and the exchange is perfect.


Ryan Reynolds has done it again. He has once more typed words, and posted images on the web, that elicited great recognition and laughter from the masses.

This time, it was Reynolds' mom that truly inspired the interaction that set the world aflame. In case you're not familiar with her already, Tammy has been a mainstay of Reynolds' social media presence for some time.

In the past, he has lovingly trolled her with face tattoos, brought her up during discussions about his marital issues, and has used their trolling relationship template as inspiration to troll other moms.

All this being said, their latest interaction came about after Reynolds posted a cheeky Best Friends Day post dedicated to Jake Gyllenhaal, but featuring a picture of Hugh Jackman.

In a typical mom move, Tammy commented urging Reynolds to change the caption to reflect who it's truly representing: Jackman.

This naturally didn't sit well with Reynolds, who quickly shut his mom down in the style of an embarrassed 13-year-old, a vibe we've all embodied at one point.

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"Mom, please don't comment on my Instagram posts," Reynolds wrote.

At the time of writing this, Tammy has yet to respond to her embarrassed son, but if we're all lucky she'll retaliate with the full force of a mom who recently discovered social media.

5 people having a worse Monday than you.


5. Jussie Smollett, because unsealed court documents reveal the insanity of his scam, and he's officially out of a job.

The guy who was in that thing...the alleged hate crime.

Jussie Smollett is an actor who is formerly best known for his work on Empire and is now famous for starring in, directing, and producing a hate crime. Chicago prosecutors mysteriously dropped all 16 of the charges against him, but the city is now suing him for $130,000, the cost of the investigations.

Recently unsealed court documents shed light on Smollett's production of a hate crime and the false police report. The documents include testimony from Abimbola and Olabinjo Osundairo, the brothers hired by Smollett to stage the attack.

According to the brothers Osundairo, Smollett used to hit them up for drugs including "weed, molly or Whitney," a rude slang term for cocaine (Don't bring Whitney Houston into this, okay?). He allegedly used to pay for drugs on Venmo, which is a very dumb thing to do. Smollett apparently bought ecstasy from one of the brothers and marked the Venmo payment as "for training."

When filing his initial police report for the "hate crime," Smollett refused sign a medical release or hand over his phone to the police. When asked why his sweatshirt didn't get dirty after supposedly being attacked, Smollett said he clothes were clean because he fell on snow. As someone who has lived in New York City for awhile, I can confirm: snow gets dirty, too.

Smollett told to the police that white men threw a noose around his neck and poured bleach on him while shouting racist and homophobic slurs, including, "this is MAGA country." The brothers filled in some details, testifying that they filled a hot sauce bottle for bleach and used a clothesline instead of rope. The brothers also testified that after the alleged attack, they flew to their native country of Nigeria, and left the clothes they wore on the crime scene there.

With such dirty laundry being aired, Smollett has nowhere to go but down, and Empire co-creator Lee Daniels confirms that Smollett will not be returning to the show.

4. Kylie Jenner, because her slavery-themed party did not go over well.

Not as smart as she seems.

"Kylie Jenner throws Handmaid's Tale-themed party" may sound like predictive text, but it is a real thing.

Oftravis celebrated an influencer's birthday—an influencer so influential I already forget her name—by turning her home into the dystopian state of Gilead.

May the Lord open their minds.

In case you haven't read the book or the news lately, The Handmaid's Tale is a society in which women are stripped of all their rights, routinely raped, and forced to give birth—a weird way to celebrate the birthday.

The soirée featured servers dressed as Marthas, Gilead's infertile women forced to be domestic servants and nannies to rich families.

The celebration and cute-ification of a world in which women are beaten, raped, and have their eyeballs slashed if they speak up against authority is profoundly inappropriate, and most importantly, DOES NOT. SOUND. FUN.

The complete lack of literary analysis and self-reflection have Jenner veering into "canceled" territory.

The only surprising thing about Kylie Jenner's Handmaid's Tale party is that it wasn't for Mike Pence.

3. Sophie Turner, because Dark Phoenix totally bombed.

Queen of the Ashes.

On the heels of theGame of Thrones finale,Sophie Turner starred in another disappointing ending.

After twenty years, the X-Men movie franchise came to an end with a whimper rather than a bang, and the movie had the worst opening in mutant history. The movie has a measly 23% score on Rotten Tomatoes and has been savaged as "a joyless, lifeless, boring affair" and was beat at the box office by The Secret Life of Pets 2. Imagine being beaten by The Secret Life of Pets 2.

Deadlinereported that Dark Phoenix is set to lose over 100 million dollars, and it sucks for Turner to see her face on headlines declaring "FAILURE!" and "FLOP!" and critics calling her performance one-note.

While Dark Phoenix was an unequivocal failure, both critically and commercially, entertainment journalists are generating thinkpieces about how Turner will "rise from the ashes." Turner's Twitter game and performance as Sansa Stark are too good to go to waste.

2. Jojo Siwa, because her makeup is full of asbestos.

Maybe it's Maybelline...maybe it's asbestos.

I don't know who JoJo Siwa is, but your kids do, and hopefully your kids aren't getting all dolled up with asbestos.

Siwa is a 16-year-old dancer, YouTuber, and toddler cosplayer who has a makeup line at Claire's, where cool tweens go to get infected earlobes.

The Food and Drug Administration has released an official statement alerting customers that Siwa's makeup set not only includes eyeshadow, nail polish, lip glosses and a compact mirror—it also comes with free asbestos!

Carcinogens are a bad look for the summer, and as Jezebelpoints out, Siwa's sponsored content with Claire's is unlikely to age well.

Such whimsy!

1. The Florida Couple who celebrated their wedding by breaking into a school.

Zachary Fuit and Abigail Carlson, pictured, were arrested on their wedding night for reportedly breaking into an old school in Florida.
Not the best wedding photographer.

Congratulations to Abigain Carlson and Zachary Fuit, a newly wedded couple who got a free honeymoon in the county jail!

The 21-year-old bride and 26-year-old groom reportedly snuck into an abandoned elementary school in the city of Milton, Florida, as part of an after party with four of their guests.AThe Pensacola News Journalreports that the wedding party were charged with " burglary, criminal mischief and theft."

Fuit, as well as his buddies, are former marines, and they broke into the old school by pulling off wooden boards and climbing through a broken window.

A man heard noises and reported the license plate numbers to the police, and the happy couple were stopped by cops in the parking lot of a Pic-N-Sav.

To paraphrase Game of Thrones, a Florida wedding without at least three arrests is considered a dull affair.

24 Non-Americans share the craziest rumors they heard about the U.S. that turned out to be true.


If you're an American, sometimes it's easy to forget that a lot of our culture is completely crazy to other countries. If people from anywhere other than the United States haven't visited America, the only window into our lives is through television in movies. Considering most of our teen movies have actors in their twenties drinking from solo cups, driving expensive cars, passing out on beer pong tables and constantly arguing about sports--a lot of people think this is what our high school experience is. Well, they're right about the solo cups...

If it isn't enough of a scare to worry about your own health when it comes to drinking massive jugs of soda and other sugary snacks, it should be a red flag when people in other countries hear about the size of our food and genuinely think it's a joke.

When a recent Reddit user asked, "Non Americans of Reddit, 'what is the craziest rumor about America that turned out to be true?" the internet was ready to out American culture as truly insane...

1. Very true, "Tanerer."

I really want to check something. In the movies/series, schools have a fuck ton of extra curricular activities and clubs. Basketball, football, swimming, cheerleaders, chess, and a Lot of more. How true is that? Also. How serious are those games between schools?

2. Pretty much, "Hamptaro."

I always thought that the Olive Garden in The Simpsons was just code for ‘generic restaurant’

3. Yup, "TheHunterbb."

That people actually get attacked by Alligators which got in their pools (specifically referring to Florida here).

4. Ha, "Hasetate."

Surfer-dudes actually speak like that.

5. Don't hate on "Dollywood," it's the best, "panda_1996."

That Dolly Parton has her own theme park in Tennessee. I thought it was a joke.

6. Thanksgiving pumpkin pie is really our specialty, "DeeKaah."

I studied in Maryland for about half a year back in 2017. I'd always heard that Americans are like... super good at pie. I was pretty much all alone during thanksgiving since everyone else was with their families. One of the RAs I'd befriended knocked on my door and brought me all different kinds of pie. Dear lord, I've never tasted anything that delicious. From blueberry to apple to pumpkin. Every. Single. Pie. They were all amazing.

7. Solo cups are everywhere, "RavynLearnsBadly."

I'm from Australia, and all my life I believed red Solo cups were like 555 area codes - a Hollywood prop. When I immigrated to the US, my MIL was making dinner and offered me iced tea in a red Solo cup.

I lost it, made everyone sign the cup. I've still got it.

8. Well when you put it that way..."PlaidSkirtBroccoli."

Masked people come to your house, knock on your door asking for candy. Mostly it's just packs of kids but sometimes whole families. This was my friends Halloween culture shock.

9. This is probably true, "BucketsofKFC."

All the food is bigger.

10. Never said we were classy, "The_Sly_Sloth."

Drink sizes. Holy shit.

When my family visited in 2017 we landed in Texas for a stopover. First thing I saw in the shops part of the terminal was a dude who was drinking from what looked like an actual fucking bucket - here in NZ our “large” drinks would be considered an American “small” or maybe “medium”

11. Yeah it's a nightmare, "_Warsheep_."

The minimal amount of paid days off you get from work. A friend of mine from Wisconsin was very proud he got 20 days off per year. If someone in Germany would offer me only 20 days, I would laugh at him and leave.

12. Ha, "Inquistador43."

I’m from Quebec and when we went down to Boston for a school trip, I sneezed in public and heard two or three people say “bless you”. Quite a weird rumour I had heard not 2 months prior to that. I thought it was nice.

13. Sadly true, "violetzinc."

The honking... I thought it was a movie stereotype, and then I went to New York

14. Yeah you can, "NamelessBeth."

You can see into the public toilet cubicles

15. Not proud of this, "whowantsrice."

That American kids eat straight sugar. Walked on to the playground and saw kids chugging these long thin sticks. I try and it was just colored sugar lol. Called them pixie sticks.

16. Sigh, "JeezasKraist."

Free soft-drink refills in restaurants. Like wth

17. If only people would read! "obie17."

That there are many libraries of all kinds in the United States.

18. Oh man, "alan13510."

My dad heard this crazy rumor about everyone getting drunk and wearing green for one day a year. He obviously didn't know this was a holiday, and was like WTF. When he came to the US and discovered St. Patrick's Day, he was amazed.

Edit: My dad is from China for those who are asking

19. Really upsetting, "TrueHybrid."

As a Brit living in America the amount of pharmaceutical commercials on TV is creepy.

20. Yup, "tschoerk."

Nearly every man is circumcised regardless of religion.

21. Unless you count the school bus, "boob_girl."

That public transport is almost nonexistent in many smaller towns, which makes it a necessity for teens to have their own cars.

22. We think it's gross too, ok? "OhCleo."

I remember when I was younger seeing something on an American sitcom or a movie (I forget) about cheese that came in some kind of spray can? Or a squeezy tube? And I remember thinking it was a joke.

23. These are magical, "AHoneyman."

They have garbage disposals in their kitchens. That's just so wild to me.

24. Or if you're Lori Loughlin's kid, "SuperFluffyness."

That you can get into university just by being good at sports.... Like...wtf?

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