A writer for 'Conan' bashed late night comedy on Twitter, and Conan responded, also on Twitter.
Conan O'Brien, late night comedy man. (via Getty)
Andrés du Bouchet has written for Conan O'Brien for seven years. Yesterday, he went on a Twitter rant about the state of late night comedy television. You can read all his tweets here, but here's the short version: he said it sucked and then he apologized. Conan responded with the following tweet:
I wish one of my writers would focus on making my show funnier instead of tweeting stupid things about the state of late night comedy.
— Conan O'Brien (@ConanOBrien) April 19, 2015
Twitter is the new Human Resources department.
Conversations like this have probably occurred in more than a few writers rooms, stemming from the content shift in late night comedy. du Bouchet has since deleted his tweets, but I found it interesting to hear a writer's opinion about his own field. This was clearly stream-of-conscious writing, because at the end of one tweet he added "I'm fat" making it my favorite tweet in the rant.
I hope when this issue is discussed in HR at TBS, du Bouchet doesn't lose his job over his Sunday afternoon spaz.