"Foggy 'The Mountain That Rides' Breakdown."
On this week's episode, we get our first real look at Dorne. I feel like I've been waiting for this about as long as Dornish Prince Oberyn Martell had been waiting to exact revenge upon the Lannisters for what they did to his sister Elsa and her kids. Hopefully, I'll get better satisfaction than than he did (though, I do not rule out the possibility of gouging my own eyes out if HBO messes it up to badly).
Anyway, in honor of this momentous occasion, here's the Samurai Guitarist's recursive bluegrass cover of the show's theme song, because I figure that if they're gonna listen to bluegrass music anywhere, it'll be in the hot and steamy climate of Dorne, the southernmost region of Westeros.
(Actually, the Reach is probably a better candidate for bluegrass appreciation, since they seem a bit more American South than Dorne. But I don't really care about the Reach all that much, so I'm just going with Dorne on this one. My sincere apologies for any psychological damage I may have caused with my assumptions.)