A Ukrainian woman is claiming Mila Kunis stole her pet chicken when they were childhood friends in Ukraine.
Two portraits of great poise and stability. (via Getty/YouTube)
Kristina Karo is an aspiring musician who is most likely suing Mila Kunis to get attention. Her plan is totally working because here you are, reading this article about a crazy celebrity lawsuit. Am I part of the problem? Are you? Either way, this story is weird and I love it.
Karo claims Kunis stole her pet chicken when they were childhood friends in Ukraine. Now that Karo has moved to LA, where Kunis also lives, the painful memories of her long lost chicken are causing her great distress, so she is seeking $5,000 in mental-health related damages.
The lawsuit probably won't stick, since Kunis is from Chernivtsi and Karo is from Berezhnytsia, which are nowhere near each other. However, we've already established the lawsuit is probably a farce anyway.
If you want to play right into Kristina Karo's ploy for fame, watch her video below. Sigh.