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34 of the funniest tweets from this week about life in 2020.


2020 seems like it's been going on for years, and it's only June. The past six months have been full of ups and downs, and more downs, and more downs, and a few ups, and then mostly downs. But one important survival tactic, other than wearing a mask and socially distancing, is maintaining our sense of humor. As I always say: "what doesn't kill you makes you funnier." At this rate, we should all have a Netflix comedy special by 2021.

Here are 34 of the funniest tweets of the past week from people who are managing to find humor in the challenges of life in 2020:



































Woman asks if she was wrong to propose to girlfriend at homophobic sister's baby shower.


There's been a trend recently of people proposing to their partners at events that are meant to honor someone else, and it should really stop...

If you're at a wedding or a birthday party and your first thought is, "how can I make this about me?" perhaps you should take a long look at your life and then stop being a selfish jerk. Proposals are beautiful, intimate moments when two people choose to spend the rest of their lives together. While public proposals can be fun celebrations with family, friends or flash mobs, stealing the spotlight from someone else is definitely never a good idea.

However, things might get complicated if you're actually trying to steal the spotlight from someone's party because you want to snag some sweet revenge for their past behavior. So, when a recent Reddit user consulted the underbelly of the internet's moral code to ask for advice about her recent proposal to her girlfriend, people were quick to determine the verdict of whether or not she is indeed, an as*hole.

AITA (Am I the As*hole) for proposing at my sister's baby shower?

My sister and I are twins (25). She has a husband and now is having a child. I'm in a lesbian relationship and have been with my partner for nearly a year. My sister is borderline homophobic and has never made the effort with my partner. She always refers to her as my friend and that it's not possible to love somebody of the same sex. Anyway she had her baby shower last week and there was most of our family there. After she got most her gifts I proposed to my girlfriend. I've been planning this for around 2 months and decided I wanted to do it at my sisters baby shower as a way to show off my partner and how much I love her.

It was an awkward disaster. She said yes btw. Anyway my sister was really rude to me and my parents weren't happy but supported my descion. My sister then texted me and said how disrespectful and f*cked I am to marry my "d*ke friend" at her baby shower. She still is furious at me but I don't see anything wrong with it. AITA (Am I the As*hole?)

Of course, people were quick to chime in with their opinions:

Seriously? You proposed at an event held for someone else? How could you not see what a huge AH (As*hole) you are?

YTA (You're the As*hole) your sister absolutely sucks for being a homophobe, but for this situation it's about you choosing to propose at her event to spite her. Collossal AH.

ETA what a nice way for your fiancée to remember her proposal. Instead of making it about your relationship, you used her as a prop to spite your sister. - nonanonaye

It seems like you're just doing it to rub it in her face. Of course it was going to cause tension. This isn't to say I agree with your sisters views at all. But stealing the limelight at someone else's celebration literally never goes well! - mooisgirl

How tacky. Not only that, but you knew your sister was going to react badly because she’s homophobic, so you also took a decent proposal away from your partner. You knew it was going to be a mess and you did it anyway without any regards to how you partner might feel about it. - sonja_says

Come on. You said it yourself. It was a way to show off your relationship with your partner. You chose a day that was not about you and tried to flip the script.

You owe her a big apology. - amamy441

You stole the limelight from your sister at her event and offered your fiancee a lame baby shower proposal. And yes, your sister sucks for her homophobia. - Kristishere

ESH (Everyone Sucks Here)... Your sister for obvious reasons and you for turning what should have been a memorable moment and a sweet memory for your partner as an "awkward disaster" for pettiness! Thats very selfish. - enthupattani

It's trashy to hijack someone else's party. - midnight_citrus

So, there you have it!

While it's never ok to be homophobic, stealing the attention away from the subject of a party is not a classy move. Her girlfriend deserves a proposal that's strictly about the love they share, and not to make a point out of spite. And, if you're out there thinking about popping the question to your significant other at a wedding, birthday, or any other event that's not about you--just don't. Good luck, everyone!

27 Memes That Will Only Be Funny If You Have Kids.


"It's our children who teach us how to be parents."

-Susie Morgenstern

Having children teaches you a lot. Like you can't actually die from lack of sleep and going to the bathroom alone is, in fact, a luxury. Moms and dads everywhere will relate to these hilariously accurate parenting memes.




























17 people share the most horrifying 'failures to adult' they've witnessed from friends.


There are certain skills you're supposed to have picked up by the time you reach adulthood. But sometimes, you might miss a thing or two.

A recent Reddit thread asked people to share the most horrifying examples of "how do you not know this?" moments with their friends. The responses might make you feel like a better adult yourself — or you might learn a thing or two. No one's perfect!

1. Spatulas aren't disposable?!

One of roommates in college would go though plastic spatulas like crazy. She's melt them and wouldn't say anything about it. She'd only tell me when I'd go to use it and windy why it was messed up. She'd always say it was due to the spatula being made of cheap plastic. No. I finally caught her one day. She'd be cooking something and would walk away LEAVING THE PLASTIC SPATULA IN THE PAN WHILE IT WAS STILL ON! - Fantastic_Relief

2. He kind of had a point.

I had a friend who I noticed took Mucinex A LOT. I’ve used it occasionally, when I’ve been congested, but it seemed abnormal how often I saw him taking it. I finally asked him why he was taking it one time, because he didn’t seem sick at all, and he looked puzzled and said “well, I think I’m getting sick”. I pressed further and he said “because it’s an expectorant”. It turns out he thought “you take an expectorant when you are EXPECTING to get sick”. - AnotherLizLemon

3. This is most certainly food-unsafe.

Not sure if this counts but when I took a food-safe course someone asked if they could wash a turkey with dish soap.

He failed the course. - SaltyJerm

4. Gives new meaning to the phrase "jumping beans."

I had a roommate at university who’s “cooking” method was put baked beans in a Tupperware, seal the lid, turn on microwave, when lid pops and explodes beans everywhere they’re cooked. - Thejustinset

5. Letting your kid into the world without this knowledge is quite a choice.

Friend from college tried making burrito bowls for dinner and complained that some of the onions were weirdly chewy. She didn't know onions need to be peeled. She asked me if not greasing the pan when making banana bread was okay, because she didn't have anything to grease it with. She had canola oil, olive oil, and butter. She thought you could only use Pam which I informed her was just sprayable oil.

She won't cook raw meat, because it's gross and she doesn't know how to tell if it's cooked well enough to not get sick. I taught her how to make tea, how to mop, how to do laundry, how to make scrambled eggs. She has the type of mom that does all the cooking and cleaning, but I don't understand why she wouldn't have tried to pass that to her daughter. - thompsme

6. The bigger issue here is that your roommate is trying to microwave tea.

Every few weeks I catch my roommate trying to put his metal tea strainer in the microwave.

This is inspite of the fact that our first week living in this apartment, he destroyed the microwave and had to pay for a new one because he put a metal tea strainer in the microwave. - MeesterPepper

7. Yikes.

My friend in college once lamented, “ugh. I have to pee and I just put a tampon in like five minutes ago. I hate having to pull them out dry. Also it’s such a waste.”

Her mother taught her that there is only one hole down there and peeing with a tampon in is not possible. It will f*** up your bladder.

Took a lot of me showing articles and diagrams and answering questions to convince her there are, indeed, two holes. She peed while the tampon was still in and called her mother in utter shock to share the good news. - BroffaloSoldier

8. This is Amelia Bedelia level.

I have many great stories about my former college roommate. Two of my favorites are:

she wanted to make pasta. She put a pot on the stove and poured the noodles in (no water in the pot), turned on the stove. After a while she asked me “how come these aren’t getting soft like when my mom makes them?”

she made brownies from a box. The box instructions say “grease the bottom of an 8x8 pan before pouring in the brownie batter.” You bet your a** this b**** picked up the 8x8 pan, flipped it over, greased the BOTTOM of it, and then flipped it back over and poured in the brownie batter - TopRamenisha

9. Did they not know steam is made out of water?!

My wife's entire family not grasping that you need to put water in a steam iron - hadleybox

10. Uhhh...

19yo dude: "How do you cook a fried egg?"

Gave him instructions and left him to it. Came back a while later to ask how it went.

"Fine in the end but it took a few attempts because the yolk kept breaking." "What do you mean kept breaking?" "Well I kept throwing them away because I thought breaking the yolk made it poisonous."

Once again, he was 19 years old. - cynicalkerfuffle

11. This guy was eating peanut shells.

when I was dating a 19yo dude. I explained that eating raw nuts is healthy so he bought a bag of peanuts. He complained two days later that he was going to stop eating them because they upset his stomach so I got a free bag of peanuts, yay! He was stunned when he saw me shelling them and eating the nut. Because he was eating them shell and all. For two days. - Rawr_Boo

12. Parents, you need to teach your kids about metal in the microwave!

More of a how do you not know to not do this. First year at uni, a girl in my halls is microwaving some food and left it in the metal foil container... It took 3 fire engines to put out the fire and we had to have a new kitchen installed. Not to mention, this was at like 3am and I had an exam the next day. I was not impressed. - sumandark

13. Sounds like a Karen in training.

Worked at an on campus store that sold a lot of essentials for students living at dorms. I had one girl ask me what laundry detergent was because she never did laundry. She asked if I could help her do her laundry but I declined as I couldn't leave the register, which of course she was mad about. Sorry I have to actually do my job lady. - rhythm0rgue

14. Crisis averted!

My girlfriend (now wife) put a pan of oil on too high of heat and it hit the flash point and caught fire. She freaked out and went to get a large thing of water and I stopped her and tossed the pan lid on top until the flames went out. Then she asked me why i stopped her. I was very thankful that I was there the first time she had a grease fire... not only could she have hurt herself but it was in a college dorm and the whole friggen place could have gone up! - Brewski26

15. What a beautiful life she must have lived until this point.

A friend who was pushing 40 had never paid a bill before. She had gone from living with her parents to living in a dorm to living with her parents again until she got married, then she got divorced and was living on her own for the first time.

Got a text from her asking if my power was out too, then she realized it was just her. Her excuse was she never paid attention to the bills because she thought they were "receipts" and that the cost was included in her rent.

Her water was cut off a couple weeks later and we had to talk about that, too. - ReddishWedding2008

16. Yeah, why can't the dust just disappear?

My ex best friend had told me that she had needed to buy another new vacuum cleaner, the 3rd that month. I asked her what was wrong with it and she said "It's not picking things up anymore!" So I asked if she had dumped out the container... she didn't know that was a thing. - Winterlight8044

17. This one takes the stupid cake.

I had to teach my friend how to tie his shoes, he either wore velcro or tucked the laces into the shoe up until that point. - Camellamama66

19 people share the movies that traumatized them as kids.


Back in the days of Blockbuster, getting traumatized by the magic of cinema was a weekly occurrence.

A recent Reddit thread asked people to remember the movies that freaked them out for life. Bring on the E.T.-inspired nightmares!

1. Was anyone not disturbed by "E.T."?

E.T. terrified me. Then my dad made it 1000x worse by telling me that the gurgling noises a tub makes as it's draining is E.T. and that he's coming to get me. - goshthisishard

2. "Jaws" ruined the beach for many of us.

Jaws. Can't swim in the sea or a lake without thinking, however fleetingly, that there's a shark nearby. I am convinced, for example, that the Norwegian fjords are filled with Greenland sharks. - WorldBaker

3. Bugs should never be entering bodies.

The mummy. There was a scene where some golden bugs come alive and entered into one of the characters body and i have a phobia of bugs now - kunal445

4. Many '80s and '90s kids developed a fear of clowns because of this one.

The old IT. Mom is a HUGE Stephen King fan, so I was... 6 or 7? The first time I watched it.

Tim Curry, man. I didn't shower without either my mom or sister standing guard for at least a year.

When the new one came out my mom thought it'd be fun to tie a red balloon to the sewer grate outside our house. Full grown adult or not, fuck that. - Usefuluable

5. "Arachnophobia" gave a lot of kids... arachnophobia.

There was a movie called “Arachnophobia”. My father let me watch it at a ridiculously young age. I’m remember asking him if we’d move if our house had deadly spiders, his response was “absolutely not”. Not sure why we said it but it affected me quite a bit and I’m not sure why - HighlyUnaccomplished

6. Why was this movie so sad?

["The Brave Little Toaster."] The scrapyard scene, where they’re all singing as they get crushed about unfulfilled hopes and dreams!! - grundig443

7. No kid should watch this.

Nightmare on the elm Street. It scared me enough that I couldn't really sleep properly. - NurseJoy28

8. There was just something about Marge.

"Large Marge" in PeeWee's Big Adventure terrified me and all my friends. - HiImTheNewGuyGuy

9. Something about this movie was really dark.

James and the Giant Peach. My mom thought it was a cute movie and showed it to me when I was 7. That scene of the haunted ship with the skeletons, the centipede, and the compass still haunt me to this day. - Physicalsist9

10. Sounds horrifying.

Final destination 3. The tanning salon; my first movie boobs and they burned alive. - tjkeegs

11. So many creepy things at once.

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Flipping through channels when I was about 6 and came across the dinner scene with the snakes and monkey brains. The playful music was a little lost on me and I was still horrified. Later flipped through channels and came across the scene where the guy's heart is grabbed. That also scarred me pretty badly for a while. - 114631

12. Many millennials are irrationally afraid of scarlet fever to this day.

Y'all ever seen The Velveteen Rabbit? Kid gets scarlet fever and has to have all his toys burned, but his favorite stuffed bunny loves him so much it becomes real and hops away, presumably wracked with survivor's guilt.

Anyway, when my class watched this movie I was home sick (not scarlet fever) for the beginning and end, really only catching the scene with the furnace. This left my young mind under the impression that my toys were both alive and liable to be unceremoniously culled with no warning or explanation. - ItsProbablyAVulture

13. This was a sad one.

Bridge to Terrabithia.. more like bridge to ripping my heart out, why was that a kids film?! - Shannanagons85

14. Way too scary

The Shining (1997). The lady in the bathtub scene was horrifying - Homicidal_Goose

15. Killer robot movies: not usually the best idea for kids.

Watched terminator 2 when I was about eight. The spear through the milk jug scene and the vision Sarah has at the park were pretty traumatic. I also remember being overcome with a grief I didn’t really understand yet at the end - swallowyoursadness

16. Ah yes, "The Exorcist," that sleepover classic.

Saw one scene from the Exorcist and it was enough. - -toonhead-

17. Sounds like a lot.

Pan's Labyrinth- I don't recall the plot 100%, I just remember the scene where the Spanish speaking general/military guy had his nose and face bashed in by a beer bottle. As a child, I had to get up and leave. Any recall to that scene immediately upsets my stomach. - HorseTale7

18. *gasp* not a murdered shoe!

Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

Not the reveal at the end, but the outright onscreen murder of the animated shoe. - Mackem101

19. "Gremlins" was super scary.

100% Gremlins. Not a kids movie whatsoever. I slept with a My Pet Monster until I was 11 because of it. When movie rental places were a thing, even into my 20s, I would go take that movie out of the kids section and put it in the horror section so no other kids made the same mistake I did. Hey, at least they made the PG-13 rating because of it 🤷‍♂️ - codiakchamp

24 Memes To Help You Start Your Day Off With Some Laughs.


"The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things."

-Henry Ward Beecher

It's the little things that bring the most joy. A kind word from a friend, a flower blooming out your window, or an unexpected laugh from a random list of memes can make life a whole lot happier. These memes will definitely deliver some silly to your morning and help boost your mood for the entire day.

























Bride with allergies asks if she's wrong to not allow friend's service dog to attend wedding.


Most weddings these days, while Instagram-ready, are incredibly expensive and require meticulous planning...

With all the stress of finding the right venue, dress, bachelor and bachelorette parties, bridal showers, flowers, dinner, and multi-tiered cake while at the same time handling all family and friend interactions, sometimes people forget the whole reason they're choosing to get married in the first place. While ideally a wedding is a beautiful day to celebrate two people who are in love, things can escalate rapidly when guests try to intervene with the "rules" the couple has set in place. People who disrespect the RSVP cards, family members who insist on bringing their children to an "adults only" wedding, panicked mother-of-the-brides--it's a lot even for Pinterest-planners.

Luckily, internet strangers are readily available to solve all of life's moral dilemmas and dramatic wedding situations on Reddit's "Am I the As*hole." So, when a bride was concerned about how she should handle her friend's seeing-eye dog, people were quick to set the verdict on whether or not she is a good person, or indeed, an "as*hole."

AITA (Am I the As*hole?) for not allowing my friend to bring her service animal (guide dog) to my wedding?

At first glance, it's hard not to judge this bride right away. What kind of selfish monster doesn't let their blind friend bring a guide dog to a wedding? However, let's hear her out...

I (28f) will be getting married in September. I have a blind friend who mostly relies on her guide dog. The dog obviously has access rights to all places.

Now I am in a sticky situation and I can sense that I will be TA. I have three chronic illnesses that I take 23 pills a day for, severe asthma and you guessed it, an extremely severe dog allergy. Usually when I meet with my friend we meet in the open and I take two allergy pills. However, because of all the other medication I take these pills make me extremely drowsy to the point where I am officially not allowed to drive and I usually crash as soon as I get home from our get togethers.

Our wedding will be very intimate, i.e. we will be in relatively small rooms. I feel horrible about this but I don’t think I can let my friend bring her dog. It just wouldn’t work. I talked about it with my fiance and some friends. Finally, I talked to my friend about it, explained the situation and said I would love her to come but she can’t bring her dog. I said that four of our mutual friends had offered to “be on a roster” and assist her should she need it. Alternatively, if she is not comfortable with this she could bring a person of her choosing to the wedding or I’d pay for a professional aid for the day. I think it is important to note that her dog is not for any additional issues like seizures or anything like that.

Unfortunately, she was less than happy with my suggestions. She accused me of being ableist and thinking her disability can be switched off for the day.

I understand what I asked was a lot and it is a difficult topic. I told her to tell me if she changes her mind and I’d be happy to make arrangements. But I won’t budge.

This is definitely quite the predicament. Naturally, people were ready to help her:

I was so ready to label you an AH (As*hole) after reading the title, but I think you have extenuating circumstances for not wanting a service dog (or any dog) at your wedding.

I can also understand why your friend would be upset. This probably isn’t the first time someone has tried to stop her from bringing her service dog somewhere. - Texasworld

I think this is just a misunderstanding. Your chronic illnesses and allergy are a disability too. I can understand why your friend would be opposed to going out without the guide she is used to and I also get that you wouldn’t want to be asleep/severely drowsy on your wedding day. I would talk to your friend more and see if any of the solutions you mentioned could work or see if either of you could come up with more options. I feel bad for both you and your friend, this is a difficult situation. - newport-girl

Did you tell her your illness can’t be turned off for a day? - EmperorPaulpatine

Whilst I can understand your friend being upset especially as the dog is so important to their ability to get about safely. Your wedding is also important and being uncomfortable or worse is going to ruin the day for you.

The fact you addressed this with them beforehand and were willing to help them find suitable arrangements so they could enjoy the wedding is what I'd consider above and beyond. - yeoldedweller

Hey, blind person with a guide dog here!

Your friend is being unreasonable in this very particular situation. The professional aid you’re referring to is called a Sight Guide and they are trained to assist while being as non-intrusive as possible.

If I was going to go to a wedding and couldn’t bring my dog for the same reasons you stated above, I would be worried too. However I would also be able to understand the circumstances and that you’re not being ableist or cruel.

It might be that she is worried about leaving the dog unattended so perhaps you helping her find a sitter for the day would calm her nerves?

Either way, you are not the asshole because your severe allergy is a disability that is just as valid as hers. - edenflicka

Hi, disabled person here, there's actually a name for the situation you're describing: conflicting access needs

For example, I have photosensitivity, so I do a lot better in dark rooms. But when it's dark it's hard to lip read

There's a lot of writing by disabled people on navigating conflicting access needs, maybe some of this would help you? Good luck. It's probably hitting some buttons for your friend because there's a lot of ableism service dog handlers have to deal with. So it might be kind of a knee jerk reaction, sort of like how I feel when people suggest I try yoga or something. - SomethingMeta42

So, there you have it!

While under normal circumstances, it would be 100%, grade A "bridezilla" behavior to not allow your friend to bring her guide dog to your wedding, the allergy and drowsiness caused by medication present some challenges. Especially since this bride is offering to come up with solutions and alternatives, hopefully they'll both be able to settle on a compromise so that they can all happily celebrate. Good luck, everyone!

Women are surprising their spouses by putting on their old wedding dresses and recording the reactions.


Since the dawn on Instagram, "first look photos," in which the wedding photographer captures the a couple's glee at seeing each other done up in their wedding finery for the first time, has been an absolute must. But why stop at the first look?

Women on TikTok are doing the "Wedding Dress Challenge," which involves getting their white gowns out of storage and recording their spouse's reaction to the random bride strolling through the house. The look on the surprisee's faces range from absolute confusion to pure, unadulterated thirst.

1. The "heart-eyes emoji" reaction.

2. The "checking her out from head-to-toe" reaction.

3. The "oh hi!" reaction.


The dress wasn’t totally on as it took forever to lace up. Such a sweet reaction. Please excuse my hideous laugh #weddingdresschallenge

♬ Perfect - Ed Sheeran

4. The giggly reaction.

5. The wink reaction.


Tu novia para siempre😍👰🏽😝 me pareció interesante este #weddingdresschallenge#husband#love#happy#inlove

♬ Los Besos - Greeicy

6. The "ooh la la!" reaction.

7. The "you're crazy" reaction.

8. The "jump back!" reaction.


Surprised my husband by putting on my wedding dress 😂 I think he was a little caught off guard LOL #weddingdresschallenge#suprise#foryoupage

♬ original sound - reagann_conlon

9. The "dance with me" reaction.

10. The raised eyebrows reaction.

11. The *eyes widen* reaction.

Woman shames Starbucks barista on FB for telling her to wear mask and he gets $30k in tips.


People have raised mor than $35,000 in tips for a Starbucks employee after an entitled customer attempted to shame him on Facebook.

A woman named Amber Lynn Gilles, who has also been dubbed "San Diego Karen" angrily posted a photo of a Starbucks employee Lenin in an attempt to shame him.

Meet lenen from Starbucks who refused to serve me cause I’m not wearing a mask. Next time I will wait for cops and bring a medical exemption.

Posted by Amber Lynn Gilles on Monday, June 22, 2020

In her short but to the point post, Gilles threatened to get the police involved the next time Lenin refuses to serve her for not wearing a mask.

"Meet Lenen from Starbucks who refused to serve me cause I’m not wearing a mask. Next time I will wait for cops and bring a medical exemption."

It wasn't long before her post blew up, drawing backlash from commenters who encouraged her to take her business elsewhere, and pointed out the selfishness of not wearing a mask during a pandemic.

People were also quick to point out the fact that most medical issues don't provide an exemption for a cloth mask, and if Gilles truly had one - she would already have the doctor's note on hand.

It wasn't long before people started pulling receipts of other posts by Gilles, including a few that go travel down anti-vaxxer conspiracy theory rabbitholes.

Luckily, Gilles' sheer entitlement completely backfired, and people started a GoFundMe to tip the employee, who was identified as Lenin Gutierrez.

The man who started the GoFundMe, Matt Cowan, wrote:

"Raising money for Lenin for his honorable effort standing his ground when faced with a Karen in the wild."

After the GoFundMe reached $10,000, Lenin made a thank you video for all of the people who supported him both financially and emotionally online.

If Gilles has learned anything from her massive backfire on Facebook, it's that the strangers of the internet stand with Lenin, and the scientifically proven reasons we should all be wearing masks.

Ivanka Trump mocked for tweet about her dad wanting to hire 'based on skill.'


First daughter Ivanka Trump continues to tweet despite the fact that it often results in her being mocked and/or becoming a meme. Love her or hate her, you have to respect that she does not let continuous public roasting prevent her from putting herself out there again and again. And again.

Most recently, Ivanka tweeted an article about how Donald Trump is now looking to hire people in federal positions based on their "skills."

In the article announcing Trump's plan for the government's new skill-based hiring process, his daughter Ivanka, who is the co-chair of the American Workforce Policy Advisory Board, is quoted as saying:

We are modernizing federal hiring to find candidates with the relevant competencies and knowledge, rather than simply recruiting based on degree requirements. We encourage employers everywhere to take a look at their hiring practices and think critically about how initiatives like these can help diversify and strengthen their workforce.

Ivanka Trump, Presidential advisor, was famously not hired for her qualifications nor for her "skills" in the realm of politics. Neither was her husband Jared Kushner. People were quick to point this out.

Better luck next time, Ivanka! Don't give up.

16 people share the funniest stories they regularly tell their friends.


We all have at least one "go-to" story that we keep in our back pocket to liven up an dull dinner party or an awkward silence at a group gathering.

Usually it's a funny, crazy, or downright weird thing that happened to you that your friends will either urge you to tell every time they introduce you to someone new, or they'll constantly have to remind you that they've already heard it a million times. When something truly ridiculous happens, it simply has to be shared! (Probably not at job interviews, though.)

The night you went streaking and ended up hitch-hiking to get tattoos with a gerbil-trainer? Totally normal stuff! If your life often feels like a big-budget buddy comedy set in Vegas, you're bound to have a few polished monologues for parties at your disposal.

So, when a Reddit user asked, "What's your funniest go-to story that is most often requested by your friends?" people were ready to share.


My friends and I were at a bar and a cover band was playing. The lead singer was being obnoxious. He was hitting on all the women in the audience in a very lewd manner, and he was being far too pretentious for being in a cover band. It was making everyone uncomfortable and annoyed. At one point during the show he says, "I would like someone special to take the microphone and say a few words." He then lowered the microphone stand so that the microphone was right where his crotch was. I don't know how he had originally planned this segment to pan out, but before he could say anything, I yelled in a high pitched voice, "I'M SO TINY!" The singer was stunned. The audience laughed and cheered. Clearly flustered, he awkwardly raised the stand again and went into the next song. I don't think I'll ever have that good of a comeback again. - 0x4A6F686E


My friends always request The Carrot Story, which goes a little something like this: There's nothing worse than getting off of a midnight shift at the busiest gas station in Florida and coming home to your male roommate drunk, naked, in front of the computer, with freshly shaved legs, looking at a picture of a woman sucking a pony's d*ck, and then hearing him say "Bunny, I have a carrot up my ass," as if he expected you to do something about it. - BunnyDeville


This was back in college. A few of my friends threw a party at their house, we were all drinking and having a grand time. I meet an attractive looking man and later that night when everyone had gone to bed (we were in the living room) we started hooking up. In the middle of my shirt coming off the lights go on and i hear my friend Tyson say "what the f*ck". I look behind me to apologize but he's not looking at me. In a chair to my right my friend Richard is sitting in it staring at me and the guy hooking up with a glass of whiskey in his hand and only in his boxers. He looks me directly in the eyes and says "please, don't stop." I have so many stories about my friend Richard. - Slow_Like_Sloth


When my little brother was in first grade, he was sent home with a bad conduct report on Thursday afternoon. My dad told him that if he had to "pull a fish" (the teacher's warning system involved the students pulling a paper cut-out of a fish out of a jar) the next day, he'd be unable to have his best friend over that weekend for their planned sleepover.

Brother goes to school and, sure enough, he was admonished in the early afternoon for talking while the teacher was talking. She tells him, "Go pull a fish!" Brother stands up, walks right past her desk, and mutters, "Well, my weekend's f*cked." - jackiewilsonsaid


I went to Tahoe with some friends and ended up gambling at the blackjack tables. At one table, there were two guys sitting next to us that were completely wasted and being hilarious. One of the guys gets 21 and stands up and yells at the top of his lungs "WINNER WINNER APPLE PIE!" I look at the guy and say "What the fuck? I thought it was chicken dinner?" and he replies "nobody f*ckin' likes chicken, and everybody loves apple pie." i've been saying that phrase ever since. - strohmbad


My Uncle had been drinking Jack Daniels all day one christmas and he started to complain that his current drink tasted funny. He said that it tasted "soapy" so he started telling my mom that she probably hadn't rinsed the glass out well enough and there was left over soap in it. Now of course we're not the type of family that wastes good Jack Daniels so he keeps drinking all the while telling my mom off about how she should rinse the dishes better. He finally finishes his drink and there sitting in the bottom is a stink bug! With arms and legs missing, so he must have swallowed bits and pieces of the stink bug. He was so grossed out and his reaction was priceless. So now every time he has a drink everyone tells him to check for stink bugs. - drink_the_kool_aid


A few years ago my car got stolen out of my driveway in the middle of the day while I was home, and I didn't hear the thieves taking it because I was playing Grand Theft Auto with the sound up. - showboats


I was bored at work and decided I would try to freak out this co-worker. I took a piece of paper and put a staple in it, then I folded a piece of tape to make it double sided and stuck it to the back of the paper covering the staple. I took out the rest of the staples from the the stapler. I say "Hey Charles, check this out." Put the paper on my forehead, sticking the tape to my forehead, and "staple" the paper, using the pressure to push the tape to my forehead. I think to myself "Man, I hit that stapler pretty hard." I pull the paper off and it gives some resistance and I think that some of the tape must be stuck in my hair. I look at the paper and see the "set up" staple, along with a new staple. A small segment of staples was left in the stapler. Charles is sitting there, mouth agape, as blood trickles down my forehead. I try to play it cool and walk to the bathroom, but as soon as I get around the corner I grab my forehead and start muttering "F*ck. F*ck. F*ck." I apply some pressure with a wet paper towel and get the bleeding to stop. Go back to my work area and Charles says "That's the craziest sh*t I've ever seen." - ponyteeth


My friends always ask me how I got the scar on my lip.I had inhaled all the helium from my little sisters Mickey Mouse balloon and passed out. - Dando1737


My Dad got locked in my car.

My car has electronic door handled and locks. I was storing it in my parents garage for the winter. My dad needed something in the garage, so he went to move my car. Unfortunately the battery died and he used the last bit of juice trying to turn over the engine. So... The doors wouldn't open. Fortunately he had his cell phone so he called me, but I was out walking the dog. When I got his message and called him back, he had already called my mom and AAA to get him out of a car he was locked in. Then I calmly told him how to find the emergency release for the doors and he was out! - max_p0wer


My friend and I went out to a club on Halloween trying to pick up some cute boys. We met these nice guys dressed as the bunch from Peanuts. You know, Charlie Brown, Linus, etc. Well, she went back to the hotel with Linus very drunk and I pick her up the next morning, all disheveled in her German beer girl outfit and she tells me what transpired the night before.

She had spent all night talking with the guy and they fell asleep, apparently she doesn't remember much else. In the morning, she's all hungover and groggy and feeling pretty down that she had just spent the night with a guy she just met. He starts to chat her up, and she says all confident and holier-than-thou-like, "Yeah? Well I bet you don't even remember my name."

He turns to her and says, "yes, it's Jenny and you're a psychology student at state and originally from Kentucky." Then a pause and "do you remember my name?"

She hesitates and in a soft voice says, "Linus?"

I just about swerved off the road from laughter and since then I've been asked to recount this story whenever most embarrassing moments come up in conversation. - jakijo


The time I ate two ghost peppers, had to cancel a date with the hottest girl at school, burned people with my sweat, sh*t myself, dry heaved for hours, and ended up lying in the shower soiling myself from both ends.. until I finally got to a hospital where they told me it had already absorbed into my gut, I sh*t what out my intestinal lining, and that all they could do was give me morphine... Which made it worse because it slowed down my digestion. I now have severe irritable bowl syndrome, and cannot consume anything high in sugar, fat, capsaicin, or anything like alcohol or artificial flavoring.... These happen to be my main food groups as a young male.. Oh. And if I do eat them... Within a few hours a tsunami of watery diarrhea bursts out of my firey as*hole like the four horsemen riding out of hell. - [deleted]


Probably the one where we stole a civil war cannon, dragged it to the top of a frat house and fired a ball of solid rocket fuel out of it at midnight. Needless to say, it made the student newspaper, the local news and the local paper. We were all so terrified about the impending legal actions, none of us ever said anything about it.

To this day, the entire city has no idea what caused what must have seemed like a large sonic boom, in the middle of the night.

The funny part was how we got it on the roof, how my friend who was a graduate chemistry student made the rocket fuel and the panic in the eyes of everybody when that thing was fired. - platinumgulls


I got a tampon stuck up my nose in the middle of the night and almost needed medical attention - julesscii


I was reading a book of poetry that somebody bought me while I was at a cafe, and the man next to me asked me what I thought of it. While I'm no critic, I do enjoy it and do try writing it. I told him that there were some excellent poems in it but that it had much "filler" (in the same way that most albums do), and that I think it would be much better if the literary world worked on an iTunes model, where I could simply buy individual stories for 99 cents instead of having to pay $15 and dislike most of the work. He thanked me for my thoughts regarding the book and so I figured he wouldn't be buying it, and it wasn't until after he left that I closed the book and saw his picture on the back of it. Whoops. - MangoBomb


It was around Halloween when I was about five years old, and we had just gotten our costumes. Mine was a Pikachu costume that severely limited movement in my legs. I was jumping from couch to couch while in the costume, when I fell short on one jump and gashed my face on the side of a homework box on the coffee table.

I went to the ER and was knocked out and given stitches, all while in a Pikachu costume. If I'd known at that age how funny it would have been, I would have worn the bloody Pikachu costume at Halloween. - donkeymancuminatchya

23 people share the most rude and disrespectful things someone has ever done to them.


Rodney Dangerfield "didn't get no respect," and he's not the only one. Unfortunately, human beings can be extremely disrespectful to a mind-boggling degree. Refusing to wear masks during a global pandemic is not even the worst that our species is capable of. Luckily, there's a little thing called karma that tends to punish these people in the end. But that doesn't make their behavior any less infuriating in the moment.

Someone asked Reddit: "what is the most disrespectful shit someone has done to you?" These 22 people share their infuriating and wild stories about someone treating them like garbage:

1.) From ReshaXX1:

When I worked a kiosk someone sneezed into their hand and wiped it on my back when they passed by.

2.) From Plastic_kangaroo:

My first job as a photography intern, my boss posted on Facebook that he was going to fire me hours before he told me. We were friends on Facebook at the time.

3.) From lchoate:

I'm sure others have had it way worse, but when I was about 17, I was assembling a ride on train track (about 2 feet between rails) for an indoor amusement park when the owner of the company came in. He decided to help me. I don't know why, I didn't ask for help and didn't need help.

He helped me put a couple track segments together and decided that was enough work for him so he got up off the floor and wiped his greasy, dusty hands off on my jeans. With my leg in them. I was seriously incensed.

4.) From Batsarebest:

My ex-husband and I were on the road to divorce. I had done absolutely everything I could possibly think of to turn us around, and as a last ditch effort, I wrote him a letter. I knew it had a 0.1% chance of doing anything, so it was also kind of a "thank you for the good years" letter, too.

We were living with his parents because originally, we sold our house to make an upgrade. I guess that was his window of opportunity. Anyway, his mom found the letter and not only read it, but took pictures of it and shared it with multiple people, who started tearing me apart via text.

How did I know this? She never hears her phone go off, so I would usually bring it to her. I went to do that and saw the mentions of a letter and saw the context of what was sent.i didn't say anything, just set the phone back down and went outside to get a breath of air.

Later that week, she said she was tired of me being around and that he needed me to sign the papers then and there and I didn't get a say in anything. I mentioned sharing the letter, and she said she was allowed to do that because it was in her house. Therefore, it was her property.

Still trying to wrap my head around that one.

And then they sat there and watched TV while I packed my things.

5.) From CaptainRipp:

It was a first day of one of my college courses and we were telling everyone our names. I said mine and the professor said "My husband wanted to name our son that but I didn't want him to get made fun of."

EDIT: My name is Angus

6.) From vPaladin81:

Was working at a Dairy Queen when I was 16. It was a hot summer day and a lady came in and dumped her melted blizzard upside down on my arm/hand. In the process it covered my register, the wall and the floor.. She started yelling about how her ice cream melted and how I need to make her a new one. She was served in the drive through....I was working the front counter inside. My coworker said she left over 20 minutes ago. I still had to make her a new one and give her a refund.

7.) From appear_offline:

Locked my new bike up outside a supermarket and ducked inside to get some yoghurt because it was Friday night and that's how I destress after a long week.

Self-checkout line was busier than expected but I was in and out in about ten to fifteen minutes. Didn't want to leave it for too long because someone had pinched the seat from outside my house a couple of weeks earlier.

From a shirt distance I could see my bike was facing the opposite way I'd left it and felt a little confused. I got closer and saw my U-lock looking like a pretzel. It seemed like someone had tried to wrench off my lock, failed and then just picked up my bike and tried to use it as leverage to pop the thing off, failed again, but succeeded in completely f*cking the entire aluminium frame; total write-off, could not be fixed.

8.) From sluman001:

I had someone I considered a close friend send an unprovoked email outing me to the entire staff of the place I worked. Not only that, he took a screenshot of an online dating profile as proof and told them to keep their kids away from me. (I was a teaching professional at a country club.)

9.) From tucaraesfeo2:

My ex didn't allow me to have any female friends and wouldn't even let me say my best friend's (female) name in front of her. We broke up because she fell in love with her best friend (male).

10.) From My_Name_Is_SKELETOR:

Yesterday at my job (supermarket) I went outside with some guy to bring the handicap scooter back in. He immediately began to yell at me and curse at me about how hes handicapped and for not helping his wife unload their groceries. I tried explaining to him that because of the current situation, we cant touch people's groceries unless they specifically ask us. He wouldn't even let me talk, kept interrupting and insulting me. So I just stayed quiet and he eventually threatened to call his grandson to come kick my ass, then drove off with his wife who was also insulting me under her breath. Being an essential worker sucks...

11.) From GlutenbergBible:

Go to a meeting for work. Coworker says to opposing counsel “hey, do you want to meet GlutenbergBible? He’s here” and gestures back at me standing in the hall with a bunch of files. This motherfucker looks me up and down, turns back to my coworker, and says “no.”

12.) From Barky_Bark:

Former boss owed me some back pay for a legit reason. My wife went into hospital for a month because of a complicated pregnancy, Baby was C section and then had to be NICU. The day of the c section, boss said he wasn’t going to pay me anything.

Edit for all those asking: yes of course I put in a complaint with the Ontario Ministry if Labour. Unfortunately if an employer doesn’t pay even after an order, it’s put to collections. If the person is shitty enough like this dude was they just dodge those collections too. I’m sure it’ll catch up with him eventually, but at this point he’s been run out of his home city.

13.) From Death_By_Pun:

I was in 5th grade, 10 or 11 years old.

I didn't do homework often, because my teacher was mean, and I didn't want to do anything he asked me to do. But I decided to put in extra effort to finish all my overdo math homework so I could submit it the next day.

I finish all the work sheets in one night, stapled them all together, and wrote my name on the top one.

I gave them to him, he looked them over, tore off the top one, then ripped the rest of them in half and threw them away.

He looked at me and said, "I don't know who those belonged to, they didn't have your name on them."

And then he kept me inside from recess and told me to redo them all.

F*cking asshole, I'm still pissed at you, Mr. Prime.

14.) From SweetDangus:

When I was 18, I was dating an alcoholic. We arrived separately to a party, and when I got there he was wearing nothing but a bathrobe, drunk as f*ck, and insulting and trying to fight EVERYONE. I tried really hard to get him to leave the party so I could drive him home, and he was not having it. Started berating me and then threw a lit cigarette down my shirt.

The same guy also put an overripe banana down the back of my shorts and hit my ass as hard as he could in front of all his stupid friends.. he f*cking sucked. Thankfully, it’s 10 years later I have self respect now and don’t date assholes anymore.

15.) From ErikDestlerDaae:

I was new to my middle school. This middle school was in a small town where everyone knew each other and I was nervous since I knew absolutely no one.

I walked into the cafeteria on the first day where we had to wait until the bell rang to go to class. I looked around and realized everywhere was full except for this one space at the bench-like tables. I headed towards it and asked the girl who was in the space next to it if I could sit there.

She looked up at me, gave me a dirty look and asked "Are you homeless?"

I was dumbstruck. I didn't say anything, but she did shift a bit so I could sit down.

I don't remember who she was, I don't remember her face, or even her voice, but her words will always stick with me.

16.) From sloppyjoesandwich:

I was living with my gf for 2 years. In the middle of that time we broke up and she moved out for 2 months because she couldn’t stick with any job for more than a few months and tried jobs in another state. She came back and we started building our relationship back up. We went on a few trips, things were going good. Months later we went to Christmas at each others family’s homes. Our families got our SO gifts and vise versa.

5 days later I came home from work and everything of hers was gone. She just dipped while I was at work. Moved everything in 8 hours. My rent and bills instantly doubled since I was paying for the whole place now. I felt like an idiot for bringing her to my family xmas. My family was so accepting of her just for her to dip a few days later. I always wondered how long she was planning this. I never reached out to get answers and it was hard for me to ever trust a partner entirely, i still struggle with insecurity tbh.

Anyway, she left the dog and my dog means more to me than she ever did. Also I’m getting married in October to the most perfect woman and happier than I’ve ever been. Here’s my dog

17.) From whereegosdare84:

It was the night before my 21st birthday. My best friend in college who was older than me was excited to take me to a bar at midnight to ring in the momentous occasion.

Then this girl who had been flirting with him for weeks called to tell him she was having a party.

Thinking we could do both he decided to drag me along before going to the bars.

Now her place was outside the city, and therefore outside nightlife. But, my friend who honestly up until this point was reliable, assured me that we’d leave after an hour so I should call my other friends to meet us downtown.

I’m sure you can all assume we didn’t make it to the bar and some might have guessed “oh it’s because your friend hooked up with this chick.” Well slowdown because this is where shit gets disrespectful.

We go in, hang out, she’s all over him and tells everyone to come go skinny dipping with her. We can both see the danger signs flashing and decide that now would be a good time to go.

Unfortunately she took offense to this and calls him a slut while smacking him across the face.

She starts crying and tells us to get out before chucking a bottle of vodka at his car shattering the passenger side window where I was sitting. This is while we’re driving away.

He stops, screams at her and I got to spend my 21st birthday giving a statement to the cops and picking vodka soaked glass out of my shoulder.

18.) From Duckerton3:

Went in for a handshake and they dabbed on me

19.) From bombayblue:

Girl invited me out on a dinner date and then made out with my roommate while I was asleep.

They dated for two years before she cheated on him so I’m really not that broken up about it but it was a rough few months.

20.) ​​​​​​​From IDoThingsOnWhims:

I was making out with a girl sometime after midnight in a bar on NYE (first time I ever managed to do so with someone I just met at nearly age 24) , she pulls away for a second, looks at me and says:

"What am I doing? I'm drunk and you're ugly"

Edit: thanks for the compassion everyone. This statement going through my head was gym fuel for many years afterwards. And she actually didn't want to stop making out with me, and being drunk myself with minimal self esteem, I figured the best revenge was to get her to continue kissing an ugly dude.

21.) ​​​​​​​From Augusta13:

I take my lunch break in my car. Always have for the last 10 years at my office. I park in a peaceful, quiet area overlooking a duck pond. I open the sun roof and get some fresh air and listen to the NPR lunchtime program with current/local events and it’s a really nice getaway from the monotony of office life.

Apparently, a coworker who historically has had beef with me started telling people I was “doing marijuana” on my lunch breaks and that’s why I never ate in the break room. She compiled a lengthy list of my behaviors that would mimic drug use. This list included things like being spaced out, being more talkative some days then others and often being tired (ya know, also signs of being an overworked adult). She also started keeping a folder of extremely petty “mistakes” I had made to prove I was high at work. These “mistakes” were such minor oversights, they affected no one at all.

She took this “proof” to not only our boss, but also to the physicians who own and run our office. She presented it as concern for my well being, but if she were truly concerned about me, wouldn’t she bring it up with me first? Luckily all my bosses knew my work is and was 100% at all times and didn’t think twice about it. I didn’t even know about any of this going down until she was fired a year later, for unrelated reasons.

Welp, joke’s on you Ashley, I’m the mf boss now and I actually DO “do marijuana” daily - but I wait until after hours because I take pride in my work.

22.) From attackedmoose:

After delaying my flight, re-routing it in the middle of my flight, letting us off the plane to “stretch our legs” and the immediately canceling my flight, forgetting to call for a bus to shuttle all the passengers to the destination airport for 2 hours, a 2 hour bus ride, and missing my connecting flight the United airline employee refused to give me a hotel voucher. It was 3 AM and she told me “I’m sure someone will give you a blanket.”

23.) From _iPood_:

20+ years ago when I was in 6th grade, an 8th grader spit on my bike, then in my helmet, then on me.

I punched him in the face. One of my friends saw all this, ran up and also punched him in the face.

He ran home.

Law professor schools students who complained that she wore a 'Black Lives Matter' shirt to class.


Imagine having the audacity to get into an argument with a law professor, whose job is to teach people how to argue.

When Whittier Law School professor Patricia Leary wore a Black Lives Matter to class, and a few of her students were outraged. Not because a T-shirt presumably goes against the school's unofficial dress code, but because they took personal offense to their teacher expressing support for black people's rights not to be murdered.

"The statement you represented and endorsed is...highly offensive and extremely inflammatory," the anonymous group identifying as Concerned Students wrote. "We are here to learn the law. We do not spend three years of our lives and tens of thousands of dollars to be subjected to indoctrination to the personal opinions of our professors.

The group went as far as saying, "ALL lives matter," in ALL-CAPS and in bold, telling the professor that she should be ashamed of herself.

Professor Leary responded to her students with a two-part legal memo, opening it by calling them cowards for remaining anonymous.

"I am accepting the invitation in your memo, and the opportunity created by its content, to teach you. I would prefer to do it through a conversation, or especially through a series of conversations. Because I don’t know who you are. This isn’t possible," she wrote.

Part I of Professor Leary's memo "addresses the substantive and analytical lessons that can be learned from the memo," and Part II roasts their writing skills.

Premise: You are not paying for my opinion.

Critique: You are not paying me to pretend I don’t have one.

Premise: There is something called “Law” that is objective, fixed, and detached from and unaffected by the society in which it functions.

Critique: Law has no meaning or relevance outside of society. It both shapes and is shaped by the society in which it functions. Law is made by humans. It protects, controls, burdens, and liberates humans, non-human animals, nature, and inanimate physical objects. Like the humans who make it, Law is biased, noble, aspirational, short-sighted, flawed, messy, unclear, brilliant, and constantly changing. If you think that Law is merely a set of rules to be taught and learned, you are missing the beauty of Law and the point of law school.

Premise: You know more about legal education than I do.

Critique: You don’t.

Professor Leary also challenges the Concerned Students on their assumption that Black Lives Matter means that non-Black lives don't.

Premise: There is an invisible “only” in front of the words “Black Lives Matter.”

Critique: There is a difference between focus and exclusion. If something matters, this does not imply that nothing else does. If l say “Law Students Matter” it does not imply that my colleagues, friends, and family do not. Here is something else that matters: context. The Black Lives Matter movement arose in a context of evidence that they don’t. When people are receiving messages from the culture in which they live that their lives are less important than other lives, it is a cruel distortion of reality to scold them for not being inclusive enough.

She also explains that she wore the shirt on campus that day because that day in her Criminal Procedure class, they were discussing police violence on the black community.

"Unless you speak for the Black Lives Matter movement you have no authority to say what those words mean to the people in it," Leary explains. "You certainly have no authority to say (and apparently not even any knowledge of) what it means to me. Your interpretation of something and your reaction to it based on that interpretation are not the some as what something actually means. Things in the world have meanings that exist outside of you."

To put it in less professorial terms, the prof called the butthurt students ignorant citizens and terrible writers, and the internet loved it.

Read the full exchange of letters on Imgur.

Nurse fired after someone posted her racist messages about patients online.


A New York nursing student named Emily Patysiak was fired by Southside Hospital after her bosses caught wind of a series of racist messages disparaging her patients.

Her message claims her hospital patients are "all gang members that are Spanish and Black," goes on to complain about her taxes supporting "Spanish people who have 9 babies and don't work," and finishes by proudly stating she is glad "Trump is trying to fix it."

The messages were uploaded by the Instagram user _boomz13 on Thursday, alongside an indicting caption about racism in healthcare.

In the caption they wrote about how Paysiak's attitude is emblematic of some of the racism in the health care industry:

"This right here is why I feel my cousin didn't get the proper treatment after he was shot in March. These are the kind of people that work in hospitals, these are the kind of people who take jobs to help people...@_emilka_p_ you're despicable and you deserve to be fired. The messages show the user of the account allegedly belonging to Patysiak making racist comments."

While Patysiak was quick to delete her Instagram account, it didn't take long for her racist admissions to make the rounds, with people tagging Southside Hospital to demand they take action.

The hospital quickly responded, ensuring people they were investigating the matter.

People were quick to demand the hospital fire her, not merely investigate her views, since it's clear where she stands on many of her patients.

After receiving internet backlash on Twitter and Instagram, Northwell Health told NBC New York they fired Patysiak from Southside Hospital.

"Understandably, the comments caused hurt, pain and anger among those who saw them. Northwell condemns and does not tolerate any form of hate, racism, discrimination and harassment," the hospital said.

26 Memes That Will Only Be Funny If You Have A Dog.


"The world would be a nicer place if everyone had the ability to love as unconditionally as a dog."

M.K. Clinton

Dogs are the best. Period. They are pure unconditional love wrapped up in an adorable furry package. Anyone with a pup will relate to this list of cute and funny dog memes. Sit and stay for some laughs.



























Guy edits people complaining about masks into a town hall scene from 'Parks and Rec.'


There have been a series of recent Town Halls across the country full of angry constituents who refuse to wear masks, with some claiming COVID-19 is a fiction peddled by the government.

Most recently, a clip from a Town Hall in Palm Beach Country, Florida made the rounds on Twitter for how bizarre the citizen complaints are.

Several people compare wearing a cloth mask to "rejecting God's wonderful breathing system" and claim the masks themselves are killing people, despite having no evidence to support those claims.

As a way of leaning into the absurdity of it all, the actor and producer Law Sharma edited the Florida citizens into a Town Hall clip from "Parks and Rec."

Fans of the show are already deeply familiar with the ongoing bit of the Town Halls, which are frequented with Pawnee citizens yelling about their dogs eating feces, how women's genitals should be taxed, and other unhinged requests that sadly mirror our reality.

People were quick to praise the comedic editing chops, while also expressing terror at the fact that real adults in our country are acting like wacky television characters.

There was a steady stream of "Parks and Rec" GIF reactions that seamlessly fit into the thread.

The Florida Town Hall even inspired the actor Crawford Horton to post a joking audition for "Parks and Rec."

People were quick to tell him he's hired, even renowned director Ava DuVernay.

While it would be 1000 times better for all of us if we weren't living inside a comedy parodying local government, if we're going to live here, we might as well get jokes out of it.

15 of the funniest texts people got this month.


Whether you're quarantined or free to roam, texting is a huge part of communicating in the year 2020. While most texts are boring (MOM, you don't have to ask me if I'm still alive twice a day, okay?), some are funny enough to share with the internet.

1. This honest birthday conversation.

2. This shawarma grief.

3. This Tinder flop.

4. This Tinder win.

5. This James Blunt impression.

6. This filter-shaming.

7. This breakfast flex on Grindr.

8. This mom translation.

9. This sports punditry.

10. This Star Trek journey.

11. This dad advice.

12. This group project fun.

13. This revelation.

14. This miscommunication.

15. This wake up call.

23 Memes For Anyone Who Could Use A Laugh This Morning.


"Life is tough; and if you have the ability to laugh at it, you have the ability to enjoy it."

-Salma Hayek

Don't let life get you down. There's always something to laugh at. Take these memes, for example. Each one has been personally selected just to put a smile on your face today.
























16 people share the jobs they've had that are way less fun than they seem.


No matter where you work, it's easy to assume other jobs are more fun than your own.

But as a recent Reddit thread proves, not even the seemingly fun jobs are all they're cracked up to be. A Reddit user asked, "Which job is a LOT less fun than most people think?" and got over 21,000 responses. Here are some of the top answers.

1. Every kid dreams of this job, but maybe if they knew the truth, they wouldn't.

I'm a marine biologist. I spent the last week measuring defrosted fish heads. - smileedudes

2. Seems like a pretty accurate rule of thumb.

I always say the more fun it is to go somewhere the worse it is to work there like amusement parks and arcades - nightowlscrolling

3. Preparing food can be a chore.

Being a chef. All the flare and awesomeness they show on vice and Netflix is far from what actually happens in the industry. It’s not all fancy plates and tattooed/cool haired guys doin their thing. It’s a drug infested, law breaking work environment that only benefits the owners of a restaurant - Bestspacecadet2

4. Sadly, "Jurassic Park" isn't real.

Paleontologist. You don’t get to work with full dinosaur skeletons and do all kinds of awesome expeditions. You’re mostly sitting at a desk looking at some pictures and logging stuff on your computer, maybe examining a fossil occasionally. If you’re lucky you can go on a real dig, and OMG SPEND HOURS IN THE HOT SUN DUSTING OFF ROCKS!!! - MidwesternMonkey

5. Destroying things would be fun for a few hours, but not every day.

Demolition. Everyone wants to break shit with a sledgehammer. Everyone is tired of lifting that sledgehammer by 5 swings.

Nobody wants to load the broken stuff into bags or a wheelbarrow and take it to the dumpster. - Bill_S_Preston_Esq

6. Writing isn't as glamorous as it looks in the movies.

Being a writer. I always thought it was my absolute dream job. But the only job I could get after college was working in a content mill as a blog writer. I used to work 70-hour weeks staring at the computer in a basement of an old bank writing bullshit articles about the dangers of mold, fence cleaning, and why you need a commercial awning and the dream turned into a nightmare.

While I still write occasionally, I am now working as a communications person so it is a bit less heavy. - Impossibly_me

7. Being a lawyer is a slow grind.

Lawyer, no it isn't like they show on TV.

Hey, finally case is before the judge, crap the other party didn't show up. Next date that judge has given is 3 months away. - Lousy_Lawyer

8. Acting is hard to break into and pretty boring once you do.


All the ones we see on TV and movies are the 0.0001% of incredibly lucky and talented people who managed to thrive in a hostile and overcrowded industry.

And even when you are working, the actual job itself is 99% sitting on apple crate in hot makeup waiting for some grips to move a lighting fixture. Then you say three lines over and over again for an hour, and then you wrap. - Wazula42

9. There are a lot of downsides to getting paid for dressing up like Elsa.

Being a Character Performer at Disney.

Don’t get me wrong, there are some amazing perks and truly magical moments. I know I’m super lucky and tons of people would love to be in my shoes.

But the day to day work is EXHAUSTING in ways I never thought possible. Guests are ridiculously abusive...I’ve had things said and done to me I never would have imagined. The company isn’t always great - it highly depends on your leadership. And there’s so much focus on your body and face (good and BAD) that it can be incredibly depressing and difficult emotionally.

Plus, you have to accept that there’s very little upward mobility. Most people “grow out of it” and it’s rough to know that one day you’ll get “too old” or “too fat” and you will have to start all over in a new career field. So you constantly are thinking either, 1) what you’re going to do when you leave, 2) how you’re going to keep yourself there. - TheMarvelPrincess

10. That is early.

Baker. Coming into work at 3/4 am so you can have a six am baked goods is miserable. - haireypotter

11. It's not just driving around.

Google Street View driver.

You're all alone for 8+ hours a day, can almost never take a break, need to constantly be "on" and focused (lest you crash the $25,000 Subaru with $60,000+ worth of camera equipment on it).

You end up becoming an amateur meteorologist to keep track of weather patterns and cloud cover, and in my experience there are a lot of people who just get insanely upset at you, at Google, and the job in general for a wide variety of reasons. I enjoyed myself when I did it, but it was nowhere near as glamorous or fun as I or my friends & family assumed. - TheUnknownDouble-O

12. Not gonna lie, this still sounds fun.

Working at a Charles Dickens fair is... Interesting, but not incredibly fun. It is hard to stay in character, and people get so mad when they see the Alice in Wonderland area. Yeah, we know it's not Charles Dickens, but we can't have a kids play area in the world of Oliver Twist, okay? - Foxwix

13. Hackers aren't as cool as you think.

Cyber Security. Bro, the movies do us no justice. Hacking is not as fast nor is it as easy as the media makes it. It's a great field but you spend a lot of time researching or watching paint dry, especially in the gov side. - DyslexicDad

14. Computer animation seems like a slog.

there's this making-of Frozen 2 mini docu. Most animators work weeks for a minute of animation of one character, if not less. At one point they decided to leave out a piece that one person had solely been working on. Must be crappy to be part of the credits without being able to say "this is my part!". - ArrSlashSubreddit

15. Not even video game testing passes the fun test!

Video game testing.

I've been working in the game industry for 6 years now, and teaching for 2.

Testing video games is thought to be just "oh you just play games all day? LOLOLOLOL" but it's actually very specific and arduous.

First of all, there a bunch of testing metholodogies such as load/soak testing, white room testing, version testing to name a few, but the most common one is functionality testing.

Functionality testing is "so if I walk into that corner with the shotgun in my inventory, I can clip through the wall, but if I have my M16 in my inventory, I don't clip through." - shanster925

16. This does sound hard to deal with.

Working in a music store ( musical instruments )

Your days are spent listening to 50 different people play 50 different riffs poorly simultaneously, as if they're all putting on their own concert. - InternetKidsAreMean

18 therapists share 'crazy' things people do that are actually totally normal.


"Normal" is subjective — but mental health professionals might have a pretty solid sense of what's typical and what's not.

That's why a recent Reddit thread asked therapists to name the seemingly "crazy" or taboo behaviors that are actually totally normal. The responses might make you feel better about your own quirks.

1. Thinking out loud isn't just for Ed Sheeran.

Thinking out loud. If you are feeling stressed when trying to go through a process or a problem talk it out, you'll find yourself getting to the answer quicker and staying calmer. - needs-more-sleep

2. Jokes can be a coping mechanism.

Laughing/Joking in inappropriate or upsetting situations. It is often a reaction of the brain essentially trying to protect itself from whatever it is experiencing, while it can appear insensitive or unsettling from the outside. - OlivebranchTale

3. Tom Hanks' character in "Castaway" knew this.

Talking to inanimate objects is totally normal, so long as they don’t talk back. - noregreddits

4. There's nothing "crazy" about good communication.

Stating your emotions, e.g. "I'm feeling really angry right now!" or "I feel confused and scared." IDK why people often seem to get all awkward and don't know how to respond to this. - ruthtriv

5. "No" is a full sentence.

Saying no. Firmly and without explanation. This seems crazy or taboo for many people I work with, especially young adults, women, and folks of certain cultural backgrounds.

Especially in American culture, there tends to be unspoken pressure to provide rationalization for even the most innocuous boundary setting. In most nonpathological settings, an explanation isn’t necessary (“Thanks for reaching out! I can’t tonight, hope to catch up soon.”)

I think social pressure, internal guilt, family norms, office politics etc can make saying no without justification more taboo. Obviously this can apply in more intense situations as well (toxic friends, dysfunctional family, unwanted attention), and I’m still sometimes surprised by the genuine fear and concern people have expressed when we have role played saying no to someone in session.

Boundary setting is one of my favorite coping/social skills. - -GingerBeer-

6. Let's do more of this!

Singing loudly to yourself when experiencing sudden overwhelming emotion. - MsFortyOunce

7. Dark thoughts can be totally normal.

A phenomenon that is super normal is intrusive thoughts. Meaning you are driving down the street and you just randomly think about veering into oncoming traffic. Or you are passing by someone on the sidewalk and you just suddenly think of hitting them with something heavy or pushing them into the street. It’s super normal and doesn’t mean you are crazy. It happens to just about everyone. - nightpanda893

8. Sometimes, ya just gotta cry.

Just crying...a lot - trumpydumpy55

9. It also keeps people from sitting too close to you on the subway.

Talking to yourself. Its healthy to do as long as you know what you're doing and can help with memories. A lot of people use it as a sign of going mad but I disagree and I also happen to agree with me on this. - WretchedFilthDay

10. Changing up your hairstyle isn't a sign of mental distress like some say.

Cutting/dying your hair is a healthy expression of control! When you’re feeling powerless or like you’re spiraling, it’s a great way of reminding yourself you are in control of something. - ClumsyValkyrie

11. Counting out loud is a great coping mechanism.

Counting out loud. If you see someone sitting in public just counting out loud seemingly randomly, "1234...123456...12...1234", they might appear crazy. But it's actually a useful way to curb oncoming anxiety attacks.

When you feel anxiety rising sit down, look around and count how many blue things you can see, how many red things, yellow and so on. It's an effective distraction and calming technique that also works for small children who may be becoming overwhelmed. - MrsFlip

12. Can't afford therapy? Fake it!

I have an imaginary therapist. I imagine her as an actual, ghost-like being with a name and certain qualities that I can call and send away on demand, and whenever "she's there", I have a "dialogue" with her in my head. It helps me so much, it's borderline ridiculous. It's probably been more useful than 2 years of actual therapy would have been, and I have "talked to her" 2 times so far. - DeadIronGolem

13. Tap away!

I particularly like the sensory soothing strategies myself. Rocking, spinning, tapping... people find them anywhere from annoying to downright alarming! But they're a brilliant way for people to manage the anxiety and stress that life brings. - Blythey

14. Gold stars aren't just for little kids.

Rewarding yourself for doing things you don’t want to do with stickers, tiny treats, etc.

Research has found people respond to rewards, even if they have very little physical value. We just like getting gold stars. - beehoneybee

15. It's okay to be sad.

Acknowledging and accepting that is ok not being happy 24/7. Sometimes you just feel like staying in bed all day or lying on the couch and not talking to anybody. You don't have to play little miss sunshine just to make others comfortable.

I get super annoyed by people telling me i should smile more and that positive attitude solves everything. F you guys, i just want to sit in the bathroom and cry because that's what i know i need to get over this overwhelming situation and then i will be ok. It's ok to be sad. Or angry. These are perfectly valid emotions. - too-much-energy

16. When did having "no regrets" become so many people's goal?

Regret. I had a 17 year old girl tell me she did not regret anything because she looks at it as a sign of weakness. She had her first sexual experience at 12, with a boy the same age and she tells me that she did not regret ANYTHING, but if she could go back in time she would not have done it. I had to explain to her that's the definition of regret. Healthy regret. - Karma_aint_no_btch

17. It's okay for adults to play.

Having toys and playing as an adult. Soft toys can bring a great deal of comfort and play is a creative way of processing the world. This can come in other forms like video games, doodling or role playing games like DnD. Creatively expressing yourself in a fun way shouldn’t be seen as childish or crazy - RaysAreBaes

18. Dig into that weird dream, it might be trying to tell you something.

weird dreams or thoughts. They can be helpful in processing trauma or daily experiences. An example is when kids recreate or depict dark experiences, like pretending to be building coffins or drawing people falling out of the twin towers. People can recreate experiences in such a way that they resolve them in their own mind through reclaiming control or changing the narrative. - cwaabaa

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