Celebrate your heritage by driving some dummy out of business.
I'm a white guy whose great-grandparents took various boats over from Italy more than a century ago. My wife is a white woman who was born and raised in Bogota, Colombia before moving to New York City in her 30s. Our friend Jack is a white guy who was born in England in English parents, but spent 99 percent of his life living in Philadelphia. We spent most of March sitting around, considering our shared white person experience and discussing the common history of our ancestors. Because that's what one does during White History Month. White heritage is such fascinating and not-made-up-by-racists thing, isn't it?
At any rate, that seems to be the opinion of one Jimbo Boggess who hung the above sign in the window of his Flemington, NJ deli, only to find that many people were not thrilled by the idea of spending their money to support the concept of white heritage. In fact, he lost so much business that he had to close up shop. So now he's reaching out to you, the good people of the Internet, to get him back on his feet. And he's doing it with a GoFundMe page:
"It was only supposed to be a white thing but people read more into it than that," Boggess explains on the page. "I have become heavily in debt and getting shut off notices from everywhere for both business and home. I don't think I deserve this just because I wanted to be proud of being white and be able to celebrate my heritage like everyone else does."
The total donations have actually gone up a tad since I took that screen shot, because there are apparently no shortage of people on the Internet willing to spend their hard-earned money in the support of bigotry. Though, it's interesting to note that this is still waaaaaay below the $842,442 that have to date been donated to the anti-gay pizzeria in Indiana. I suppose that homophobia is more fashionable that racism these days.
If you look through the donors, you might notice a few faces that don't seem like they'd belong to people who support the celebration of white heritage:
For reasons that we can only speculate upon, the comments have recently been disabled on the page. But a little Internet digging turns up the words that were originally given along with these $30:
"I hope it helps you to enlighten yourself on the very people you feel you need to compete with for no other reason than you're a spoiled entitled brat." —Shannelle Robinson
"As a biracial woman, I know white isn't a nationality. I also know that history is pretty much white washed, if you said Polish history month, I think no one would have bat an eye. You made a huge mistake… And you know what I will give you some money because humans struggle, humans make mistakes!" —Marie Simmons
These comments seemed to me like they should be saved for posterity. Can't imagine why they vanished in the first place.