I woulda said "below Hell itself" but The Crystal River Boys are a gospel band and that seems mean. Like saying anything about Ken Turner's singing face.
I came across this on my Internet journeys last night, and I woke up shaking. Not with the force of the holy spirit within me, but because Ken Turner's jackhammer-like vocal chords struck the resonant frequency of my bones and almost caused me to fall apart like that old bridge in Oregon. I feel bad for the guy with the high-pitched pipes who's in the Crystal River Boys with Ken, because although I thought he was pretty good, he'll just never be minor-footnote-in-history-as-a-human-oddity good. The whole band was pretty good, but none of them moved me the way Ken did: by causing the floor to vibrate so much that my chair started dancing like a Mexican jumping bean.
Still, it's not the lowest recorded human singing voice. That belongs to this much-less-fun looking gentleman, Tim Storms.