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Woman asks if she was wrong to stay at her sister's wedding after her husband was kicked out.

Talking about money at someone's wedding, unless it's to give a generous gift to the couple, is usually looked down upon...

Comparing the cost of your own wedding to an estimation of the flowers, catering, venue, and bar of the wedding you're currently at is rude and speculating about why a couple is getting married is even more cringe-worthy. If you're not going to a wedding to support and celebrate the couple, then you should probably just stay home. Any conversation that could offend someone (especially the people paying for the wedding, or the couple getting married) should just be saved for a snarky text to a faraway friend if you must, but definitely not for the dinner table.

Sure, we're all well aware that the wedding of a 21-year-old cocktail server marrying a 90-year-old real estate billionaire is probably not out of pure and true love, but if you're invited to the wedding, are you going to bring it up money every five seconds? Probably, but you could at least have the decency to whisper and save the observational comedy routine about sugar daddies for brunch the next day...

So, when a woman decided to consult the internet's moral compass also known as Reddit's "Am I the As*hole" about her husband's snide comments about finances at her sister's wedding, people were quick to offer advice.

AITA (Am I the as*hole) for not going home with my husband after my sister kicked him out of her wedding?

My (F26) sister (F24) got engaged to her husband (M36) a few months ago. He's from out of town and he's well off (rich) he has several properties and drives a dodge. He's very generous and respectful. He treats the family with so much respect

One thing I noticed was my husband constantly making comments about him and how he ended up with our family since he's well off (I took this as an offense) and brought up the age gap between my sister and her fiancè in front of my parents. And asked my parents if they were okay with it.

I got mad at him for behaving like this and resenting my brother in law for no reason. Their wedding was two days ago. My sister was so excited and nervous she's never experienced this before and was stressing about what might go wrong.

When we got our invitation my husband threw a fit that his family didn't get an invitation, and how we were treating them like second-class citizens compared to the groom's family (who paid for the wedding) and that my parents already started playing favorites and treating their new son-in-law like he was a "big deal" in his words.

We fixed this issue and it was a misunderstanding. My husband's parents ended up apologizing for not being able to attend but sister-in-law came.

At the wedding, my husband was sitting with some family members making comments about the groom's suit and his "bad" taste and how he could've done better. I told him to knock it off as the others gave us looks.

Later, my family was gathered before dinner. Most of the guests were with the groom while my sister was talking to her husband's family nearby. My husband started talking again, making comments about the cars the groom's family came with. He was telling this to my mom and I told him to stop it. He lashed out at me and said that "he was sorry he was the only one not ignoring the fact that my sister was marrying him for his money".

I was stunned and I knew people heard that, because everyone was quiet after this. A few seconds of awkwardness and my dad invited everyone to have dinner. My sister came over to us and started berating my husband, saying what he said was awful and inappropriate and that her in-laws heard his awful comment. She ended up telling him to leave. He argued with her, and wanted me to leave with him, but I refused and said I wanted to stay with my parents after the awful things he said. I was so mad I told him to leave before I start yelling at him.

I went to stay with my parents for two days now and he's so upset that I refused to return home with him. He tried to apologize and asked if I could tell my family he was sorry. I haven't replied and I'm still so mad. My sister isn't talking to me, telling me my husband ruined her day even though I told him to stop. I wanna apologize to her, but I don't wanna pressure her.

Here's what the jury of internet strangers had to say:

normally I roll my eyes when people say their wedding was ruined because it's usually over something dumb like the cake being vanilla instead of vanilla bean.....but really your husband ruined her wedding and embarrassed the f*ck out of himself, and as an extension, embarrassed you. - breatheawayfromme

you’re NTA (Not the As*hole) but your husband definitely is. it sounds as if he’s jealous that he’s not the only son in law being doted on. he needs to check his ego, reevaluate his behavior and then man up and SINCERELY apologize. you should not have to apologize on his behalf for his gross behavior. your sister is understandably upset and it will probably take some space and time for her to grasp the situation, but she shouldn’t be upset with you. his comments were horrible especially in front of his in laws and that is something she is going to have to deal with. stick with your family until your husband can genuinely apologize to not only you and your sister, but your family and her new in laws as well. - PrincessPenelopesMom

What the hell is he doing? This man's self esteem is so low he tries to raise it by putting others down. His attitude is terrible and I'd actually go as far as to reconsider if you actually want to stay married with this man. He's petty and he's acting like a child. - Tortillasaurus

NTA but why are you even together? This isn't mildly annoying, he is an actual jerk. - amhran_oiche

Your husband needs to man up and apologize to your parents, your sister, and your sister's husband, but not through you. He needs to do it himself. Because unless it comes directly from him, folks will think it really came from you if you deliver the apology. And he needs to apologize to you. - YoshTack

your husband needs to grow up, maybe this will set him straight - FarfetchdSid

It must be so exhausting for your husband to harbor so much jealousy and bitterness, and more exhausting for you to having to deal with him. - deafndepressed

So, there you have it!

Everyone agreed that her husband was totally in the wrong for this, and she can stay away as long as she needs for him to apologize to her family for ruining such a special and memorable day. He needs to deal with his insecurities in a healthier way! Good luck, everyone!

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