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Here is photographic proof that Jared Leto's fashion dreams came true on the red carpet.


The reviews for Suicide Squad may be brutal, and Jimmy Fallon may be terrified of him now, but eagle-eyed Jared Leto fans realized that the premiere was the culmination of a personal journey that was much more special than any movie. This is a story, told in three pictures, of Jared Leto the fashion enthusiast getting exactly what he wanted: to look like an emerald schoolboy.

Congratulations, Jared! You may be the worst Joker, but you're the best mint-flavored Oliver out there.


People shared their hilariously disgusting and degrading summer job horror stories.


All adult world jobs are horrible. But they're not as horrible as those underpaid summer jobs we all worked when we were in high school and college because we were young, unskilled, uneducated, and desperate for cash. (They almost universally involved angry people screaming, unbearable temperatures, and being sticky at the end of the day.) People on Reddit weighed in about the worst summer jobs they ever had.

1. A user named p1tch was the weeder in the onion fields, which sounds like the name of a Pulitzer Prize-winning novel.

My worst summer job lasted for a total of 5 days. I was a "weeder" for onion fields since the weed killer they used ended up killing the onions too. It was in the dead of summer, in Nova Scotia and the temperatures usually went between 20-30 degrees throughout the days I worked.

2. According to this now deleted account, the only thing worse than attending a summer festival is working at one.

Cleaning up after T in the Park (music festival) was pretty disgusting. Used toilet paper, untold number of bottles of piss, condoms and the like. Plus a bunch of idiots working with me, which meant that we didn't finish in time, the festival bosses wouldn't pay the waste company, who then wouldn't pay me. So didn't get paid until after many many letters, the death of the owner and the company getting put into liquidation.

3. This deleted user had quite the choice to make: burn from the heat or burn from the chemicals.

Sealing driveways was pretty brutal. mornings weren't bad, but once the driveway, black truck with black tank, and black sealer heated up, it was a recipe for pain. Lot of sunburn and dehydration. I couldn't deal with the heat in jeans so I wore shorts. flecks of sealer as well as rocks from using a trimmer and leaf blower were all over my legs. The sealer could leave mild pink/red burns from just being hot or purple chemical burns from the vapors as it dried on a really hot day. Really kept me motivated to stay in school.

4. Cylinsier had a job where the only thing worse than being left alone was not being left alone.

Worked at a cell phone booth in a shit mall in a tiny deserted town. Came in on the first day, was haphazardly trained by the boss who only came in once a week, if that, and was told the other co-workers would train me more thoroughly. Came in next day, was told by co-workers, "just tell customers to go to a different booth." Co-workers left. Didn't come back for a month and half, but were still getting paid. I manned booth essentially alone for 6 weeks with no training, sold maybe 2 phones because I had no idea what I was doing, and basically had the most boring job in the world. Finally, corporate HQ guy shows up one day, fires everyone else for incompetence, then brings in real training. Real trainee proceeds to sell phones to people who she knows live outside the coverage area and will get no signal for that carrier, assuring them that they will get coverage, lying through her teeth. I quit.

5. Farkingbrain provides a disgusting lesson about what it's like to work in a pizza parlor, and is sorry for ruining pizza for you forever.

For me it was working at a pizza restaurant. I was one of few people who had already turned 18 so I was able to operate the dough mixer legally. I would work double shifts making pizza dough. Two different kinds morning and evening. After 6 weeks or so the oil that I elbow deep in all the time had permeated my skin and even my hair. When dirty my clothes weighed about 5 pounds more than they did clean. Almost all of it olive oil.

6. User hairycarry picked off every piece of gum you damn kids ever stuck underneath a school bus seat.

Cleaned the inside of elementary schools buses. 5 days a week, all summer before college.

Scraped gum, mopped, wiped all surfaces, the works. We had to be so thorough we basically only cleaned one bus a day.

It got hot as shit in those things and bees were a problem

7. User zbeg learned a universal truth on the job: if you're gonna sell meat door-to-door, you're probably gonna get shot at.

Door-to-door meat salesman. I drove a refrigerated truck and sold steaks and seafood in the Colorado summers. Commission only. I lasted three days until a guy pulled a gun on me and told me to get off his property (I did miss his "no soliciting" sign, so I guess to him that made it okay). I didn't make a sale, and therefore I made no money.

8. Rest easy knowing your pet food is free of excess fat, because big_treacle scraped most of it off the wall back at the pet food factory.

I had a week one summer holiday from university where I had to sweep up dust and scrape fat off the walls of an animal food factory.

It was a 7 story building with machinery on each level. The raw ingredients go in the top, and pellets come out the bottom. It was incredibly hot (unbearably so at the top) & smelt bad. I had to start at the top and sweep the inch deep dust all the way to the pits at the bottom. Inch thick fat spillages had to be scraped off the walls.

My boss was a man who couldn't speak & could gesture and sort of grunt 'commands'.

9. Betcha didn't even realize corn had a pervasive smell until this story from blaisetheginger guaranteed you'll never get that scent out of your head.

It was when I detasseled corn. People from the Midwest will know what that is, but basically you get up at zero dark thirty at the end of the summer after waiting for weeks for a call, put on pants and long sleeves, and walk through miles of corn pulling the tassels off the top to avoid pollination. It starts off cold, dark, and wet, then the sun comes up and dries off all the corn, but you're still wet, and the leaves scratch you up, the dirt and dust and pollen get everywhere, and the smell of corn never leaves, no matter how much you scrub and wash your clothes.

10. A friend of mattyb712 had to ask people if they were dead yet, which is basically the same as being a doctor.

A close friend of mine worked for a local energy department one summer. Apparently they keep a list of homes with individuals on life support systems, so that they know these homes get priority in case of outages and they know never to shut off their power without warning, even if bills go unpaid. A large part of my friend's job was to call these homes one by one and ask if the person on life support was dead yet... Many calls were ill-received.

11. This job from a deleted user is like every weird Florida news story.

My worst job ever? Has to be the summer between sophomore/junior year of college (age 20ish). I was working in a trailer park in South Florida as the maintenance man's bitch. I wasn't even the maintenance man, I was his "assistant". Working full days outside in 90-100 degree heat with ±80% humidity.

I have nothing against trailer parks or the people who live in them, but the neighborhood left a bit to be desired. Hey crack whores: I was a 20 year old kid in good shape, why the fuck would I want to pay to bang you? I was approached by some of the foulest creatures you can imagine.

This wasn't a particularly good area (North Fort Myers, FL) so my boss always kept a gun on him. I was always looking over my shoulder making sure noone is creeping up on me or trying to steal my bosses truck/tools. That might have been the worst part. You'd get lost in your work and zone out then start to panic because you let your guard down and someone might be creeping up on you.

Then there's the actual work. We weren't normal maintenance men. The owner of the park would buy trailers at auction for next to nothing. These things would be destroyed: holes in the floor, ripped out piping/wiring, missing appliances, missing toilets, missing everything not bolted on and a lot of stuff that was bolted on. Our job was to rebuild these fuckers. Fix the holes in the floor, repaint, etc in the nastiest fucking trailers you can imagine.

12. If this is a contest, Rebel_guy wins because his job involved multiple hepatitis shots.

I uses to climb inside septic tanks and shovel the shit into buckets because the shit tank wasn't working perfect that summer. I was 14. I also got hepatitis shots before and after that summer. I was given no hazmat suit or anything. I wore my waiters and jeans.

13. You could've stopped at "slime line," nikosey.

I worked the "slime line" in a fish processing plant in Seldovia, AK for a summer. Boat comes in, dudes pull fish off, chop off the heads, slice them open, and throw them on a conveyor belt. I and 9 others stand there on the conveyor belt below in wet gear holding spoons attached to hoses linked up to pipes overhead. Water sluices through the hoses and over the spoons. You grab a fish, scrape the spoon down the spine to remove blood and other junk, and throw it back on the belt. 12-15 hours a day.

14. Unidan was a masseuse. A manure masseuse. For science.

Over the summer, my lab partner and I worked probably the most miserable experiment in history.

We were investigating cows in a wetland and while she was doing plant work, I was doing soil work. We were testing to see how the cows affected plant communities and soil processes. As part of an experiment, I wanted to see how cows pooping in a wetland would fertilize the soil, change nutrients, etc, so we thought 'hey, we should do a few plots that get cow manure put on them!' A little gross, but fair.

What we didn't realize was that to adequately "apply" the manure, it would need to literally be massaged into the ground and put around every single blade of grass. So we gathered two 55 gallon drums of FRESH cow manure that we scraped up ourselves and drove with in the back of our SUV to a scorching hot wetland in the summer and massaged it in by hand.

15. Apparently everyone who ever lived in a college dorm used the same ineffective life hack, according to user wisdum.

I had a summer where I worked for the college I was attending and my job was to scrub the dorm walls, for minimum wage, 40 hours a week. Room by room, floor by floor. I washed off soooo much toothpaste. Also, fyi, peole are dumb and would patch holes in their white walls with odd colored toothpaste including blue aquafresh. It was the most horrible job ever. Just a wet rag and scrubbing walls.

16. BigJDizzleMaNizzles shows us that working at IKEA is as soul-killing as shopping there.

I worked as a greeter in the IKEA returns department one summer. People would come in spitting feathers. "This fucking billy bookcase has one beige panel and the rest are all black." "My kid lost all the screws and it's all your fault." "This 8'6" sideboard won't fit into my Nissan Micra. How dare you sell something that you can't transport home yourself?" all I could reply with was "Welcome to IKEA. Take a ticket. " and point at a little box with 1,2 &3 on it for missing parts, exchanges or refunds. I was a 17 year old kid. I didn't know shit about billy bookcases. Most mind numbing, painful job I have ever had. Plus side though, free meatballs.

17. User billyK_ came for the 43-cents-an-hour wage, and stayed for the temporary homelessness.

I was 15, worked at a summer camp. I worked there for 2 years.

We had about 800 campers a week, but the first 2 weeks of the summer were always overcrowded, cause people don't know how to count. The second year I was there, they over-booked by about 400 campers. So the higher ups told staff "..so...yeah, you guys are gonna need to clear out of the staff cabins for about 2 weeks, so we can have places for all these people" Where are we gonna stay?"Figure that out yourself; you need to be at staff formation at 7 AM every day." We bought hammocks at Wal-mart, and hung out in trees for a month.

Oh yeah, the work/pay. Because they never really considered you off the clock, as an emergency could happen at any time, we didn't have the best pay. Starting price for working was $60 a week. We averaged out about $0.43 an hour.

'Suicide Squad' apparently sent out a trailer with major photoshop on Margot Robbie's shorts.


Suicide Squad is set to premiere on Friday, and if you've seen any of the trailers, you'll notice that Harley Quinn's outfit of choice includes a teeny-tiny pair of "shorts" and some fishnet stockings. Practical. But according to Bleeding Cool, Margot Robbie's booty shorts may show more or less booty depending which trailer you are watching. Check it out.

Yep, in the international trailers, Harley's buns are mostly covered.

Look at all the male characters looking at her butt! This movie will be great.

And in the trailer that premiered at San Diego Comic Con, Harley's shorts were much, much shorter.

Also, her jacket says "Property of the Joker." This'll be awesome for women.

So Bleeding Cool has theorized that the folks at Warner Brothers had someone digitally lengthen the shorts for the international version. And look, just call a spade a spade. Even with the digital alterations, those are still not shorts. They're hardly even underwear.

This rendition of Harley Quinn is a far cry from the one you are probably familiar with, when Harley wore a full body Harlequin suit.

More practical for crime fighting, but less skin to gawk at.

Regardless, get ready to see a whole bunch of ass cheeks hanging out this Halloween. You will probably see more Harley Quinns and Jokers than you've seen since 2008 when The Dark Knight came out and DC movies were actually good.


5 super moms who'll inspire you to kick ass today.


Everyone knows being a mom is the toughest job out there. (Suck it, coal mining ice fishermen.) It's typical to feel overwhelmed, exhausted, and even like you're a bad mom sometimes. Everyone's trying to do it all, but guess what? You don't have to. Being a super mom is easier and more fun than you think. Let these 5 bad ass moms inspire you to crush it today, or at least make it through the afternoon without locking yourself in the closet eating Cheerios.

1. The pregnant mom who whips and nae naes with her daughter.

Super moms make time for fun. Even though Nikki Taylor was eight months pregnant, she still found time to go viral in a dance video with her 6-year-old daughter Jaylyn. Little Jaylyn's got moves that would put Beyonce to shame, but the cutest part might be her intro. "My mom is gonna rock it. But don't laugh at her!"

2. This mom who got some sleep, finally.

Super moms know they need rest to stay super. Proud papa Tony Emms wrote a very touching letter on Facebook to his sleeping fiancée​, a stay-at-home mom, praising her for all she does. That post has been shared over 17,000 times, because everyone knows even Superman is Clark Kent sometimes.

I sometimes don't give this woman the credit she is due, when I come from work she is always "tired" now it's me who has...

Posted by Tony Emms on Wednesday, January 27, 2016

3. The mom who makes multitasking look easy.

Super moms get stuff done. NFL player Antonio Cromartie's wife Terricka is a mother of five, including two-month-old twins. Terricka shared this Instagram of her breastfeeding and getting ready to go out without the kids for the first time. She makes it look easy, although everyone knows motherhood is anything but. Super moms need me-time too.

4. This mom who gave herself a grandchild.

Super moms will do anything for their kids, and I do mean anything. Sherri Dickson loved her daughter so much, she had a baby for her. The 51-year-old mother volunteered to act as a surrogate for her daughter Mandy Stephens when she found out she and her husband weren't able to have children naturally. That's a super mom and a super duper grandma.

This baby girl is blessed with some good genes.

5. The mom who went viral getting her 4 kids ready for bed.

Super moms make it work. It seems impossible to get four young kids ready for bed at the same time, but mom Corrie-Lynn Whyte pulls it off every night. When you see the video of Corrie wrangling triplets Olivia, Levi, and Jackson into their onesies while rambunctious older sister Emily goes buck wild jumping on the bed, it's kind of hilarious and downright impressive.

Mom vs Triplets + Toddler!A must watch!

You got this!

The internet agrees: guy who dyed his dog to look like Pikachu is a monster.


This whole Pokémon obsession has officially gone too far. Twitter user Elihudi Urassa uploaded this clip he found of a Pomeranian dyed to look like Pikachu, and it is semi-horrifying.

Although it is not clear who the dog's owners actually are, they really went whole-hog with the neon yellow dye job, even giving the animal brown stripes and rosy red cheeks. The dog doesn't really seem to mind, but that's probably because its dog brain can't comprehend how stupid it looks.

Although some people were fans of the dye-job, most of Twitter hated it.

Many users were concerned about the dye being harmful dog, but there are pet-friendly dyesavailable. If the owners in question used one of them, it should be completely non-toxic. Still, PETA doesn't endorse dyeing a companion animal in case it adds any unnecessary stress or causes an allergic reaction.

Even if the "Pupachu" is likely healthy, and seems pretty happy—it just looks ridiculous.

Rihanna pulls miracle in stiletto heels while fans have collective heart attack.


Rihanna was in Paris as part of her ANTI world tour, and was seen strolling around the city, just blending in, you know, how she does. Of course, a big part of traveling comfortably is a pair of sensible walking shoes, and since this is Rihanna, those shoes were silver stiletto high heels.

#PARIS we outchea!!! Tonight I'm all yours baby!!! Anti.World.Tour.

A photo posted by badgalriri (@badgalriri) on

As if walking in these high heels didn't seem dangerous enough on solid ground, Rihanna decided to traipse over a metal grate in them, and BECAUSE SHE IS MAGIC, she avoided getting her heels caught in the grate's tiny, almost perfectly stiletto-sized holes.

Rihanna: "Ain't no thang."

Rihanna and the grate apparently have a deal wherein she deigns to place her ridiculously perfect feet on it, and in return, it supports her without ever once letting her heels get trapped in one of its "high heel booby trap" holes.


People on Twitter collectively shared their Rihanna worship, grate anxiety, and general feelings about how close she was to breaking a heel/totally eating it.

If she did fall, falling would be the newest trend in a heartbeat.

The 18 thirstiest tweets about Orlando Bloom's naked paddleboarding pics.


Orlando Bloom (also known as Legolas, Will Turner, and Mr. Katy Perry) recently went paddle boarding in Italy and seems to have forgotten to wear swim trunks. The result? The world got a glimpse at his elephant trunk, and the internet is thirsting hard. God bless shadows.



















Clint Eastwood says this 'pu**y generation' should just 'get over' Trump's racism.


In an interview with Esquire this month, 86-year-old actor Clint Eastwood said that the U.S. is currently in a "pussy generation" and that Donald Trump's "onto something, because secretly everybody's getting tired of political correctness." Man, not being racist is such an inconvenience for some folks.

When it comes to Trump saying blatantly racist things, Eastwood wishes that everyone would "Just fucking get over it. It's a sad time in history." At least this time he wasn't talking to an empty chair.

"Are you comfortable? Can I get you anything?"

Eastwood explained, "We see people accusing people of being racist and all kinds of stuff. When I grew up, those things weren’t called racist." Reminder: when Eastwood grew up, segregation was still legal. So let's maybe not look back 70 or 80 years to inform our current beliefs.

15 Hillary Clinton GIFs that feel like the moment the acid kicks in.


Hillary Clinton's expressive face, or calculated attempts at human emotions, have an uncanny ability to reflect what it's like to suddenly enter an altered state. While an extremely unlikely source, when it comes to chillin' with the help of chemicals, Hillary is you as hell.

1. When it takes you by surprise.

2. When you're feeling smooth.

3. When you're watching the paint move.

4. When you get into the rhythm.

5. When you feel a connection to someone new.

6. When you feel one with the world.

7. When you pretend to your parents that everything's fine.

8. When you can't help but laugh.

9. When you start to hear things in music that never occurred to you before.

10. When you consider that we are all one human united on this astral plane.

11. When you remember what a gift it is to be alive.

12. When you're trying to stay calm.

13. When you're coming down.

14. When the journey is over and you're depressed that you have to confront reality again.

15. When you recall the memory of what it felt like to be flying.

Your kids' elementary school may be getting its very own Satan Club.


On Tuesday, the Satanic Temple announced it will hope to offer after school Satan clubs in elementary schools in nine states as an alternative to other after school religious programs. They're hoping to rent space in public elementary schools to protest groups run by the Child Evangelism Fellowship, whose clubs have been able to hold meetings in public schools since winning a 2001 Supreme Court case.

Here's the official promo video from the Satanic Temple:

There won't be any animal sacrifices or pagan worship.

Rather, the clubs will have kids learn about art, science, philosophy, and culture. Lucien Grieves, the co-founder of the Satanic Temple, told the New York Post that they're sponsoring the clubs to prove that when a Supreme Court victory protects one religion, it protects them all:

Evangelical after-school clubs created a need for us to be there. They’re sending children the message that they’ll burn in hell or be tortured for eternity. But this [program] teaches kids you can embrace the iconography of Satan and still lead a moral life.

The clubs would be offered in several major U.S. cities, a few of which were probably chosen with the intent of proving their point about religious programs: Salt Lake City, Springfield, MO, and Atlanta.

Additional cities include Los Angeles, Pensacola, FL, Portland, OR, Seattle, Tucson, and Washington D.C.

Facebook comments about the story in Atlanta included some tolerant support:

While others expressed fear and concern:

Only time will tell how many parents have the courage to send their kids to an after-school program associated with the Left-Hand Path.

Woman captures breathtaking photo of extremely rare 'dildo duck.'


A woman in Mandurah, Australia recently thought she'd spotted a black duck sunning itself on a grassy area near a lake. She posted this photo of it to a popular Perth Facebook page, according to WA News.

Ah, behold the beauty of nature. Witness the majesty of the animal kingdom. Wait a minute. Why isn't that duck moving?

Oh, because it's not a duck. Turns out the object this woman thought was one of God's beautiful creatures is in fact, a giant dildo.

There are just so many unanswered questions here. Why would someone leave a sex toy next to a lake? Do they even realize it's missing? And why won't this dildo eat any of the stale bread getting thrown at it?

Guess this is just another one of life's greatest mysteries.

Chloë Grace Moretz explains the one downside to dating Brooklyn Beckham.


Chloë Grace Moretz revealed to Glamour U.K. that there actually is a downside to dating young hottie Brookyln Beckham. Hollywood's teenage "it couple" have been together since April of this year, and judging by the amount of lovey-dovey Instagrams posted from both parties, they seem to really like each other. However, there is one thing that Moretz just can't seem to get used to.

Hey @brooklynbeckham I like the way ya look at me, that's all :)

A photo posted by Chloe Grace Moretz (@chloegmoretz) on

"Seriously, you don't know how often I'm just described as 'his girlfriend.' And you think, 'Well, I've also been acting for 13 years, but don't worry.'"

Moretz, who has been acting since she was a small child,finds it irksome to be reduced to being some dude's arm candy, especially when her career is thriving.


A photo posted by Chloe Grace Moretz (@chloegmoretz) on

However, that doesn't stop Chloë from gushing about her boyfriend to the magazine.

"One of the reasons why dating him is great is that we both get what it means to have our lives twisted and torn apart and faked," says Chloë.

A.K.A, they definitely connect on the fact that they are both famous and probably can't walk down the street without people taking pictures of them. Ah, young (rich) love.

Britney Spears pranked Jimmy Kimmel in the middle of the night with a bedroom flash mob.


Britney Spears is promoting a new album, humbly titled "Glory," and started her promotional tour in the strangest of places: Jimmy Kimmel's bedroom. Spears bursted into Kimmel's place in the middle of the night in a crop top and fishnets (the producers got a hold of your little brother's dream journal) and hopped up on Kimmel's bed with her equally hot dancers.

Kimmel, with his mouthguard in, is very confused, and really misses his wife. How's that for a wake up call?

Britney Spears's "Glory": coming to a bedroom near you.

Jessica Simpson explains how her post-baby body made her a billionaire.


In the September edition of Women's Health, Jessica Simpson talks about how weight fluctuations throughout her own life helped make her clothing line a billion dollar enterprise. The mother of two says that she has now "been every size there is," which has helped inform and inspire her company's designs. Simply put, she knows women's bodies well because hers has changed throughout the years.

I know what looks good on a variety of body types. Every woman should feel like she can wear what the model is wearing down the runway.

Studio Vibin' 📸 @kristingram

A photo posted by Jessica Simpson (@jessicasimpson) on

She also says that while her body changes have been a boon to her business, there's a dark side to being in the spotlight: "Media scrutiny sucks," she says. "I can’t sit here and say I don’t notice it."

She says that while it's much harder to get to the gym as a mom, chasing and picking up two young kids provides plenty of exercise.

Before I was a mom, I was dancing on tables at clubs and that was my workout. Now I’m chasing kids. Your biceps curls are picking up your kids.

She still hits the treadmill when she can, and appreciates the mental benefit of exercise clearing her head. But it's quite an undertaking to run a company and have a family. Mo' money, mo' problems.

Article 30

Little girl gets surprised with a puppy and has a strangely adult freakout.


Children being surprised with puppies is the most adorable genre of viral video, combining the cuteness of kids with the cuteness of little furry creatures. When young Collette Francisco met her new Shiba Inu Wasabi for the first time, her reaction did not disappoint. She had the tears and the anxieties of a woman who has been hurt before, but is finally ready to love again.

It's the start of a beautiful friendship between her and Wasabi.

This video explains the historical reasons women's clothing sizes are total nonsense.


Good news, ladies! According to this video from Vox, ladies clothing sizes are totally bogus. So if you've ever have gotten so frustrated while shopping to the point of wanting to hurl your purse across the dressing room (and who hasn't, really?), don't blame yourself and your perfect body, you beautiful Earth angel. Blame the stupid fashion industry.

Yea, seeing that our whole sizing chart was initially based off the proportions of emaciated white ladies, it is no big surprise that the hundreds of millions of women who don't fit that description have a hard time shopping for clothes.

Raise your hand if you've ever had a dressing room meltdown.

In a world where women obsess over their weight and pant size, it is important to remember that women's sizing is a bunch of bull, just like juice cleanses and Nicholas Sparks novels.

Just go with something that makes you happy and make you look good, no matter what the dumb tag says.

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