This man who catcalls women during a report about catcalling is perfectly horrible.
Timing is everything, especially when it comes to demeaning women in public. This man's timing was spot-on when he attempted to catcall women while being interviewed about catcalling. The reporter was talking to people about the anti-catcalling signs popping up in NYC, a campaign started by Feminist Apparel, and stumbled upon a misogynist goldmine. This guy is fiercely pro-catcalling. Here are his tips for ways to terrify women on the street:
1. Whistle.
2. Click your tongue.
3. Treat women like dogs.
4. Catcall from far away so women don't get scared.
5. Wear clothing with the Playboy logo.
What a clueless nightmare of a man. He's the guy who gets called into HR for sexual harassment and legitimately has no idea why. Maybe after Batman fights Superman he can take down this idiot. I'd watch that movie trailer more times than I've watched this trailer.