Yet he still has not asked anyone to cover up the fact that he was in the 2003 'Daredevil' movie.
Still proud to reveal his penis in 'Gone Girl'
(via Getty)
You can thank North Korea and WikiLeaks for revealing that someone in Ben Affleck's family lineage once owned slaves. According to a newly published set of emails for the great Sony Hack of 2014 (remember that? Seems like years ago), Ben Affleck asked the producers of the show Finding Your Roots not to reveal their discovery. The host of the show, Henry Louis Gates, remarked in one email: "To do this would be in violation of PBS rules, actually, even for Batman"
Speaking of roots: how are we supposed to root for Batman in the upcoming Batman v Superman when we're thinking about how Bruce Wayne's family was probably so rich because of a dark time in America's history? It's going to completely take me out of the movie. That's the story here. Not that PBS may have caved to the star's proposition to censor the information. We need to keep stories like that under wraps otherwise we'll have no heroes left! Hide this stuff. For the children.