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27 Memes To Help Kick Off Your Morning With Some Laughs.


“Dracula is a morning person compared to me.”
― Kim Dallmeier

You don't have to be a morning person to laugh at these memes. Even the crabbiest among us can find a reason to giggle at the jokes on this list. Block out the rest of the world for a minute and enjoy some comedy. Night owls, hang in there. The darkness will be here before we know it.




























17 job interviewers share stories of interviews that suddenly took a turn for the worse.


Interviewing for a new job can be incredibly stressful, but most people often forget that being the interviewer comes with its own set of challenges.

Most of us have experienced the nervous energy combined with weird lip sweat and heart pounding stress of going into an interview for a job you really want. While you might think you're prepared for every question, sometimes they throw a curve ball at you, and you're left desperately trying to control the awkward silence as you stumble into an eloquent lie.

However, people who have had to be on the other side of the desk have definitely experienced their fair share of awkwardness as well. So, when a recent Reddit user asked, "People who interview job applicants. What's your best 'things were going well until...' story?" interviewers were ready to share the funniest, strangest, and most uncomfortable things they've witnessed people do in a job interview. If you're looking for a job, take notes on how not to be a crazy red flag. Step one: don't invite you mom to the interview...


Hiring a developer. I ask details about the languages he has on his resume. "Oh, I don't actually know any of those, I put it on there to get an interview." The languages were obscure and he had already passed the interview and I was genuinely curious how he had run into them. - Formal-Entrepreneur


When I was becoming an assistant manager, I had to sit in on an interview.
My boss took a look at the guy's resume and went into the usual line of questioning. At one point, he asked why the interviewee had left his previous job. The interviewee said he quit. My boss then asked another series of questions, which eventually caused the interviewee to slip up and say that he had not quit, but rather had been asked to leave.

The interviewee got up and left once he realized he had been caught in a lie. After he was gone, my boss turned to me and said something like "ya know, I saw the felony and alternative school and really wanted to give him a chance. He was doing fine until I caught him lying" - BombsNBeer


I’m a young female software engineer, and I was interviewing this old school 90s movie type programmer guy who knew COBOL really well.

I usually ask a tough algorithms problem, and I didn’t expect him to do well, but I was preparing to make the argument that he has so much real-world experience and could add some diversity to our collective skillsets and culture, so we should consider hiring him anyway.

I start with an easy version of the problem, and it’s fine, he doesn’t do great but I expected that. Then I start explaining the harder version of the problem, but before I could finish, he says the problems are exactly the same. I’m taken a bit aback, but I start to try to explain how the problem is different, and then he just starts yelling at me why he thinks the problem is the same.

I sat down from the white board and processed what just happened in silence for a few minutes. If I felt I had the authority to end it there I would have, but I didn’t, so I attempted to continue. I work up the courage to start speaking again to try to help him, and as soon as the first sound comes out of my mouth, he immediately starts aggressively talking over me more of why he thinks the problem is the same, and asks in a very patronizing tone if I understand what he’s saying.

My boss gave me authority to just end interviews in the future if they’re being an a*s. - alysonskye


Asked a warm up question to an applicant and they went about it for 20 minutes without stopping or letting me interject to ask any of the main questions. At one point I interrupted them and said something along the lines of "that's great, let's move to another topic" just to be told the they were not done, hadn't gotten to the point yet and then proceeded to keep talking about the same thing for the reminder of the interview without me ever getting to ask any relevant question. - qperA6


Hiring some senior devs... on paper, one candidate sounds great.

In the interview, we have a 15 minute window for a challenge. 5 minute introduction to a new (pretty rare) programming environment and language and a business problem... “how would you solve this problem? You don’t have to code, just describe what you’d be looking for, what you’d do...”



“Can I call my partner?”

Whole room blinks... - Ozmorty


I wrote this on another thread before. The guy I interviewed was checking out my wife and asked whether she was single. - atot806


I had an applicant tell me during the interview that her mother is outside and if I she can now bring her mother in "to chat some more". This applicant was interviewing for her first employment as a full medical doctor. - wannabe-astronaut


We were interviewing for a comic shop sales position. This guy is doing great, has the vibe we like and really seems to know his stuff. Then BAM, he goes on a tangent about human puppers, puppy play, and the variations it can take. I'm not one to kink shame but damn if it wasn't unprovoked. - MrYokedOx


The candidate went on a five-minute rant about his parents and how much he hated them. Not sure what set him off on that one, but crazy is not a good look. - EatLard


I didn't interview a job applicants but for one job they interview 2 of us at the same time for the same position which was worker at gas station. They asks questions and for one I would answer first then he'll answer next one first and so on. It's my first job interview ever as I just finished high school and they guy I was up against was more qualified in every way. So one question was what would you do if would find out that our station manager is stealing stuff from station or selling them to put money in his pocket. I said I would report him to his supervisor, this company has chain of stations in country and for every region there is the someone who supervises the specific region. Same as we workers answer to gas station manager he has to answer to his region supervisor. They explained this all when they introduced us and told us about company. The other guy's answer to this question was : I would blackmail the manager that if he doesn't include me in it I would report him.

I'll finish with the fact that I was the one who got the job - Slim79Shady


The first guy did really well, but after the meal, he picked up his plate and just started licking it. Licked it clean. The committee was pretty weirded and grossed out.

The second guy also does well, but he eventually asks, “So, what’s the university’s policy on dating students?”

The committee was like “I guess we’re going with the plate licker.” - toss_my_potatoes


The first guy did really well, but after the meal, he picked up his plate and just started licking it. Licked it clean. The committee was pretty weirded and grossed out.

The second guy also does well, but he eventually asks, “So, what’s the university’s policy on dating students?”

The committee was like “I guess we’re going with the plate licker.” - Battlecat1978


Was going well until she suddenly says, “I don’t know why people think interviews are so hard. Like all you have to do is be normal for ten minutes. Just don’t talk about your genital herpes or whatever other STD you have.”

This was an interview for a residency position as a doctor. Not sure where she ended up, but not with us. - danboston


Was interviewing someone to replace me in a finance position. Things were going well until I gave her a scenario and asked her how she’d turn that profitable, to which she replied “I think if we don’t reach that stage we will be fine” - theman_mythandlegend


Department is a very male dominated one, and I am the only woman. I am also the second stage of any interview to join us. It goes: team leader talks to them, then I do, then grand-boss does.

Dude passed the sections of the interview conducted by men with flying colours.

Spent the entire section led by me staring at my chest. I was wearing a frigging turtleneck.

He was newly graduated, so we gave him some feedback about appropriate interview conduct and hired a different candidate. - ZeeLadyMusketeer


She seemed nice. Then she said "one of my references is going to say really nice things about me, you'll see. She's my best friend. my high school guidance therapist." She was 24. Then she claimed she'd need a month off for her honeymoon. He hadnt propsed yet but she's gone over his house on the first date so its getting serious fast. We respectfully did not hire her. - dontniceguyatme


He complained about how there are too many "poofters" at his current job in retail. I asked him to repeat himself and he laughed and said "well you know what they're like". You should have seen the look on when I told him I was gay and I didn't think he would be a good fit for the company. It's been 10 years but its so depressing to think people think exposing their prejudice at an interview will help them. - dsteere2303

Child-free woman asks if she’s wrong for telling siblings they might regret having kids.


In theory, your choice to have kids or go childless would be yours alone, but that's not how it always pans out. If you come from an outspoken family, it can be very difficult to navigate the minefield of unsolicited opinions about children, particularly if they're pro-kid and that's not on your agenda.

As with many pressures, this dynamic is far worse if you're a woman, because there's a strong cultural attachment to the idea of women coming into themselves as mothers.

Since the emphasis on building a family is still so embedded in our culture, women who forgo having kids are often met with condescending assumptions that they'll change their mind, or don't know what they really want for themselves.

In a recent post on the Am I The A*shole subreddit, a woman asked if she was wrong for telling her siblings they might regret their kids one day, as a rebuttal to the pressure she faced to have kids.

AITA for telling my siblings that they'll stop loving their kids someday?

OP kicked off the thread by sharing that both of her siblings have three kids each, but she's not planning to have any.

I'm 36 and my sister and brother are 34 and 37, respectively. They each have 3 children. I have none and never want any. I like being able to travel, spend my money on myself, my pets and charities I support and I don't want to ruin my sex life. However my siblings and my parents act like I'm the most selfish person who ever lived, because I "don't want to experience the magic of motherhood". They call me selfish even though I've helped out both of my siblings financially on several occasions and never asked for the money back.

This personal choice has unfortunately driven a wedge between OP and her family at times, as her mom constantly pressures her to change her mind, claiming it's "selfish" to not want children.

My family keeps saying ridiculous things like "your boyfriend will leave you if you don't give him a child". When I tell them he's child-free too and if he wanted kids I'd let him go, they usually respond with "you'll end up alone when you're old". This, I think, is particularly scummy. Children should not be seen as a retirement plan. If you have a kid just so you can use him/her in your old age, then you're the selfish one. When I tell them this, they just say that I don't know what I'm talking about.

For awhile, OP steered clear of family events in order to avoid these conversations, but recently she decided to attend her niece's 3rd birthday since lockdown rules have been relaxed.

It had gotten to the point that I stopped visiting my parents and didn't talk to my siblings for nearly a year. But the other day, my sister called and told me she was inviting family over for her daughter's 3rd birthday (lockdown rules have been relaxed in our area) and she would love it if I would be there. I told her I wasn't sure, since anytime I'm in their proximity, they gang up on me and attack my lifestyle choices. She assured me that my personal life would not be brought up.

Everything was going well until OP's mom passive aggressively brought up her choice to not have kids.

So I went over to her house with a gift for the birthday girl. All was fine, at first. Then, it happened. My mom commented that I'd make a good mother "if only you'd give motherhood a chance". I stared daggers at my mom, then gave my sister a quizzical look. She looked a bit embarrassed, but then she said " we just want what's best for you. You should probably spend more time with our kids. I'm sure that if you do, you'll change your mind. A lot of people say they don't want kids but then they change their minds when they see how wonderful kids are".

When her sister timidly backed her mom up, OP ended up snapping and said her siblings could end up changing their mind about having kids, since some people end up regretting them.

I was f*cking pissed and decided to just give them a taste of their own medicine. I said "you know a lot of people think they want kids, but then they begin regretting their own kids. So, I don't know, you guys may stop loving your kids someday and resent them for draining your resources." My SIL gasped. Then I left without saying another word. Since then my parents and relatives have been bombarding me with angry texts and calls telling I should apologize for saying "such a horrible thing". I told them they were f*cking hypocrites as they insult my life choices but can't take it when I insult theirs.

The family claimed it was the worst think OP could say, but she felt she was just dishing back a taste of their own medicine.

Tell me, am I the a*shole?

Edit : Some of you have asked if I said this in front of the kids. I didn't. I waited for them to go away. I'm not a kid person , but the last thing I would want to do is traumatize a kid.

DorothyZbornaksArmy thinks OP was completely within her rights, given the fact that her family kept violating her boundaries on the topic.

NTA. I was ready to say you were, or at least say everyone sucks, but you tried to do this right. You spoke directly and clearly about why their bullshit comments are rude and unnecessary. You've been clear on your own life and choices, and that of your partner, and you've made it quite obvious that you don't care to hear their unsolicited opinions, to the point that there's been distance among you.

They have continued to dismiss and disrespect you at every turn. You went to this party with the very explicit expectation that your personal life would not be discussed, and they still couldn't help themselves, for the duration of one kid's birthday party. They were out of line and you responded proportionally to what they were dishing out. Also, you weren't wrong.

People who choose to have children can be so god damned forceful and arrogant when it comes to stating that that's how everyone should live. It is absolutely coming from a place of them trying to justify their own decisions and reassure themselves of their own superiority. It will never not be rude and condescending.

NotUntilTheFishJumps is completely in OP's corner, and thinks a lot of parents need to check how they talk to people without kids.

NTA. I am SO F*CKING SICK of this sh*t. While I can't have kids (genetic disorder), that is fine with me. And since my medical history is no one's goddamned business, I just say my husband and I don't have kids. MIGHT adopt one day, but that isn't for sure. And I have been called every name in the book for it. I am selfish. I don't know what life is (my husband will be disappointed lol), I don't know what being tired is (uh, ok), I don't know what pain is (EDS, sixty knee injuries, and two knee surgeries say otherwise). People are straight up f*cking MEAN about it. And obviously, politely asking them to stop did no good.

Danny_ODevin thinks OP was an a*shole but totally right, so technically NTA.

OK so here's a perfect example of where "being an a*shole" is disconnected from "being in the wrong". There is a time and place where it is okay to be an a*shole, and this is one of them. As calm and collected approaches have not worked in the past, and you made it VERY clear you would not tolerate more harassment about your lifestyle, then you were within your rights to clap back. People need to know when they push someone to their wit's end, and I don't think you were overly harsh.

NTA per the sub's norms.

illegalrooftopbar thinks it's curious that people who love having kids so much are defensive about it.

NTA. If parenthood is so great, they shouldn't be so sensitive to someone suggesting it isn't. Tell them however upset they feel should be made up for by the sheer joy of having children so they can leave you the f*ck alone.

mittenista loves their own kids and has found that parents who act like OP's siblings to be the least happy with parenting.

I wonder if the reason that they're so pushy, and getting so defensive, is that there's a bit of truth to your comment. In my experience, parents who are pushy about this sort of shit are generally kind of unhappy and need others to validate their choices.

I adore my kids, but I'm the first to tell people that they're a lot of work, and you should really be 110% sure you're willing to make the sacrifices before you have them.

Hopefully, this tense moment with the family will force them to finally respect and listen to where OP's coming from. If not, she's really done all that she can.

15 people share the times they were shocked that a scheme or plan actually worked.


The internet is full of quick fixes and supposed solutions, it's rare when something actually works. Every pop-up add boasts "the cure that doctors HATE!" or "this app will solve all of your problems, healing your relationship with your mother while strengthening your calves."

Because there's so much BS out there, it's news when a tip is actually helpful. A thread asking Reddit to share their "'HOLY SH*T IT WORKS!' moments" featured both practical advice for amateur detectives and mechanics, and also crucial health tips for people struggling with anxiety or ADD.

1. Repetition works. I repeat: repetition works.

I read the book “Never Split The Difference” which was written by an FBI hostage negotiator about how to use negotiation tactics in every-day life. Around the time that I was reading it, my sister asked me to talk to her oldest son about some poor choices he was making - getting into the wrong crowd and all that. Against all odds he still thinks I’m cool, so I decided I’d give it a shot and use some of what I’d read in the book to get him to talk.

One of the big things in the book is “mirroring” wherein you just repeat the last thing that a person said and they keep unpacking what they’re talking about, without actually being asked a question - the author describes it like a Jedi mind trick because it allows you to get the person talking without them ever feeling interrogated. They essentially interview themselves. So I tried it with my nephew and it was friggin' amazing. He’s normally kind of quiet and doesn’t like to talk too much about himself, but I asked him one question and then mirrored his response and boom - he started talking. I was amazed at how that junk worked. -somemetausername

2. Ask, and ye shall receive.

Asking my boss for a day off.

I grew up in a hardcore traditional Asian household. Pain and sickness is all in the mind. Suck it up, education is more important than recovering. There’s no such thing as overworking or getting tired if there are people more successful than you. That kind of thing.

In college I worked myself half to death, clocking in well over 50 hours per week on top of classes and internships. Between supporting myself and school, my compromise was to just focus on both and not care about my health let alone my severe sleep deprivation.

One day I finally snapped and wanted to call off work 5 minutes before a long day shift. I wrote the most polite, scared text that may as well have been a UN speech in the humanitarian counsel. For the first time, someone superior to me acknowledged that my health is important, that it’s ok to take care of myself, and to take a break. (Ofc I didn’t make a habit of calling off on short notice, but yea I never thought personal wellness would be an acceptable reason to take a break). -dummy_thiqq

3. High five!

Looking at the opposing person's elbow while high five-ing to get a perfect slap every time. -alleyoop2323

4. Their house is full of steak knives.

All the "As Seen On TV" bullsh*t my dad and I have bought. Most of it does exactly what it says.....at least once. -Sirhc978

5. *whispers* Good one.

Lowering my voice to defuse an argument. -Sassanach36

6. Live for deadlines.

I heard this bit of advice for those who have ADHD or ADHD tendencies about giving yourself a certain amount of time for all the tasks that need to be done in a single day. You also make a list of things you want to do and you get to use the extra time to do something fun. -myglassesaredrty

7. A bloody good breakfast.

Poaching an egg in a microwave.

Had never managed to poach an egg; always ended up with egg-drop soup, which isn't what you want for breakfast. A Redditor mentioned the microwave method - break the egg into a small bowl of water, microwave for 45 seconds - and gave it a go.

And it bloody well worked, no muss no fuss. That was a proud breakfast. -penguinopusredux

8. It's the circle of life, and it moves us all.

Photocopying food.

Planted some trees and bushes 5 years ago. Once they get established there are many ways to take 1 plant and turn it into multiple. For example, I have these awesome berries called haskaps, and this past winter I turned one bush into about 20.

I've turned 5 strawberry plants into at least 8 hundred of them over the last 5 years. It just seems so weird.

I walk into a store and see strawberries for 5 bucks for a small box of them, and I think I can fill hundreds of those boxes (and freeze them and turn them to jam) and make them last all year long, just by instead buying strawberry PLANTS, and growing my own.

The amount of money you can save is insane. Plus, those storebought strawberries are picked GREEN and nitrogen blanketed to artificially ripen faster. They taste like a bag of assholes. My strawberries are lifechanging. So incredibly good. -Suuperdad

9. Simple, but powerful.

Punching :90 into a microwave instead of 1:30. -mattreyu

10. Muscles are not a myth.

Noticing the first hint of a muscle from working out. -Goodnight_Mr_Tom

11. Not all heroes wear capes.

I was a single mom one cold winter and there was a huge cold snap. The water pipe in my garage burst late one Friday, spraying water all over, where it started to freeze. I called all the plumbers in the valley but they were busy with pipes popping all over town, would have charged a weekend surcharge, and anyway “couldn’t come out till Monday.”

So my kids and I figured out how to turn off the water supply to the house, and I replaced the broken pipes at the hardware store for $1.35. I was so proud when I screwed it in and we turned on the water. Where’s my supermom cape! -SSSS_car_go

12. Respect the hustle.

When I was in high school I found a video that showed a combination that you could enter into a vending machine and get your money back. Me and my friend tried it on our campus vending machines the next day. We didn't get that much change, but when we used the code we would get something like 50 cents per vending machine. -notreallysrs

13. Sour can be sweet.

Someone told me that if you burn your tongue, you can rub a lemon on it and it will be better in no time. I didn't believe it, but then I tried it and it actually works like a charm! -edgarpickle

14. This means a lot to people who speak car.

I work on cell towers for a living and most of the time my crew is in some pretty f*ckin REMOTE areas. Truck battery died one day and it’s about 8pm getting real dark when we get the bright idea to jump start the diesel truck with a 18v Milwaukee drill battery.

So we cut the jumper cables in half and spliced some lugs onto the end, shoved them into the thin slots on the battery, (make sure you know which is positive and which is negative or you’ll burn the battery.) connected the still intact jumper cable end to the truck and it fired up instantly. No need to wait or anything, in fact waiting will just drain the drill battery and not charge the truck battery.

I seriously couldn’t believe it worked. Half my brain was telling me that it’s stupid but I worked as an electrician apprentice for two years so the other half of my brain was like “well theoretically it should work...”

P.S. Just know your drill battery will be at 0% after that so charge it again before you need it. I hope this comment doesn’t get buried and actually helps someone. -HeliaxPrime

15. Easier said than done.

Actually doing the stuff I'm anxious about relieves my anxiety.

I never remember that when I need to, though. -BetaOscarBeta

25 of the funniest tweets and memes about the year 2020 so far.


2020 has been one hell of a year—and I mean "Hell" in the most literal sense. This year has been a roller coaster if the roller coaster was on fire, riddled with diseases and operated by demons. And we're not even half-way through it yet. But at least the memes (much like 2020 itself) are on fire!

Here are 25 of the funniest tweets and memes about the year we'll never forget, as much as we might want to:













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15.) And May was a century.

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41 people share their funniest and most profound 'shower thoughts.'


Showering serves multiple purposes. It's a way to get clean, but it's also an activity that tends to trigger some of our most profound thoughts and realizations. Maybe there's something meditative about standing under a stream of hot water. But more likely it's because we can't bring our phones in the shower, forcing our brain cells to step up and fill the void we usually fill with mindless scrolling.

There's a Reddit page devoted to "shower thoughts" where people share the funny, deep, and life-changing realizations they've had in the shower. Here are 41 examples that might make you laugh and/or blow your mind a little bit:










































Man asks if he was wrong to laugh at girlfriend's request to pay her student loans with his savings.


Money can definitely be a huge buzzkill of a conversation topic in any romantic relationship.

Especially if you're with someone who is in a wildly different financial situation than you are, things can get pretty awkward once money is involved. If one person makes more money, is it fair to split everything? If you move in together, should you split the rent equally or do you work out a system based on utilities, groceries, and other expenses? If one person decides to take on all of the financial responsibility in a relationship, is it fair for them to hold that over the other's person's head? There are a lot of problems that can arise, which is why the first few weeks of dating is usually just one big, long wallet dance of "I'll pay" or "no, I'll pay" under the restaurant table.

Luckily, Reddit's moral compass, also know as "Am I the As*hole?" is there for all of life's uncomfortable situations. Are you obligated to help your partner with their student loan debt if you're not married? Let's dive in...

AITA (Am I the As*hole) for laughing at my girlfriend for her suggestion to pay off her loan

Me(32) and my girlfriend(29) are living together for a year and going out for two. I make about 1.5 times the amount she makes and split all our bills including rent 60-40. She has a huge student loan in low six digits. So here's the incident. Yesterday, she came up to me and asked why I was not helping pay off her student loan.I asked her whether she wants me to help plan her budget or is she expecting me to help pay of her loan. she said it was the latter. I told her I am not willing to join finances as long as we are not married. But she retorted that I have more than enough in my savings and it's unfair that I am not helping her pay off her student loan. So, I asked her if she was expecting me to take my savings and completely pay off her loan. She nodded and I started laughing uncontrollably. She got upset and has informed most of her friends and they have been calling me an as*hole as I am not helping her. I would have been fine if she had asked if she could reduce her share of the bills, but for her to suggest this I don't know how else to react. She has been giving me the silent treatment since.

This one is complicated. Student loan debt is definitely terrible and unfortunately, most students are left with crippling, laughably high loans upon graduating into a overcrowded gig economy. However, she shouldn't necessarily expect her partner to help her...

People were quick to jump in and help:

Her debt isn't your problem.

Her attitude after asking would be a deal breaker for me. - Emptyplates

She let her friends get in her head and make a fool out of her. - PlaneJaneLane03

she's not your wife, not even a fiance! It is laughable that she thought she could get you to spend your savings on her debt. That clearly shows irresponsibility and lack of personal accountability on her part. - thundermalice

I'm already laughing at the hubris needed to ask and EXPECT such a thing. Your savings, your money, and you already pay 60% of the bills because of your income difference, yet she's asking for even more? Red flag dude, especially if her friends are also piling on. - Revolution8531

You were rude for absolutely no reason. Could have just as easily relayed the information politely. Her debt isn't your problem, but she's your girlfriend, dude. Really expect your relationship to go swimmingly after reacting this way to disagreements? - satrybutch

So, there you have it!

Most people thought that his girlfriend was definitely in the wrong here, and while he probably shouldn't have laughed in her face when she asked for help, it's also not his responsibility to help her with debt she accrued before their relationship. If they get married, the financial ties with naturally shift, but for now this was a pretty bizarre expectation on her part. Good luck, everyone!

15 window cleaners share the weirdest things they’ve seen through people’s windows.


When you're in the safety of your home or workplace, it's easy to feel like no one can see you through your windows, but the reality is quite the opposite.

Most of the time, professional window washers don't see anything to write home about, but the rare times they come across a private scene it can get real juicy, real fast.

In a popular Reddit thread, people who professionally wash windows shared stories of the weirdest or most NSFW things they've seen on the job.

1. From strengr:

I am a consulting engineer working in building science and structural restoration. a number of years ago while working in Toronto at a 38-story high rise, we (two contractors and myself) were reviewing glazing and sealant bead and came down upon a window where a woman was grooming her bikini area. We are always taught to see something inappropriate and look away. Apparently we looked so far away we missed the metal flashing lip of the next level down, our swing stage tilted one way and swung back and all three of us banged our heads into the lady's window. The glass didn't break but it sure scared the lady.

2. From MtmJM:

A rotund lady pooping while doing high rise. You don't expect to have to close the window when in the bathroom on the 12th floor.

How do I know she was pooping and not peeing?

I just knew...I just knew.

3. From Dannyjcs:

When I was about 16 I was doing window cleaning and grass cutting as a little side job for some extra money. When to a house where a few people had just newly moved in, thought I'd get to them before someone else did. Knocked the door, agreed the price and got to work. All was fine till I got to the last window, one of the bedrooms. Two people, guy an a girl, were in the process of shooting what I'm assuming was heroin. The girl was already out of it, the guy was starting to nod off.

The guy was the same dude who answered the door to me, he must have forgot that I was cleaning his windows and maybe I interrupted him. Well he forgot to close his blinds. But something was off. The girl was foaming at the mouth and I've never seen someone nod so quick (hadn't really seen anyone nod at that point, I was only 16) but the girl was foaming at the mouth. I phoned for an ambulance and found out they had both ODed.

Deliberately. Never seen them again till like five years later when I saw the girl. I asked if she remembers anything from that time. Turns out she survived it, found the light and all that stuff. But her fella died that day. Something I'll never forget. Scary sight to see at 16. She thanked me for saving her life and said she will always be grateful.

4. From mfinley:

Not a window cleaner but I was at a boring industry black tie event at a posh hotel in London a few years back. Woke up very hungover on the 12th floor, stumbled to the window and pulled open the curtains. Two blokes stood there staring at my fat naked self, they were on one of those tall building platform things. Took me a moment to understand what the fuck was going on. Closed curtains. Moved on with my life.

5. From RexySurf:

An obviously drunk woman was jerking off her dog I knocked on the window and she jumped about a mile high.

6. From thatverydiscoguy:

Not a window cleaner but I regularly see people having sex in the apartment building next to mine.

We can’t install curtains so I can’t escape it and they probably see me as well.

7. From The_Indifferent:

Not a window cleaner but I work on roofs. Climbing up a ladder let’s you see into a lot of rooms whether you like it or not. Also A LOT of people have skylights in their bathrooms. The weirdest thing I saw was a picture hanging in a customers bathroom. The photo was the customer (a woman) in sorta like BDSM Lingerie in the bucket of a tractor, doing some sorts of (sexual) pose. On the ground, in a cheering pose (hands up, smiling) was their child, maybe 4 or 5 years old, looking up at her. Super weird if you ask me.

8. From theunrealabyss:

Did some window washing during my college time back then and these are scheduled appointments - so there are really no surprises here and owners are usually prepared that we are there.

One time we did a rich guy's house and it was just him and his girlfriend there. They got into a massive fight towards the end and she just walked out. Literally walked on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere and we picked here up on our way home. She was a sobbing mess, poor thing.

9. From perfruit_mix:

Whichever one of you saw me having sex on the 8th floor of my last apartment building, an applause would be nice next time.

10. From El-rond:

The window cleaner commented on the huge spider on the inside of our office room window. He assumed it was caged in some way, but we explained how it's free, but stays on its web which spans the one meter width of the window recess.

Quite a few of us in the UK keep exotic spiders other than just tarantulas! Mine is a Nephila inaurata madagascariensis for anyone interested :)

11. From BeaDoodle:

I worked at subway a while back, and for some reason windows were just my duty, and I'm almost 100% certain I was the only one that ever actually cleaned them. Anyway...

Windows of our store over looked a busy intersection. Saw a dude speed through a red light while cars were still going through and miraculously there was no accident. A LOT of honking and people slamming their breaks, though.

12. From DanielSaysSo:

A man manscaping while his girlfriend was blowing his friend.

13. From jbob172:

Once I was doing this two story house, with big square plates of glass pretty much everywhere. The guy had every single painting on his walls covered with sheets, and absolutely would not allow us inside to get to the double hungs on the second floor.

14. From saidin_handjob:

When I was 19 I got a loosely supervised job for a local beer distributor cleaning the place. The first day my buddy and I can started making our rounds: vacuuming, cleaning windows, that kind of sh*t. As we were making our way to the break room with the Kirby we realized on the other side of a massive conference room table there were about 8 kegs tapped and ready. Needless to say the place didn't get cleaned well enough for us to do it to nights in a row.

15. From DueTry9:

One of the window cleaners at my workplace is a good friend of mine and he said that he saw our manager getting a BJ from his assistant under his table while he was working on the PC.

13 of the best responses to people saying 'all lives matter.'


"All Lives Matter" has become the go-to phrase of people trying to discredit the Black Live Matters movement. White supremacists have used it to signal their belief that black lives do not matter, making it an incendiary thing to say whether or not you know the context.

Here are some clever ways people responded to the tagline.

1. The Christian response.

2. The Adult Language response.

3. The Seth Rogen response.

4. The exposing hypocrisy response.

5. The cartoon response.

6. The "Happy Holidays!" response.

7. The COVID-era response.

8. The Siri response.

9. The healthcare response.

10. The adorable sign response.

11. The suffragette response.

12. The eulogy analogy response.

13. The historical context response.

18 students share their funniest and most embarrassing moments from Zoom classes.


Zoom classes have become a way of life for most students during the era of COVID-19. But though most students and teachers have gotten used to virtual learning, the process remains rife with pitfalls, challenges, and embarrassing moments. On the bright side: these aforementioned embarrassing moments can be very funny, especially when they happen to someone else.

Someone asked students of Reddit to share their "favorite Zoom story." Here are 18 people's funniest and most embarrassing moments from online learning:

1.) From demon_gunmaker_666:

I live in Lithuania so most of my teachers don't speak english.

Teacher-What does "leave meeting mean"?

Students-{in lithuanian}It means leave meeting.

teachers leaves the meeting.

2.) From HopefullyGirl:

Someone kicked the teacher in the middle of them lecturing us

3.) From eagleee_pawnee:

In my class, we have our videos turned on but our audio remains muted except for the prof.

Prof decided to unmute a classmate and get him to read the slide only for us to hear him getting yelled at by his parents. That dude just kept reading the slide while his parents yelled at him. Our prof didn’t know what to do and just acted like everything was normal. He didn’t unmute anyone for the rest of the class though.

4.) From -Katherine--:

We played a kahoot and the whole time none of us could see the questions. We had told the teacher over and over again and she thought it was something with splitting our screen so she repeatedly told us ''Just switch tabs.'' She kept getting pissed so we just stopped playing it. Another time, a student asked if he could share his screen and the teacher said yes and left the meeting and we just watched Peppa Pig for 20 minutes.

5.) From jo91198:

A guy, who woke up like 5 minutes earlier, didn't notice (I hope) that his camera was on. He got dressed in front of 100+ people.

6.) From Creeper690:

At the end of every single class my calculus teacher shows us his cats while Nyan cat plays at the background

7.) From KingJimXI:

Some students seem to think they don't need to wear trousers... And they also don't seem to know how a webcam works.

The combination isn't pretty.

8.) From Roofy45:

I use teams, and my favourite call is when I accidentally announced to my whole class I was going to go toilet. My mic was on and I didn’t know it. It was super embarrassing but now it’s really funny because my reaction was super awkward.

9.) From _rainbow_waffles_:

One of my teachers managed to turn off her ability to see the chat (nobody knows how), so naturally somebody started typing the bee movie script. It escalated from there. Very interesting hour.

10.) From pricklypear_bear:

(We use teams) my class asked who’s doors making that noise. I turn around to look at my birds who are screaming behind me like normal.

And one is somehow inside of one of the food bowls (they have covers over so only a small hole for them to stick heads in). Another one is trying to rip another bowl out of the side. And the other two are taking in turns sitting on top of each other’s heads.

The class quickly point to me as the culprit for the ‘loud door’. I got muted.

11.) From theripleymystery:

For context, as a joke, me and my friends have been coming up with pretty outrageous names for our Zoom quiz nights.

Anyways, the day after my quiz, I have to show up to a workshop with one of my lecturers. And guess who forgot to change his name? I spent the rest of that workshop muted, video off and only communicating through the chat so that no one knew it was me. And that concludes the tale of Broseph Mengelbruh.

12.) From nonconformistnugget:

First day of zoom classes a kid fell asleep with his camera still on.

Also one of my professors accidentally kicked herself out of the meeting for 5 minutes.

13.) From encyclopedea:

Was sitting in class with my usual background up, and got hungry, so I decided to grab a snack out of the cabinet next to me. Come back to my teacher asking in chat "Did I just see encyclopedea pull cookies out of a tree?"

14.) From fragmentsofemma:

Our teacher was screen sharing and I randomly discovered a pen button. So I clicked on it and turns out you can draw on the shared screen. I just started putting some dots there, thinking "Oh, this is cool!". Then the teacher said: "I don't know who's doing it, but stop drawing on my scan." I kinda freaked out and deleted it. It didn't occur to me that everyone could see it

15.) From gg-ar:

On April the 1st I recorded myself pretending not to hear anyone, then put the video as a virtual background. Then, went under the table (so that I wouldn't be seen in front of the virtual background) and started a meeting. People were giving me advice on how to turn on the microphone, when I literally jumped out of myself. LOL, you should have seen their faced

16.) From niconicopigii:

We had a kahoot and over half the participants got the first question wrong and this one kid that everyone makes fun of was like “Am I in last place? I’m in 40th place.” And then one of the seniors goes, “Probably. Is anyone lower than 40th?” I was in 41st but didn’t want to say anything and the poor kid got BASHED by like 10 different people and I feel kinda bad

17.) From MeVeryOn9:

Something I witnessed online. We were bored out of our minds when this dude starts moaning and making random weird anime noises. He thought he was muted until the teacher starts to say, "I know you are very excited but please mute your mic."

Dude quit the meeting.

18.) From CanceR227:

So all my us dude's decide to enter the class using adult actresses name's. There is a list of people with usernames like Mia Khalifa, Riley Reid, Madison Ivy .... The teacher was just screaming for about 10 minutes and asking who is Mia Khalifa while asking us to change our usernames and enter again.

Bride asks if she's wrong to not let her dad walk her down the aisle because he's in a wheelchair.


Weddings can turn perfectly normal women into full-blown reality television-ready 'bridezillas' sometimes.

While, in theory, weddings are fun parties to celebrate love with family, friends, champagne, and flowers, they can turn into dramatic disasters very quickly. The planning of events, family roles, clashing of in-laws or bridesmaids, and the financial cost of the whole affair can tear families (and couples) apart. If a bride has a specific vision and too many things go wrong, she might lose sense of who she is and sacrifice her friendships for the right shade of lavender frosting on the cake.

For all wedding-related drama, the underbelly of the internet known as Reddit provides us with a great moral compass for brides wondering if they've perhaps found themselves approaching bridezilla territory. So, when a bride asked Reddit's "AITA: Am I the As*hole?" if she was wrong to ask her uncle to walk her down the aisle instead of her father because he's in a wheelchair, people were quick to help (and judge) her.

"AITA for not wanting my dad to “walk” me down the aisle because he’s in a wheelchair?"

Just the title alone is a red flag on the bride, but we can try to her the benefit of the doubt. Let's dive in:

About three years ago my dad was injured in a really bad hit and run car accident. He broke just about every bone in his body, and left him paralyzed from the waist down. Our relationship has always been really good, but I hate seeing him in pain and admittedly try to avoid seeing him because it just makes me uncomfortable.

In November I’m getting married. I’ve been with my fiancé for 4 years and he and my dad get on really well. Naturally the discussion of who was going to give me away came up in the family group chat, and I kept silent after I realized my dad would be in a wheelchair. We always talked about him giving me away and having a dance at my wedding and I don’t want to be reminded of what could’ve been at my wedding. I messaged my mom privately and told her I want my uncle to walk me down the aisle as we’re incredibly close.

She naturally asked why and I told her that my dad being in a wheelchair would add complications to the wedding. The walkway would have to be widened to accommodate his wheelchair and he wouldn’t be able to hold my arm or give me a proper hug. She was outraged, called me an ableist POS and removed me from the group chat. My aunt has since called me telling me my dad is absolutely devastated. AITA? (Am I the As*hole)

She later updated it:

Update - I appreciate all the people who have messaged me offering me support, your kind words have meant a lot to me whilst rifling through a bunch of messages telling me to do horrible things to myself. Regardless of what you think of me, telling me these things isn’t okay. I’m going to call my dad tomorrow

Wow. This bride needs a serious reality check and perhaps a lesson in why ableism is hateful and wrong. Of course, people were quick to offer their opinion. And they definitely didn't cut her any slack...

What an awful daughter.

You avoid him because it is hard on you? What about him?

Now you dont want to accommodate him to walk you down the aisle?

God you should be ashamed of yourself.

Your fiance should take a long look at who he is marrying. - RoxyMcfly

It takes a really special kind of as*hole to turn someone else’s paralysis into a “pity me” situation. - NUTmeSHELL

excluding him from this moment would be an incredibly hurtful and selfish thing to do.
And it's a level of hurt that a family may never recover from. - gooberfaced

“Watching your dad struggle is incredibly difficult” says the girl who is adding to his suffering by basically telling him he’s no longer good enough to walk her down the aisle. Also poor you for having to watch your dad suffer? HES THE ONE SUFFERING. Stop making it about you.

You are so TA (the as*hole) it’s not even up for debate. Your dad deserves so much better. I hope to god you don’t have a disabled child because clearly you find it to be a huge inconvenience. - JDJK_2112

That is your father! You're lucky he's still alive, what your mother said about you is correct. - nerdandknit

this is beyond bridezilla. So much worse. I personally hope no one comes to her wedding. - AmberWaves80

So, there you have it! This bride is unanimously in the wrong here. Hopefully she sees the light and talks to her dad. Otherwise, let this be a lesson to bridezillas everywhere!

25 memes that will only be funny if you're over 25.


"You can't help getting older, but you don't have to get old."

-George Burns,

Adulting sucks. I don't think any of us realized growing up meant bills, back pain, and a sudden excitement over household appliances. Life comes at you fast, but you can keep yourself feeling young by laughing at these hilarious memes.


























Dad asks if he's wrong for making wife to tell kids she's been spying on their online therapy.


The whole point of therapy is that you have a safe space to work through feelings with a professional, and you don't have to worry about the repercussions of family or friends hearing all of your secrets and internal struggles.

Even the closest partner or friend may not be a safe space for some of your most raw and terrifying feelings, but a therapist is someone who has spent years of training in order to help you navigate them.

Which is to say, no matter how close you are to your family, it's generally not ideal for them to swoop in on your therapy sessions.

Related to this, in a recent post on the Am I The A*shole subreddit, a dad asked if he was wrong for telling on his wife after she spied on their kids' therapy sessions.

AITA for forcing a confession out of my wife about spying on my kids therapy sessions?

OP kicked off the post by sharing that he's been paying for his adult kids' Zoom therapy sessions in quarantine.

So for those that don’t know, I have two children M20 and F19 and ever since the world went to hell, I got them therapy sessions at their requests because they said that this was taking a huge toll on them.

Recently, OP lost it when he caught his wife watching a recording of his daughter's Zoom therapy.

On Wednesday when my daughter went to attend the zoom session my wife had left to go take a nap. I didn't think much of it, but she came back exactly 3 hours later after both of them finished looking sad. Today the same thing happened and when I went to wake her up for dinner today I found her watching a recording of my daughter’s session. I lost it. That conversation was supposed I will be private we had promised our kids that we will respect their privacy and do our best to help them when they need it.

OP ended up convincing his wife to tell their kids she's been spying, and they felt understandably betrayed.

I made her confess to our kids and told her. They were heartbroken and they hate her. She claims that it’s my fault but she dug her own grave.

Both of them feel betrayed and don't want anything to do with their mother. So Reddit am I the a*shole for forcing a confession??

Now that the family is splintered, OP wonders if he's wrong for instigating the confession.

Edit: For the people wondering about her intention for spying on the kids. She hasn’t said a word about it. Just got up and left saying that “I don’t need to take this sh*t”

psiloryben thinks OP did the right thing as a parent and partner.

NTA. I gave my mom one of my old phones that I was 99.9% sure I factory reset. She is not very technologically apt. She let it slip that the phone "gets a lot of politically charged texts looking for me".

She kept the same number she had since I was 15, and my number also stayed the same. She is 100% not getting any texts that are meant for me. I do however get a lot of politically charged emails. I'll tell you, that pit in your stomach when you realize your parent might be spying on you is f*cking disgusting. I figured this out in the middle of a car ride, and I'm sure my stress response was palpable.

triviafox's mom did this and they're still recovering.

Listen my mom did this to me when I was a kid and all it did was make me lie during therapy. Saying everything was my fault and I was a difficult kid. Nevermind that she was a narcissist and abusive verbally and physically. I need therapy now to deal with all that but won’t go because it engrained a mistrust for therapists and the whole process. You’re definitely NTA and I’m glad you stuck up for your children. I hope they continue and learn to trust the process.

Dcajunpimp thinks OP did the right thing, without a doubt.

NTA. What mom did was a massive violation of privacy and trust. It's her fault if your kids don't trust her. Hiding your wife's actions would have been wrong. Letting your kids know was the right thing to do.

After receiving unanimous support from people on Reddit, OP jumped back onto the thread to share a follow-up about the situation.

Hey so many of you wanted an update, but it’s too soon to tell what will actually happen. As of now my soon to be ex-wife is staying at a friends house. I did receive some calls from her and her friends about how I’m an a*shole but after I explained everything to her friends they apologized and sided with me.

My kids don't want a divorce but I feel as tho she has already put that plan into motion. I’m not too worries as I am able to afford better lawyers than her. My kids are actually grateful that I did what I did because they now realized that their mom is a control freak. Funny enough a friend had found the post after a mutual friend told them and showed it to my wife.

As it stands, this incident seemed to expose some deep issues in the marriage and the mom's relationship with her kids. Hopefully, moving forward, they are all able to find a healthier way to navigate each other emotionally, or a firm boundary.

Woman asks if she was wrong to announce her pregnancy at her friend's wedding.


There are certain things everybody knows not to do at a wedding.

Heckling the ceremony? An absolute no. Proposing to your partner on the dance floor? Gauche as hell, and should probably get your proposal turned down.

But what about sharing happy news with your friends, on a day when all your friends are together.

A woman wrote into "Am I The A**hole?" asking the internet whether she was wrong to announce her pregnancy at her friend's wedding. The bride certainly thinks she was.

She wrote:

This happened in January but the repercussions are still very much happening now.

My husband and I have been trying for a baby for over 5 years. When we went to a fertility doctor, we were told my husband had a low sperm count. A few months later I was diagnosed with endometriosis, making our chances of natural conception incredibly low. We decided we were going to try for another year and then look into adoption. I found out in November that I’m pregnant and due in early August.

My best friend's wedding as, as I said, in January. We have a big group of friends and we all live pretty far away from each other as well all went to university in different places and moved there. It’s very rare we’re all together and the news of my long awaited pregnancy was one I wanted to share in person and not over the phone. I didn’t make a massive announcement, I simply just people as I saw them. A lot of people knew we were struggling so wanted to see how we were getting on. It drew a bit of attention but nothing major.

The bride confronted her at the wedding, and it sounds like they haven't spoken since.

My best friend dragged me away towards the end of the night and said she was furious with me for making this night all about me. I was apologetic but explained my reasoning and expected her to be happy for me. She was anything but and has made absolutely no effort with me since. AITA?

People didn't hold back in their rulings.

"(You're The A**hole). What the f**k? It’s her day. It should be all about her and the husband." Reverse_Lick commented. "You could’ve organized a surprise party later if you wanted people to know that bad."

"I understand your reasoning, and I don't think you meant any harm, but it's pretty standard wediquette: you don't reveal big news at a wedding. An apology is in order," mightierthor put it as politely as possible.

i-am-from-space commented: "(You're The A**hole). For future reference, an apology is not an apology if it comes with excuses/justifications for the behavior."

Here's hoping that the two friends make up...so the bride can get her revenge by announcing her pregnancy at the baby shower.

23 memes that will only be funny if you're married.


“My most brilliant achievement was my ability to be able to persuade my wife to marry me.”

– Winston Churchill

Congratulations on convincing someone to spend the rest of their life with you. As a reward, you've earned a lifetime of love, support, and fighting over the remote. While you may never agree with your spouse on which way the toilet paper goes, one thing you two can definitely bond over is the fact that these marriage memes are hilariously relatable.
























Man seeks advice after telling girlfriend she's not attractive enough to be a 'trophy wife.'


A man is seeking advice online after he told his girlfriend she wasn't trophy wife material, and she started bawling.

He posted on Reddit's r/relationships forum about the kerfuffle between himself and his lady friend. It all started when she found out he makes way more money than her.

They are about the same age and both have pretty solid jobs:

A bit of background my girlfriend and I are 30 and 31 respectively. We have been dating for about a year. I work as a high-level engineer at a good firm and my girlfriend works as a payroll specialist at a good firm too. I make significantly more than her (3x).

It seems something shifted in their relationship when the girlfriend found out that he has a lot of savings:

Things were good in our relationship until I showed her my retirement/savings. She now doesn't see the point of working and has started framing our relationship in that, she is the beautiful one and that I am the nerdy engineer that was lucky to have her. Before, when we met she was all about making it her own way, eventually starting her own company with her sister in sourcing and recruiting. But now she jokes about driving a Range Rover and wearing Lululemon and going to Yoga.

After it came up a few times, the boyfriend broke the news that he didn't consider the girlfriend to be a "trophy wife" because she's not that much hotter than him:

We were having a discussion again about this 'trophy wife' stuff she brought up that I was nerdy back in the day while she was very popular. I told her she is not a trophy wife, that yes she is attractive but its not a huge difference between us.

He decided to also imply that she's too old:

I told her had it been the case that I met her when she was 22 and I was my current age than sure, but she isn't 22 anymore. After I said that she just started crying like crazy.

The girlfriend did not take this well:

She started saying that I think of her as ugly and used up that her best years are behind are. She just told me that if I am not happy to be with her, why am I even here? to stop wasting her time.

The conversation may have caused a permanent rift:

I tried to talk to her but she was in no state for a conversation. I don't know what to say, guys, for me, I just wanted to say that I think we are of similar attractiveness. Like I don't think anyone when they see us turns their head and is like oh she is with him the cause of money? Or damn he is so lucky to be with her. I think it's mutual. She was the one that if anything went after my attractiveness first.

The boyfriend wants to fix things but he's not interested in being the sole breadwinner later on:

What should I do? I like the fact that we both work and I don't want to change that dynamic. And I don't want her to think too that she is above me that I am so lucky to have her. I want her to think of us as equals and in my attempt to do that I hurt her feelings. What's the next move?

So now he wants to know what to do.

Ever since my girlfriend found out about my savings she has more often entertained the idea of being a stay at home wife. She has tried to bring up the fact that she was more attractive than me as justification why I am so lucky to be with her and why I should accept this.

Most people's advice fell into two camps: cut your losses and get out of this relationship — or give your girlfriend a break, she's clearly feeling insecure because of the whole money thing.

User meg-kil thinks the girlfriend is projecting:

This seems to be a very textbook case of psychological projection. Because of your discrepancy in salary, she likely feels like she is worth less than you. She likely feels like her best years are behind her, seeing as you took off and are only going up. Her poking around about her being a trophy wife is her seeking validation that she is not worthless and that you still value her, and her financial contributions are nothing to be ashamed of. I don’t think she is a gold digger, I think she is taking some hits on her self esteem (through no fault of your/ her own). I think some counselling would go a long way here.

But ash-leg2 has a less charitable read of the situation:

To me both these perspectives apply and she always felt superior to OP but is realizing it's not true, hence the crying. Before she knew about the money she felt she was better looking with a similar job though she made less which balanced out. Now she knows the job thing (or at least money/savings) is nowhere near "equal" so she needed to feel superior in a different way.

They continue:

She went with looks and suggested she could quit working to support that theory but OP showed her that she was wrong again.

They're definitely red flags but I think they may be more rooted in her needing to come to terms with mediocrity than her being a golddigger. OP's choice whether or not he wants to put the work in to find out.

And ajgl1990 agrees that maybe he should cut his girlfriend some slack:

I'm going to play devil's advocate here and fully acknowledge that I am a little crazy sometimes due to insecurity. The part that really would hurt to hear is where you said she isn't 22 anymore. That could make her feel ugly and old. You could have eased the blow a bit by saying that looks aren't that important or something. But if she is coming from a place of insecurity that would have hurt like hell.

Still, they haven't ruled out the potential for red flags:

On the other hand, I would try to fish around to see if she thinks she's better than you or is a gold digger based on some of those comments she made. But my immediate thought was, "Ouch," when I read what you said.

Mrs-folsom had the sanest advice of all:

I feel like you both need to have a sit down and see what your expectations for this relationship actually are. You may have differentiating opinions and it’s just now coming to the surface.

So let's hope this couple can figure it out.

And just in general... if your partner jokes around about being a "trophy" wife or husband, maybe let them have it...

22 people share the 'adult problems' no one warned them about.


No matter how hard teachers and parents try to equip kids for adulthood, there are always going to be blind spots.

A recent Reddit thread asked people to name the "adult problems" they weren't prepared for. Here are some of the most relatable.

1. Whew, no parent warns their kids about this.

Dealing with your parents acting like children. - rchaw

2. Why can't naptime be more of a thing for adults?

Not being able to sleep due to stress. Yet here I lay, exhausted but wide awake.

When I was younger I could sleep anytime, anywhere. - JonnyWax

3. A conundrum.

You have to buy insurance but can never use the insurance or else no one will sell you insurance. - scarlet_o_o

4. Not to mention back hurting just from existing.

Back hurting just from sleeping wrong - Bajnani

5. The biggest secret of all is that adults are also often kids.

Adults never actually growing up. - BeeKeesDance

6. They say youth is wasted on the young...

The constant obsessive feeling that I'm fast running out of time to have an enjoyable life even though I'm only in my twenties. - DeathBat92

7. Yeah, what's up with this?

How expensive lamps are. - Heyitsbev

8. This is a very real phenomenon.

The increasing speed of passing years.

Having nieces only makes the problem worse. Their age and the perceived number of years past doesn't align at all for me. - QuarantineTitans

9. Everything just costs so much.

How expensive living is. I worked all through high school, but my only "bill" was the gas I put in my car. 30 hours a week on minimum wage goes a long way on shopping sprees and nail salons when you don't have any other expenses. I developed nasty spending habits, not the "value of a hard-earned dollar" my parents were hoping for.

I'm not in crippling debt or anything, but sometimes having to spend money on groceries or utilities depresses me more than it rationally should. - isweatglitter17

10. A hard pill to swallow.

Realizing some friends are shitty and you shouldn't be friends with them anymore. - swampy13

11. Life revolves around work.

My job is destroying my mental health but I need a job so I can pay my bills.

If I reduce my hours for better work/life balance, I lose my insurance during a global pandemic. - Qjfomentl

12. Adults do a good job of putting up a united front.

How many adults I actually dislike. When I was younger, I thought my parents liked all our neighbours, all my teachers, all my coaches, etc. I've since found out that they thought most people were morons....kind of like I do. - Chaseybabe

13. Cleaning is CONSTANT.

How often you have to clean to maintain a clean house. - DecadenceXO

14. It's rough realizing no one has a clue.

Realizing that not even your parents have all the answers. And finally understanding that they were just figuring it out as they went just like we are.

Not having an all knowing figure to give you the answers to all your problems is the pits and I hate it - Snow_Da_92

15. We're all in a constant war to prove we aren't gross slobs.

Having a presentable place, and debating myself on why it matters. It always frustrated me when my parents had a guest over and we had to deep clean the whole house. Like if it’s my close friend of 8 years visiting, why do I care what they care about my cleanliness? And yet, every time people are over I find myself cleaning the apartment up for some reason. - slothbarns7

16. This one hurts.

It's entirely possible to lose your job through no fault of your own. - Aperture_T

17. Cheese ain't free.

how expensive cheese is - puupTA

18. Too many meals to worry about.

Deciding what to eat for 3 meals a day 7 days a week - coltonious

19. Constantly having to do stuff.

The lack of time for myself. Life is all work, housework, yard work, child care, bills, emails, phone calls... - HawaiianShirtsOR

20. Making friends isn't easy.

When your not in school surrounded by your peers, meeting new people and making freinds is much harder and in many cases almost impossible. And dating is a whole other ball game.

Then again for alot of us that isnt too different from how highschool was anyway - Tired-andsad

21. It's a slippery slope.

No one telling you to stop procrastinating - grilled-onions

22. Literally no one looks out for the adults.

People rely on you. Both your parents and your kids. You become the filling in a responsibility sandwich and the weight of it is crushing at times. - smolspooderfriend

26 memes to help you start your morning off with a giggle.


"From there to here, and here to there, funny things are everywhere."

-Dr. Seuss

Forget looking everywhere. If you're searching for some humor this morning, we've got your comedy right here. These memes are definitely the mood-booster you need to get your day started off with a laugh.



























Dad asks if he was wrong to tell his 19-year-old daughter that her friend sent him unsolicited nudes.


It seems like this sort of thing only happens in movies, but what do you do if your 19-year-old daughter's friend texts you nude photos seemingly out of nowhere?

If you're trying to test out the waters to see if your crush is also into you, it's almost never a good idea to lead the conversation by sending nudes right away. Unsolicited sexual texts are jarring and uncomfortable for most people, but especially upsetting if they're photos of your teenage daughter's friend? Yikes! It's good to be confident and bold and make the first move, but that has the potential to be a huge swing and a miss.

So, when a concerned dad in this exact situation consulted Reddit's "Am I the As*hole?" for advice on whether or not he did the right thing, people were there for him.

AITA (Am I the As*hole?) for telling my daughter her friend sent me nudes?

I'm a 37 year old man. My daughter and her friend (I'll call her Brooke) are both 19. They met in college - they've been friends for almost a year.

Brooke's come over to our house too many times to count and she's always made me uncomfortable. Though she'd never explicitly flirted with me up until a couple days ago, I could always tell she liked me. But because there was no proof and she never made a move, I just tried to ignore it and keep my distance. She seemed like a good kid; never in a million years did I think she'd take it any further than laughing a little harder than necessary at my jokes.

The other night I got 3 messages from a number not in my contacts. There was one sexually explicit text and 2 faceless nudes. As I was looking at them and trying to figure out who they were from (I thought maybe an old hookup or something), I got a video that included Brooke's face. My heart dropped and I felt sick as soon as I realized what was happening. I was freaked out, and I impulsively ran into my daughter's room and told her. She was freaked out too, and she asked to see the pictures because she couldn't believe it (I know I shouldn't have shown her but I did, it was another impulsive decision). I asked her how Brooke got my number and she said she had no idea. We still don't know - we think maybe she got it off my daughter's unattended phone. My daughter told me she would deal with the situation. I texted Brooke "please never contact me again", blocked her number, and left it at that.

The next day, my daughter told me she'd confronted Brooke & it'd caused a huge fight between them. She said that instead of apologizing or explaining herself, Brooke had gotten extremely mad at me for telling my daughter what happened. My daughter decided it was best to block Brooke and move on like I had.

A few hours later, Brooke sent me an Instagram DM (we've never followed each other) that said "please don't block me, I just want to talk to you". I blocked her anyway. About four hours after that, I got a long e-mail from her on my work address (it's on my website so I guess that's where she got it?). The email is basically a five paragraph guilt trip. It goes into detail about how embarrassed she is that I showed my daughter "what was meant for just me". She talks extensively about how you shouldn't give out private information and how "if I wasn't interested, I should've just told her and kept her secret instead of going to my daughter". Never once did she apologize or acknowledge how wrong it was for her to send me those messages. She just tried to make me feel bad.

And honestly...it's sort of working. I don't know; I'm conflicted. I'm still disgusted and angry with her for doing that but I feel bad. Maybe she's just a confused insecure kid with problems and I should have kindly let her know how inappropriate that was and told her not to do it again instead of embarrassing her like I did. AITA (Am I the As*hole?)? I kind of feel like one but maybe I'm just too empathetic

Wow, this is definitely some reality television-ready drama right here. Brooke definitely went after what she wanted which I guess you have to give her a hand for, but sending your friend's dad's nudes without also first consulting your friend/ending that friendship is just so many layers of inappropriate I don't even know where to begin. Sure, this dad probably shouldn't have immediately violated Brooke's privacy and shown his daughter the photos, but it was probably the right thing to tell his daughter as he should prioritize that relationship.

Of course, people were quick to chime in with their opinion...

she sent unsolicited nudes. Its perfectly normal that you freaked out and kudos for telling your daughter. She should've known that you are not interested when you didn't engage in her flirting.

Also, that girl maybe took American Beauty waaaaay too hard.

You are a guy and father! - ChihliQ7

You did good by telling your daughter, if you didn’t and she found out some other way lol finding your number in the girl’s phone etc it could’ve gotten bad and caused a mix up. I don’t blame you for showing her nudes to her because like you said it happened so fast so I Don’t blame you.

Truueee, you shouldn’t have showed her nudes to your daughter. You should’ve respected her and simply told your daughter what’s going on but then again your daughter may not believe you at all if you simply said the girl texted you without showing proof.

Also. She’s a 19 year old woman. She shouldn’t get too much pity. Besides only your daughter saw it, not like you showed the whole town. - theejaysin

you were open and honest with your daughter which is important. Brooke is acting out like a lovesick teenager which is why she's acting like this is all your fault. I'm sure in 5-10 years she'll look back at this with a sense of embarrassment. The best thing you could do is shut it down and you did exactly that. - Dontleave

her behavior is extremely inappropriate and that email is manipulative - tealfyre

You did the right most appropriate thing. Brooke is very embarrassed and rightly so; That’s the natural consequence for sending unsolicited nudes. - norasmom15

I'm the same age, with a daughter a bit older. I think you did the right thing. Clearly, Brooke is a bit obsessed. A normal person might shoot their shot, get turned down, and that's it. Sending nudes right out of the gate is a solid indicator that things aren't quite right, let alone the stalking behavior.

Who knows what sort of narrative your daughter might have eventually been given by her nutty friend had you not preempted the situation? Anything less than telling her right away, like you did, could have looked like, or been portrayed as, a dirty middle-aged man trying to smash his daughter's friend.

Covering your own a*s and preserving your relationship with your daughter is more important than the feelings of a girl who sent you unsolicited nudes? - RelsircTheGrey

So there you have it!

This dad shouldn't feel bad for telling his daughter or for ignoring Brooke's constant attempts to reach out to him. She'll probably look back on this and cringe later, and it's best for the dad to not drag it out any further. Good luck, everyone!

People are mocking Megyn Kelly for posting that the show 'Cops' shouldn't be pulled from air.


After more than 30 years on the air, the documentary style show about law enforcement, "Cops," has now been canceled.

The cancelation comes as a direct response to protests against police violence, spurred by the death of George Floyd. While the show "Cops" has consistently drawn an audience for it's endless stream of arrests, activists have pointed out how the show reinforces racial stereotypes, uncritically glorifies cops, and normalizes police brutality.

On Tuesday, "Cops" was slated to kick off its 33rd season, but instead came to an unceremonious end.

"Cops is not on the Paramount Network and we don’t have any current or future plans for it to return," a Paramount Network spokesperson told Deadline.

While the cancelation news was welcomed by many, the former Fox News correspondent Megyn Kelly logged onto Twitter to share her defense of keeping imperfect media accessible.

"For the record, you can loathe bad cops, racism, sexism, bias against hte LBTQ community, and not censor historical movies, books,music, and art that don't portray those groups perfectly. Ppl don't portray those groups perfectly. Ppl understand art reflects life...as we evolve, so do our cultural touchstones," she wrote.

Her mentions were quickly filled with people explaining why they disagree with her logic - with some mentioning "Cops," others bringing up the confederate statues that are being torn down during protests, and others, the fact that "Gone with the Wind" was pulled from HBO Max.

People were quick to point out that pulling a show or movie from a station isn't "censoring," particularly when you can easily stream archives online.

While people theorized she was responding to something different: the show "Cops" being canceled, "Gone with the Wind" being pulled, or confederate statues being toppled, she received unanimous comment correcting her notion of censorship.

People were also quick to point out the fact that most confederate statues function more as propaganda vs historical pieces.

While some fueled discussion, others just wanted to watch the thread, and Kelly herself, burn.

Needless to say, Kelly's mentions are currently a hotbed of debate over the concept of "censorship" and whether pulling "Cops" and "Gone with the Wind" is erasing history. So, if you have thoughts you want to share - the floor is wide open.

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