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22 students share the dumbest thing a classmate said in class that made everyone cringe.


Most current or former students have at some point raised our hand in class and said something dumb or embarrassing in front of our classmates. It's part of the academic experience: humble young people by shaming them in front of their peers. Thanks, education! But there's always that one student who says something so spectacularly ignorant or inappropriate that it makes not only their classmates cringe, but also their teachers, their textbooks, and a group of strangers on the internet.

On Reddit, students are sharing the dumbest and most embarrassing things classmates have said in class that made everyone cringe. Here are 22 stories about students whose class participation will never be forgotten:

1.) From Caboose2701:

We were watching the Charlie Chaplin film, "The Great Dictator" and a girl stood up in the middle of class and stormed out. All while loudly protesting watching Nazi propoganda films starring Hitler.

2.) From UberDoogee1:

I'm taking a psychology class called Laughter and Humor, and one of the things we do every class is my prof calls up like 6 or 7 people to tell a joke and then discuss why it's funny. There's this one kid who I knew from the very start was going to be a total douche bucket, because he kept trying to make our prof look like an idiot, even thought he failed miserably every time. Anyway, about three weeks ago, his name gets called to go up and tell a joke. Instead of just telling a joke, he does about a minute of Bill Hicks stand-up, pretty much verbatim. Of course, his delivery is awkward, rushed and doesn't make any sense because he didn't set it up correctly. Then, he finishes abruptly, and before anyone can even fake an awkward laugh, he says "Crickets. Typical." and sits in his seat, as if we were collectively too stupid to get the joke.

Easily one of the most awkward parts of my college career thus far.

3.) From sleepinlight:

In my International Studies class, there's this guy that just has to have an opinion on every single issue and he usually knows nothing about it.

For example, we were discussing the much-debated reasons for why the US decided to enter Iraq. He looks around and clears his throat as if to silence the room with wisdom: "If Iraq doesn't like being invaded, maybe they shouldn't fly planes into our buildings."

4.) From KingKidd:

The conspiracy theorist in a PoliSci class is always, without doubt, the worst possible classmate. We'd be talking about the Holocaust, and his hand would shoot up. We'd all cringe. 5 Minutes later we'd be hearing about Dick Cheney, Haliburton, Monsanto and the 9/11 setup. Somehow. Every class. Every imaginable topic was somehow related to that.

5.) From BadMedStudent:

We have a colleague that screams Munchausen's. Whatever case we talk about, she has had it or she has had a family member with it. Cancer? Sister passed away from it. Peptic ulcer? She has it. Supraventricular tachycardia? She has it.

It's gotten to the point where she actually started to collapse during patient interviews, and when we checked her out, NOTHING was wrong.

Oh, and by the way, she never had a sister.

6.) From rottenartist:

While I was an undergrad at a public university, I enrolled in a "Modern Christian Thought" class that was excellent. It covered a range of contemporary issues that effected the development of contemporary Christian theology.

There was a mix of conservative and liberal students, but everyone got along fine, except for one student. He was ultra-conservative and truly did not understand why the class wasn't Sunday morning Bible study.

His objections grew more and more vocal in class. Once we were supposed to read from short essays that we wrote the night before. The student held up his paper that had two sentences on it and read, "I did not write anything on this assignment. I do not understand why we would have to do this."

Later, he just flat challenged the professor on all the class source materials and asked if she had read everything that was being cited in the books. She replied that a chemistry professor may not have done every single experiment mentioned in a textbook, but they can understand the overall line of research (or something close to that).

The student's argument got more and more heated until finally the professor stopped the conversation and asked him to meet her after class. I'm not sure what happened. It was past the date to drop the class without an academic penalty, but I don't remember ever seeing him come back.

7.) From [deleted]:

College English class, the teacher mentions Rosa Parks. Girl interrupts him and goes "Rosa Parks is a real person? I mean, I know the Outkast song, but I didn't know that was, like, real." Then she proceeds to sing part of the song as the rest of the class gawked in disbelief.

Also, idiot co-worker asked an Indian co-worker if India had roads.

8.) From Rex__Kramer:

Where it says: "Name", does that mean my name?

9.) From daveywaveybaby:

I went to a school that was preschool through high school all in one campus. This one girl was in my class from eight grade until senior year. She was always a bit of an oddball to put it lightly. In my senior English class, our teacher assigned a speech where we got to choose any one thing that we thought was interesting. I chose Kangaroo hunting because i had no idea there was a market for Kangaroo meat and it was interesting. That is neither here nor there.

This girl in my class was the type of person where her mother did most of her homework for her and everyone knew it (high school was 100 kids). She gets up and does a speech on the holocaust. This is fine because it was a big event. I don't mind the subject too much. What made it awkward and cringe worthy is that she asked if there were any Jewish kids in the audience. There was one. She asked him to come up and she held his hand as they lit a candle and turned off the lights. The kid felt awkward, i felt awkward, the whole class felt awkward. Then she held his hand and had a moment of silence for his ancestors. It was terribly awkward.

TL;DR Socially awkward girl embarrasses Jewish kid in front of entire class when giving a speech on the holocaust.

10.) From gndn:

In college, there was some older lady in one of my classes, and her greatest accomplishment in life (apparently) was this one time she went to Yemen on some kind of cultural trip. She made sure to point this out at every opportunity. She would start almost every damn sentence with "when I was in Yemen..." and then segue into something that has nothing whatsoever to do with Yemen.

It became a joke with my friends and I. We would place bets as to how many times she was going to mention it in a given week. I actually felt a little sad for her, because it was all she had to talk about from her entire wealth of experience.

11.) From Zoshchenko:

Well, there was that classmate who claimed to be related to the "King" of Japan.

But mostly I remember a Political Science class in which a really bright fellow student had a horrible stutter. It took him several minutes to get out a sentence, but he gave it his all. One day he said something rather controversial and a girl jumped up and blurted out, "That's easy for YOU to say!"

Pause a beat...everyone was on the floor laughing. Including the guy.

12.) From sea_leprechaun:

Well this one girl wears devil horns on days when shes on her period. She told the whole class on the first day of school.

13.) From oxsmokeybonesxo:

In my biology class a girl raised her hand once and asked if we'd be able to physically see the letters (A's, T's, G's, and C's) on the DNA when we extract it from the strawberries. I'm in college.

14.) From [deleted]:

One time a couple years ago I had a class where we were watching the film "Gangs of New York". Before the teacher started the movie a kid in my class asked, "Ohh, I think I've seen this. This is the movie where Abe Lincoln sells weed, right?"


15.) From LordFu:

I took Religion-101 because I needed a humanities credit, and there were some extremely ignorant people in there. One was especially notable.

We had a Muslim guest speaker who took questions after he spoke, and this particular moron asked the guy, "Since I'm not Christian and not Jewish, but I believe in God, am I Muslim." This was after we had covered Christianity and Judaism and while we were covering Islam. I actually face-palmed.

The guest speaker handled it well, but you could tell that it caught him flat-footed. He just wasn't prepared for such an ignorant question. He had the guy repeat the question, I think, because he couldn't believe that he had heard it correctly. I wish I had video of the speaker's face. It was priceless.

16.) From rugtoad:

I have a guy on my team who does this, he laughs at things which aren't funny, and not just chuckles, full-on belly laughter. Things like "I just walked downstairs without my phone, HAAHAHHAA!"

That's not an exaggeration, that exact sentence occurred yesterday.

The only way to properly describe it is...surreal. And incredibly uncomfortable, of course.

17.) From Tpoe:

The day after 9/11 we were discussing other possible targets that could be hit by terrorists. Guy thinks for a bit and says "they are probably gonna steal a cruise ship and run it into the statue of liberty."

18.) From seannzzzie:

First day of history class in 11th grade and we got on the subject of the Tower of Babel and some kid asked 'Who's dumb enough to believe something like that?!' The teacher then said, 'well it's in the bible and kind of a big part of Christianity...' then that same kid said, 'Oh. Well I'm a Christian so I guess I believe that too then!'

19.) From ScRubb69:

In my Spanish class, there's this dumbass guy who asks the stupidest questions. One day we were taking a test where we had to translate an article from Spanish to English and he asked, "Does it have to make sense?"

20.) From passerdeliciae:

In my freshman world history class, we were talking about different government types across the world. We mention a few, then the teacher asks us to name countries and their governments. One girl raises her hand and said "North Korea is a democracy!" The teacher asks where she got that idea, to which she responds "Oh, it's full name is the Democratic People's Republic of Korea!"

21.) From coffeevodkacupcakes:

We were discussing jury selection in my criminal law class. Our professor was giving us hypothetical crimes and we had to pick desirable jury members for both the prosecution and defense.

The scenario we were given was as follows: "A college basketball star is charged with possession of marijuana."

This guy said: "Well I'd want a black guy if I were the defense attorney. Black people love basketball and marijuana."

Uhh. Wow.

22.) From InferiousX:

My Latin American History teacher was mocking the show "Ancient Aliens" and discussing how the Aztecs built their own pyramids, not little grey men.

This dude in the front row was obviously a fan of the show, and got ridiculously worked up. He started vocally defending the show and was visibly shaking from anger. Instead of making the guy look dumb, the professor went all Good Guy Greg and said that while he appreciates alternative input into matters of history, he doesn't believe the show engages in "an honest dialogue"

Dude was still just livid and mad dogged our professor for the entire rest of the class period after that. Guy never sat in the front row again.

15 people share stories of the creepiest crimes that happened in their hometowns.


It's not unusual to have a morbid fascination with true crime stories, especially if the crime happened in your hometown. While some cities are known for their signature food or baseball teams, many smaller towns are best known from being the sight of a grisly murder.

In a popular thread, people shared the most horrifying crimes that took place in their hometowns, and they are all worthy of investigative podcasts.

Below are graphic tales of murder and torture, AKA internet catnip.

1. From SHolmesSkittle:

My neighbor got away with murder.

This woman was a known drug addict and was probably dealing from her house. Her husband was several years older than her, definitely a senior citizen, and officially owned the house, which she wanted. One weekend, she locked him in the basement, turned up the heat, and left for a week.

She was arrested for drug possession or something involving dealing drugs, but I think her husband's death was still classified as accidental. That just seems like a horrible way to die. No wonder the entire house was remodeled.

2. From Lizzie_lizzie:

In a suburb of Albany, NY this psycho college kid drove home from the other end of the state (Rochester) to axe his mother and father to death because they cut him off. They cut him off because he kept stealing from them and everyone else…but I think they were still paying for his college.

Anyway, he drives three hours to Albany, axes the sh*t out of them, and drives back to Rochester like it was nbd. He did a terrible job at axing them because the dad got up in a neurologically zombified state when his alarm went off, got the news paper at the front door then finally dropped dead. The mom lived but is all disfigured. When paramedics finally came, she identified Christopher Porco (her son); but later during the trials stood by his side and defended him. He was convicted.

3. From phwar13:

Butt slasher at Fair Oaks Mall in Fairfax, Virginia. He would sneak up on women at the mall and slash their butts with a razor. He never got caught as I recall.

Then there was the time a Wachovia bank at a crowded intersection (Old Keene Mill Road and Rolling Road, Springfield, Virginia) 300 yards from the largest police station in the area got robbed by the same guy two days in a row one weekend, and he got away with it.

4. From Red_AtNight:

I live in Vancouver, home to Canada's most notorious serial killer, Robert Pickton.

He's been convicted of the murders of 6 women and charged with the murders of 20 more. He would pick up prostitutes and drug addicts from the streets, and take them back to his farm. He murdered them, fed the remains to his pigs, and, oh yeah, mixed some of the remains with pork which he'd feed to his friends or to special customers.

5. From IWasInTheNextRoom:

I live in a really small town, so everyone was fairly friendly with the local homeless guy. He sat in the same spot every day and asked kindly for spare change. Turned out he wasn't so homeless, had a big house, great job, posh car, all the latest gadgets...

Well this group of people got pretty pissed off by that so they decided to attack him. They chopped him up into head, arms, legs and torso. For the next few months bits of his body were turning up all over... In the river, roadside bushes, bins, everywhere... I can't walk past 'his spot' any more without a shiver running down my spine.

6. From DarrenEdwards:

I grew up hearing about a girl killing her parents and trying to light them on fire. Kids would tell the story, embellish and make up so many details that it was hard to believe. The girl snapped one day, burned her house down with her parents in it. Some stories included the devil.

This was in an isolated town of around 300 people and as I got older I came to the conclusion that shit like that just didn't happen here. Then one day my mother pointed out a vacant lot and said that that was where a weird girl in her class used to live and she had killed her parents. Whoa.

When I was in high school one of my teachers told the whole story. The girl's father was molesting her and her mother knew it. One night the girl stabbed them both in their sleep with some scissors. She then attempted to cover it up by burning their bodies in the garage. The only things she had that were flammable were a couple of bottles of perfume. She went to school, acted weird, told another girl and the whole thing unraveled quickly.

This is where my teacher came in. The authorities came from nearly 200 miles away, but he was the only one with a decent enough camera to take pictures. He had to take pictures of burned, stabbed, frozen bodies of two people he knew. He took two shots and his camera quit working. The local sheriff had him pretend he was still taking pictures until the other cops left. Then the sheriff brought in heaters and my teacher had to come back again and reshoot the pictures.

That teacher knew everything and was easy to distract if we asked him the right questions.

7. From NoApollonia:

Sylvia Likens: Long story short is a teenage girl who got brutally tortured to death by the woman (along with the woman's kids and other neighborhood kids) who was being paid to take care of her while her parents were away.

8. From brewbrew:

Was a friend of mine actually. She had a small rebound fling with a guy, both 19 years old. She finds out she's pregnant with this guy's child. She sends text message to friends on May 10th, 2006 before she goes over to this guy's house to talk about their situation, which he is already aware of. She is never seen or heard from again. Her car turns up at a random strip mall in a busy area.

Fingers are obviously pointing at the particular guy. Police are on his house like stink on shit. They find a hacked up, blood soaked mattress. Guy says she was menstruating. They find two blood spattered swords, as well as blood spatter on the walls and ceiling. They have him on tape buying cleaning supplies from a local Walgreens, and blood traces in the back of his SUV.

He turns himself into authorities because he knows he's going to be apprehended. He pleads not guilty and maintains innocence the entire time. Court of public opinion has already hanged him pre-trial. He is convicted of second degree murder, given 80 years (50 years minimum) in state prison.

Guy has tried to appeal several times, and has been categorically denied each time. He still maintains innocence. A body has also never shown up and nobody has any idea why he won't give the location of the body up. I'm still convinced there was someone else involved.

I still remember searching for her for weeks and months in just about any likely spot. Rest in Peace Jessica.

9. From professorpan:

H. H. Holmes: Summer of '86 (1886), a guy graduated from med school moves to town, works at a drug store and eventually takes over ownership after the owner dies. This guy likes playing with dead bodies. Sh*t's about to get weird.

In '89, He builds a three-story mansion ahead of a popular fair that was to happen nearby, making it a hotel / general store of sorts. He had a maze built inside the building and constantly switched builders so only he knows the way around. For the next year, the hotel doubled as a massive, torture chamber for numerous unfortunate guests and employees; he had a penchant for blonde women. The exact number of victims was never known, but 20 - 200 is the accepted figure.

10. From Kagrenasty:

So I took a terrorism class my senior year of college to round out my credits, and there was a really outspoken kid who made the professor and all the other students feel threatened by his general demeanor.

A year later I read in the paper that a 23 year old man pulled out a gun, shot three people in a movie theater, put the gun on the concession stand and calmly waiting for the police to arrive. Was tried, convicted, and thrown in a mental institution.

It was the creepy kid from that class.

11. From thewetcoast:

Well, when I was growing up, we lived in this somewhat grungy townhouse complex, and all the kids, around a dozen of us, played together everyday. There were courtyards, sidewalks, and stairwells and gardens everywhere, so we had some good times. One pretty average day when I was about 8, I was playing a couple of my dude friends and our sisters were hanging out with us.

We went inside to go Playstation, and one of my friend's sister (she was 10) apparently left the other two to go play by herself. Well, his dad comes home and asks us to go find the sister, and she's nowhere to be found. Because some pedophile coerced her into his suite and when she screamed because he attempted to rape her, he smothered her with a pillow, put her in a duffel bag and dumped her in a nearby lake.

No idea how no one saw that coming, in retrospect, that guy was creepy as f*ck, he was always washing his stupid Cadillac and watching us play. I have no idea how that whole thing didn't affect me as bad as it should have, the things that stood out to me was playing video games before hand, searching for her in bushes that we usually played in, and my mom being interviewed by the news in her pajamas. Still though, when I think about it, I can't help but wonder how things could have been so much better if we didn't play Playstation and just stayed outside.

Here's a news clipping about it.

12. From ImaCheeseMonkey:

Adrianne Reynolds. Her "friends" strangled her over a lunch break at school, then dismembered her, burned her remains and hid her head in a local state park.

13. From Raiken:

I've lived in Antioch, California for most of my life. A few years ago it was discovered that a man named Phillip Garido had kidnapped a girl, Jaycee Dugard, around two decades ago. He made her live in the backyard of his home in Antioch where he repeatedly raped her and had two children with her.

14. From LancePeterson:

The DC Sniper. I was a senior in high school at the time. I remember them telling us to "dodge and weave" our way through open parking lots. At the time everyone was looking for a white box truck, so anytime you saw one you would get a little freaked out.

15. From Chilly73:

In my hometown in Indiana, there were elderly folks dying at a rather alarming rate in the local hospital. It took local, state and federal officials almost two years to discover that it was an 'angel of death' case. The killer was a male nurse named Orville Lynn Majors. Here is a link to information about the case.

21 funny tweets from people who don't remember the last time they showered.


If you've been slacking on your regular skincare and hygiene routine during the quarantine, you're definitely not alone...

Just because you haven't been outside in almost a month and the only human interaction you've received is through a Zoom meeting where you had to see your boss play with 4 different kinds of "Tiger King" virtual backgrounds doesn't mean you should abandon the habit of showering every day...

However, if you just haven't found the motivation to bathe regularly, don't beat yourself up. This is a stressful time. With so many people out of work or working from home, not all of us are going to use this time to reinvent themselves, do 100 push-up challenges every day, re-organize their entire house and become an amazingly creative cook. Some of us are just going to re-watch every movie we've ever seen and stare at our phones until our screen time report just says, "way too much, babe."

Here are some of the funniest tweets from people who are having a hard time showering in quarantine...






















Stay safe, everyone!

20 people share stories of karma being instantly served.


Karma is a rare guest to behold,so when she arrives it is a breath of fresh air. Some people go their whole lives wreaking havoc without facing the scathing repercussions of karma, so when you witness them get theirs, it's a glorious sight to see.

Conversely, there are people spreading kindness all the time without seeing it come back to them, so when they get sent a spark of goodness from the abyss, it feels greatly overdue.

In a popular Reddit thread, people shared delicious stories of "instant karma" - many of which involved workplace revenge.

1. From OP:

I'm a f*cking terrible storyteller, but alright, I'll go first:

I've worked at the same company for over 6 years. I was a loyal, good employee with a perfect track-record. Over the 6 years I've only called in sick twice. I had the best results, the least amount of errors on paperwork in the whole region and quite possibly the whole country. My new boss decided that that wasn't enough. He minimized my hours (they get a bonus to keep labor low), expanded my workload and never had anything nice to say. He seemed to think ruling with an iron fist is the way to go about this. Even after all this, I'm the one who kept his head above water, fixing his errors along the way.

So today I resign my position with immediate effect, which in terms cancelled his vacation plans for next week. On top of that, there is no one to fill my position. As soon as I mouthed the words "I quit" you could see the terror in his eyes. He realized how f*cked he was without me and tried to do whatever he could to keep me for at least another week. I've never felt such a sense of instant karma as today. I never meant to cancel his vacation, but I wasn't going to put his needs before mine. I have bills to pay. I'd feel bad about it if he wasn't such a dick. But he's a dick.

**TL;DR:**Boss is a raging a*sclown that gave me the power to cancel his vacation plans.

EDIT: I really enjoy reading all of your stories! It's glad to know that sometimes out of the worst situations some great sense of justice arises. I hope mine and many of the other stories here inspire someone (even if only one single person out there) to not just bend over and take it, but to realize they deserve to be treated better and that the only thing that's stopping someone to reach their full potential is themselves. As far as workplace situations go: You spend a great deal of your life at your place of employment, it shouldn't be a place you dread to be.

2. From mopedophile:

I was stopped at a red light waiting to turn right. I couldn't see if there was any traffic coming because of how the intersection was set up and the bus in the left turn lane so I was just waiting for a green. The person behind me clearly wanted me to turn because she was honking, yelling and giving me the finger. After a couple seconds she decided to drive around me and was immediately T-boned.

3. From ItsOppositeDayHere:

I worked as a database administrator for a community center for one summer in university. Basically, I created a database for them to track who was donating to them and how much they were donating, and who was volunteering at the centre and for how many hours. Very simple work and despite being the youngest person on staff by about 25-30 years, I got along well with all of my co-workers except for my immediate boss who was a total b*tch.

The next spring, I was applying for jobs and e-mailed my old boss to ask for a letter of recommendation. Much to my surprise, she told me that she didn't write recommendation letters "out of principle". I was pretty pissed off about it because I was finding it very difficult to find a position and not being able to count on my most recent employer for a reference was a definite blemish on my resume.

However, in spite of this, I managed to land a decent job. Lo and behold, my old boss e-mails me on day 1 of my new job, begging me to come in because she had somehow ignored all the warnings in the user documentation I wrote and moved some files around rendering it impossible for her to access the database. She asked if I would come in and I e-mailed her back and told her I already had a job and couldn't do it "out of principle", effectively rendering my entire summer at the centre a waste of time from their perspective.

tl;dr Build database for company over a summer, boss won't write me a reference "out of principle", database breaks due to error between keyboard and chair, turn down boss' plea for help "out of principle", thus nullifying my entire summer's work for them.

4. From NewAlt:

I tried to explain to my company how they were breaking the law with one of their procedures. They didn't listen, said somebody up the line would have caught it. Later, illegally fired me whilst I was on FMLA leave. Was, statistically at least, their best employee at my position out of 500 people. They got fined 250K for the violation I brought up several times. I'm still unemployed but I go hiking all day and love my life. Have enough saved up to last me until I do find work. F*ck em.

5. From ZombiGrinder:

My stepdad is a driving instructor, I went to get my license pretty late (22), one day he was giving me a lesson and we were going over one of the possible courses that the test takes.

While we're driving down a street in the suburbs a guy is tail gating the sh*t out of me... really gangster looking guy, looked pretty much exactly like scumbag steve now that I think about it...sideways hat and all. Every time I come to a stop sign I do a full stop, obviously, and he throws his hands in the air and yells shit. It's starting to stress me out, but my stepdad says "don't worry about it, watch this."

As we're going down the street he says "OK, now in about 50 feet I want you to start slowing down a little bit and right when you are in front of that school zone, pull over to the right". So I do it, right after I pull over, the guy who is right pissed at me now, takes off like a bullet. And about 5 seconds later a cop steps out from behind a tree and waves him over for going probably double the speed limit in a school zone.

We laughed. Hard.

6. From Ihmhi:

Was working a job where I was doing 90 hours a week but only getting paid for 40-45. Boss blew up on me over the phone, so I quit effective end of day. I finished up all of my work and he tried to sweet talk me into staying, but I held strong.

Turns out he had to work 18 hours a day for the next two weeks trying to find a replacement.

Edit: Some additional details so I can stop answering the same questions over and over again:

I was being paid under the table, so that hurts a lot of my legal recourse.

I was on a 90 business day (so 18 weeks...) "trial period". If I stuck it out I'd go on the books... for less money as taxes and the like would now be taken out.

I didn't start at 90 hours, but the work gradually crept up and the duties got piled on.

I was a manager for a truck dispatching company so I'd technically be management, but our agreement was hourly. I didn't dick around at work browsing Reddit or playing Flash games. I would literally sit down, start routing the guys and writing up reports, and then put out fires all day. I'd be lucky to leave at 5:00 PM most days - I'm supposed to be done by 3:30.

I'm aware of how incredibly illegal this was on his part, but it was six months ago and one of my best friends (who has kids) works there. The boss is the type to just close up the shop and retire just to f*ck everyone over, and he can absolutely afford to do this.

Basically it was sh*tty, but I learned a lot from it and it was a long time ago so IDGAF anymore.

Thanks for all the advice and tips.

Lastly, all of you programmers automatically assumed that I was in programming. If it's practically the accepted norm that you guys are gonna be abused this much, maybe ya'll should really start working together on getting a union running. Good luck guys, one of my best friends just got his CS degree and I know what kind of shit he's gonna have to go through.

7. From erinnbecky:

Today I missed my bus to help an elderly woman with her groceries only to have a friend pass me driving and offer to give me a ride home.

8. From Lucavious:

I worked for Goodwill quite a few years back as a supervisor because my mother and I had really fond memories of treasure hunting there and I wanted to try and build up some management experience with a reputable company. I thought it would be my dream gig for a while even though I knew it would be hard work. Except it was anything but.

The manager was an alright lady, but her assistant manager was a tyrant. Every day she would threaten to fire the employees if they didn't do their work right. I took offense to this because as a supervisor I wanted my team to be in good spirits and wanted them to love coming in to work and doing good things for the mission. I wanted this to be a great place to work. But because every single day they were being told they could be fired, morale was rock bottom. People were afraid for their jobs every day.

I had a meeting with the manager, and I said "I don't want to step on any toes. I know you run a successful store and I really admire that. I would appreciate it if you could ask the assistant manager to tone down the firing threats because it makes my team nervous and I'd like to have a chance to improve productivity in my own way". She said she understood and I felt good about the conversation.

The next day she called me into her office where her and the assistant manager were both waiting for me. They asked me to lock the door. As soon as I did I got the most hate-filled verbal lashing of my entire life. They started screaming at me you think you can turn us against eachother? You are worthless. You just do your f---ing job and don't tell us how to do ours. Who do you think you are?? This went on for about 20 minutes. I'm a grown man and I nearly started bawling right there. I told them to take this sh*tty job and shove it.

I was the only supervisor they had on a team that required at least two. The manager and assistant manager were already working 60 hour weeks to make things work on a skeleton crew, and when I quit they were going to be working 80 hours each with no weekends until they had at least a month to find someone else. They told me how much of a scumbag I was for not giving two weeks notice and ruining their month. I wasn't really concerned about it.

9. From DJRobOwen:

My Karma comes from my last few days at secondary school, we are all around 17/18 years old and have been in the same morning registration class for 6 years every single school day. Everyone seemed to be emotional about it, with most of the girls crying, even a couple of the guys.

The head boy in our year, who was in our registration class, had a surprise, and had hired a bouncy castle just for us! Now I had always been the biggest guy in school, 6 foot tall and around 20 stone (300 lbs to you Yanks) but I was also one of the quietest, and I only went on after most of the other folk had their turn and gone to do something else.

I pluck up some courage because this looked like so much fun, and I start bouncing and bouncing higher and higher, and then this prick Paul pushes me when I am at my highest and I land on my side on the ground, which was thankfully grass.

I slowly sit up in a little pain, and Paul is laughing his head off and pointing at me, trying to get as much attention so other folk can start laughing at my misfortune. I get up and go back inside and sit there on my own, while I think about how shit school has always been, nearly on the brink of onions.

Here comes the karma.

The head boy comes in a minute later, and tells me he saw the whole thing and that he knows how to get my own back...

Paul is still bouncing around like a prick, and I get back on at the furtherest end of the bouncy castle, I get into a bounce which is timed slightly behind Pauls, and then I do the biggest jump I could, curled up into a cannonball and hit the castle floor with all my weight.

Paul ended up bouncing RIGHT OVER the wall of the castle and landing hard on the other side, he was ok though, only his pride was dented, but everyone who saw it was in absolute hysterics. Everyone started to tell the story of Paul flying over the wall of the castle, and classmates who I had never really gotten on with came up to me and told me how awesome it was. It was the only day where I felt accepted at school, just a shame it was one of the last.

10. From IrishTek:

When I graduated High School, I moved about an hour north of my hometown to attend a small Community College and got a job at a local Walmart, and despite three years experience at Radio Shack (which at the time was basically just RC Cars and Verizon Cell Phones), was assigned to their Dairy Department.

Working Dairy @Walmart is probably the worst job I've ever had. When the job goes as planned, you should be spending about half your time 'throwing' milk, and the other half refilling cheese/eggs/yogurt/etc. However, when I got hired, the Dairy Supervisor (We will call him Bill) was from what I understand, new and mildly retarded; Which caused a lot of people to quit or ask to be moved to other departments. Eventually it got so bad that I was actually the only person in the Dairy department besides my manager.

'Throwing' milk is the worst part of the job, because about 1 in 20 gallons of milk are defective, and leak onto other gallons of milk. When you have a room with a couple hundred gallons of milk, it means a pool of milk in your work area, which gets in your shoes/socks, and on your pants, which smells fantastic at the end of an 8 hour workday.

People quitting at Walmart wouldn't normally be interesting (most people @Walmart call it "Friday"). But a week after I started, the only two other grocery stores in the town went on strike. Now, this Walmart served about a 50 mile radius of probably about 200,000 people. Back in 2003 when this happened, the statistics were that for every 10 people that walked into Walmart, 6 walked out with a gallon of milk. Meaning that I was now solely responsible for up to 120,000~ people's milk needs. Basically, my job became 'throw milk for 8 hours'. I could start throwing as fast as I could from one end, and by the time I got to the other, the side I started at was empty.

While that would have sucked enough, as it so happens, it's a requirement in the retail world that you be an idiot to advance to management; And Bill had that in spades. This a*shole would come screaming at me that I needed to fill the eggs/yogurt/etc, but wouldn't help me or get help for me for the 120,000 needing their freaking milk.

After 3 months of getting yelled at for putting in 100%, you tend to get a little bitter, but also pretty good at whatever you're being yelled at for. I developed a 'style' of throwing that involved grabbing two gallons at a time (each crate holding 4 gallons), and using my knee to kick off an empty crate. I also happened to develop crazy upper body strength from this repetitive motion.

Anyway, I get a call (while on break) from Corporate Radio Shack that they spoke to my ex-boss, and really wanted to get me on board to help open a new store in a mall. After I confirmed this was a job offer and not just an interview, I told them I'd be available in two weeks after I resigned from Walmart, and they agreed.

Fresh off break and in a great mood, I decide to finish the shift and put in my two weeks after. But not 60 seconds after I clock back in, I'm told by someone in inventory that Bill is looking for me and is 'pissed'. No f*cks are given, and I get back to work, tell the inventory guy to let Bill know I'm back on the clock and in the fridge.

About 5 to 10 minutes later, Bill slams open the door to the fridge, "Where the f*ck have you been?", to which I reply I was on my break, and go back to double-fisting gallons of milk like a champ. "Don't f*cking ignore me!", to which I reply with:

"Know what Bill? I just got offered a job from a Corporate Office. I was going to finish out my two weeks, but instead I'm gonna put in my two milk notice." And I softball underhand two gallons of milk about 40 feet at Bill, which hits the concrete floor and sprays him from the thighs down. As I was walking out, I could watch the look on his face move from rage to terror, as he realized his new job was now 'Throw milk for 8 hours'.

TL;DR: Quit Walmart by shooting white creamy stuff all over my boss whilst delivering a clever pun.

11. From AMathmagician:

I worked at a Kmart in high school. It was a small store, so I worked everything, electronics, stocking, cashier. You name it, I did it. I asked a woman and her son, about 12 or 13, if they needed help finding anything as I was out on the floor, and the kid immediately b*tches me out for annoying him. I ignore it, and go about my business. Right after that I get called to checkouts. As I'm working there, here comes the pair.

The kid has gone all out back in the electronics area, with some EA sports titles and a GTA game. I'm checking them out when the age prompt comes up for the M rated game. I decide to take a chance. I flip the game over, and inform the mother that "This game has been rated M for the following reasons" and read the list off the back of the case. There is an awkward silence, then she angrily informs me that the son said it was only a little violent. Kid wasn't able to get anything that day.

12. From DallasITGuy:

I'm an IT consultant, and have a rep of being really competent with Microsoft Exchange Server. A couple of years ago I bid on but did not get a project to upgrade an Exchange 2003 environment to Exchange 2010. Multiple servers, multiple sites and right up my alley. The firm that won the bid did so by pricing it extremely low, about 40% below my price which was on the low end to begin with. Totally unrealistic pricing but they thought they could pull it off with their people. Their people were good generalists but did not have a handle on Exchange 2010.

I told the customer - who I'd done work for before and who I'd had a good relationship with - that it was not going to end well for them. They took it as sour grapes on my part. Fair enough. I had plenty of other things to do anyway so I just moved on.

Two weeks after they started the implementation phase of the job the other consulting firm augured in. The entire email system stopped working. No mail coming in or out, no mail flowing between any of the Exchange servers, everything just dead in the water. I find this out when I get a call late one evening at my home from the other consulting company begging me to pull them out of the fire. I told them no thanks.

An hour later the owner of the other firm is at my front door trying to convince me to help them "for the sake of the customer". This is well after dark and the conversation does not go well. He ends up screaming at me and I slam the door then call the cops because I'm tired and afraid that I'll do something stupid if I continue to interact with the guy.

Cops come, he loses it, they arrest him for disorderly conduct and I have his damn car blocking mine in my driveway. I have it towed off (I had to pay for the privilege too). He spends the next 24 hours in jail, about average for getting through the Dallas County jail I'm told.

The customer called me the following day and I again declined to fix the mess. By this time I'd decided I didn't want any of that sh*t on me, period.

The customer ends up getting Microsoft Services in to fix everything (cost them about 5 times what I was going to charge by the way). The customer sues the other consulting firm, which promptly files for bankruptcy / closes its doors rather than deal with the lawsuit.

Don't know if this was instant karma or not but it's the first time I've had the opportunity to tell this story on Reddit.

13. From Metzgermeister84:

I was an assistant supervisor at a factory. Our department had about 30 people. It was a very fast-paced department, and even the most minor mistake could cost someone their job (we made brake pedals) Stressful as f*ck. Worse, the supervisor (the one I was assisting) was a lazy b*tch:

She would spend 90% of every day sitting at the computer looking busy, but I know she wasn't doing any real work (one day, I observed her getting on some news website, reading an article, then printing off that article, walking over to the printer, taking the article back to the desk, and reading it again) She also spent a good amount of time texting her boyfriend, but if anyone else whipped out a cell phone, even if it was just to check what time it is, she would "confiscate" it. Like we're in f*cking Jr. High.

She would leave and take days off constantly. Now using your regularly scheduled vacation days is no problem. But she found a loophole: she would come in for an hour, then leave after HER boss went home, so he would think she was there all day and she wouldn't use up a vacation day. There were a lot of times when she claimed she had a "family emergency" and left in the middle of the day and never came back. I don't know if there really were emegencies or not, but I know she's single and has no kids.

She took 21 breaks one day (someone counted) The rest of us only get 3 breaks, 15 minutes each, and she yells at people if they are accidentally out there for 16 minutes, god forbid. People who sit in the outdoor smoking area said that her boyfriend would come visit her, and they would just hang out in the smoking area (while I'm left doing all the work, of course)

A few years back when the economy was really bad, the company was trying to save money on overtime, so she told me not to clock in until 3:00 PM sharp (when our shift starts) So I clocked in at 3:00 exactly, and walked out there. She yelled at me for missing the department meeting. I told her I had to wait until 3 to clock in, just like she said. She replied "no, my watch is synced up with that time clock out there.. You should have had plenty of time to get out here for the meeting!"

There was a period of ~6 months where we had to work 6 days a week to catch up on some production. She stayed home every Saturday and made me handle everything myself.

We get a lot of 18 year old girl temps straight from high school, so consequently, we have a lot of stupid drama in our department. The supervisor really doesn't do anything about any of this. So people come asking ME to do something about it. I verbally reprimand people for it, but sometimes they don't listen. So then I go to the supervisor to request that they be written up (because I'm just the assistant supervisor; I don't really have the authority to do anything besides bitch people out and tell the supervisor) But she never addressed it directly. The only thing she ever did was made a speech to the entire department reviewing the company policy on harassment, instead of dealing with the problem directly. So the drama continues, and I look like a jackass who can't do anything about it.

I could go on for pages with all the crap she pulled, but I think that's the gist of it. Anyway, I transferred to another department. The supervisor was MAD when I brought her the transfer form to sign. At first, she tried to tell me that I'm "not allowed" to transfer, but after I got management involved, she signed it. I was only getting an extra dollar per hour to be the assistant supervisor, so I took a pay cut but it was well worth it. Now I just run a little machine by myself, in this area with two other guys who are cool as f*ck. There's no official supervisor for that area because it's just us three guys, so it's pretty lax.

If we get our numbers done ahead of time (which is easy as f*ck to do) we can take extra long breaks. There's no mandatory overtime except a Saturday now and then. It's great. We just get our parts done and joke around over there. Meanwhile, my old supervisor has to run the entire area by herself, and do all the overtime herself as well. She's working at least 10 hour days Mon-Fri, plus the whole 8 hours on Saturday. I heard things are NOT going well over there since I left. People tell me it's mayhem.

The best part? My new department is right across the aisleway from hers, so I can sit there and WATCH her pull her hair out from the stress!

14. From agreeswithfishpal:

I went into a liquor store to buy a bag of ice. I put the bag on the checkout counter and waited while the very large black woman (white male here) in front of me completed her purchase. This reminded her that she also needed a bag of ice. "Here...take this one," I said, and grabbed another bag. "Is that all you're buying?" she asked me. "Yes." She looked at me and said, "You're done...bye-bye", and before I could figure out what the hell she meant she turned to the clerk and said, "Put his ice on my bill."

15. From Pizzadude:

As the low man on the totem pole, I got to do all of the grunt labor and random tasks that required working on weekends and such... as a master engineer working in a 9-5 job... being paid less than a pizza delivery driver. Then my boss decided that I no longer got to comp time (leave early or whatever to get back some of the time spent working on weekends), because I was salaried and "it was part of the job."

So, when I quit to go get my PhD, they realized that I hadn't used any vacation time. The ultra penny pincher had to write me a check for two extra months worth of pay as I walked out the door.

16. From jakadamath:

This just happened recently.

I've been working at Sears for the past 8 months, and it's one of the most oppressive, horrible atmospheres I've ever been in while working retail. It is extremely metric based. They don't care if you're a hard worker or have great customer service skills (unless you get them to take the customer service survey). Every day, I have to update every single one of my 15 metrics on the board so that my manager can sit on his fat a*s and stare at them all day and hound me and my team on the metrics we're down on. I also forgot to mention, they have INSANE goals for everything, so it's literally impossible to make them happy.

The other day a customer was looking at a $3000 zero turn tractor with a $650 protection agreement, and my boss kept calling me on the phone while I was helping him to ask how the sale was going and if he was being receptive to the PA. He told me that everything was on my shoulders and that I could not fail. Finally, the guy ended up just leaving.

A day later, I had to do my coaching. While I was talking to my dept. manager, the store manager popped his head into the room and starts saying "You need to take the heart out of the sale. Stop caring so much about the customers feelings. Leave your heart at home and get those protection agreements." It got to the point where I was absolutely furious, but held it in.

The next day, I talked to a customer on the phone who was looking for a tractor, gave them some pricing information, and they said they'd be in within the hour. When they walk in, they point at the tractor and they're like "alright, lets ring it up". Normally in a situation like this, I'd pitch the protection agreement at the product, but I did not have a chance, so i figured I'd tell them the benefits of it at the register, and if they didn't want it, I wasn't going to push them, because that would be crappy customer service. They end up saying no, and they leave the store with their new tractor.

About 2 minutes later, my grubby manager walks out onto the floor, and motions for me to follow him. We walk over to a secluded aisle, and he begins to attack me for not getting the protection agreement. I tell him that there wasn't a good chance to get it because they were set to go and had the price fixed in their head. He replies "well, did you tell them everything that can go wrong with the tractor? that it uses cheap parts? By not telling them these things your giving bad customer service".

At this point I snapped. I looked him in the eye and said "don't pretend like you give a shit about customer service". His eyes widened, I kept going "All you and the store manager care about are your stupid metrics, and instead of trying to help us, you harrass us for not meeting these insane expectations. Why do you think people are quitting this stupid job left and right?" We end up retreating to his back office and exchange words for literally an hour. The best part is that he couldn't fire me because he needs me. It felt liberating to say what I had wanted to say for the past 4 months and know that he was basically powerless and dumbfounded.

F*ck you Sears.

17. From VulturE:

I worked selling shoes for 2 years on a weekend-only basis during school at a national chain. Never offered a raise, never offered to open the store, never given any recognition. When I asked for some more responsibilities, I was told I was unimportant, as two new outside managers were coming in.

One managed a section of Petsmart, and the other had no prior experience. I put in my two weeks notice. Both people came in on my last day, so I showed them everything I learned and all the small quirks of the inventory that we had. Both quit within a week, and the store closed within 4 months.

18. From kizmet_:

Last summer I was driving home from a friends house and I saw a fawn on the side of the road, I slowed down and saw that her tail was moving.

I threw on my hazards and sat with her. She must've just been stunned, and maybe lost a tooth when she hit the pavement since there was blood on her mouth. I pulled her tongue out, she swallowed. I felt her legs, no soreness or heat. She was just in shock. I called my on call vet, as I'm a horseback rider and I know my basic first aid, but he said his trailer wasnt available and try getting her in my car so I can let her rest safely at my house amd she can freely wander back into the woods. I only lived less than a mile from where I sat with the fawn, and I contemplated it.

I could hear the mother bleating and the fawn was reacting, she was alive and responding. I helped her up on her wobbly legs, she was still shakey and could only walk a few steps without tripping. I brought her back down to the ground and I sat with her for at least 45 minutes, petting her head and feeling her heartbeat calm. She was ready to stand, as she was pulling herself up, when suddenly a cop car come flying down the road, lights, sirens, the whole shabang. The fawn tried to run and dropped to the ground, all my hard work for nothing. The cop was an a*shole and told me to leave, no hello or anything, just "You can leave now".

I told him the vet I called, I told him the fawns progress and that she's fine, I'm just going to pull her into the woods. Her mother was still bleating for her, and the fawn was still responding. The cop told me to leave again, and as I got in my car and turned around I heard his gun go off. He killed a healthy deer who was unable to escape from him. I was bawling in my car. The next morning I called the local police who wouldnt give me the time of day. Okay, thats fine I'll just call the state police, they care that youre illegally hunting while on duty! And they did care, they later fired the cop as he had a number of complaints against him. It was the saddest moment of my life.

19. From TurnerJ5:

Pulling up in an empty left-turn lane at a 4-way intersection during morning rush hour traffic at a red light, some douche in an SUV in the 'going straight' lane decides to veer left and execute a 3-point turn and turn around. I slammed on my brakes and avoided the collision and mouthed some choice words at him while he gave me a dumb blank look.

Two seconds later however an unmarked car pulled out of the straight lane behind me and did the same turn maneuver, blue lights flashing. First time I've ever had a cop in the right place in a traffic-douche situation. Was great.

20. From Haaveilla:

I had a summer job in a very famous amusement park (mouses mice and ducks everywhere!). My job was to sell ice creams, cokes and pop corn in carts scattered around the park. We had several managers, and every morning one of them had the duty of assigning all the employees around the carts.

I am quite tall (6'6"/198cm) and some of the carts had very low roofs, which meant I could not stand up in them. These also happened to be the busiest and most hated carts by employees. Most managers would put me in roofless carts after I asked nicely. However this one bitch thought I was trying to dodge the bad carts, and would always put my name on the list next to one of them. Every time I would have to ask to be moved, call another manager, it was a pain in the a*s (and the back), and she hated me for this.

Then came my last day. The hated manager was on duty, and assigned me to a location that looked more like a small fast-food place, with a small house were several cashiers would sell food, and guests could sit down to eat their food. And because they had paid an ungodly amount of money to enter and for their food, guests never cleaned up their trays and left everything on the table, which meant that someone was there to help with sales, but mostly to clean up tables all the time. Of course, on that day, that was me.

The park closed at 11pm, the location closed at 11pm too, so usually cashiers would end their shift at 11pm, and the "helper" at midnight to have one hour to clean the place and leave. My shift ended at 11pm too. I asked the bitch if she wanted me to close at 10, and she started yelling saying that the place closes at 11pm and there are no exceptions for me!
You can guess it, at 10:50 my colleague closed the place, counted his money and I left. I of course went with him, and left a disaster scene of full trashes and dirty tables behind me. We both went back to our HQ.

The b*tch sees me and explodes, asking why I left an hour early and that I need to return and clean the place. She says that I could have big problems and get fired on the spot for this. I had been waiting for that moment all day long! I proceeded to show her the employees' timetable, where next to my name you could read "3-11pm - last day". I clocked out while she was calling me all kinds of names. I heard from some colleagues that she had to ask some of them for help. Nobody wanted to do extra time late at night, so she had to do it herself at almost 1 in the morning.

TLDR: A manager at some fast food place treated me like sh*t - misjudged my final day working hours - I left her with a huge literal mess on her hands and she could do nothing about it.

Guy asks if he's wrong for telling his wife to lose weight before she gets pregnant.


A guy asked "Am I The A**hole?" whether he was wrong to tell his wife that she should lose 15 pounds before she gets pregnant, in order to protect her health. Before you say, "of course a non-doctor dude who tells his wife to lose weight is an a**hole," read the details and then...you will be reaffirmed that you're right.

The brave man wrote:

My wife (30) and I (31M) have been married for 5 years. We’ve always wanted kids and were discussing having a kid once everything calms down. The problem is that for the past year my wife gained a few extra pounds probably because she started working longer hours in a high stress environment. She recently started working out at home; trying to get back in shape since both of us have been working from home lately.

He estimated how much she ways, and how much she should weigh:

My wife is 5'2 and weighs about 140lbs (estimation) so she's overweight for her height. I told my wife I think she needs to lose at least 15lbs before she gets pregnant because it might cause health complications for her and the baby during labor. She got really offended and called me an a**hole.

Yup, she called him an a**hole.

I didn't mean to say anything offensive to her but the reality is giving birth while being overweight causes health complications to the baby and mother. I love her regardless of her weight but I believe she needs to be in shape to carry a baby as it could be potentially dangerous.

AITA for telling my wife she needs to lose weight before she gets pregnant?

The Reddit jury sided with the wife, and rejoiced in calling him a jerk.

"She may need to lose, what? 150lbs? 180? How much do you weigh again? YTA bro," namieamie joked.

"She shouldn’t be getting Pregnant not because she’s overweight (she’s not) but because she would be having a child with a terrible person like you," Aventureromapucha commented.

An actual doctor chimed to say that the dude isn't just an a**hole, he's also scientifically wrong.

"I am a doctor and by no means does she need to lose weight before getting pregnant. Yes, she is borderline on her BMI, but that formula is not accurate if, for example you apply it to athletes or someone with some muscle - which we do not know if that's the case," Cypriaa wrote. "OP is just a prick and a manipulative asshole. I would be furious and reevaluating my whole relationship. YTA."

Congratulations to this couple on the baby or the divorce!

24 Memes For Anyone Pretending To Work From Home Today.


"I don't want to work. I just want to bang on the drum all day."

-Todd Rundgren

Those of us who can work from home are so lucky. We know that, but it won't stop us from complaining about it. Take a break from pretending to work from home and enjoy these hilarious memes.

























People react to mom claiming child-free adults should not be able to use Netflix during pandemic.


One industry that has not been jeopardized by the coronavirus pandemic is streaming video services. With everyone quarantined at home, services like Netflix, Hulu and Disney+ have become even more of a lifeline than they were before.

So many people are streaming TV and video these days that Netflix has had to reduce people's video quality in some countries to handle the surge in usage.

One mom shared her own suggestion for how to solve the problem of streaming service overload: limiting use of the services, specifically Netflix and Disney+, to adults who have kids.

She shared her opinion on—where else?—Facebook dot com:

Remote file

The mom-of-three, with a 4th kid on the way, argues that "only people with kids should be able to watch any streaming service" during the pandemic. She continues by saying that it's "annoying" when single adults use Disney+ since it was "made only for kids." Though she doesn't elaborate as to why all the rest of the service should be banned from child-free adults, she does say that she, as a mom, "deserves" these services "over single and alones with no kids."

What the heck does she expect us "alones" to do all day?!? READ?!?

A screenshot of this mom's post was shared in the sub-Reddit "choosing beggars" where people are mocking her bizarre and wildly entitled statement.

Stunning-General writes:

"Families need Netflix or Disney+ more"

What are streaming services, lifeboats on the Titanic??

Pachengala writes:

Disney+ most certainly was NOT made just for kids; much of the content is for adults. But the larger point is, what the heck does she mean by ‘deserve’? Does she pay more for the content? What entitles her more to the service? I’d love to know.

And PmMeLowCarbRecipes says:

I get what you’re saying, but this woman has four kids. FOUR! That’s a lot of hard work! What, do you expect her to entertain them herself?? To watch them? Her own kids? That she chose to have?? Come on now.

And WolfRex5 writes:

I made the choice to get impregnated 4 times and therefor I am entitled to entertainment and you aren't.

bothsidesofthemoon writes:

Exactly. And given that the whole concept of some deserving it more than others is nonsense, why not - and hear me out here - slightly drop the video quality to a level that the servers can cope with the bandwidth used, so that we can all share?

And FawnLeib0witz adds:

It wasn't made "only for kids". What an asshole.

PilgrimPayne59 writes:

That folks, is what is commonly known as a “whiny-ass bitch”.

Some take serious issue with her claim that Disney+ is only for kids.

MythicalBeast45 writes:

"It's annoying to see a grown single adult sharing what they are watching on Disney+ when that streaming service was made only for kids."

First of all, how dare you.

And Stanky3000 shares:

My wife and I watch 10 times the amount of Disney Plus than my 5 year old daughter lol

Others are pointing out that if anyone is more "deserving" of streaming services, it's the "alones." Because we're, you know, alone.

Frogs4 says:

Talk to your kids, you lazy sod.

People who live alone are more likely to need entertainment piped to them. TV isn't for raising your kids because you can't be arsed to.

justjudgingreddit writes:

People who are alone need MORE entertainment and MORE access to human connection in order to keep their sanity at this time because they have no one else in their homes to help

And elgino1626 agrees:

Exactly. 3 kids? They can play board games together. Hide and seek. Learn to cook. If she's got them all streaming video 10 hours every day I would say she's not going to win any parenting awards.

One person even used the K-word.

SalamanderSampson writes:

If anything a single, lonely person needs the entertainment more during a quarantine. Just play with your shitty kids, Karen

Should child-free adults be allowed to use streaming services during the pandemic?? Please weigh in if your answer is yes. And if your answer is no, please stuff your mouth with toilet paper, you cold-hearted lunatic.

22 people share the dumbest ways they've injured themselves.


Nobody likes getting hurt, but when you get hurt because of your own questionable actions, it really adds insult to injury — literally.

A recent Reddit thread asked people to name the dumbest ways they've hurt themselves. From stair pranks gone wrong to bricks in the face, here are some of the best. Stay safe out there.

1. Happens to the best of us.

i pretended like i was gonna fall down the stairs and i ended up falling down the stairs. - Anti-Hobnocker

2. To be fair, those things are tough.

got a black eye sparring with a mma dummy.... - TheFoolishDog

3. Chair: 1. You: 0.

My first and only black eye was throwing a plastic chair at the door that rebounded into my face. I dropped faster than a turd in a toilet bowel. - GreatFNGatsbyy

4. This would be some people's rock bottom.

I’ve burned myself on the lightbulb inside my refrigerator.. - _14_Glove

5. Well, your intentions were nice...

When I was a kid I would go for walks with my mom on the ranch. I would protect her by fighting off the bad guys (cactus). I had a garden trowel I was using as a "sword". I thrust my "sword" into my foe, and it fought back. I had a cactus thorn go all the way through my thumb. My mom (a nurse) couldn't get it out, my grandma (a doctor) couldn't get it out, ended up going to the ER to have it removed. - shawworx

6. Bricks are pretty cool-looking to be fair.

When I was like 4 I was just tossing pebbles over our fence. No big deal. My mom ran in the house to grab something super quick. During that time I picked up a brick, tossed it in the air and watched it come down and hit me in the head. Definitely a hospital trip. - themistermango

7. Always keep your eyes on the road...

When I was 12 I got a new bike. Here I am, flying around the neighborhood opening her up. I hear something flapping in my back tire so I turn around casually to see what it is. Then BOOM. Ran right into the back of a parked Astro-Van. Fly over the handle bars and smash my face into it. Do about $600 bucks worth of damage and was knocked out cold. Ended up missing 2 weeks of school due to the concussion. - themistermango

8. Sounds totally worth the cool factor.

As a teenager I was fucking around by my dads tool bench with a knife and a piece of cardboard, just stabbing it. We were a big hockey family so we had a skate sharpener and my skates were on the tool bench as well. I did a "cool" jump, spin, stab move with the knife. Caught my finger on the side of me skates and skinned my second knuckle on my hand down to the bone. - themistermango

9. Sometimes you just need a kabob at any cost.

Picked up a metal kabob skewer straight off the grill. - wronghanded1124

10. A three-pronged problem.

You know how they say that you shouldn't unplug devices by yanking on the cord because it's bad for the plug?

It's also bad for your forehead.

I was rushing out the door to go to work and yanked my laptop power supply cord out of the wall. The plug flew up and pronged me right in the forehead right between my eyes.

All three of the prongs were very clearly visible and each was bleeding.

But, to make it even better, I didn't even have to tell people what had happened. The first guy to notice it scowled for 5 seconds and then said, "Did you hit yourself in the face with a power cord plug?"

"Yes. Yes, I did."

- roman_fyseek

11. Sounds painful, but fun.

I was told by my father to prune the walnut saplings in the yard. They were springy and young, about 15’ tall. I had the bright idea of “instead of climbing a ladder, I’ll throw a cable around the top and stake them down. Then I’ll prune them and let them spring back up.” Well, my “brilliant” idea worked like a charm until about three trees in.

I stepped over the cable and the stake came out of the ground caught me behind the knees, jerking me across the yard like the world’s fattest, whitest Yo-Yo. Wound up with pulled muscles and a fractured vertebrae. On the plus side, from that point on my dad pruned the trees himself. - darthbiscuit80

12. Comedy shows need bigger chairs.

At a comedy show the guy sitting in front of me was so fat his back spilled into my leg room and I had to sit with my legs so far open I pulled a groin muscle. - greendale

13. Why do you keep sleeping on the radiator?!

Back in December of 2018 I slept with one arm on my radiator. Woke up with a huge burn on my upper arm, which scarred badly.

Then, end of March 2020 I slept with one arm on my radiator. Woke up with an even bigger burn over the top of my previous burn, which is still yet to heal and will likely scar even worse.

The heat adjuster on my radiator is broken... - Tiger-Tom

14. Imagine thinking this would work out...

There was a macaw parrot in a pet shop and I often saw the owner of the pet shop sticking out his tongue and the parrot would gently nibble it with its beak. I tried the to do the same, but the evil parrot bit right through my tongue. I was rushed off to the hospital with blood pouring like a waterfall.

I have never repeated that stupidity and learned that you simply cannot trust animals. Always be careful. - LubedAndWaiting

15. The most pathetic injury of all time?

I hurt my arm by Wii bowling too aggressively - Katekitkat54

16. Be honest, you were picking your nose.

I was scratching my nose and somehow managed to jam my finger into my eye as hard as I could. I don't even know how I managed to do it. I couldn't recreate it if I tried. I have really long natural nails too so I sliced my eye open and gave myself a massive eyeball bruise.

It looked absolutely grotesque for a week. The entire white of my eye was a brilliant piss-yellow centered around a big bloody spot. It made me sick to look at it. - maddomesticscientist

17. But why — nevermind.

I was shocking my tongue with a 9V battery, it slipped, and landed on the exposed wire of my braces which was bridged by my palatal expander. My mouth short circuited and I burnt the inside of my mouth. - BlandCowboy

18. Never work out.

Did too many pushups. Got rhabdomyolysis and haven't healed - Bomblilllion

19. Must've been forceful.

Pulled my back taking a s*** once. So, probably that? - bangersnmash13

20. The only thing dumber than smoking.

I thought my car cigarette lighter didn’t work, so I put my finger in it. Well it worked - usernamenotfound701

21. Where were your parents?

You know those pants with the buttons on the elastic so you can adjust the waistband? I wore one of those too tight without changing out for 2 or 3 days when I was a kid.

I have a 1cm wide scar on my side now because of the button pressing into skin so hard for so long - lone_blonderer

22. That's what you get for wearing Crocs.

Wearing crocs while riding a bicycle, foot slipped and calf got penetrated by the spokes where the chain is by the pedals - ManWithoutNoPlan

12 LGBT religious people explain how they reconcile their religion with their identity.


Coming out can be hard in any circumstances, let alone in a very religious household.

Many religions don't take kindly to the LGBT community, whether they frown on it or outright reject its existence. A recent Reddit thread asked LGBT people who still practice a religion or live in a religious community how they reconcile these two aspects of their identity. Here are some of the most interesting responses.

1. Some disavowed religion as a whole after coming out.

I’m not overtly religious, but grew up in a catholic/church of England house. When I first came out, I completely shunned the church as I was taught all my life from the church that gay people were sinners and devils etc. which really made me hate myself. Now though, I’ve separated my beliefs from the church. Yes, I believe there is a god, but I disagree with organised religion, religious teachings, and a lot of things I grew up with. - tahsii

2. Others are lucky enough to belong to a church that's accepting.

I am bisexual and a Christian. People ask me this all the time when it comes up, and they often seem to make unfair assumptions about what Christianity actually teaches based on some sort of stereotypical conservative, deep south form of the religion. Christianity is not a cohesive religion where every Christian on the planet believes and practices in the same way; but rather an umbrella term for many different denominations who share a common belief in God and the teachings of Jesus but have other differing beliefs.

I belong to a liberal church. We believe the Bible is a historical text and should be read as such e.g. keeping in mind that it only speaks about issues of biblical times and doesn't necessarily translate directly to our modern day experience. We also believe the most important commandment of our faith is when Jesus said "to love one another as I have loved you". Therefore, in our daily lives we try to practice situation ethics; we always look at each situation and decide what is the most loving thing to do. The focus is primarily on Jesus' teachings about love, kindness and taking care of the less fortunate. For this reason, contrary to the popular image of the conservative Christian, many of our members are actually outspoken socialists.

Being LGBT is not considered a problem at all for us as the most loving thing to do is to accept your fellow humans for who they are. We believe that everyone is part of God's plan, LGBT or otherwise. - sunsetgirl01

3. Another person takes solace in the true definition of the word "Christian."

I'm gay and Christian.

I believe in a God who created me, loves me unconditionally and wants me to love and be loved.

I don't believe in his fan club, they tend to be judgemental, hating, condemning, legalistic, hypocritical and reject me for being gay even though God made me gay. I've been so so hurt by Christians and the church that I find it hard to call myself one. But Christian means 'little Christ' or 'follower of Jesus' and that is me. - keepingthegiraffe

4. Some argue that no reconciliation is necessary, because the Bible goes a little overboard in what it condemns.

Regarding Christianity, I’d have a look in the Bible and see what exactly it says about homosexuality—Leviticus in particular is where it condemns homosexuality (if you believe in that interpretation). It also condemns 75 other things, among which includes allowing your hair to become unkempt and wearing clothing made of different fabrics. If homosexuality and religion cannot be reconciled, than neither can these things. The problem is no one actually reads the Bible. - katiejo_

5. There's also the school of thought that the Bible doesn't condemn homosexuality at all.

My pastor I go to believes a lot of the anti-homosexuality things within the Bible are mis-translations. He did a whole like sermon thing explaining the original words and what they meant/could mean. Homosexuality also didn't appear as a word in the Bible till the 1950s, so...it is more so bad people within religion, not the religion itself.

Also I'm bi and trans, dating that same pastor's son. He is very supportive of us and wants us to be welcomed at church, which helps. - YourGayUncleVinny

6. Many have to recontextualize their relationship with God.

Even as a child I questioned religion. Why was my ministers telling me that other people are condemned to hell and a life of sin just because they believe in another religion? If they are a good person, if they love, if they are kind, why should god care what temple we honor him at? Why should god care what clothes we wear, what prayers we say and how we praise his name?

It sounded sad to me and I can't bear to think to think other people will go to hell just because they were not born in the same religion as me.

The God they honor in church is a different God than mine. My God is understanding, and all-loving, and he knows we are imperfect. Being Bisexual just means that I love someone regardless of the body they are born into. I love their soul and not their physical shell. And God knows this love. I believe it is the same love he feels for us.

Why would God hate me for loving someone so much I would give my everything for them? - d3athpr0xy

7. Some even find their clergy members to be allies.

I am lucky enough to be in a very relaxed church. We went to talk to our minister one day and he actually gave us a few Bible passages that we could use when someone decides they are better Christians than us - notpercyjackson

8. Focusing on the good parts of the Bible might help.

I myself am a very religious person thanks to my upbringing. When I realized I was gay, I already knew my religion’s view on homosexuality and I refused to think that my God didn’t love me. So I searched for the bible-verse that said that a man who beds a man is an abomination.

It was in the book of Leviticus, the same book that said that the father of a rape victim should be given money by the rapist and the father should let their daughter be wed to the rapist.

The same book that said that we shouldn’t consume the blood of animals, invalidating one of my local delicacies, “Dinuguan” which has pig’s blood.

The same book that said women should have a ceremony of cleansing every time they sit or touch something when their on their period which involved doves and a priest.

So I ignored that and focused on the good things. In the new testament, Jesus said that there were two commandments to be followed. Respect the Lord and Love your Neighbors as much as you love yourself.

Tl;dr : the bible is a hot mess so just focus on the good - Devinouse

9. Switching to a more tolerant religion can help a lot.

I grew up in a religion that I would describe as being hostile toward LGBT groups (catholicism) and I quit because, well, if God thinks the way they say he does, then he's a tyrant who likes to torment harmless people just because they're different. I am still religious but I don't like to mention it, because the term comes with a lot of bagage. For example I don't accept the argument from authority that's necessarily fundamental in a lot of religions, and a lot of religious people's beliefs ( = things are like that because the Scriptures (the Bible, the Coran, the tradition or whatever) say so; there may be arguments about what those scriptures actually say, but none about if these sayings should be followed or not, really - I've never seen a religious person saying that sometimes God is a jerk and he should shut up and grow up a little, for example).

Also I can't really give an easy answer to what I am - I can tell you what I practice, and say that ultimately how you behave toward other people is more important than what you believe in, but that doesn't fit in a neat category.

So yeah, ultimately I reconciled my identity and my religious beliefs by quitting hostile religious groups and joining friendlier ones, not being particularly attached to a specific religion or etiquette, and focusing on acts rather than beliefs. - super-souris

10. Some find that studying their religion in a different way helps.

About me it started from my family then when I go deeper I found my path and I am proud that I am a Muslim. God grant me. I Know about religion and do try to preach. Everyone should think fairly and deeply. What you are and why. - AR_Moon

11. And a lot of churches truly DGAF.

I am catholic and bisexual. I never learnt in my comunity that being lgbt is a sin until I was older. However I simply disagree with ppl that teach this. Love is never a sin. - VeyOfAstora

16. For a lot of people, whether you believe in God or Satan or something else, no reconciliation is necessary!

I can say as a theistic Satanist, Satan doesn’t give a f***. - ImAnEngineerTrustMe

26 Memes To Help You Start Your Day Off With A Laugh.


"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken."

-Oscar Wilde

Be yourself, drink plenty of water, and laugh at memes. That's the recipe for a great life. These memes will definitely help you start your day off on the right foot.



























24 Memes To Help You Start Your Day Off With A Giggle.


"Hearty laughter is a good way to jog internally without having to go outdoors."

-Norman Cousins

This meme list basically counts as a workout because you'll be getting an ab workout just from laughing.

























26 of the funniest tweets about getting drunk on a Zoom 'happy hour.'


Cocktails definitely hit differently when you're drinking in your bed looking at all your friends in little squares on Zoom, tinkering with inappropriate virtual backgrounds...

If you've attended a virtual party or happy hour on Zoom or FaceTime in the quarantine, you probably know that the same social anxiety you have at real parties can still happen in a virtual setting. Got to the Zoom meeting too early and now you're just sipping a glass of wine with a host you don't know that well, asking them how they know the person you both know? Pretty awkward. Didn't account for the fact that you weren't at a bar and are actually pouring your own drinks and now you're incredibly tipsy just staring at your the four walls you've been trapped inside for almost month? It's ok, these are dark times...

If you're struggling to adjust to nightlife in quarantine, you're definitely not alone. Zoom workouts and work meetings are one thing, but trying to party through a screen is definitely a challenge. Here are the funniest tweets we could find from people who are both thriving and struggling with Zoom partying.



























18 of the funniest tweets about Zoom dates that did not go well.


If trying to find love (or even like) wasn't awkward enough, try adding in a once-in-a-century pandemic and technology that makes every shot a close up.

Dating has moved online for the time being, and people are adapting to this cyber-meet-cutes. The resulting stories are fun for the people who read them, if not for the people who lived them.



















Mom gets mad at adult kid for getting in touch with 'disappointing' daughter she gave up for adoption.


There is no rule book for how family should function, you can't choose who your parents are, and carving out healthy relationships often requires stepping back and making decisions for yourself. Still, life is easier when you're able to keep the peace, so finding ways to navigate complicated parental relationships is usually the move.

Maintaining a healthy parental relationship into adulthood is extra challenging when they want to impose their world view onto your relationships.

In a recent post on the subreddit Am I The A*shole, a Redditor asked if they're wrong for keeping in touch with the half-sister their mom gave up for adoption, despite mom's wishes to the contrary.

AITA for staying in touch with, and giving money to, the daughter my mom gave up for adoption?

When OP's mom was 20, she gave up a baby girl for adoption. Years later, she married and gave birth to OP.

So, my mom got pregnant when she was 20 and gave the baby up for adoption. Years later she met my dad, got married and had me.

About six months ago, Sarah, the daughter OP's mom gave up for adoption, reached out in order to connect and meet her biological family.

The daughter she gave up, I’ll call her Sarah, is now 35. About 6 months ago Sarah reached out to my mom and they got to meet and talk for the first time. After that, Sarah was invited a couple times over for dinner to meet us; I liked her, but I think by the third dinner my mom had definitely changed her opinion of Sarah, and it showed.

While OP enjoyed meeting Sarah over several dinners, their mom is relatively status-based and ultimately rejected Sarah because of a history with drugs and her job as a waitress (which is a completely good and HARD job).

I will add my mom lacks certain maternal instincts; she will always care deeply about status and appearance, more than anyone I’ve met, which we’ve always butted heads over.

Sarah is a waitress, a chain smoker, dresses a bit sloppy, and just generally wouldn’t fit in with my mother’s standards or her world. She also had a previous drug arrest when younger, for cocaine, which she told us about on the third dinner.

After learning of Sarah's previous cocaine arrest, OP's mom decided to cut it off completely, calling her a "disappointment." Despite their mom's opinion, OP decided to keep in contact with Sarah.

After that dinner, my mom said we should probably stop meeting with her and literally called her a “disappointment.” My dad was also surprised but just leaves the decision up to her. I didn’t say much but before this, Sarah and I had already followed each other on Instagram and exchanged numbers. We texted maybe once every couple weeks, just talking about random stuff. I think she got the hint my mom didn’t want her around anymore but we really didn’t address it. I feel bad for her, I can only imagine it would be hard to finally connect with your biological mom and be let down like that.

When the coronavirus lay-offs started hitting hard, Sarah lost her job, and OP decided to send her some money since they have secure savings.

Anyways, with everything happening recently, she lost her job. I saw her post about this and wanted to help, so I sent her $400. I have a decent job and have a good amount saved, so I felt like I could afford to, and she is my biological sister after all. Maybe part of it was guilt over how sh*tty my mom was.

When OP's mom found out about the exchange, she got angry and claimed OP has no right to have a relationship with Sarah behind her back.

My mom found out about this and got very upset. She said I had no right to keep in contact with Sarah let alone be sending her money, that really it wasn’t my business to do this, and that it was very disrespectful to her.

I didn’t think she’d be this upset over it and I have no experience with this kind of situation. I don’t feel like I’m in the wrong but I’m curious what others think.

TLDR: my mom gave up a baby girl, Sarah, before she had me. They reconnected and as my mom is obsessed with status and appearance, she was “disappointed” with Sarah (a chain smoking waitress with a previous drug arrest). My mom didn’t want us to see her anymore. I kept in touch with Sarah and even sent her $400 recently when she lost her job. Mom is extremely upset by this.

wetcoast1987 thinks OP's mom is a toxic hypocrite.

So your mother gives up a child, and later she thinks she has the right to be "disappointed" with how the child turned out? Wow, talk about entitlement. NTA.

DespairingKatty thinks it's fine for OP's mom to make her decision about Sarah, so long as OP is given that same liberty.

NTA. If your mother doesn't want a relationship with her daughter that's on her, but you're allowed to have a relationship with your half-sister!

bethsophia doesn't think OP is TA, but does think OP should get to know Sarah better before sending more money.


Be careful regarding your sister, but your own relationship with your family is entirely your business.

You should probably make that the only money you send her until you've known her longer. But I used to buy my brother breakfast once a week while he was unemployed because 5000+ calories worth of pancakes was desperately needed and I'd order too much and send him home with my leftovers. So I get the sibling support, and with her being new in your life I bet you're really wanting to forge a connection. But...she seems to not be in a great place and you don't know her well enough to know how much of that is her own doing. Find that out before you do more. Tons of people end up in sh*tty jobs because of mistakes they made ages ago, but figure out if you're enabling an addict (or just an AH) or helping someone bound by the chains of the past.

Don't talk to your mother about it anymore, though. She can do as she pleases and so can you.

Edit: and whether or not the coke is a thing of the past, you're likely buying her cigarettes with that cash. I quit smoking so I could pay rent and feed my kid, but that was before crowd sourcing was considered okay. If I'd had the budget I would have kept going.

Icklebunnykins thinks OP's mom is 100 percent in the wrong.

I gave my son away many years ago, have never found him and if that's the worse he could be, I'd still be proud. Your mum is definitely the a*shole here and you are an amazing person. Kudos to you. NTA.

realPancham pointed out the obvious flaw in OP's mom's logic.

NTA - She calls her daughter a "disappointment", which is a bit odd considering she is someone who abandoned a child years ago.

While it's clear that OP isn't TA in this situation, navigating this relationship moving forward may require some serious boundaries so OP's mom doesn't meddle.

16 funny photos of quarantine beauty routines that did not go according to plan.


The current state of quarantine has halted all of our normal daily operations, including getting our hair and nails done by a professional. This of course, has not stopped people from applying acrylics or cutting their hair (nor should it), but the results have definitely run the gamut.

There's a reason people go to schools for year to learn the intricacies of hair cutting, there are so many different hair textures and techniques required to complete a good hair cut.

If you're reading this and you've attempted to cut your hair, do your nails, or give yourself a skin treatment that didn't take, you are far from alone.

People have been posting their varied results online, and it's safe to say the quarantine will bring us a plethora of beauty fails.

















16 of the funniest posts about people solving problems caused by the quarantine.


Reorganizing life for social distancing has caused problems, forcing people to get creative with solutions.

Desperate times, meet desperate measures.

Here are some ~creative~ life hacks for the next time you want to go for a run or have a Hot Cheeto emergency.

1. When you miss marathons.

2. When the only place that still has pasta is a sex shop...​​​

3. When your neighbors are too loud.

4. When it's your brother's 21st birthday, so you make your own "Club Quarantine" in the backyard.

5. When the salon is closed.

6. When you miss art.

7. When you miss softball.

8. When you've run out of sandwich supplies.

9. When you need to go to the gym.

10. When you need bread.

11. When you need to get your nails done.​​​​​​

12. When you need a mask and have a bra.

13. When you need Hot Cheetos.

14. When prom was canceled.

15. When you don't know what to do with all the chocolate bunnies for your postponed wedding.

16. When you want to make sure that everybody stands six feet away.

19 people share their most embarrassing moments on Zoom.


Adjusting to communicating with everyone in your life through a screen has been just one of the many challenges of quarantine life...

Online classes, virtual workouts, Zoom weddings, FaceTime birthday parties, and Instagram Live performances are just a few of the ways people have been connecting while social distancing. However, it doesn't always go smoothly. Remembering to mute yourself before you say something offensive is critical, not turning yourself into a potato while giving your class a lecture, and remembering to turn your camera off before you go to the bathroom in front of all your co-workers are key issues to keep in mind.

If you're finding it difficult to transfer your entire work life and social life to video calls during the quarantine, here are some embarrassing Zoom moments to make you feel better.

Stay safe, everyone!




















19 of the funniest 'just trying to feel something' in quarantine memes.


If you haven't been outside in almost a month, haven't showered since 2008 and you ate all your quarantine snacks week one so now you're binge-watching baking shows, give yourself a break.

Sure, some people are truly thriving in this quarantine and challenging you to do yoga at 6 AM, but a global health crisis doesn't mean you need to be productive. This is an incredibly stressful time and many people are totally out of work, working from home or risking their lives as essential workers. Don't beat yourself up if all you're doing right now is socially distancing and occasionally microwaving pizza.

Luckily, the internet hasn't lost its sense of humor. If you've lost all sense of space and time and don't know what day of the week it is or if you're wearing pants, welcome to the club. Here are the funniest tweets we could find using the "just to feel something" meme.


















Stay safe, everyone!

20 people share their best and worst experiences with celebrities.


Celebrities are people just like us: they have good days and bad days. It's completely unreasonable to expect them to magically be "on" and ready to interact with eager fans and strangers every moment of the day.

Still, stories travel fast, and there are certainly celebrities who are known for being warm and friendly while others leave impressions of entitlement and disgust.

In a popular Reddit thread, people shared their most revealing run-ins with celebrities, and luckily, a lot of them have good things to say.

1. From xxtraspicyy:

Flava Flav ate at the restaurant I work at once, he made a huge deal about having to sit somewhere private because he didn’t want any attention. When it came to pay his bill? He tried to pay with a pre paid visa that did not have enough money on it.

2. From nayhem_jr:

My only experience with Guy Fieri thus far was cordial. Did a guest presentation for us and took plenty of photos.

But every time there's a wildfire or other depressing thing going on around here, he has his "second responder" crew ready to feed and care for all the first responders.

3. From aestusveritas:

All of these were waiting tables:

Waited on Gene Wilder for his birthday years ago, he was incredibly nice and laughed so hard he cried when I told him we had “everlasting pistachio” ice cream.

Betty White was hilarious and tipsy after wine and would not stop flirting. If I had been 60 years older.

NPH was also gracious as humanly possibly, insisted we have a drink with his table while we waited on him, and tipped like a champ.

Seth MacFarlane was amazing. Drew me an original cartoon and signed it there at the table. After paying and tipping 100% he refused to let me buy him a shot of whiskey and instead bought me one, then invited us to meet him out later.

4. From weekendbrainsurgeon:

I met Vin Diesel at a truck stop diner when I was a kid.

It was like 4 in the morning and me, my grandpa and vin and his friend were the only ones in the diner, and we ended up getting sat at the table next to them.

Vin and a friend were getting ready to go on some fishing trip which was made obvious by the clothes they were wearing. My grandpa struck up a conversation about fishing with him, completely oblivious to who he was. He was a really nice guy and apparently knew a great deal about fishing techniques.

I was a bit geeked out and didn’t say much or contribute to the conversation but I spent the next hour of our road trip explaining to my grandpa who Vin Diesel was and why it was a huge deal we just met him.

5. From rain-dog2:

When I was a teenager, I met Neil Armstrong at a retirement ceremony that my dad brought me to. It was at a museum and it was a private event. There was time for everyone to wander the museum, and my dad saw Mr. Armstrong looking at one of the planes that my dad helped design. Nobody else around. They struck up a conversation and Neil asked me questions about what I was studying and how I felt about the work my dad did (my dad worked on classified planes when I was much younger).

He seemed like such a gentle guy to me. A bunch of other men suddenly joined as and started asking him for autographs, which he declined. It seemed to snap him out of his happy mood, and he kind of shut down and walked away. At that time I thought he was a bit of a jerk for not saying goodbye or anything, but I recently read about the hard time he had with fame, and I guess it makes sense.

6. From Janisneptunus:

My husband and I were wandering around Philly a few years ago and Don Cheadle was walking toward us. We both stopped and turned as we watched him go by. After he passed us he turned around with a big smile and waved/winked.

I just thought that was pretty cool.

7. From nstb21:

Met Dave Chappelle a few years back. Long story short, a friend of a friend got me and two friends into an after party. We were sitting at the bar when his manager offered us some shots. We talked with his manager for a while. Then Dave sat down near us.

Dave was kind of sitting by himself and he looks over at us and goes “What’s going on fellas?” And we talk to him for about an hour. We thanked him for coming to our town, talked about music, sports, all kinds of stuff. Super cool dude. One of my favorite memories.

8. From sendgoodmemes:

My mom and sister met the Rock when he was still a wrestler. They had a couple car seats and tons of bags having a hell of a time getting off the plane and people were waiting and then this massive guy offered to carry some things for them and they happily took the help, he grabbed some bags and held the baby carrier with my niece in it and helped them off the plane and left. After people kept going up to them asking how they knew the rock and they were very confused until someone explained who he was.

9. From starstarstar42:

I met John Candy on a plane when I was a little kid while traveling with my family. He was a big man. He had the whole row to himself in front of us with the armrest up between seats so he could be more comfortable. The stewardesses were blocking anyone from coming up and bothering him, even though they themselves were not exactly leaving him alone what with talking to him constantly and laughing at his enjoyable banter the whole trip.

At some point he got up to go to the bathroom. When he came back he looked at me, pretended to do a double-take like he was surprised and said , "hey, you're the quietest kid ever, don't you talk?" The way he said it was so friendly that I just smiled and giggled. Then he had a pleasant conversation with my parents, who had been DYING to talk to him the entire flight, but were too polite to bother him.

Not even 2 weeks later we heard he had passed.

10. From eggsmashumactually:

I served Daniel Radcliffe his dessert at an event, and tripped and spilled some of it on him, probably due to seeing that I was serving Daniel Radcliffe, and he stood up and started apologising profusely to ME. Was very sweet and asking if I was ok.

11. From tweak0:

I met miss Dolly Parton when I was just a wee kid in Illinois. I've described it as being like meeting the sun. She was just so happy and warm and wonderful, and she was the first person I'd met in real life with a southern accent.

12. From Gundamsafety:

I went with my parents to a function for some charity group and we shared a table with Ice-T. Super nice guy, down to earth and not high on himself. He has a mouth on him but when he found out my Dad is a retired preacher never heard a bad word again the rest of the night. I ended up talking music and how he goes from Rap to Metal. Man is cool and knows his sh*t about the metal and Punk scene.

13. From nokarma4ulolz:

Samuel L. Jackson at the Calgary stampede in Canada. He was super nice. My family went up for it because my uncle is part of the committee that organizes the stampede every year and he got us VIP seating. I was a kid at the time and I was like does your wallet really say OBAMF? He laughed and said he left that one at home. Of course when I told the story at school I told everyone his wallet did in fact say that.

14. From tommyboy6733:

I was working on a set once where John C. Reilly acted as one of the main characters. It was a pretty small set and low budget (not even sure if the show ever aired) so we all found ourselves working closely together for the most part.

I sat across from him during lunch one day and we chatted for a bit about random stuff. The guy talks the same way he acts, which is why I think he plays such a great character in any comedy because he quite literally plays his own attitude in many roles...at least it seems.

But anyway he was a very nice and down to earth guy, I found it hard not to giggle every time he spoke because I just couldn't shake the image in my head of all the roles he's played.

15. From barkleyhound:

When I was younger, my grandmother and I ran into Robin Williams eating alone in a Whole Foods. We approached him and introduced ourselves and he immediately cleared a space for us to sit and chat with him. I was pretty young at the time, so he spent most of the time trying to make me laugh by doing voices. I may have been too young to truly appreciate it at the time, but looking back I can easily say it's one of the greatest moments of my life and Robin has always had a special spot in my heart because of it.

16. From MyBlindStories:

I had a chance to work with Whitney Houston for eight days on a film set. I was working as an extra. She was nice, kind and personable. Her beauty was more striking in person.

She was very professional she did not miss a mark or a cue. Everybody on the set cried when she sang. Whitney Houston was very nice to me and complimentary she spoke sweetly and in a motherly tone when she greeted people. I can still remember her friendly greetings when she arrived on set every day.

That was one of best experiences of my life and best experiences working on a film set. I learned a lot from her about professionalisim on a film set. I also saw how hard she worked. She was there twelve hours a day and on point every minute. I watched how she interacted with the director other actors and crew. She was even encouraging to other actors and performers in the film even the extras.

It was heartbreaking when she passed. I still have the dress that I wore in that film she admired and complimented me about the dress. An actor/ musician I know was booked to perform at the event Whitney Houston was to be at the day she passed he was also staying at the same hotel. He called me and told me she was gone then he started to cry.

17. From Turicus:

Bumped into Gordon Ramsay in the lift in a hotel in Hong Kong. He was very friendly. We didn't talk to him or ask for a picture. I just blurted out "You're Gordon Ramsay!" and he acknowledged and smiled. He insisted on us going first because we had our suitcases with us, wished us a nice day, said bye several times when we saw him in the lobby again. Very friendly!

18. From tikikatt:

I met a few celebs working as an event photographer for fundraisers from time to time.

Chevy Chase, well, the stories are true. He was a huge jerk.

Jamie Lee Curtis was one of the sweetest people I've ever met, bar none and easily the nicest celeb I met working the camera. Very considerate and thoughtful person. She kept checking with us to see if she could do anything for us or if we needed any more shots she could help with. Great sense of humor too.

19. From WatchTheBoom:

I ran into Adam Sandler outside of a Planet Fitness in Brooklyn in early 2016.

As I was leaving the Planet Fitness, it looked like he was walking in. We made eye contact, so I stopped and held the door for him. He got to the door and stopped right before he walked through, in one of those fake poses that little kids make when you tell them to freeze. I stood there holding the door, plenty confused. For about five seconds, we just stood there- him, motionless and I, standing there holding the door. Finally, he turned his head and said in the stereotypical Adam Sandler voice, "Ahhh, who we kidding? I'm not going in there!" Giant grin on his face. We both laughed and then he continued down the street.


20. From TheJadedSF:

My mom spotted Robin Williams once and she went up to him and asked if she could get a quick photo. She didn't realize he was there in the middle or about to do something with the Make A Wish Foundation so she waited until they were done around 20-30 min later and then a bunch of the kids and people wanted photos with him - he made it a point to stick around and told his staff "I think that woman wanted a photo" and made sure she got it. Mom was thrilled. He was such a humble nice dude.

23 Memes To Celebrate National Siblings Day.


"Siblings: children of the same parents, each of whom is perfectly normal until they get together. "

-Sam Levenson

Siblings are proof that your parents definitely banged more than once. Having brothers and sisters can be fun, crazy, and sometimes annoying. No matter how much they drive you nuts, deep down you actually love them a lot. These memes perfectly nail what it's like to have a sibling. Share them with your family members to celebrate National Siblings Day.
























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