Earlier this week Ricky Gervais tweeted a disturbing photo of a hunter and dead giraffe and he's got more to say about it.
This Tofu & Rice was old and sad and wanted me to kill it. Now I will eat it. pic.twitter.com/5vsstpUZaL
— Ricky Gervais (@rickygervais) April 16, 2015
Ricky Gervais posed with his next meal, mocking the original photo he posted of Rebecca Francis lying next to the giraffe she had just killed. Rebecca's photo was upsetting to anyone who isn't a hunter who smiles next to dead animals. She's been receiving death threats and has no intention of changing her lifestyle, yet Ricky Gervais continues to single her out in his twitter feed.
Although looking at images of this woman's hunting trophies makes me want to schedule a meeting with myself called "Crying Time," part of me wants Mr. Gervais to lay off Rebecca Francis. He's made his feelings about her clear, and it's starting to feel like bullying.
His twitter feed is full of anti-hunting and anti-poaching links, and hopefully his passionate support of this issue won't include targeting humans the way hunters target their prey.
I received death threats over a stupid comedy video, so you can imagine the horrible threats this woman is receiving for proudly killing animals. Can't we all just get along? Humans with animals, and humans with each other? Is it noon yet? Because I need a drink.