The Internet is scrambling for something new to argue about, and it's this cat.
White and gold or blue and black?(via 9gag)
#TheDress was the kind of debate that can't be manufactured. Families, friends, workplaces; all were torn apart over what color that damn dress was. For days, it was all anyone could talk about. Well, anyone who wasn't being dragged through the nightmare of war, poverty and devastation. So, mostly people with tumblr accounts. Bloggers everywhere took it as an opportunity to write the goofiest #TheDress related nonsense. It was used in commercials, it knocked out every other hashtag on Twitter. #TheDress could not be stopped.
Naturally, websites are trying to stir that pot again. Since optical illusions are the hot topic, 9gag attempted to start something this week with this old pic of a cat walking either up or down a staircase. BUT WHICH IS IT?
The top comment on Imgur says down. Same thing on Reddit. Okay, it's probably going down.
Phew, that was close. I don't think I can handle another weekend of screaming at loved ones over a meme.