An aspiring Jedi named Colin wrote this letter to George Lucas, addressing his greatest concern.
He signed it "Love!" If anyone deserves to be happily married, it's this kid.(via GeekDad)
Just this morning, I wrote about a baby who was clearly already falling to the dark side. Now, here's a kid who's more light side than Obi-Wan himself. Seven-year-old Colin dreams of becoming a Jedi Knight when he's older, but there's a problem. He's no dummy, and he knows that according to the rules of the Jedi Order, Knights are not allowed to marry, because it's an attachment to the physical world and puts them at risk of falling to the dark side. He doesn't want to fall and become a Sith, but he also knows he wants to get married (born romantic).
To get answers, Colin went right to the source himself: George Lucas. He wrote this letter, addressed to Lucas at Lucasfilm:
Dear George Lucas,
I don't like that a Jedi cannot get married. I want to get married without becoming a Sith. Please change the rule.
P.S. I want to come to Skywalker Ranch please.
Love Colin
Of course, no one told Colin that Lucas is retired. Still, the good people at Lucasfilm didn't want to let him down, so they sent him a package containing free comic books, as well as a written response.
Colin's parents made this adorable video of him opening it:
And here's the letter:
With this blessing, he'll have no problem finding a wife.(via GeekDad)
Hello Colin,
Thank you so much for writing to us with your question. It sounds like the Force is strong with you, and you are showing great wisdom by asking your question. To be a Jedi is to truly know the value of friendship, of compassion, and of loyalty, and these are values important in a marriage. The Sith think inward, only of themselves. When you find someone that you can connect to in a selfless way, then you are on the path of the light, and the dark side will not take hold of you. With this goodness in your heart, you can be married.
We enclosed a few gifts that we hope you enjoy. Thank you again for writing to us.
May the Force Be With You!
Your Friends at Lucasfilm
I just know that someday Colin will find another Jedi as strong and as pure of spirit as himself, and they'll have a great marriage. Then their child will bring balance to the Force. I have foreseen it.