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People share sex ed horror stories that'll send you cringing back to middle school.


Oh, sex ed: there's no way for it not to be at least a little awkward. Sex is one of the most crucial courses that kids take in school: full of practical knowledge that they'll use for the rest of their lives. And if the sex ed they're getting is over the 'abstinence-only' variety, they'll use it for the rest of their kids' lives.

A recent Reddit thread called for stories about the"weird shit" that went down in during sex ed, and damn: from overly demonstrative teachers to remarkably inventive metaphors, these are the best ones.

1. IsThisNameTakenHmm's story will go down in history.

Someone asked about giving a girl a blowjob and how it works. Kid behind me says, "it's like eating a hamburger sideways."

No work was done for the rest of class.

2. TheSexiestOffender (oy, what a name) shared a lot of slang.

Our teacher instructed us to write as many sexual words and/or phrases that kids our age use everyday. He left the room while we did and came back to a whiteboard with very little white left.

3. Courtesy counts, as Bryguy924 learned.

I remember a dude asking if you can piss in a vagina, and then the teacher having to explain how that wasn't very courteous (which he really couldn't understand)

4. Exodiafinder687 has seen the future.

A kid in our class once asked whether or not a baby born from a woman giving a man a blowjob and then spitting it into another woman's vagina would have the DNA of all 3 of them.

 sex ed GIF

5. Whyevenbotherbeing bothered being savage.

Every time we had the sex-ed nurse in for a class she would put out a box for anonymous questions. No question would she leave unanswered. We had her in every year from grade 7 through 11. Every year the questions got ranker and ranker. The last year the poor woman is explaining bukkake and Cleveland Steamers and water sports. We were not gentle children.

6. CosmicLad could pitch this as a porno.

The "guest" teacher was hot. At the very start of the class she looked at us and said "alright then" - then started taking her top off

Me and all my friends looked at each other, gasping!

Turns out she was just warm and took her jumper off.

No tits

7. Cobysev's teacher got a bit too honest.

In 8th grade health class, during the sex ed portion, the teacher put out an anonymous box for us to drop questions in and she would read them aloud at the end of class and answer them for us.

One day, she pulls out a question and reads, "What does sperm taste like?" She thought for a second, then said, "I guess it's kind of salty."

Our class gasped and started murmuring/giggling before she pointed out that most body fluids are salty, which is why she theorized that sperm would be salty as well. Nice save, Teach.

8. BlumpkinPumpkin10 knows what you need after you eat the "sideways hamburger."

Somebody asked "what is a condom" anonymously and my friend very eagerly answered "ketchup and mustard".

9. ChainsawJane can hold her fist high proudly.

My teacher shoved her fist/arm in a condom to demonstrate that they expand a great deal. She exclaimed, "ladies! If he can't fit in this, you don't want him inside you."

Edit: just wanted to point out.... this imagery has very much stuck with me... so maybe she did a good job? Haha

10. ThePastyPrince said it loud and proud.

Our super hot teacher had us scream the body parts of each body so that it wouldn't be weird to us.

I always wondered what the class next to us was thinking when they would hear kids yell "PENIS! VAGINA!"

11. High five, JasonPlatz.

My teacher said straight-faced that if you touch yourself you naturally grow hair on your palms. Just about everyone looked, and we all laughed. Looking back now, if I heard a teacher say that in a class of 12-year-olds I would be pretty suspect.

12. DeepFriedPotatos has a trilogy of crazy tales.

A few interesting things.

  1. Kid in my class asked the teacher how animals had sex. She explained that it was similar to doggy style. She then proceeded to climb on top of the table, get on all fours and point to her butt and say "if I'm positioned like this, my vagina is now back here"

  2. We watched the baby birth video, teacher then rewinded the video without turning off the tv and we got to see a baby shoot back into the ladies vagina at lightning speed

  3. We had one very 'experienced' girl that said the birth video (that was probably made in the 70s) was fake because "no girl would let her pussy be that hairy, men like it clean"

I recycle everything including my relationships.

Fashion blogger has a cheeky way of showing internet trolls what she thinks of them.


This is Italian fashion blogger Chiara Nasti.

My new doll by @lecarose_pink_mood #lecarose 💞

A post shared by Chiara Nasti (@nastilove) on

into my eyes

A post shared by Chiara Nasti (@nastilove) on

She's got a pretty big following, with a popular blog and over a million followers on Twitter and Instagram. Unfortunately, with that big of an audience, you're going to get the occasional troll leaving nasty comments on your social media accounts. Luckily, Nasti has found the perfect way to show those haters what she thinks of them.

Pulirsi in modo decente 💩 #forhaters

A post shared by Chiara Nasti (@nastilove) on

Yup. She printed all the negative comments she's gotten on a roll of toilet paper. Her caption translates to "Clean yourself with decency" in English. (With the poop emoji thrown in for good measure.)

Honestly, toilet paper is the only good use for mean internet comments.

Twitter is dragging this 'Daily Mail' cover story that's so sexist it doesn't even make sense.


Last night I dreamt that sexism was dead and I was dancing at its funeral. Then today, popular British tabloid the Daily Mail published this cover story and photo about "Brexit" that is mostly about the British Prime Minister and Scottish First Minister's legs:

"We may be politicians, but don't forget we are also sexual objects intended for your enjoyment, males!"

"Never mind Brex-it, who won Legs-it!" reads the headline, next to a photo of British Prime Minister Theresa May and Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon with their bare legs displayed. Because sure, they may presiding over policies that could impact the entire world, but THEM STEMS THO?!!! Am I right??? Bow chicka wow wowwwww!

It's sexist. It's tasteless. AND it doesn't even make sense. "Who won Legs-it?" What?? Is there a competition? What do their legs have to do with the UK withdrawing from the EU?

I'm angry AND confused. Nice work, the Daily Mail!

Apparently the article itself, a column by Sarah Vine, includes the headline "Finest weapons at their command? Those pins!" and at one point describes Sturgeon’s legs as "altogether more flirty, tantalisingly crossed … a direct attempt at seduction," the Guardian reports.

The story has sparked a huge backlash on Twitter, and people are not amused.

"This is why I march," wrote one woman. Another pointed out, "The @DailyMailUK sends clear message to every little girl: even if you become PM, we'll still only care about your bloody legs."

Others have been hilariously dragging the offensive cover:

A few people took matters into their own hands:

But this jab is my favorite:

Prime Minister Theresa May, who has called out the media for sexism in the past, responded to say she "doesn't mind" the sexist cover story but then she followed up with some subtle shade. "As a woman in politics throughout my whole career I have found that very often, what I wear—particularly my shoes—has been an issue that has been looked at rather closely by people," she told the Wolverhampton Express and Star, Britishly. But then she added: "but if people want to have a bit of fun about how we dress, then so be it."

Still, I have to wonder if she saw Twitter today and had a change of heart.

Some bros are threatened by this robot for the dumbest reason.


Oh dear God, Men's Rights Activists truly are the worst, aren't they? For those not in the know (lucky you), Men's Rights Activists (or MRAs) are anti-feminist misogynists who feel threatened and angry that women are getting too much power (!!!). And now the Men's Rights Activists are pissed off at Amazon's Alexa because she apparently thinks men and women (and maybe robots, too) should have equal rights. How dare she!

Men's Rights Activist Paul Elam (using the Twitter account @aVoiceforMen) tweeted a link to a post about how excited he was to get Alexa, and how upset he was to find out that if you ask her if she's a feminist, she says yes. Oh no! Feminists are the enemy of Men's Rights Activists.

And Elam is not alone in his views (oh boy, is he not). Checking out the comments on his post, you can find a lot of people (and not just men) in full agreement.

One particularly angry (allegedly female) commenter wrote, "Alexa answers 'I'm a feminist?' lol Well, that is how feminists want us all to be…programmed, dutiful, little robots incapable of free thought." Wow, she really nailed it! That is exactly what feminists mean when they say, "Women should be equal to men." Good on her for cracking the code.

According to his post, Elam has written to Amazon to suggest they upgrade Alexa by offering a male-voice option, and getting rid of any crazy equality ideas that may have been programmed into her.

Perhaps, if he's so offended, he and Alexa should just agree not to talk about feminism, and probably all politics, too. He can just treat her like he probably treats all women—as a robot there to service his every whim.

Woman learns stranger has been using her pics to catfish a man for seven years.


Makaia Carr, a popular fitness blogger from Aukland, New Zealand, was shocked recently when she received a message from an American man she had never met. The man, a professional boxer, claimed that he had been in an online relationship with a woman for seven years, all the time unaware that he was being catfished. This woman had been sending him pictures from Carr's various social media profiles since 2010. Carr was so disturbed by this revelation, she posted a warning for other women on her Facebook page.

🚫WARNING FOR EVERYONE🚫 - 2 things happened today that has made me want to share them both with you. One happened...

Posted by Makaia Carr on Friday, March 24, 2017

Carr's full post reads:

WARNING FOR EVERYONE- 2 things happened today that has made me want to share them both with you. One happened directly to me and creeped me the fCk out!

1. I saw a video shared on Fb today from an Australian radio station where a mother shared an incident that happened to her daughter on the popular children's app musically. A man set up a profile and pretended to be Justin Bieber sending messages out to young girls saying if they send him naked photos he would choose 5 girls and call them to chat directly to them on the phone. How scary is that! I'm so glad the mother came across this and went to the radio and shared it. We all need to be so involved in our kids action online - not just social media but gaming apps as well.

2. And the next thing is crazy and creepy AF! I was contacted by a guy in America today who thought he was talking to me online for well over a year and forming a relationship. He started to suspect something late last year and found out there was a woman in Auckland pretending to be me. She was using photos from my social media channels and making weird stuff up, even pics of my friends, giving them all names etc. I have her email, cell number (given by the guy) and have found her on FB. I don't want to contact her directly but am a little creeped out by this and feel really sorry for the guy who was being pretty much catfished!

I've shared this and the pics below so people can see just how easily this can be done (my friends are aware of me sharing their pic too) and encourage awareness for not only our children's safety but our own and also highlight that it doesn't just happen to kids but also to adults!

Has this happened to anyone else? What did you do?
I considered contacting the police but she hasn't hurt me and not sure she's actually done anything illegal? Thoughts?

The texts between this poor guy and the catfisher are pretty disturbing. She basically created a whole fictional life based on Carr's social media presence.

As you can see, the catfisher was extremely thorough. Carr told Stuff that the photos were screengrabbed from her Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat accounts. The impostor even used some of her more personal Snaps (including one where she was wearing a towel), to initiate sext conversations.

The boxer may never have realized what was going on, if his catfisher hadn't finally gone too far. In mid-2016, she sent him a picture of Carr boxing, leading him to congratulate her on her "first fight." But when he asked to see the video, she said no one had taken one, which set off red flags. Looking up the boxing gym on Facebook, he learned of the existence of Makaia Carr, and received the shock of his life.

Once Carr and the boxer were in touch, they were able to track down this woman's identity. They learned that she was far from the typical catfisher (a professional con artist who uses someone else's face to defraud people out of money). She was, like Carr, a mother in Auckland. She had used her real name in her conversations with the boxer, and never tried to get any money out of him. She was just living out her own online fantasy.

Once she was found out, she deleted her Facebook account, and emailed Carr to apologize for her "unforgivable" actions. She explained that she has gone into therapy for severe depression and anxiety. Considering these circumstances (and the fact that she hadn't technically broken any laws), Carr and the boxer decided not to reveal her identity.

But still, this story is a potent illustration of the dangers of social media. Once your photos are online, anybody could use them for whatever purpose they see fit. And you might not know about it for years.

'Glitter tears' is the latest makeup trend and Twitter is crying.


The latest trend for fashionistas and festival-goers is glitter tears: tears that look like glitter (or is it glitter than look like tears?)

The styles range from subtle to full-on, beautiful Bowie.

Application is intense, but crying is optional.

"Glitter Tears" sounds like it could be an oxy moron—something so happy forming something so sad—but that's what makes them so whimsical and Coachella-y.

Glitter tears can be subtle.

This makeup look is now up on my YouTube channel!🍑 Go check it out the link is in my bio 💕

A post shared by Catherine Long (@catherinelongartistry) on

They can be sad.

And they can be ecstatic.

Festival look inspired by @pixieplastic ✨

A post shared by Amelia Martin (@makeup_mills) on

Glitter tears: a gorgeous, glamorous way to provide cover just in case the party doesn't go as planned and real, salty tears start to flow.

With Coachella just around the corner, Twitter is theorizing how the trend will play out.

Historians will look at this era and trend with important questions like "What?" and "Why?"

BRB, crying tears of glitter.

4-year-old brings bullet shell to school and mom goes viral with her reaction.


Illinois mom Kristy Jackson's 4-year-old Hunter son was suspended from his pre-school after he brought the casing of a fired bullet in, presumably to show his classmates.

According to a Facebook post Jackson uploaded on March 21st, the preschooler faces a 7-day suspension for bringing the casing to school, and could face expulsion if his "enthusiasm for guns continued." Jackson defended her son, noting that he must have picked up the bullet shell while he was spending time with his police officer grandfather over the weekend. Her post has gone viral, and has been shared over 4,500 times.

I never thought this could happen to us. You see stuff on the news like this, but.... Today, I picked up my happy...

Posted by Kristy Jackson on Tuesday, March 21, 2017

I never thought this could happen to us. You see stuff on the news like this, but....

Today, I picked up my happy little 4 yr old from preschool, at A Place to Grow, in Troy. My arrival was met with a stone faced teacher, who told me that Hunter brought a "shotgun bullet" to school.

😨 I was horrified. My kid? Who just spent the weekend learning gun safety?

Well....when I was escorted to the office for a sit down. I was handed a tiny .22 empty brass casing. Not a "shotgun bullet". He found it on the ground, expelled from a 22 Rifle over the weekend, while Hunter was target practicing with his Police Officer Grandpa. He was so excited, and snuck it to school to show his friends. We had no idea about it.

I was handed a piece of paper. No words, just eyebrows raised in disgust at my son, explaining that his behavior warranted a 7 school day suspension. Which I still was expected to pay tuition for, of course. And a threat that if his enthusiasm for guns continued, he'd be permanently expelled.

Not only was this mom upset with the suspension itself, but she also felt that teachers missed a valuable opportunity to educate her kid and chose to punish him instead.

See, here's the thing. This was a teaching moment. He never hurt anyone, or threatened anyone. This could literally happen to ANY CHILD who happened to find one on the ground and thought it was cool. He does not have access to ANY weapon in our home. This could have been handled by explaining appropriate behavior at school.

He's 4. This doesn't hurt him, or teach him, or help him. Just his parents, who do not condone bringing these kinds of things to school. Ever. Had we known, we of course would have stopped it. But every time he or another child mentions a gun (like every boy I grew up with did) they punish him.

Jackson returned to Facebook three days later to address the mixed reactions she was getting on her original post.

It's an odd thing, to see your son's character debated in the public. I suppose I brought that on, by posting my frustration on FB. I didn't go to the news, they came to me, saying they were running the story anyway.

My son is not violent. He's not without faults you see...I would LOVE TO take advice from the mom who's 4y/o never got in trouble. Seriously call me :)

But the fact is, this is a very liberal school. With an AMAZING cirriculum, and sweet teachers. But they are very anti gun, anti hunting, ect.

Jackson also clarified what the school meant when they brought up her son's "history" with guns in the aforementioned post.

The things my son got in "trouble" for have been talking about his hunting trips with Grandpa, make believe play like cops and robbers, and picking up sticks on the playground along with other boys, and pretending to shoot these sticks.

That's this "history of bad behavior". I don't think that makes my son bad. But there are people who don't agree. That's ok. I support your right to think that.

But you see, K-12 kids, by law, can only be suspended for 3 days max, in IL. He's 4, and only in Pre-K. He got a 7 day suspension. Is that fair? I do not have a problem understanding their rules. We knew we put him in a very liberal school. We have a problem with the extreme consequences.

Thanks for reading, even if you may disagree.

What do you think? Did the punishment fit the crime?

Politician has no idea what hashtags are, and the internet won't let her live it down.


Following the attack on the Westminster Bridge in London, British Home Secretary Amber Rudd is calling for tech companies that offer their customers end-to-end encryption to start working better with law enforcement - but she may want to brush up on her tech lingo first.

Rudd appeared on the BBC's Andrew Marr Show after reports that the man who attacked the Westminster Bridge had sent a message on the texting platform WhatsApp that can't be accessed because it was encrypted. Rudd explained why she believes WhatsApp's end-to-end encryption is "absolutely unacceptable."

There was one part of the interview in particular, where Rudd called upon the people "who understand the necessary hashtags," that really sent Twitter into a tizzy. Here's the full quote:

The best people who understand the technology, who understand the necessary hashtags to stop this stuff ever being put up, not just taken down, but ever being put up in the first place are going to be them.

Now, you and I know that hashtags have nothing to do with encryption, but this just proves that there are people all over the world trying to make sense of that crazy "internet talk."

Obviously, being the birthplace of the hashtag, Twitter had a lot to say about Rudd's mistake:

Maybe Amber Rudd just needs someone to calmly explain to her what a hashtag is. Send in the millennials!

Donald Trump knowingly spoiled his daughter-in-law's pregnancy announcement.


Here's a story that would almost be cute if it weren't about our president. Donald Trump—who isn't known for his restraint of pen, tongue or Twitter—spoiled his son ​​​ Eric Trump and his daughter-in-law Lara Yunaska's recent pregnancy announcement, the couple revealed in an interview with Fox & Friends this morning.

Eric and Lara, who are expecting Trump's 9th grandchild in September, told Fox & Friends they first broke the news to their family on Inauguration Day. "What was amazing was how excited my father was," said Eric, 33. "He was on cloud nine."

Well that's... sweet? I guess? Then Eric continued: "He saw Lara at the big event a few weeks ago in Tennessee, and she went out to introduce him and before, he goes, 'Lara, it’s a boy! I can’t wait! It’s a boy!'"

And Lara said: "He told everyone in the room, and I was like, 'We haven’t told anyone yet!'"

But she added that the president "couldn’t help it."

Like I said, this could be a cute story if it were about anyone else. Because this grandpa who "adorably" can't keep his big mouth shut is the President of the United States. That's right, Ol' Grandpa Blabbermouth has access to our nuclear codes. I'm scared.

I deserve dessert for not ordering dessert.

It took Dr. Pimple Popper a while to get a grip on this dug-in lipoma, but it was worth it.


Lipomas are like snowflakes—no two are like. But these benign fatty lumps are, if anything, more delicate, beautiful, and precious than those boring old bits of sky ice. This new one from Dr. Pimple Popper is no exception. Unlike some lipomas, which sit right under the surface of the skin and just beg to pop out, this one was dug deep into the tissues of the patient's shoulder. It took Dr. Lee more than a half hour to remove it all, but in the process, her staff caught some breathtaking moments on video.

Skip to 8:20 to see the really good stuff.


Twitter ruins your favorite lines with #TrumpAFamousQuote.


Donald Trump knows words. Trump has the best words. In fact, he even said it himself: "I know words. I have the best words."

With the hashtag #TrumpAFamousQuote, Twitter is applying Trump's best words to history and literature's best worsts, effectively ruining them for you forever.

These are the funniest ones. Bigly.





















What you do when your car makes a weird noise

Undocumented immigrant gets deportation threats after photo of her tax form goes viral.


Belén Sisa is an Arizona State University student who recently shared a photo of her holding up a blank 1040 tax form on Facebook—and it wasn't just to brag. The 23-year-old shared her tax form for a specific reason: as an undocumented immigrant, she wanted to bust the myth that immigrants never pay taxes.

MYTH BUSTER: I, an undocumented immigrant, just filed my taxes and PAID $300 to the state of Arizona. I cannot receive...

Posted by Belén Sisa on Sunday, March 26, 2017

She wrote:

MYTH BUSTER: I, an undocumented immigrant, just filed my taxes and PAID $300 to the state of Arizona. I cannot receive financial aid from the state or federal government for school, I cannot benefit from unemployment, a reduced healthcare plan, or a retirement fund. I think I'm a pretty good citizen. Oh and there are MILLIONS just like me who pay into a system they will never receive anything from. Wanna tell me again how I should be deported, contribute nothing and only leech off this country while the 1% wealthiest people in this country steal from you everyday? How about you show me yours Donald J. Trump? #HereToStay

The post went viral and then, since people are terrible, she faced a huge anti-immigrant backlash. Later on Sunday, Sisa, who came to the US with her family from Argentina, shared screenshots of 40 different hate-messages she had received.

The HATE is real guys. The hate is real. I am legally working in the United States through DACA, and I'm pretty sure the...

Posted by Belén Sisa on Sunday, March 26, 2017

Many told her to "go back" and others threatened to get her deported or claimed they had reported her to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

A lot of them managed to ALSO be sexist.


"The HATE is real guys," Sisa wrote. "The hate is real." She explained that she probably won't get deported, since she's legally working in the US through Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), an immigration policy started by the Obama administration. So that's a relief.

"I am legally working in the United States through DACA, and I'm pretty sure the IRS isn't going to come after someone who PAYS their taxes," she wrote. "I truly feel bad for these people, may they find peace and happiness in their own dark hearts."

I would've told them all to eat a big back of dicks. But that's just me.

Luckily Sisa, who describes herself as a "dreamer," is handling this way better than most people would. Yesterday, she shared her thoughts on the whole ordeal:

It is incredibly hard and painful to stand up and tell the truth, especially when it is not the popular thing to do. I'...

Posted by Belén Sisa on Monday, March 27, 2017

"Our will to change this world and fulfill our mission will never be stopped by the people who are so unhappy with themselves that they try to pull us down with them," she wrote. "They will not tear me down."

Okay, that's it: if she goes back to Argentina, I'm going with her.

Dad brutally trolls his son at basketball game for the most fatherly reason.


A dad who was in attendance at a recent Cleveland Cavaliers vs. Charlotte Hornets game did not bring his son with him. And now we know why.

The dad caught everyone's attention with this hilariously brutal sign:

#Repost @espn ・・・ Tough love. 😬 [Credit: Jeremy Brevard/USA TODAY Sports]

A post shared by jeremy brevard (@jbrevard) on

"Thomas get your grades back up and next time you'll be here. Love, Dad" reads the sign, which looks like it was professionally printed. Because this dad doesn't mess around.

If public humiliation with a side of FOMO isn't enough to get this kid to step up his schoolwork, I don't know what is. But things aren't looking so good for Thomas, because a few days later the dad was spotted again, at another Cavaliers game, with a new sign.

C'mon, Thomas!!!!!!

Some people are praising the dad and calling him "father of the year" for his tough love approach to improving his son's grades.

But others think his approach is too savage.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see if Thomas gets his grades up before we judge.

Jimmy Fallon had kids draw portraits of Trump’s cabinet, and Kellyanne’s is not flattering.


On Tuesday, Jimmy Fallon showed off pictures of President Trump's Cabinet drawn by children. Honestly, the Trump administration has never looked better.

Check it out.

Jimmy's 3-year-old daughter, Winnie Rose Fallon, submitted a picture of Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue.

She definitely captured the "Dr. Phil" haircut.

Another stand out was this portrait of Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos done by a 6-year old:


And, my personal favorite, this "abstract" drawing of Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Ben Carson:

He definitely has "stuck his neck out" for Trump before.

And finally, Commander-in-Chief Donald Trump couldn't sneak past without getting his likeness captured:

Someone get that framed in hang it in the White House.

How long until President Trump starts tweeting about this 10-year-old's "vicious and inaccurate portrayal" of him?


Dog coming off surgery pulls the most hilariously blissful face as he ponders life's secrets.


A tweeter called Hot Librarian lived a terrible nightmare when her dog needed no less than SEVEN tumors removed. Hot Librarian says they were "fatty tumors," although I would argue that any and all tumors warrant many and all treats for any dog suffering them. As her dog recovered from surgery, Hot Librarian uploaded a photo of her doggo, where it quickly went viral.

"We all share one consciousness" — that dog, probably. So he's having a good trip, and his owner's enjoying his Twitter fame on his behalf.

Hot Librarian even gave us some updates, including his friend, who probably looks like a dog to him.

People thought it was good he had a companion.

Someone to sleep it off with.

But here's the part where you get a reminder that obviously dogs should not get high for recreational reasons, and you should never mess around with that. Other people started sharing their own pets-after-surgery, and it's not always a happy genre.

But it's always fluffy AF.

James Corden and Kristen Bell performed a sky-high duet and it could not have gone more wrong.


James Corden and Kristen Bell experienced some technical difficulties on Tuesday night during a performance on The Late Late Show. The pair sang the Joe Cocker and Jennifer Warnes' hit "Up Where We Belong," and as the song started, they were literally lifted up (where they belong). They were hooked to wires and were supposed to be on the same level, but that just kept not happening. Pretty much everything that could go wrong with the duet did, and actually, the whole thing ended up being very funny.

Corden and Bell were supposed to be even as they were lifted by wires into the air, but for some reason, one of them was always much higher than the other. When one would be lowered, the other was raised. It truly was a comedy of errors.

Nope, that's not right.

During the performance, James Corden kept explaining that it wasn't going right. "That was an absolute disaster! Who is responsible for this? We rehearsed it and rehearsed it and rehearsed it!" he said. "Right, well...that was that. Fix it in post! Can we fix it in post?" Apparently, no, it could not be fixed in post. But that's okay, it was pretty good this way, too.

Ah, so close!

Guy's proposal is so successful he decides to do it four more times. His fiancé's less amused.


Some jokester discovered the not-so-secret formula to endless Facebook"likes." Engagement photos. His first one was so very successful, it got him addicted. You know the feeling.

Already, you can tell this guy is into shameless promotion. He took the time to edit the Facebook post with a plug for his friends' sketch comedy page. So as the "likes" climbed into the hundreds, dude got addicted. So he did it again.

Ah, that's funny. His fiancé's in on the engagement joke, grimacing in the background as the "likes," once again, reach the hundreds. It's still working.

Not sure when this screenshot was posted to Imgur, but the "likes" are noticeably less lucrative now. This is surprising, because I assume that most people see a ring in a photo and "like" it immediately on Facebook—without actually liking it in their hearts. Tragic, but it's just common courtesy.

Oh, haha, he's still doing it...

No one's amused anymore.

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