Busted by her own bust. (Via Austrian Times)
Babsi, a 24-year-old Austrian porn star has been charged with vilification of religious doctrines after sneaking a camera crew into her local church and filming a couple pornos. She only got caught because one of the parishioners recognized her by her breasts.
Stills from the porn circulated the internet show Babsi massaging her mammaries while holding a bible and a rosary. Very religious stuff.
One of the churchgoers in the Austrian municipality of Hoersching said he had spotted her hand warmers in a clip while surfing the internet, and then went and told the cops.
Hey dude, your hypocrisy is hanging out. You were just "surfing the internet?" Brother, please. You were totally into that porn until you recognized those rib cushions. If you were a more devout catholic you'd have learned to let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Maybe casting stones is a euphemism?
According to a police spokeswoman, once Babsi got called out for her cannon balls she confessed to everything, and now she is waiting to see if she will get some jail time or just a fine.
And for everyone who is concerned that the religious goings on at the church will have been nullified by those nectarines, pastor Bernhard Pauer says not to worry.
"The church does not have to be reconsecrated," Pauer told Austrian paper Kurier Daily. "The presence of God cannot be driven out by sin."
(by Myka Fox)