Just a couple of convincingly dead animals.
Playing dead, or thanatosis, is a classic survival technique utilized by a wide range of species the world over. In addition to being remarkably effective at discouraging predators, it can also be surprisingly adorable. Case in point: this otter and this hognose snake.
Take a look at both videos and decide who wore the cloak of death better:
Pros: Cares enough to jump right back into character when he realizes he's still in the scene.
Cons: Needs work committing to the moment; should have waited for the director to yell 'cut.'
Pros: Keeping the mouth open and the tongue lolling out is a nice touch; commitment to the role of 'dead snake' is quite impressive.
Cons: Should have done the research; should have known that deceased animals are incapable of spinning themselves back into 'dead' position.
On the whole, I'm gonna say it's a draw. While neither of them is likely to give Matthew McConaughey a serious run for the E.G.O.T., both of them perform more convincingly than anyone on this season of True Blood.
(by Dennis DiClaudio)