I got Kardashianwood.
Kim Kardiashian has worked so very, very hard in Hollywood to make herself the success she is today.
And now, her game, Kim Kardiashian: Hollywood, the one that you won't stop playing, lets you experience what its like to work very, very hard in Hollywood. To make her a success.
How much of a success? Thanks for looking up from your Kim K: Hollywood game to ask!
The NY Post reports that, thanks to her 30% - 40% cut of the game's $200 Million projected yearly revenue, Miss Hollywood will be making $60 - $80 million a year.
$60 million. To $80 million. In US dollars. Per Year. Because you are playing her video game.
If anyone has beaten the game yet, will you let me know if it ends with creating an app that other people play that generates $60 - $80 million a year, causing an infinite money-making loop?
She deserves that money!
After all, you worked hard for it.
So very, very hard.
(by Myka Fox)