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12 'crazy' exes explain their side of the story. Spoiler alert: they're not the crazy ones.


The worst thing a guy can ever do to a woman is call her the c-word.

Once you call a woman crazy, there is really nothing she can say after that that won't make her seem even more crazy.

Nevertheless, these so-called crazy exes have taken to Reddit to try to clear their names. And if there is once takeaway we can get from these stories, its that most guys who end up dating "crazy girls" usually do so because they made them that way.

1. yesjesshero claims it was probably his constant cheating that made her a controlling bitch.

His side:

He told all of his family and friends that I asked for a divorce because he was deploying to Afghanistan and that I was a crazy controlling bitch.

Her side:

The real reason we were divorcing was because he was texting girls he met online and telling them he loved them and wanted to be with them. I also found his online dating site on my laptop and when I confronted him about it he said his friends made the profile as a joke. The profile used the same user name and password that he used for everything. The final straw was when I came home from a trip back home to see my family and walked into our bedroom to find another girls clothes. I asked whose they were and why they were there and he said he had gone to the bar with some people from his troop and she was too drunk and had to spend the night. He apparently slept on the couch. I asked what she left the apartment wearing and he gave her my favorite pair of sweatpants to wear home. I never got those back either.

Get those sweatpants back, girl.

2. itsfoine tells of how she found out her roommate wasn't just a victim.

His side:

My roommate had a "crazy ex" who would call him 20 times and leave five voicemails a day. This had been going on for about a week or so and I asked him if he had ever listened to the voicemails or called her back and he said "fuck no she is just being crazy as shit"

Her side:

The following week I talked to her roommate and asked why she was calling him so much. It was because he had he taken her virginity and she wanted it back.

Well besides that, the actual reason was that the night they broke up he apparently went to her house, took a bat, and smashed all her windows and slashed all her tires. Never knew my roommate was broken up so hard by it nor had the anger to go and actually act on

3. LionPandaTiger dealt with a gaslighting monster. Everyone who wants to know what gaslighting is, this anecdote sums it up perfectly.

His side:

People would say (in retrospect) perfectly friendly things to me and I would think they were being passive aggressive or messing with me in some way. End result: I looked like a crazy bitch who took offense at everything and he looked like a long-suffering good guy.

Her side:

I had an emotionally abusive ex who would act perfectly sweet in front of everyone but would always say something to me privately, or even whisper to me while we were surrounded by people. It was always about how everyone else didn't like me, was disgusted by my joke, etc, or sometimes just that I looked bad in some way. It made me extremely neurotic and hypersensitive.

This is the only time I did any crazy ex stuff to him and of course it just reinforced our mutual friends' view of me, but I felt much better.

4. vaevictis037 acknowledges it takes crazy to date crazy.

We're definitely each other's crazy exes. We just were very passionate people who fell for each other hard, and everything we did was intense. The sex, the arguments, the cold shouldering, etc.

Eventually distance became a factor and cheating accusations ran rampant and we basically made each other crazy until we broke up months later

5. murderousbudgie seemed like the wacko who couldn't get over a guy.

His side:

Bet I sounded like a crazy ex when I warned his next girlfriend what an abusive asshole he was....

Her side:

...but it sure as hell felt good when I found out she dumped him a year or so later for just that reason.

6. ambivalent_graffiti's story is really intense. The next time some guy calls his gf a nutjob, make sure she's OK.

His side:

He [told] everyone that I was a nutjob, I was clingy, I wasn't adventurous in bed, and that I had the audacity to just move out without telling him and make him pay all the rent.

Her side:

He is extraordinarily manipulative. When we started dating he would ask me to come over every night, never wanting to not have me around. Within 2 months of dating, he asked me to move in with him. Naturally, I thought this meant that he was really serious about me, and since I didn't really know what love was, I assumed I was in love with him.

So we moved in together and his true side came out. He would assault me on a regular basis- like he hit me a lot and he would rape me. I didn't think it was rape then because I loved him, but he was violently and aggressively raping me. I told him that I didn't like it when he did that and he said it was his fetish and he wouldn't want to have sex with me otherwise. I was essentially always crying and covered in bruises.

He told me every single day that I was worthless and no one would ever love me, and I 100% believed him. He would cheat on me at our home, loudly, and then tell me it was because I wasn't attractive enough for him. I would have random breakdowns at work, couldn't handle social interactions, dropped out of school, and eventually tried to kill myself. I tried to cut my wrists in the bathtub, but our plumbing was always fucked and I couldn't get a full tub of hot water - it was probably less than tepid- so I didn't bleed out fast enough. When he came home I was unconscious but not dead, he pulled me out, slapped me awake, and told me that I was so useless I couldn't even do that right and jsut left the house.

I don't know why, but that hit some kind of a switch in my brain and I called a good friend of mine (who I hadn't spoken to in months because my ex had made it impossible for me to socialize) and told him to come get me. When he showed up and saw me, he started packing all of my stuff into his car and moved me out of the apartment that night. I have never spoken to my ex again.


7. AuntyDotal had a client who seemed like an unappreciative homewrecker.

His side:

I know her ex's friends call her the crazy ex. As a couple, they were together almost 30 years. Very conservative, religious, and he had a great banking job and she was a stay-at-home mom who volunteered for the church. Nice house, great kids, decent American cars. Just really great on the surface.

After 28 years, all the kids are grown, she got a job at a little boutique designing -- what's it called? The sports leisure clothing that's suddenly so popular? Yoga pants and whatnot. Anyway, she gets a job, it barely pays anything, but then she files for divorce.

The minute she files for divorce, everyone turns on her. You're not supposed to get divorced in their religion, and how crazy is she, she's got a husband with a good job and a nice house and she's leaving all that? What?! She said she ran into one of her ex's friends, and he started shouting at her that she RUINED her ex, she's a fucking bitch, she should die and go to hell, etc. His wife is pulling him away and saying, "Honey, don't, the crazy bitch isn't worth it."

Her side:

It turns out that all this time, her husband has been a miser. That might not seem so bad on the surface, but he was a horrible miser. Washing the aluminum foil to re-use it. They washed the foil many times over before they'd throw it away or recycle it. A little bit of recycling is fine. Re-using it 'til it's falling apart is not reasonable.] Didn't go to the doctor. Wouldn't get braces for the kids because it was too expensive. No vacations, no pets, no luxuries of any kind. The reason she knows how to design is because she had to sew everything in their house. The reason she got into running was because it was the only activity she could do that was free.

Now, they have the nice house and the decent cars, ... not once cent of debt... and tons of savings and retirement accounts. The guy's been socking away money for years and telling his wife that she's nothing but a bloody drain on his resources. No way will he pay for the kids' college funds.

But fortunately...

The courts believe a non-working spouse's donations to the marital estate are as good as an employed spouse's donations to the estate. So client gets half the savings, half the value of the nice house, half the retirement account, and she gets a little alimony for a few years.

First thing she does is go out and rescue a mutt.

Every time I see her, she looks happier and happier. She's going to be OK. Her clothing line is starting to take off.

8. imhereforthemeta is another victim of cheating-induced insecurity.

His side:

I was touted as a "crazy ex" once. He said I was too attached, whiny, all of that shit.

Her side:

I've never been that way really, but he would be really distant with me and then get drunk or something and cry and tell me how much he loved me, so I was constantly getting sent mixed signals and it was honestly driving me crazy. He would also hang out with his really attractive ex a lot, who dumped him, who (as far as I know) he never really got over. But I was "fine with it" because if he was super vulnerable, it would be all "I love you, you mean so much to me". Also the dude who took my virginity, so that was super weird. He just generally brought out a lot insecurity in me that manifested in some crappy and pathetic ways.

Turns out he was cheating on me with his ex, random girls, and one of my best friends. So yeah, I was whiny, needy, had frequent emotional outbursts...even after finding out a lot of that shit I still begged him to take me back for like, a week. Luckily, this experience taught me a lot about self respect.

I am now pretty skeptical when guys say they have a "crazy ex" unless she's really done something crazy. Some people can really be awful, but I also see many cases of people really being driven crazy temporarily by getting manipulated.

9. spiderlanewales is the only guy on here who was the "crazy" one. He acknowledges he was terrible, but gives some insight why.

Her side:

I turned into the crazy, controlling boyfriend that every girl seems to encounter at one point or another. I wanted to know where she was, who she was with, etc, at all times, was she drinking, how old were the people she was with? Just all kinds of crazy, manipulative shit. It took me about three months after the breakup to come to terms with the fact that I was a huge douchebag to her, I was "that guy" that she will probably tell everyone who will listen about because he was insane.

His side:

She cheated on me several times, at least three different guys that I know about, anyway, and I made the colossal mistake of forgiving her each time. I had self confidence issues and figured that, if I let her go, I was letting go of the last pretty girl who'd ever want me.

I finally broke up with her, as even through all of this, she absolutely wouldn't break up with me, because more manipulative shit: As long as she was home, I was an absolute angel to her. I wasn't even aware that I was doing that one.

I ended up in a new relationship three years later, and it was great. Lasted 2.5 years and we broke up amiably due to life stuff we couldn't really control, but I am happy to say i've never been "that guy" again.

10. ampersandie only went "crazy" after her boyfriend refused to let her call him her boyfriend.

His side:

He would talk shit about me to his friends because of how crazy I was.

Her side:

He was a clinical narcissist. He kept me strung along our entire "relationship". Wouldn't call me his girlfriend, but treated me like one. I would lose my mind whenever he would talk to other girls/hang out with them, because he would say, "You're not my girlfriend. Shut up." This would sometimes happen right after a date. Whenever I would try and shut him out, he'd call me crying and I really liked him, so I took him back. But it would keep happening. He'd buy me gifts, take me out multiple times a week, do all the things boyfriends/girlfriends did but he would never acknowledge our relationship. So in turn, I got crazier and crazier, because he drove me crazy. He would talk shit about me to his friends because of how crazy I was, completely disregarding the manipulative shit he was doing. I've never had anyone mess with my head so much.

Now I'm married to an amazing man who was courteous, loving and mature from day one. Never once with this man have I ever worried about fidelity, or questioned my status with him. I was never "crazy" with him because he gave me no reason to be. My view of relationships was so skewed, I had no idea that I would ever be worthy of someone I have now.

Last I heard from my narcissist ex, he kept trying to call and text me and I had been dating my boyfriend (now husband) for a year already. He told me I would have made a good girlfriend. Yeah, I turns out I did make a good girlfriend, for someone who deserved it.

11. RedTrailWildcat admits she was the crazy girlfriend, but that was because she actually had an undiagnosed mental disorder.

His side:

He was my only friend and when we broke up it devastated me. I started to make stuff up to keep him talking to me.

Her side:

This isn't something I usually tell people...but here it goes.

We dated when I was 17-18. had a undiagnosed mental disorder, which caused me to dissociate a lot. I lived in a severely abusive household and I wasn't allowed out ever- so I had to sneak out to see him. My parents were controlling and emotionally abusive. I was always grounded. It just made me full on crazy. He was my only friend and when we broke up it devastated me. I started to make stuff up to keep him talking to me. I faked being sick just to guilt him into talking to me. I eventually got out of that household, stopped talking to him (despite finally apologizing and admitting I was wrong.). I went to college where they have free counseling, and I got diagnosed with PTSD. I am much better now that I'm 22, and in December I will be graduating with a degree in psychology.

As for him? Well, I don't know. But wherever he is I hope he's happy.

12. And one last one, from showmebevelle, who has an airtight case against being the crazy one in her relationship.

His side:

He told our home town I was some crazy stalker bitch and they believed him. When I finally dumped him, he threatened to send my nudes to my parents and my boss.

Her side:

I was 14 and he was 20.

Say no more; that dude better be in jail.

Article 157

If 'Game of Thrones' happened on Snapchat: Season 6, Episode 9, 'Battle of the Bastards.'


If there's one thing you can say about 'Battle of the Bastards,' the ninth episode of Game of Thrones' sixth season, it's "WOOOO YEAH! EAT IT, RAMSAY!" If there's two things you can say about it, the other is "But Wun Wun..." This was easily the most insane episode of an already action-packed season, and with the Starks back in Winterfell, the plot is truly in new territory. Relive all the twists and turns and maybe even spot some things you missed with the second-to-last Snapchat recap of the season.

Enjoy these best-of stills, followed by the full episode recap video (some NSFW language).

Here's the full video:

You can experience all the episodes by watching our Game of Thrones Snapchat recap playlist on YouTube.

You'll never sleep after seeing this teen makeup artist's disturbing transformations.


Hey, do you like sleep? Well, that's too bad, because you also clicked on this article about 19-year-old Lithuanian makeup artist Saida Mickeviciute, so now you're probably never going to sleep again. Why? Because this:

Still feel like you could totally nod off and catch some sweet Z's? Well, then you should probably watch this video of her putting on that Pan's Labyrinth-inspired look.

Mickeviciute, who is self-taught, doesn't just do Pan's Labyrinth looks (that's a little too niche, even for the internet). She covers the full gamut of creepy movies:

And she does other creepy looks not related to film:

🎨🃏 Dealing with face demons #face #paint #demon #art

A photo posted by Saida Mickeviciute (@saidaa1997) on

If you're now whimpering about how sleepless you'll be tonight, know that Mickeviciute doesn't just do creepy makeup. Here's a sloth that will hopefully make your new nightmares slightly more adorable, at least.

People shared the exact moment they realized their parents and grandparents were racist.


Conventional wisdom seems to indicate that, generally speaking, each generation is a little bit more tolerant than the generation before. That means we’re less racist than our parents, and they’re less racist than their parents. But man oh man, these stories from redditors prove that the last two generations included some people who were really racist.

1. THE_FLYING_CAMEL_69 had a grandfather who was abnormally committed both to being a racist jerk and ruining a holiday for children.

My dad said his grandfather on Halloween, would dress up like a person in the KKK, and hand slices of watermelon to the all the black kids.

2. User jnaloomis realized her mother had some racist ideas as well as some misogynistic ones.

I will never forget having a conversation with my mother about interracial relationships. I posed the question: would she rather I be with a white man that beats me, or a black man that treats me well? To which she responded, "So long as you're not with a n****r."

3. Caddy15 heard one of those racist jokes that grandpas love to tell, except he wasn’t kidding.

This one from my grandfather always stuck with me:

"If you see a white man running, he's late. If you see a black man running, he's in trouble."

I was seven and I knew at that moment that what he said was ridiculous.

4. User gonekuckoo had a grandma so blinded by bigotry that she couldn’t even get her racist epithets correct.

When I was really little I had my friend over who happened to be mexican. My Grandma came for dinner and saw me playing with my friend and exclaimed "WHO IS LETTING HER PLAY WITH SAND NG*RS?" Right as my friend's mom was walking in the door. My parent's were absolutely mortified.

5. Same deal with ninjastandingbehindu, who seemingly made up a racist term from scratch.

One time my grandma referred to a black man as an avocado.

6. YoungMouse heard her grandfather say something pretty awful, although even if he hadn't said the N-word, it still would’ve been offensive.

We live in Florida and go to the beach a lot in summer. I tan pretty evenly, but not on purpose. So mid-summer, I start to realize how tan I'm getting and mention it to my mom. My grandfather pipes up with, "Watch out, you'll turn into a n*****!" I was floored.

7. “Learn English, or go back” where, buffalomiley’s dad? Knott’s Berry Farm?

On time at Disneyland, I was walking down main street with my dad and an Asian family had stopped in front of us and starting talking to one each other in another language. My dad said "Learn English, or go back." The dad of that family turned around and in perfect English said "Excuse me? Did we offend you?"

8. Scubabooba’s parents didn’t even want him dating grad school Rihanna.

I made a joke about dating a black girl to my parents once and got a ridiculously long lecture about how I'm the fuck up of the line of history. I made up this girl and went on anyways.. I showed them an attractive picture of Rihanna and told them that she just got accepted into a masters program and she comes from an upper class family. They still didn't give a shit.

9. Similar to Throwingdownxx5’s story, lots of kids weren’t allowed to watch Roundhouse because their parents didn’t want to expose them to drama kids.

my parents wouldn't let me watch "All That" on Nickelodeon in the 90s because it was a "black show"

(i still watched it)

10. Yeah, mrs_sgtpeppermd, it still wouldn’t have been funny, though.

My grandparents made me think that the N word was the appropriate term for black people. So I didn't understand why all the black girls at the slumber party I was at didn't find my Arnold Schwarzenegger pun very funny.

11. We’re not going to tell you what ANewMachine615’s grandma calls Brazil nuts either.

My grandmother introduced me to that one. We go into K-Mart, years ago, and she goes off looking for "something specific." Now, we live in a very, very white state, but she managed to find the one black employee at this store and ask her, very loudly and in a way that made clear she thought she was hilarious, where she could find Brazil nuts. But, y'know, with the other name.

She was kind of a terrible person.

Article 153

Selena Gomez and James Corden upgraded from Carpool Karaoke to Rollercaraoke.


James Corden made the mistake of taking Selena Gomez to work with him, which resulted in Corden suffering multiple humiliations, namely while taking a ginger shot and riding a rollercoaster. Corden and Gomez then hit up Mickey D's, where Corden was not exactly the happiest customer.

Did you watch until the end of this Carpool Karaoke when they sang "Shake It Off?" No, that's OK since these were the highlights anyway:

James Corden dying internally while Selena Gomez keeps on singing.

She's a survivor.

Selena Gomez calmly downing a ginger shot that almost made Corden vom.

It is a really big shot.

Corden wishing he had more people fangirling over him.

Perchance when Corden becomes the first #squad member more people will recognize him.

'American Crime Story' actress Selma Blair reportedly drank on a plane, freaked out, and had to go to the hospital.


Well, here's something not good. According to TMZ, Selma Blair suffered some sort of alcohol and medication-induced freakout on a plane from Mexico on Monday, alleging saying mid-flight, "He burns my private parts. He won't let me eat or drink. He beats me. He's going to kill me." She was taken to the hospital on a stretcher when it landed in LAX.

Blair (who portrayed Kris Kardashian in 2016's American Crime Story: The People v. O.J. Simpson) was allegedly on the plane with her four-year-old son when a witness claims they saw her mix something in with her red wine. Then she started crying and said the above disturbing things (no, nothing about there being a man on the wing of the plane).

Two nurses who were on the plane looked through her bag for prescription pills and the plane supposedly radioed ahead to the hospital that a passenger had been mixing alcohol with prescription drugs.

The whole thing is obviously upsetting, but thankfully TMZ is always there to chronicle celebrities' every tragic incident, poor choice, or embarrassing mishap. God forbid a famous person have a bad moment without the whole world immediately finding out about it. Hopefully Blair will be fine, and just maybe needs to take a break from airplanes for a while. Man, traveling can be rough.

The 12 best reactions to our useless Senate failing to pass any *&#@ing gun control measures.


On Monday, the Senate—apparently determined to keep their approval ratings nice and low—rejected a series of gun control proposals in the wake of one of the worst mass shootings in the country's history. Despite the fact that the majority of Americans support stronger gun control measures, our elected officials were like, yeah, gun control is cool but you guys wanna try some partisan gridlock instead? The votes followed a nearly 15-hour filibuster led by Senator Chris Murphy last week, which would have been inspiring if it wasn't so inevitable that the Senate would ultimately f*ck everything up. It's definitely one of those moments where if you don't laugh, you'll cry, so here are some funny tweets to help with that.













Demi Lovato goes on one last Twitter rant to announce she's quitting Twitter and Instagram forever.


On Monday night, Demi Lovato got fed up with humanity and announced she's quitting Twitter and Instagram. But you can still follow the singer on Snapchat, where she will happily not have to put up with any comments from the internet peanut gallery.

She tweeted: "I like snapchat cause I don't have to see what some of y'all say. Follow me if you want: the ddlovato."

But before quitting altogether, she had a few more things to say. She pointed out that she started a charity to provide mental health care to people who can't afford it, but implied that people on social media don't seem to want to talk about stuff like that.

Then she wondered why anyone actually cares about what she says, which is not a bad point. Sure, she's a famous performer, and therefore has a ton of fans on social media, but that doesn't necessarily mean she wants everything she does or says dissected, analyzed, and argued ad nauseum.

She advises people to "pay more attention to good than bad," but GOOD LUCK WITH THAT, INTERNET.

Girl has not been having the best month. Last week she and Wilmer "That '70s Show" Valderrama split up after six years together. She says she's quitting Instagram and Twitter, but who knows.

She didn't delete her accounts, and the Siren song of Twitter is so very strong. After all, where else can a celebrity easily read what every troll living in his mom's basement all around the world has to say about her?


Queen Bey's choice of tiara lets everyone know who's paying for the family vacay.


Beyoncé is enjoying vacation in Hawaii with Jay Z and Blue Ivy before she starts the next leg of her Formation Tour. And no Bey-cation would be complete without reference to her albumLemonade, so she was draped in yellow and even wore a crown of lemons along with her lemon bling. She's subtly letting everyone know that she's always the queen, and that it's her Lemonade money that's paying for this nice little family trip.

A royal stroll on the beach:

A photo posted by Beyoncé (@beyonce) on

Heavy is the head that wears the crown:

A photo posted by Beyoncé (@beyonce) on

Fans on Twitter got a hold of a few glamor shots by the paparazzi:

It's unclear which Hawaiian island they're visiting, but there is a Red Lobster location in Honolulu. So if Jay hit it right, she might take his ass to Red Lobster, cause she slay.

Guy helps lazy girlfriend get fit with hilarious 'Cot Dammit Elizabeth' motivational videos.


Elizabeth is trying to revamp her lifestyle and enlisted her boyfriend to help. Her boyfriend has taken to documenting her journey on Snapchat (username DamnElizabeth) and YouTube. Two weeks in and the only progress their channel Cot Dammit Elizabeth has to gloat about is all the views they've racked up. That's because Elizabeth's boyfriend has a way with motivational speaking. He's a natural. Here are five of the couple's best videos, which are all under two minutes because this guy knows how to make a good video.

"You are one nugget away from getting zero likes on your next Instagram post."

"Elizabeth, every single McDonald's knows who you are, you Hamburglar."

"Move those feet, your little turtle feet."

"Snow White and the Seven S'mores."

"Four of them accidentally fell in my mouth."

Because you're curious, this is the boyfriend:

Just looking at him will motivate you to move your turtle feet.

Daisy Ridley accidentally dyed herself yellow in what may or may not be an Episode VIII spoiler.


Daisy Ridley's DIY beauty accident on the eve of a filming day just might have to sneak its way intoStar Wars Episode VIII. Having Googled home skincare treatments, Ridley went a little overboard with the turmeric, which dyed her hands and face a fierce shade of yellow, turning Rey into more of a Maz Kanata.

Rey's mom?!

Ridley shot the funny video reporting on the scene in her bathroom, with the intensity of a soldier sending a video log from war.

No word yet on just how much foundation they will need to pile onto Ridley's hands and face, but this just might be the key to Rey's parentage you're looking for.

Luke, obvs, but anything is possible.

It is extremely unlikely that the skincare accident could rewrite the trajectory of the entire galaxy, but this could be a fun trick to play on your friends.

Eddie Redmayne became a dad just in time for Father's Day.


Eddie Redmayne and Hannah Bagshawe had a baby on Wednesday, just in time to ensure a diaper-filled and sleepless first Father's Day for The Theory of Everythingactor. According to E! News, the couple announced they were expecting back in December 2015, almost exactly one year after the couple was married in a private ceremony in England.

Redmayne shared his nervousness and excitement for becoming a dad with Giuliana Rancic at this year's SAG awards. "We have this sort of dream of like wooden toys, and all that, and everyone's like, 'Yeah you always start off like that, but you end up with like iPhones!'"

Well, now you know that Lincoln Logs must have been a popular gift for the baby shower.

Better start up a family plan.

Bagshawe and Redmayne, being the classy couple they are, gave their new daughter a pretty classic name: Iris Mary Redmayne. It kind kind of sounds like one of your Mom's friends.

Congrats to that baby for having a really good actor for a dad—enjoy your new iPhone!

Article 144

Here's why you should investigate if your kid and dog are suspiciously quiet for an hour.


Kate Foster (@ginandwriting on Twitter), a writer and mom from Somerset, UK, tweeted a pretty compelling argument for not leaving your child alone with your dog for any extended period of time, unless you want your dog to be princess-ed.

On Monday, Foster tweeted: "When your child and your dog disappear upstairs for an hour, you should totally be suspicious." She attached two pictures of her dog, who was suddenly sporting a lovely pink glitter pedicure (or pawdicure, if you will).

It could definitely be worse. The nail polish was applied neatly and the color suits the dog very nicely.

Removal might be a bit of a pain, but then again, the dog seems very patient. No word on how much that job tips, though.

Muslim woman schools racist British guy who doesn't know where he is.


Tom Bradbury was riding public transportation in the country of Wales when he apparently eavesdropped on an exchange between a man and a woman. Bradbury took their conversation to Facebook, where it's received lots of attention because, as he says, it was "the most perfect thing."

The most perfect thing I have ever seen just happened on the replacement train bus service between Newport and Cwmbran:

White man sat in front of a mother and her son. Mother was wearing a niqab. After about 5 minutes of the mother talking to her son in another language the man, for whatever reason, feels the need to tell the woman "When you're in the UK you should really be speaking English."

At which point, an old woman in front of him turns around and says, "She's in Wales. And she's speaking Welsh."


(A niqab is a veil that covers all of the face except for the eyes.)

Bradbury spoke to BBC Newsbeat and confirmed that this happened. "It made the few of us in the surrounding seats laugh," he said, "and the guy seemed to shrivel up a little bit and mumble something to himself, but stayed quiet afterwards."

If you haven't had the pleasure of hearing Welsh spoken, here's Iwan Rheon (aka Ramsay Bolton) speaking his native tongue. The subtitles are not accurate.

While Rheon seems to do a great job of saying things in Welsh, not that many people in Wales would be able to understand him. According to a study from 2014, only about 11 percent of people in Wales are fluent in the language. That comes out to about 310,600 people. Besides the fluent people, 23 percent of the population has some grasp on the language. That's more or less the same percentage of people who remember anything from language classes in high school.

The man who didn't realize he was in Wales, obviously, isn't a fan of foreign languages (or domestic ones).

New mom Storm-Manea Ellyatt encourages other moms to be honest about their struggle in viral #NoJudgementClub post.


Storm-Manea Ellyatt​, who has been a mom for five months, has called out the social media conspiracy positing that motherhood is perfect and easy.

The Australian mom let it all out in a Facebook post that's resonating with other moms who also feel pressured by the perfect images populating their Instagram feeds.

A letter to my people ‪#‎nojudgementclub‬

It feels like a sick joke you never quite understood until this moment. All those cute bonds ads, miniature Nike shoes, adorable baby shower gifts, baby spam on instagram, squad dates with your mum posse and those god damn laceylaners lied to me. Not once did I see an ad with a mum locked in her cupboard crying in her leaked stained pjs from 3 days ago, covered in sweat and vomit, praying to every god imaginable for the strength and patience to go back to the shitshow that is now their life. The once calm, poised, patient goddess, who could sling cocktials, swear with sailors and dance uninhibited until tomorrow afternoon, can bearly hold a conversation, hold her eyes open or the tears back from this new found “bliss.”

And the irony, oh the irony that everyone hates it at one point or another but you have to remember that hating it out loud is a kick in the face to everyone that would give everything for a moment of “hating it.” So you post the photo, you cliché the fuck out of your status because your hashtag loving it hashtag mumlife hashtag soblessed and when people ask you, you say with all the vigour of 2 hrs sleep “its honestly the most amazing thing that’s ever happened to me,” and when there’s no cameras, no people and no judgement you let out the loudest FUUUCKKK YOOOOUUUU known to man, although it’s under your breathe, or screamed into a pillow, or yelled from the foetal position of your cupboard because your little ones finally asleep. So we somehow pick our shattered self off the floor, trying to piece together a resemblance of a person and do it all again.

Cheers all you amazing parents that dust yourselves off and do it again, with the smile of a thousand curse words, shattered souls and hopefully a strong coffee or wine in hand. Your my people x o x

Ellyatt's "people" responded vigorously.

The success of her post has prompted Ellyatt to start a blog (Storms Sanctuary) and Facebook account where she's continued to share the messy reality of parenthood.

Stretch marks? She's got those.

An Ode To Stretchmarks

I trace my stretchmarks now with tenderness, like a dear old friends embrace after a long hiatus. Once angry and red, hard to love and accept are now soft and familiar, like laugh lines or wrinkles from lots of love and sun. No, they don't feel like they once did and won't ever again but now I have a road map of Kaiser that will never leave me.

I stroke my stretchmarks and feel home. His home. Although being pregnant feels endless it was for a brief moment. In that brief moment I was his home. So I lovingly trace my stretchmarks and feel him home, the miracle of skin stretching to build his house, I feel the brief moment where his heart beat in mine, I feel him growing strong, my life to his.
So now my dear old friend stretchmarks, I will love and cherish you as hard as it may be. For only a fleeting moment this was his home, and as he grows and leaves to find his life, his home with new friends, maybe even a family, I will have you old friend as a beautiful reminder of his first home, just him and I.
Happy Monday feels Xx

Drinking?​ Ellyat does that.


When you’re younger, you drink to have fun. You drink at parties, you drink to celebrate, commiserate, cry with a pack of friends after a break up, you get my drift. Yes, we Australians have a problematic drinking culture, but my late teens to early-twenty memories of drinking is a blur of clubs, pubs, parties, boys, festivals, girl dates and all round glorious tom foolery.
I, pre-motherhood, had those days where I “needed” a drink. You know, fight with your boyfriend, shit day at work, just any excuse for a shindig. Now that I’m a mum, I never NEEDED a drink so fucking badly in my life. *pause for judgement that this mum is an alcoholic but you wouldn’t because we don’t pass judgement here do we*

The first two months were the worst. It was the sleep deprivation, the fact that you’ve been pregnant for nine months, abstaining from the things you loved the most; cheese, sushi, fitting into clothes, brunch and mimosas, but now you HAVE the baby you have to LOOK AFTER the baby and. So that life you thought was coming back…..non-existent. I craved a wine, I craved a whiskey, I craved the stiffest, strongest straight metho-kind of drink known to man. When I started expressing and storing my milk, I was straight to wine. At first just a sneaky wine at the end of the night before dads turn to feed. AARRRGGHH I felt like a human, even though there were no friends, I looked like a tired mess, was in my PJs and it was 11pm on a school night I felt like a queen. Then…..…a glass wasn’t enough.
A glass, turns into a bottle, turns into I’m only drinking hard liquor. So instead of wine we bought whiskey. My husband and I at the end of the night would have a night cap. Straight, strong with three ice cubes. That was enough, enough to wind down, enough to feel like humans and enough to take the edge off. Only one drink, that was our little ritual and I loved our adult time.

This goes on and our one drink ritual becomes all I look forward to in the day. When we have a shit day I think, when the fuck is it whiskey o’clock. When hubby was at work I’d count the hours until he’s home like we all do to have a break and be so excited for drink time. I would resent the fact that I had to express like a cow just for dad to give me a break, I would resent having to express all day JUST so I could have that one drink and I started resenting the fact that I could only have one.
So time goes by and I realise there is always alcohol in this house. I wouldn’t have to express so much if I didn’t want to drink so bad AND I am not coping. I am looking for something external to fix this internal mess. I stopped drinking all together. Then it was food. I wanted chocolate. After a particularly hard day with bub I would ask hubby to bring home chocolate. Fast forward a little and we’re having dessert every night.

It’s a bitch of a thing. We all have our vices, we all need to make it through whatever hard time we’re facing baby or not. There may be one period or another that you lean on something a little too much. Food, Trash TV, Alcohol, Drugs (alcohol is a drug but hey) even Exercise. We’ve been told our whole lives, everything in moderation. Well moderation goes out the window when you’ve got a newborn and you’re clutching at anything to cope. The hormones, the no-sleep thing, the breastfeeding, your aching post pregnancy body, the fact that you created this little miracle with
your loving partner but now YOU can only feed him, and most likely YOU care for him and now you HATE your partner, the loneliness, the lack of personal space, the cries you don’t yet understand and the leaking breasts ALL contribute to mum-aholic-ism.
We all have our ism, and you know what…. WE ARE STILL AMAZING! I realised I couldn’t cope without my ism and I made changes. This will sound corny, but I started to write again. I wrote and I cried. I cried and I called a queen who of course gave no judgement, only lots of love and shared their shared dose of reality. I talked to my partner and started giving myself nights off quite early. I went out with the girls, or took myself to a coffee shop (yes coffee was an ism for a while) or simply went for a walk. The problem isn’t our isms, (and if your ism has got the best of you get help queenie, you’re stronger for admitting you need it) it is the unknowable life of a parent. It is the lack of “real-talk” baby classes, that teach you how to change a nappy, but not that changing a nappy could cause world war three as they arch their back in defiance and pee in your eye or vomit on the only dress that hides post baby bulge before your first night out baby-free! The ism can be beaten, but your ability to cope and soldier on is what needs attention.

So let’s all check our judgement at the door the next time a parent admits to smashing a bottle of wine to cope. You’re my people, the ones honest enough to say MAN DOWN OVER HERE. You need a tribe, a group of supportive, loving warriors that will be there with either another bottle, bucket or tissue. You need a god damn trophy for surviving, a fist bump for being so strong because there’s only so many ‘I can do this’ rocking back and forth one person can take. Share your struggles, maybe instead of smashing a bottle alone, call a queen, have a glass and laugh away your troubles. Don’t cope alone, don’t feel ashamed for not coping, don’t let the “you sound like a whinger,” or the “don’t be so vain,” because you’d die for a shower get you down. If this 15 minutes of fame has taught me ANYTHING, it’s that there most certainly is a ‪#‎nojudgementclub‬ out there just waiting for you. If you haven’t found one, I’m right here.

Feeling bad about having dropped your baby that one time? Eh, you're not the only parent to have done that.

Kai was fiiiine.

Article 140

Tom DeLonge quit Blink-182 because UFOs.


When Tom DeLonge announced that he would not be joining seminal pop-punk band Blink-182 for their upcoming tour or new album, fans were crushed. When he announced the reason was because he needed more time to focus on UFOs, fans were confused.

In a recent interview with Mic, DeLonge explained that he simply would not have enough time to focus on UFOs and the threat they pose to the nation if he had decided to commit to touring with Blink.

Well it's not so much about Blink. It's about what I'm doing with my life now. When you're an individual like me, dealing with something that's a national security issue, and you're being gifted with the opportunity to communicate something you've been passionate about your whole life — something that has the opportunity to change the world over time — being a small part of that is enormously important for my life path.

But I can't do everything. I can't tour nine months out of the year with enough time to do the enormity of what I'm setting out to do.

DeLonge's extraterrestrial obsession is nothing new. Remember the song "Aliens Exist" from Blink-182's 1999 album Enema of the State? We should have known that aliens would be the thing that broke up the defining pop-punk band.

While DeLonge focuses on writing books exposing truths about alien life, Blink-182 decided to move forward without 1/3 of their veteran members, replacing DeLonge with Matt Skiba (formally of Alkaline Trio) for their new album California, coming out July 1st.

You can read DeLonge's entire interview with Mic here, where he also discusses the importance of colonizing Mars and wanting to visit Europa, one of Jupiter's moons.

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