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20 college professors share the school scandals they hid from their students.


College campuses are dramatic enough when you just look at all the student romances, coming of age drug trips, and existential break downs that come from growing up. But on most college campuses, the interpersonal student drama is just the tip of the iceberg.

Professors, while buttoned up from the outside, can be some of the shadiest and most sinister characters out there. We've all heard whispers of professors sleeping with students and creating untenable power dynamics, but those are far from the juiciest college scandal stories out there.

In a popular Reddit thread, professors from colleges across the world shared the behind-the-scenes drama their students didn't know about.

1. schwoooo's collegeagues went all in.

Professors were purchasing tricked out laptops with their budgets shortly before leaving the university. The university in turn would let the professors purchase the hardware for a song because it was “used”. We’re talking 2000-3000€ machines being purchased 6 months down the line for 500€. Someone finally caught onto to this scheme and now nobody can purchase the used hardware.

2. tokyoderp's school doesn't leave much room for empathy.

I work for a prominent University in Japan. My Japanese colleagues tend to follow all rules very strictly and blindly follow manuals. One day an American professor had to rush to the US to see his dying mother. The staff members of class operations called him as he was grieving asking him to still teach classes and review reports. Obviously, the lack of empathy and inflexibility lead the professor to take his bags and work for another school...students never knew the true reason why he stopped teaching.

3. Thaedael's professor was dealing with deep trauma.

My teacher was Syrian. He was practically always at university, always tired, always acting off. Would sleep in his office, would forget to hand back assignments, would mix up basic things, cry randomly in the hallway. We later found out his family was being held hostage back home while he was teaching in Canada.

4. harlz1401's school had monsters on staff.

A former health sciences lecturer and her husband were arrested for keeping a man as a slave, locked up in their garden shed for 4 years and making him do renovations on their house.


5. greyhoundsrfast used to have hookups to the best moonshine.

Night shift janitor made some really good moonshine. Some of the professors and grad students would leave cash in our top desk drawers when we left work, and the next day, a mason jar of hand-made shine would be waiting there.

He's since moved on from that department, but was good people.

6. Nightxp had recycling drama at work.

Research fellow at University of Exeter (UK) here, we recently had all our office bins removed as part of a new policy to try and improve recycling. Got lots of mass E-mails replying with tons of sass and annoyance. One professor just replied “What next! Do you expect us to drive to the local skip!?”

Tbh it just really annoying not having a bin in our shared office.

The worst part is now everyone brings in their own plastic bags to use as a temporary bin for the day and then we end up having a ton of people trying to get them into one bin that is shared by the floor.

Edit: apologies folks! Completely forgot about our English term “Skip” it’s basically a dumpster but we also refer/call our local recycling centres skips too... only just now realizing that ‘skip’ is such an odd phrase when you don’t know what it means.

7. Agnol117 got an inside peek one summer.

I worked for the maintenance department one summer while in college, and got exposed to a lot of the drama in that department. Highlights include:

  • The school deciding that they didn’t want to deal with the union anymore, so they started hiring for all non-teaching positions as temps, then firing them after six months and rehiring them thirty days later. This was done because temps didn’t have to be union, and also because once a large enough percentage of employees were non-union, they could start hiring non-union employees on a permanent basis.

8. tdc8557's dean was a movie villain waiting to happen.

I worked at a large university and right before I started, the long time dean of the school went on sabbatical. I didn’t think anything of it until two months later when I found out that the university forced him to take time off because he blew almost all of the schools budget on fancy dinners with donors (were talking like $1000+ on alcohol heavy meals), showed up to official university events high off cocaine, and kept a second admin assistant as essentially his sex Slave.

He had a private bathroom with a shower installed in his office. He sent the school into a major budget crisis and was a PR disaster waiting to happen. It was a huge mess. The acting dean who stepped in got a lot of shit for how much damage control she had to do.

Ultimately he returned a few years later just as a part time faculty member. But still, totally wild.

9. ValithWest's professor had a stalker.

One of our male English professors was being stalked by a female student, to the point he had to get a restraining order against her. The only reason my class knew was because she saw him in the hallway, entered our classroom and made a huge scene the first day of class, and security had to be called to make her leave. After that, the door was always locked for that class and whoever was in the back row were scouters to let in late students. He also had to cancel class to go to court for the situation at least once.

10. dadadawn's English department was a modern Shakespearian drama.

In the English department, one of the professors got arrested for domestic violence, divorced his wife, then got another english professor pregnant and eventually married her. And they all saw each other at department meetings. Super awkward.

Edit to clarify: The husband and original wife were both professors. He had an affair with another English professor. Wife found out and there was a major fight, cops were called, he was arrested for DV but I believe the charges were dropped. He filed for divorce, moved in with the other professor, got her pregnant, and he and the ex were still fighting over child support and alimony when I left. I was the pregnant professor's TA, but I was definitely Team Original Wife.

11. BlazingBeagle's school had a murder scandal.

Two professors arrested for meth production, one for murdering his wife with lab supplies, another stepped down quietly for embezzlement.

And that's how we replaced half our chemistry department in a year.

12. LodgePoleMurphy had wholesome grading drama.

Grades came out. At that time they were printed. The "burster" the device that cut the grade cards up into a mailable format, has a torn belt. We could not in any way get a replacement belt from the manufacturer so we measured how long the belt needed to be. Then we went to an auto parts store and looked a a lot of belts before we settled on one and bought it. It fit the "burster" and we had all the grade cards mailed that night.

13. Romanticon's buddy had a professor die on them.

When I was going through my PhD program, a buddy of mine had his professor DIE on him. Young guy, in his forties, got hit by a car. Boom.

Not-so-fun fact: when a professor dies, their grants go away. If a grad student is on the verge of finishing (just writing up their results), they can sometimes hop to another lab and get by. My friend, however, was only in his second year.

He had to start over with a new project in a new lab. Essentially lost two years of his life on a project that yielded absolutely nothing.

Woo, grad school, so uplifting!

14. scarytm can no longer trust chemists.

In our chemistry department a few years back, a grad student who was failing started poisoning another graduate student they worked with closely by putting carcinogens in their foods and drinks. Colourless, odorless, flavourless, thanks to his chemistry knowledge. He was eventually caught and I'm not sure what happened to him, thrown out for sure, perhaps arrested.

Another year a grad student pushed another student down a flight of steps to try to kill them.

Chemists are crazy

15. jingle_hore's professor was in some classic drama.

Prominent professor was sleeping with his students. Actually, he met his wife that way, and then had a huge issue with dating OTHER students after getting married. Lawsuits were threatened, he resigned and moved 3000 (edit- this was exaggerated by about 2000) miles away very quickly. No news, no public info released....it was all just known through the grapevine of staff.

Edit - it was in the midwest, but it seems this happens at every school based on comments. No, I'm not going to say where.

16. SomberBlueSky's department head doctors the grades.

Our heads of department or course directors would purposely keep dragging students (the act of pulling a student through their studies) even though they'd fail most classes. They'd purposely grade the student just above a pass even though the content of work was astonishingly bad because if they left or dropped out it'd look bad on the courses stats and drop out rate, not to mention the university not getting the student loan money.

From there, of course statistics would be ridiculously high for that particular degree so they'd then 'sell' this to prospective students and parents. This is currently still going on.

Source: am a lecturer at a university and yes it disgusts me.

Edit: I'm a UK based lecturer, not from the US.

17. disqeau's professor was on another level.

A professor was hired to start a research center/institute, got paid a lot of money and came in with tenure. He was fucking weird to begin with, but as time went on it became apparent that he wasted all the funds intended for starting the center - nothing was happening but the accounts were diminishing. The whistleblower hotline was provided with a bunch of data that strongly suggested he was funneling a lot of that money to a company owned in part by his brother, in addition to a lot of blatant and casual misuse of funds (buying personal and convenience stuff for himself and staff).

Things started heating up and they called him in for a hearing about it. The very next day we found an indignant letter announcing his resignation and accusing the entire department and college of unethical behavior slipped under the door. He skipped out in the middle of the night leaving a big pile of deliberately damaged equipment in his office.

The university didn't pursue him. I believe it was because they were in the middle of a scandal involving faculty* and students in another department and just didn't want to hear about it.

Students were completely unaware.

*Edit: neglected to mention that the other departments scandal revolved around alleged faculty misconduct with minors off-campus.

18. neuromorph's professor was pretty much Walter White.

My PI (professor) for grad school had his lab raided by the FBI. This happened long before I joined.

Apparently, one of his first or second class of grad students in the 80's/90's decided that they wanted to use lab resources to brew some meth. Very easy to do with the equipment we have. From what I am told, this student would stay late in lab after others had left, to get this done.

In Breaking Bad style, he fences his drugs to some distributor and thought that was the end of it. the purity of his drugs was enough that they were able to trace it back from the streets to him and the lab.

A sting operation shut down the lab, while the dust settled, and my professor was cleared of all wrong doing, since none of this was under his direct control, and all campus resources were being misused by the student.

State "Intelligence Bureau" told the professor that it was the largest and purest operation they had seen in the state at this time.

25 Memes That Will Only Be Funny If You Have A Dog.


Newsflash: dogs are perfect. Memes about dogs are pretty great too. This list of comedy goodness is perfect for anyone with a furbaby obsession.


























26 people share the most embarrassing moments they've had with strangers.


Venturing from one's home out into the world, unless you live in a tiny town, or off the grid (lucky!), usually leads to an interaction of some kind with a stranger. 99% of these interactions are benign and forgettable. But every so often, wires get crossed, doors get opened without knocking, or something else goes wrong and suddenly you're plunged into a pit of awkwardness and shame that might take days or years to forget.

People on Reddit shared the most awkward and embarrassing situations they've ever been in with strangers. Here are 26 of the best of the worst.

They're cringey. They're horrifying. And they're hilarious—but only because they didn't happen to us.

1.) From milenine:

Was adopted at birth. Learned who my birth family was in early 30s. Had met a sister but nobody else yet. Sister tells me grandpa is being taken off life support (cancer) and want to talk to me before he dies. Travel to hospital several hours away. Meet mom in hospital lobby for the first time ever. Go to grandpa’s room where all of his, and my, family are. They are all there to say their goodbyes. Probably only 5% of them knew of my existence. Suddenly all the attention is on me, the stranger. The have me kneel by his side and he apologizes through tears for pressuring my mom, that I just met, to give me away for adoption. People looked pretty shocked including me. The experience was a thousand emotions and awkward was in there somewhere.

2.) From skillreks:

I was at a wedding reception and went to use the bathroom. I’m standing at the urinal and this guy comes up and stands next to me and let’s off some whopper farts. He goes “oof check out the smell of these! Whew! You gotta let ‘em out here and not by those girls, knowwhatimsayin’?” And I just go “ha! Yep.” And walk out felt very uncomfortable

3.) From kylamm32:

I went for a bike ride in my neighborhood at about 12 at night a month ago. It was pitch black other than streetlights every 5 or 6 houses.

I was kinda just zoning out, enjoying the fresh air, when something moved out of the corner of my eye. I turned my head to look, and I immediately assumed it was some kind of monster (I had just finished a horror movie), so I let out an extremely loud, bloodcurdling scream in the middle of the night in a silent suburban neighborhood. The thing, which turned out to be a blond soccer mom, screamed back at me, with pretty good reason.

I zipped past her on my bike, yelling "oh my god I'm so sorry!" over and over again until I got off the street..

I haven't gone on a nighttime bike ride since then.

4.) From cloketre:

I worked the entrance gate for a theme park. Our season pass holders used a biometric scan of their right index finger to verify their identity. One day a little girl walks up with her family, who only spoke Spanish, scans her pass and places her left finger on the scanner. I say, “Can you use your right finger sweetie?” Then, her mother raises the girls right arm to show me she doesn’t actually have a right hand. Seemed to be due to a birth defect rather than a horrific accident. However, her left finger keeps getting rejected, so I call a lead over to override the old scan and re-do it. He then proceeds to say the same thing to the girl, followed by her mother raising the arm again. It was definitely more awkward for me than the family, but it gets worse. About three months later it happened again, the same little girl. Absolutely mortifying.

5.) From TheWanderingWriter:

I used to do security work at parties. One night there was an alert call for a young woman gone missing. I found her with her dress hitched up looking for her underwear in the bushes. I managed to unlock her phone to call her dad, who from his name I recognised as the district attorney. He comes over to pick up his intoxicated daughter. While I was carrying her to the car she was making very sexual remarks about me carrying her, all the while her father is hearing me out like I was responsible for his daughter ending up that way, even suggesting I had raped her. His lecture continued after I put his daughter in the backseat, still making the same remarks while pressing up her body against the car window. When the cops arrived at the scene, she was stark naked, putting her ass out the window. I told the cops my side of the story, as soon as she picked up my name she started moaning it to the point of waking up nearby neighbours. I was brought to the police station for interrogation, surveillance footage proved my innocence. 5 years later I see this district attorney on a weekly basis at my job.

6.) From SheWhoComesFirst:

I am a pediatric nurse, but we “float” (substitute) to other floors when we have more nurses than we need. So I was sent to an adult floor to work as an assistant, since theirs had called in sick. An older male patient called out asking for help to get up to the bathroom. He stood, tried to pivot, and the newly operated on knee gave out. All 320 pounds of him came down on top of me and we laid there for almost an hour. I had closed the door for privacy, and neither he nor I could tell loud enough nor reach the call light for help. My phone was 10 feet from me on the floor after it fell out of my scrubs and rang incessantly. Finally the other assistant came to find me because she wanted to go on break and was tired of having to do all my work. The patient was fine, since he fell on me, I was sore for a week. We were nose to nose the whole time and boy was it awkward. His breath was terrible, but he was a nice man and felt so bad. No, there was no boner.

7.) From cfcnotbummer:

Discovered, whilst at the top of StPauls cathedral, that I am terrified of heights. A Norwegian woman was having the same experience. We were so unnerved we ended up holding one another and bumping down the spiral staircase on our backsides. Parted ways at the bottom without a word or a backward glance.

8.) From SwagVonYolo:

First day of my new job im in the lift going up 5 floors. As the doors close a girl barges through and the door thumps her backpack.

This sets off the rape alarm in the external pocket of her bag. Just an unknown guy and a girl alone in a lift with a rape alarm blaring.

So awkward

9.) From Joey101937:

Once I was at a dog groomers to pick up my dog. It's fairly small (20lbs) and white. Usually when I take him, he's got long semi curly hair and when I pick him up he has short straight hair, which is quite a change and this is what I expect when I go to pick him up.

I walk up to the counter and request my dog and the clerk tells me he'll be out in a moment. 30 seconds later an attendant walks out to the lobby from the back door with a dog that immediately gets excited and tries to run away as soon as it rounds the coroner to me.

"Hey buddy!" I say as I walk up and attempt to pick up my dog, but it turns around and starts recoiling back and gives me a nip as I try picking him up. An old man behind me asks "Hey is that your dog?" And me thinking it's a pretty weird question respond "yep!" At that point he goes "I don't think so mister, that's my dog" and as I turn and realize this dog that looks just like mine after a grooming is 100% not my dog my face goes completely red and the whole lobby starts laughing. To make it worse, the old couple whose dog it was stuck around just because they wanted to see what my dog actually looked like and of course when he came out with a different haircut there was only a vague resemblance. Yikes.

10.) From brokenstar64:

Bit late to the party with this but...

While my dad was out of the country there was a major leak from the water tank in the loft which caused serious damage to the property and caused lots of other issues, including a hole in the ceiling.

I called out a repair guy only to hear a huge "boom", followed by a string of expletives before he called for help. I found him half in a cupboard, soaking wet, with his hand on a burst water pipe.

I ended up having to help. This involved me climbing up to the loft (in a short dress and stockings while he was basically laid on the floor underneath the ladder) and trying to turn off the water from there. This didn't work so we ended up switching places so he could professionally investigate.

Swapping places involved me getting soaking wet, and having to press up against the guy and contort myself into position in order to minimise the risk of further damage and water explosively spraying everywhere.

There was further pressing against each other and awkwardly closer contortions, as water was sprouting out like from a fountain unless we held it, before the leak was resolved.

The situation was like a bad porn parody.

Our dialogue even included things like: "if you come here you'll get wet" and "I don't mind getting wet, let's do it".

My friends now refer to this as brokenstar's plumber porn story.

11.) From WiggidyWiener:

I serve in the Air Force and one time I got injured at work and had to go to the hospital, nothing serious, just dinged my finger super hard (fucked up the ligament, my finger was shaped like an "N"). Anywho, when I get to the hospital I walk in the front door, I'm still in uniform, and some nice older man comes up to me and Thanks me for my service, I told him I appreciated his support and then he abrubtly asked me if I was married. I told him no and right at that moment he turns to this woman walking by heading for the door, he turns to her and says somethign along the lines of "You see this nice man? You should go on a date with him!" at first I thought maybe he knew the woman, maybe his daughter or something but the shocked look on her face I could easily tell he did NOT know her. She stopped for a moment and he asked her again and she just went wide-eyed, kind of stuttered for a moment and then B-lined it for the door. I really didn't know what to say so I just stood there looking like a guy who just got wacked in the head. The old man then turns back to me and says "Let's see who else is here an available." At this point I just made some excuse about being late for my appointment and walked away.

I don't know if I've ever been so red before or again in my life.

12.) From iamsoveryverytired:

I was with my mum buying flowers at a florist for a new year’s eve party. The florist was obviously a very lonely woman and wouldn’t stop going on about how she isn’t doing anything for New Year’s and how it’s so nice we have friends to visit, to the point where it became really saddening. My mother obviously really felt for her. Every now and again, maybe twice a year, she has a brain fart and accidentally says what she is thinking. That day was one of those rare days. After paying for the flowers, my mum said ‘thanks! Hope you find a friend soon!’. I look at her in shock, the woman looks at her in shock, and my mum just gasps, apologises and literally backs out of the store. God it was so awkward.

13.) From Karl_Cross:

That time I screamed at a woman over poo.

My little village has a small annual dog show. We normally enter our little dog who has won "friendliest dog," "waggiest tail" and "dog the judge would like to take home" in the past. This year she was unfortunately in season so we didn't enter to prevent any 'fuss' from the other dogs but took her along to watch.

Half way across the park she decided to poo and I suddenly realised I'd forgotten a bag. There were loads of other people with dogs around due to the show so I wandered away a little to to ask someone for a bag. I turned back and to my horror a lady was picking up my little dog's mess. Not wanting to feel like one of those a-holes that doesn't clean up, I ran towards her to advise here she didn't have to do that because I was going to get it.

Instead, in a sort of panic, I waved my arms and barked "NO, THAT'S MY POO!" Please note that I did not say, "that is MY DOG'S poo."

She physically jumped then turned a deep red. She sort of mumbled an apology, dropped the poo and marched off with her dog.

It was at that point that I looked to my left and saw my dog's poo sitting a few feet away from the lady's dog mess that she was attempting to pick up.

I think about this at night sometimes.

14.) From timmysj13:

Like probably many stories on this sub, this happened at a Huddle House. My GF (now wife) and I were eating with some friends and I decided I needed to go to the bathroom. Got up, walked over to it and tried the door. It was open so I walked right on in. The room was pretty big, urinal and sink on one side, toilet on the opposite side. There was a guy in there at the urinal and he gave me a REALLY strange look when I walked in. So I went on over to the toilet, had a pee and started actually processing my situation, "that guy looked at me like I was really out of place, this toilet I'm using isn't in a separate stall, not much privacy in here, OH GOD THIS IS A SINGLE PERSON BATHROOM!!!" By this point the guy had hastily run out after finishing his business. I took care of my own affairs and had to do the walk of shame past him as I walked back to my table. I told my SO later that night completely mortified, she thought it was hilarious. The look he gave me when I walked in is still burned in my mind.

15.) From dustinrosenfeld:

When I was little, I was at a museum and saw a man that I thought was my dad. I ran up behind him and hugged his legs. Was not my dad. He flinched and kicked his leg back. I stumbled back and just sat down and cried in the middle of the floor. Then it occurred to me that I'd come to the museum with my mom.

16.) From ballsagna2time:

At an art studio in LA, my girlfriend was wearing a denim jacket As we looked at a piece together, out of the corner of my eye I saw the jacket and I reach over to grab her butt. A sudden "Oh!" Comes from beside me and a woman 30 years older than me is standing there blushing. I tell her I thought she was someone else and run away to my girlfriend. A few minutes later the lady comes and finds us to talk about young love and how cute we are while making too much eye contact with me.

17.) From StarbugRedDwarf:

My son had small Toy Story figurines but wanted big ones for Christmas. I walked into Toy R Us and asked the male clerk, "Do you have a large Woody?" He turned bright red, I wheeled around and marched out and didn't go back for months.

18.) From CatheliaLee:

When I was young, I thought some random lady was my mum, and tugged her skirt. She turned, screamed, and I screamed back... not my proudest moment

19.) From immathrowaway456:

In the cinema. I interlocked my fingers with the kid sitting beside me for a full minute.

Turns out, he wasn't my kid.

20.) From firstblindmouse:

When I was a teenager my friends and I would spend the weekends staying up late playing video games and eating junk food. I was also a cross country runner, and on this particular night I was experiencing some extreme chafing from a long run earlier that day. While we were at the gas station getting Doritos and energy drinks I announced to who I thought was my friend, “Man, my nipples really hurt.” Upon realizing it was a complete stranger with whom I had just shared this intimate detail I simply stared at him and said “You’re not my friend” and walked away. I didn’t go back to that gas station for a long time.

Edit: I’m a guy for those wondering.

21.) From buefordbaxter:

My wife and I went out for a drink one night. We walk into the bar, I see someone I know at the bar with their back turned, walk up behind them and tickled their sides. Turned it I didn't know this person, they just have me a weird look and walked away. Got their spot at the bar though

22.) From Dragooncancer:

Wife and I went to Europe for our honeymoon. We were in a train station in Amsterdam and I had to use to bathroom. I walked into the toilet stall and saw there was tp in the bowl but didn't think anything of it. I did my business and when I tried to flush, it didn't go down. In a panic I flushed again and this only resulted in the water becoming dangerously close to the rim of the bowl. I said fuck it and started to leave, however right outside the stall was a bathroom attendant. He looked over at me and started yelling at me asking why was I clogging up the toilet! He was blocking me from leaving and all these other people in the bathroom looked in at us. God it was so embarrassing I wanted to die..I eventually muttered sorry and brushed past him and ran out of the bathroom.

23.) From mronion82:

Not long ago I incorporated a short visit to the local supermarket into my usual dog walk. The dog was tied up outside, and as I was crouched down to unclip him a woman came out of the shop and fell over me. For a few brief seconds I was in the middle of a dog/old woman humping sandwich. We're British though, so everyone looked embarrassed and we both said sorry.

24.) From etymologynerd:

Two of us in an elevator for 20 floors. He farted when he got in and we just stared silently at each other the whole ride up.

25.) From Cerdo_Imperialista:

I was standing behind this guy waiting for the elevator in a hotel one time. We were down in the lobby and it was busy with lots of people coming and going, so he obviously hadn't noticed me. Elevator doors open, he gets in and turns to press the button for his floor, so he didn't see me walk past him on the other side. As SOON as the doors close, obviously still under the impression that he was alone, he lets rip the most heinous fart that went on for all of about ten seconds. Mid-fart, out of the corner of his eye, he spots me standing just behind him. Poor guy almost jumped out of his skin. He's staring at me like he's seen a ghost. I'm staring at him with what I can only assume was a fairly horrified expression, trying to think of something to say to make this whole situation less awkward.

As luck would have it, we're both going to the same floor AND he' staying in the room right across the corridor from me, so we have to endure an extra 30 seconds or so of mortified silence as we walk down the hall together. I thought about slipping a jokey note under his door ("Shoulda stayed away from the shrimp tacos at the buffet"), but decided against it.

26.) From caffeinecrave:

Every time I casually talk to a stranger, say bye, then we end up needing to walk the same way for a while.

Guy asks if he should propose after GF finds ring he was keeping for a friend and gets angry.


Once you're in a happy, healthy, long term relationship, it's only natural to start daydreaming about the next step: getting that ring on your finger and your impatient mother off your back. But imagine if that ring you found in his drawer wasn't for you.

That's exactly what happened when a Redditor decided to help his best friend out by hiding the friend's ring so his soon-to-be-fiancee Grace wouldn't find it. Of course the Redditor's girlfriend discovered it, and assumed it was intended for her.

He went to Reddit for relationship advice on how to handle the fallout with his girlfriend, Laura, explaining they've been together for two years and have had an amazing relationship (so far) until now.

I've been dating my girlfriend Laura for just over two years. We met as I was finishing my masters and she was in her last year of undergrad as we attended the same university. We have a pretty strong relationship overall, we get along well and have pretty similar views/goals in life, and I love her a great deal. She's definitely been the healthiest relationship I've ever had and I see a strong future with her. This weekend has been awful, however.

His friend Rob asks him to do a simple favor: hold on to an engagement ring intended for Rob's girlfriend until Rob proposed so she wouldn't find it.

My best friend Rob came to me about a month ago and told me that he had a plan to propose to his long term girlfriend Grace of about seven years. The problem was that they live together and she's a very clean person, and he was afraid she might find the ring while cleaning before he was ready to propose. I offered to hide it for him at my house until he was ready, and he handed it over. I hid it in the back of my sock drawer and honestly kind of forgot about it until last Monday when he asked for it back. He (successfully!) proposed to Grace yesterday, and she posted a picture of the two of them on her instagram with the ring clearly visible. the newly engaged couple shared their happy news on social media. And Laura did not take it well.

Then Rob proposed and she said "yes"! The newly engaged couple shared the news (and the ring) on social media... and the Redditor's girlfriend became very upset. She had discovered the rings weeks ago and thought it was for her.

Literally five minutes after she posted, Laura rang me absolutely fuming. She told me she'd found that ring three weeks ago, so why had I given it to Rob for Grace when I'd clearly chosen it especially for her? Was Grace mocking her with her post, just rubbing her nose into the fact that she'd "stolen" her ring? I tried to talk her down and explain that I'd just been keeping it safe for Rob and that I'd never intended to propose to her with it but that only made her more upset and she starting screaming at me that I'd absolutely built up her hopes and just destroyed them. She hung up on me, then texted me that I had three months to propose to her with "a better ring than Grace's" or she's going to break up with me.

Now the Redditor has an unhappy girlfriend and worries she might have violated his privacy. He has started questioning their once-stable relationship.

Am I wrong for thinking this is a red flag? I know that she probably was really excited and I absolutely never meant to hurt her feelings with all of this, but the ring was never for her and she never should have known about it. We don't live together and I don't know what she was doing snooping in my drawers, or when she had the time to look in there, or what she was looking for her. More than that, I am 100% not ready for marriage. We've only been together for two years, haven't lived together, haven't even talked about marriage yet. I want to be living together for at least a year before we get engaged. What do I do?

One commentor laid the situation out in the most empathetic way, putting everyone in the girlfriend's shoes .

Wade_NYC perfectly summed it up from the girlfriend's perspective, writing:

Your girlfriend finds a ring, and naturally assumes the ring is for her. (Why else would you have tried to hide it in the sock drawer?!) For a month, she does her best to play it cool, but her heart is singing. She's picturing the ceremony, who she'll pick as her bridesmaids, the dress she'll wear. Maybe she tells some close friends they'll be bridesmaids. They tell everyone else. They try to figure out the next dinner you've planned with her so they can get your girlfriend a manicure... for those instagram proposal pictures she's a little embarrassed to be so excited about.

She tells her mother, who tells the whole family, and everyone's buzzing with anticipation. Her parents, if you've met them, expect you to get in touch soon to ask their blessing. She assumes this proposal is going to be in the next month or so, and any time you make plans she wonders what your real plans are.

The commentor describes how Laura has built this proposal up in her mind for weeks, only to have her world come crashing down that moment Rob and Grace share their big news on Instagram. He theorizes she is going through the classic stages of grief.

Imagine how crushing it must be— how tied in knots her stomach is— when she sees the ring— her ring— on someone else's finger.

For a month, she's had her whole life figured out. In a moment, everything is instantly gone. She zooms in on the ring in a cold sweat, and it feels like you've broken up with her. She's temporarily unable to process things in the most rational way.

She processes her grief the way many people do—In a textbook stages of grief way.

First comes Denial. This must all be a mistake and that ring is for her.

She's clearly in Denial. She refuses to accept the ring was not for her, so she grills you on why you gave it away. Her heart is beating through her chest. It doesn't make sense to her. There's no way it was for another girl, it was in your dresser!

Following this stage comes Anger. All at once and all directed at her boyfriend for embarassing her.

Next up, we've got Anger.

In a classic frustrated outpouring of bottled-up emotion, she screams at you for ruining the life she's mentally been settling into for a month. She's got a dozen people she needs to lose her dignity in front of, and countless others through the grapevine. And why? Because of you. (It seems.)

The Bargaining stage hits next. She wants to make her vision still work and presents an ultimatum.

Then comes Bargaining.

Seeking in vain for a way out. Like when Kevin, from The Office, spills his chili, and tries to sweep it back into the pot off the floor. Or when Kevin, from The Office, crushes a turtle and tries to glue it back together.

She's trying to piece back together this fantasy she's had for a month, compounded by family and friends, at all costs. Silly as it is— pointless as it is— she's determined it make this work. So she gives you a crazy ultimatum. Crazy enough to work? Well, you came here, so maybe.

Depression is the final stage. And the commentor points out she is grieving but still made mistakes in how she handled the situation.

She's probably working through depression right now. I think she's totally valid in grieving. Marriage is a big deal, and in a way, she's going through a change not similar to a breakup right now.

I don't think she's valid in directing it at you. She snooped, and she got her punishment for it. A bigger punishment than she was expected, and a punishment that came completely out of her own actions. Hopefully, with a little time, she'll cool off, rescind the ultimatum, and be deeply apologetic. And then you can cautiously move forward in the relationship.

While other commentators advise the Redditor to stand his ground if he's not yet ready to propose to his girlfriend.

Persephone_cap writes:

rule #1 don't ever get married if you're not ready! i wont even touch on her reaction and proposal demand.

KloudToo added:

Ultimatums are always deal breakers, period. If you are mature enough to work out your issues between one another, you're sure as hell not responsible enough to be married.

And an ultimatum on marriage? Yeah that's an easy answer to that one.

Hopefully the couple can get on the same page regarding their expectations and goals for the relationship and this can be a story they laugh about in the future.

14 people share their marriage proposals that didn't go as planned.


It's been a long day, you deserve some bite-size rom-coms in tweet form.

Nicole Cliffe, a prolific writer who delightfully brings Twitter together with her prompts, quote-tweeted a call for "bad/awkward proposal stories" and they do not disappoint.

Here are the best ones from the thread, with some helpful advice.

1. Go to the correct location.

2. Make sure the alarm goes off.

3. Don't take a wrong turn.

4. Be adaptable.

5. Catch!

6. Tip your waiter anyway.

7. Make sure the other person is awake.

8. Bruce Springsteen is always a good idea.

9. Get the words out.

10. Turn the TV off.

11. Welcome cuddle time.

12. Keep your priorities in check.

13. Don't be a douche to try and throw them off—this is called the "Chandler Bing."

14. Make sure there are no hecklers around.

Woman asks if it's okay to be annoyed after boyfriend invites his ex to family holiday party.


It's easy to claim you're chill af when it comes to your partner staying friends with their ex. But in practice, the waters can get murky fast.

A woman recently asked Reddit for advice about a situation with her boyfriend and his ex. It begs the question:

When has a partner's friendship with their ex gone too far?

The girlfriend says her partner and his ex have a "close friendship, and not one I really welcome or encourage, but I accept." The exes "text almost every day, have dinner every 3 weeks or so, and often play sports with a mutual friend."

Yikes. She had a hard time accepting this about their relationship in the beginning — especially when she saw a text on his screen from the ex saying, "I really miss you."

"I didn't think much of it," she writes, "but it certainly tainted the 'we're just friends' angle." Oh, girl. She adds that the friendship has been a bone of contention in their relationship.

Now, they're planning a holiday party at a fancy venue with all their friends and family. She recently checked the e-vite website and saw the ex's name under "attending." So now she's weirded out:

Granted, we didn't review each other's attendees and I never said 'I don't feel comfortable with your ex there', but given that my close friends and family are there, I genuinely never thought he'd invite the ex, especially given our history.

I'm now trying to see the Holiday party as a way to engage with the ex, and maybe re-examine my stance on their relationship, but I can't help feeling overlooked and angry.

When she asked BF about the ex's presence, he said:

'Oh it was just a name on a list, nothing more', and; 'I invited <ex's name> friends too, so it would be awkward not to <ex>'. Missing the glaring awkwardness that my partner invited someone who clearly had/has feelings for him to a party with my close friends and family, many of who will ask 'so how do you know <partner>?'.

Yikes yikes yikes. Her question: is she being an a-hole for not wanting the ex there? Or is the boyfriend the a-hole for inviting her to begin with?

Most people are siding with the girlfriend.

Redditor PineappleGecko says that based on this woman's post and previous posts, it looks like this little friendship has more to it than meets the eye:

I can't shake the feeling something is wrong here, I see you spend a lot of time with your partner but [...] there is an awful lot of deceit on your partners point he knows you don't like the relationship with his ex, he knows you don't like how they talk and I'm sorry it's a holiday party for me that is a time for family and loved ones I would never invite an ex to something like this (granted I don't speak to my exes). There is red flags everywhere and as much as I hate them I think it is ultimatum time it's you or the ex because this is emotional cheating which believe it or f*cking not is cheating.

Moutalon agrees. "'Emotional cheating,' this is what it is all about I think," they wrote. "He might not be having sex with his ex but they clearly still are in a relationship. And the fact that boyfriend is playing innocent about it ('it was just a name on a list') is weird."

Meanwhile, I_Am_Paranoid1 gave some fitting advice based on their username: let the ex come to the party, but watch her like a hawk.

I can understand the paranoia that's coming along because of the fact that your partner's ex is literally trying to attend the party, but I see this as a more 'in the moment problem'

I say if the ex tries to flirt and get back with your partner, that's when you should step in and stop the situation from getting any more awkward or out of hand. There's no real way to know the intentions of the ex until they have attended the party.

The girlfriend confirmed she'll be watching the ex closely, which sounds like a nightmare.

QuietKat87 also confirmed that this woman's partner is clearly not respecting her boundaries:

Your partner is not respecting the boundaries you have put up. They are refusing to manage their relationship with their ex in a way that makes you feel secure. They are basically telling you that nothing will change and they don't feel the need to change their behavior..

And mamahazard opined that this is one of those rare instances when an ultimatum is appropriate:

Your partner has been TA here for a while. You need a serious sit-down talk here. You or his ex. No exceptions. There aren't kids here that you've mentioned. There is no reason he needs to be that friendly with his ex other than him still being in love with her. Prepare for a crumbling relationship soon. I'm sorry OP, this sounds like you've actually been too nice. He'd be pissed if you invited your ex and all of their friends.

So while everyone has different comfort levels when it comes to a partner staying friends with their ex, it's clear in this case that when a pricey holiday party's being ruined, the friendship has maybe gone too far.

13 teachers share the most embarrassing things they had to phone parents about.


Teaching is a profession for those who feel called to help raise future generations. It also yields some pretty hilarious and WTF stories.

Over on Reddit, a bunch of teachers are spilling the most hilariously cringeworthy times they've had to call parents about students' behavior. From ill-timed bodily functions to lots and lots of curse words, these stories will make any parent happy someone else takes care of their kids all day.

1. At least this student will get A's in anatomy.

It wasn’t embarrassing, it was funny, but in response to the question “What comes in pairs?” Her son, with total sincerity and enthusiasm said, “testicles!” I emailed to let them know he was a little upset that I didn’t write down his suggestion on the board. His mom said she printed the email and planned to pull it out again on some thanksgiving to read aloud when he was a teenager. - AlvinTaco

2. There's helicopter parenting, and then there's whatever this is.

I had to explain to a 6 year old's parents that I wouldn't be wiping his ass for him. They seemed surprised that a 6 year old would have to wipe his own ass. - OneHatOnly

3. Maybe he was drunk?

"Your son called a girl in class a bitch, and when I sent him to the office, he threw up all over the place."

Gotta love third grade. - sadboisongs

4. Imagine keeping physical copies of porn in your house.

I had to call a single dad to inform him that his six-year-old son perfectly described an explicit porn scene to his friends. This was before internet porn so the kid must have found Daddy's special movies. - good_sandlapper

5. This is... troubling.

This happened to a colleague when I worked in elementary school. A kindergartener had asked at the beginning of gym class to go to the bathroom. He intentionally didn't wipe himself.

When he came back to the gym, he backed up so that his ass was right in line with another kid's face who was sitting crisscross applesauce on the floor, dropped his pants, and put his shitty ass on that poor kid's face.

My colleague had to escort them both to the office and call in a district interpreter to call the unfortunate child's parents and tell them that their son might have hepatitis. - SailorVenus23

6. A beautiful tale of revenge via bodily functions:

My teacher had to call and apologize to my mom after she told me she wouldn't let me go to the nurse because I was always asking. So I threw up on her desk in front of the whole class. - melli72

7. This shows a pretty advanced grasp of English, though.

"Hi is that Armin's mum? Great. Ummm... could you please teach him not to respond with "FUCK YEAH!" when I hand him a toy? Okay but... look... I didn't say it wasn't funny..."

I was teaching English at a Vietnamese kindergarten. - Miss_Cegenation

8. Maybe they should make the highlighters less tasty.

Actually had a parent call me and apologize.

Threw a kid out of class for licking highlighters. Gave him a warning, took the highlighters away, somehow he got another one and did it again.

Told him to go to detention. He protested, but eventually went.

Got a call that night on my personal phone (I have no idea how mom got my number), the mom profusely apologizing and straight up admitting that her son was being an idiot. Then she put him on the phone and made him apologize too. It was really hard not to laugh, because you could tell this kid had been getting reamed out by his parents over the incident and was not interested in talking to me.

The kid was like 15.

Teaching was a fun time in my life. Not sure if I’ll go back but it sure was an adventure. - Petrol_in_ my_eyes

9. Some people just can't handle the toilet.

Not a teacher, but my teacher in grade 5 had to call my classmates mom because he got stuck on the toilet. - Kat_Is_Kute

10. There's DGAF, and then there's this girl.

Last year, I had a 7th grader who went to the bathroom every day for about 10-15 minutes. I talked to her other teachers, she also went for 10 minutes in their classes every day. She was also late every day. Often by 10-15 min.

She always claimed she had IBS/Chrons. It came to a head when one day she claimed "my stomach hurts and I'm about to crap myself. I just have to take a shit." In front of the whole class. So I called her parents, the school nurse, and the school psych for a meeting. The girl had no medical issues. She just liked to cut class and get attention.

Near the end of the year, that same 12 year old girl asked me, "Mr. IAmTheGodDamnDoctor, are you single? because my sister be tryin to hit that right now."

I had to call another conference and basically ban her and all her friends from ever being in my room without at least a dozen other students/adults as witnesses.

That was not a fun class... - IAmTheGodDamnDoctor

11. This mom needed to cut the crap.

I had a sophomore who was basically trouble from the start. In my class he was making a presentation, and he decided to say "crap" several times (not after making mistakes--it was intentional). So, I docked him for the word usage, and he blew up--I told him it was the same as if he'd used it in a written essay. So...

The next day, I get a phone call from his mother--and I knew something was wrong, because everyone in the office was looking at me, and grinning. I introduced myself, and she asked why her son's grade had been docked. After I explained why, she responded, in a pleasant, "concerned mom" voice: "Well, I don't think 'crap' is that bad a word...it wasn't like he said 'mother fucker' or 'cocksucker' or..." and she went on and on offering choice examples and combinations, as the blood drained from my face.

When the phone call was over, EVERYONE in the office started laughing--seems she was the local "insane mom", and these phone calls were common with her. - gremashlo

12. Ah, the magic of cinema.

a kid, 5th grader, pissed himself in class and left a puddle under his chair. he was was to into the movie we were watching and he didn't want to ask to use the restroom. - rohttn

13. The butthole always strikes twice.

Not so bad, but I worked at an afterschool program and during a time where the kids were doing homework, one of the kids (5yo) took another little girls paper and wrote “Booboo butthole” on the back of it, twice. So having to show that to his parents when they came in was a super fun conversation to have. - NahdeTV

29 Memes To Start Your Morning Off With A Chuckle.


All aboard the comedy train. This bad boy is rollin' down the tracks delivering laughs to everyone who needs one this morning. These hilarious memes will definitely help you start your day off with a smile.






























25 Memes To Help You Start Your Morning Off With A Laugh


"Morning is an important time of day, because how you spend your morning can often tell you what kind of day you are going to have."

-Lemony Snicket

If you start your morning off with a laugh your whole day is sure to be brighter. Enjoy these randomly hilarious memes and have the best day ever.


























13 people share the weirdest things they've caught their neighbors doing.


Steve Urkel. Kimmy Gibler. Wilson.

There are dozens of iconic "wacky neighbors" from sitcoms, and in real life, too. A Reddit thread asked the internet to share the weirdest things they've ever seen their neighbors do, and there are some real wacky ones out there.

1. Don't let good garbage go to waste, LederhosenSituation.

Had a neighbour who always picked up trash on our street. Great, except dude liked to run the hose over them and hang them up to dry. Bottles, paper, clothes, food, cigarettes, you named it. After drying the stuff out, he'd throw the stuff away.

2. EsQuiteMexican with what sounds like a supervillain's backstory.

I lived in a rural area for a few years and my next door neighbour showered her son naked in the backyard with a hose, no curtains or anything. That wasn't the weird part. The weird part is that she did it until he was 13.

3. BryBry_Bebo with a "life hack" gone awry.

I live in Michigan. Most winters we get a lot of snow. The house next door has never had the brightest people living in it. Woke up one day to the fire department parked in the street. Apparently my neighbors thought they could save time shoving snow by just covering their driveway in gasoline and melting it. They would also burn trash all the time.

4. SpacemanBatman's neighbor was no Batman.

Guy's house was foreclosed on so he locked his dogs in the backyard, set his house on fire, and tried to escape via canoe on the intercoastal. He got about three blocks before the Coast Guard picked him up. He got arrested. Dogs are fine.

5. _BiggieSmalls is living in a Stephen King novel.

He likes to play his violin in the small forest between our houses in the early hours of the morning. Scares the f*ck out of me.

6. suicidalgoat lives next to Stacy's Mom?

Masturbate on her lawn chair. She was about 48 at the time sunbathing nude. I was about 15. Yes I did think about that a lot in my alone time.

7. The windchimes chime for thee, derekaldrich.

My apartment neighbor below me, walks onto her patio and pushes her windchimes. She has two sets, one on one end of the patio, and the other at the other end. She does this in succession, once one stops she walks to the other. She does this sixish times a day?

She was on the phone the other day, and she was explaining this to whomever she was speaking with saying "I do this all the time, it must really annoy my neighbors"...

It's not that bad...

8. Mamma mia, ursois!

I live on the second floor of a 2 floor apartment.

I was outside, walking down the steps to the ground, when my next door neighbor just walks outside and throws an entire plate of spaghetti over the side of the balcony onto the bushes below. I looked up at him like "WTF?", and he just stared at me and said "I made too much spaghetti" and walked back inside.

9. GravelBallrooms's stalker knows where they live.

She followed us when we went on vacation and stayed in the same hotel.

10. QuizMizz's story is finger-lickin' good.

I heard screaming from over the fence one day. Look over to see her yelling at her son and throwing KFC chicken pieces at the kid because apparently the little sh*t ate the skin off all of the chicken she brought home for everyone and left just the meat behind. Nearly peed myself laughing.

11. Respect your elders, jweic.

Through the open bathroom window I hear:




They are yelling because they are old and can't hear. They yell everything. Richard left to go back to the store.

12. I hope with every poke he said "boop," -HundredEyes-.

After a big snowstorm, he took this 20 foot pole thing, and started stabbing the snowbank at the end of his driveway with it.

He just sat there for an hour sticking the pole through the entire snowbank, in different spots and then went inside and did nothing else.

13. goochockey lived next to Buster Bluth?

My girlfriend (now wife) and I were living on the second floor of a house (own entrance) our downstairs neighbor did the following:

-Pee in the bushes outside his own house

-pee in the neighbors car shelter

-Don many hats, not limited to a fez, cowboy hat, touque in the summer, Santa Clause hat in the summer.

-Try to swing from a vine from a tree overhanging from another yard like Tarzan or George of the jungle

-had some many campfires (alone) that he melted the fire pit grill

-dug numerous holes in the backyard, including at least one coffin sized trench

Dude was in his late 20s, lived with his parents and we only ever saw him leave the premises once.

Groom asks if he was wrong to spend $5k on dog surgery instead of wedding after bride gets mad.


When you partner with someone long-term, their pets become a huge part of your life. Regardless of whether you're an animal person or not, you don't date someone and reject their pet unless you want to fuel a cycle of emotional tension.

That being said, few people will care as deeply for a dog as its actual owner, and while this is normally not an issue, it can spark issues when finances enter the equation.

Money is consistently one of the most sensitive topics in a marriage and wedding planning marks the first huge obstacle in that equation. The questions of how much you want to spend on a wedding, and who has the dough for it can create a lot of tension if a couple isn't on the same page.

This tension was laid-bare in a popular post on the Am I The *sshole subreddit, where a groom asked if he was wrong for spending 5K on his sick dog instead of an elaborate wedding.

My Fiancée isn’t speaking to me after I used “our” money to help my dog. Not sure not to fix this?

When OP discovered a tumor on his German Shepard, he immediately went to the vet.

My dog (German Shepard) began acting strangely a few months ago. First couple vet visits didn’t show anything until eventually we felt a large lump under his fur which was later identified as a tumor. It was confirmed to be malignant and required surgery to remove completely.

While the tumor was revealed to be malignant, the vet said the removal surgery would cost over $5,000.

The vet I spoke to said it would likely cost over $5000 to remove it completely and there’s no guarantee it will be a success. I don’t know why the cost was so high, but it didn’t matter to me. My dog is my dog and there is no question in my mind that paying for the surgery was the right thing to do.

Since he loves his dog, OP made no fuss paying for the surgery out of his savings.

I paid for the surgery out of my own savings. This is important. My fiancée and I have separate finances and my savings are easily 5x what she had saved up. When she found out how much the surgery cost, she went ballistic that I paid for the surgery without asking her when we’re planning a wedding. She says that she will have to downsize her wedding to compensate, and that my dog is already so old (10) the money “wouldn’t go far.” I can’t even comprehend how she could say that to me.

However, when his fiancee' found out he spent that much on his dog, she freaked out and claimed it was dipping into potential wedding fund money.

I honestly can’t empathise with her here, which has caused a massive rift in a previously amazing relationship. My dog is my dog and he’s a member of the family. I refuse to put a few thousand dollars over his well-being. My fiancee is acting as though I’m being selfish and that our wedding should come first, since we’re starting a family.

After the fight, OP's fiancee gave him the silent treatment and an emotional chasm formed between them.

She hasn’t talked to me since other than to tell me to take out the garbage, clean the dishes, etc. If I try to engage conversation she will shut down or walk away. She refuses to talk this over unless I get on my knees, grovel and apologise. I can’t bring myself to do this as a matter of principle and self respect.

The whole situation made OP question their relationship, since his dog matters a lot to him and his fiancee didn't seem to understand.

So my question for people here is how am I supposed to get her to talk to me and patch things up? I don’t want to throwaway the relationship, but at the same time I feel this is something I cannot compromise on...

Qjfomentl thinks the situation deserves a serious long-term financial talk.

I'm not going to say don't get married, but definitely don't get married until you've resolved this.

If you combine your finances after the wedding, how will she react if you have to spend more money on your dog (either this dog or a future dog)?

This is probably worth considering couple's counseling about, since she's not speaking to you and you have very different priorities.

Sometimes people stay in long term relationships just because they've been in them so long that starting over seems daunting (sunk cost fallacy).

Make sure you can find a way to compromise if you're truly determined to stay with her.

FlamingoPants42 thinks it could be a bigger issue than this one instance.

Clearly you have different values than your girlfriend, and I think that's worth thinking about before you marry her.

justjaythings thinks OP should have discussed the surgery with his fiancee earlier on.

Didn't you talk about your finances before?

Maybe that's a bit european, but we wouldn't even think about "yours" or "mine". And absolutely not for a dog.

Get your rules about finances clear. And to be honest: I couldn't go with a person who uses ignoring as a punishment. You want this?

upbeatcrazyperson thinks it's weird OP's fiancee had no connection to the dog.

Hopefully, this is a "You should have discussed it with me first since we are going to be building our lives together issue," but she should now EVEN IF YOU HAD you most likely would have still gone through with it, so it's kind of a moot point that the outcome STILL would have been the same.

She says that she will have to downsize HER wedding to compensate, and that my dog is already so old (10) the money “wouldn’t go far.”

That HER kind of gets me, but I would tell her, "My dog has been saying the same thing about you." Seriously, how long have ya'll been together, because it's weird that she has no connection to your dog unless ya'll haven't been together very long.

anthoto1 thinks OP messed up by not including his fiancee in the conversation.

As far as I know (my brother is a vet, but I live in France, not in the USA), $5K is an absurd amount of money for a dog surgery, especially if the dog is that old. If it is so expensive, it is probably because it is really complex and not a big chance of success). IMO, most veterinarians would advise against it. Did you ask for a second opinion ?

Even if it was your own money, you should have talked to her before proceeding as you're planning a future together. Owning a pet will always involve expenses. Depending on the breed of the dog, the veterinary costs can easily reach a few thousand bucks every year You should question your compatibility here : if you get married then proceed with buying a new dog, the same problems will finally emerge.

The issue here is clearly not limited to the dog, and rather a larger problem with communication. Hopefully, they were able to resolve it one way or another.

23 Memes That Will Only Be Funny If You Have A Mother-In-Law.


"My mother-in-law fell down a wishing well. I was amazed; I never knew they worked."

-Les Dawson

There's a reason why mother-in-law jokes have been around forever, they're funny because they're true. If your marriage left you stuck with the monster-in-law from hell, these memes will be hilariously relatable.
























People respond to dad's tweet about not respecting his kids' privacy: 'we not friends.'


Should parents give their kids privacy when they still live under their roof? One dad doesn't think so, and Twitter clearly disagrees.

This dad, who calls himself "Agent of Chaos," lived up to his handle when he tweeted that he doesn't believe his kids deserve privacy while they live at home and don't pay their own bills. The backlash has been fierce.

He wrote:

My children will get “privacy” from me when they can pay their own bills and feed themselves. Until then, you do what I say. Ain’t shit negotiable. We not friends.

This might seem harsh, but it's also not an uncommon belief among parents—especially of the baby boomer generation. My parents didn't respect my privacy when I lived at home—which infuriated me as a kid, but retrospectively seems fairly normal. Most of my friends had similar experiences: sex was forbidden and rarely discussed, phone calls were listened in on, and drugs or alcohol were off-limits. But though this type of parenting was common among baby boomers, it might not have the best long-term consequences.

The response to this dad's tweet has been savage. Many young people whose parents had this attitude about privacy are sharing how it caused them to act out, break rules, and distance themselves from their parents as soon as possible.

Lots of people are saying the dad's behavior will come back to bite him in the ass when his kids put him in a nursing home. Yikes.

Others are arguing that kids have just as much a right to privacy as adults.

While others are straight-up calling this guy a "terrible" parent, a "dictator" and "abusive."

A few people are taking the dad's side, like this guy, and Kevin Hart apparently.

But most people are arguing that treating your kids this way just teaches them to misbehave and sneak around.

The overwhelmingly negative response to the tweet suggests that attitudes towards parenting are evolving, and parents of today seem to believe kids deserve more privacy and freedom than most of our parents' gave us. But of course, not all parents feel this way, as this (young) dad's tweet suggests.

What do you think?

Veterans criticize Donald Trump Jr. for comparing his ‘family’s sacrifices’ to fallen troops.


A deeply emotionally dense passage from Don Jr.'s book is currently making the rounds on Twitter, and it would be an understatement to say that people aren't feeling it.

The passage from Don Jr.'s 300 page book Triggered: How the Left Thrives on Hate and Wants to Silence Us reflects on a visit to the Arlington National Cemetery shortly before Trump's inauguration.

"I rarely get emotional, if ever,” Trump Jr. wrote. “Yet, as we drove past the rows of white grave markers, in the gravity of the moment, I had a deep sense of the importance of the presidency and a love of our country.”

While gazing upon over 400,000 graves, Trump Jr. felt a deep sense of gratitude and kinship with the soldiers, which naturally inspired him to compare his family to people martyred in service.

"In that moment, I also thought of all the attacks we’d already suffered as a family, and about all the sacrifices we’d have to make to help my father succeed — voluntarily giving up a huge chunk of our business and all international deals to avoid the appearance that we were ‘profiting off the office," Trump Jr. wrote.

Unsurprisingly, people on Twitter have been quick to point out how wildly disrespectful it is for Don Jr. to compare his luxurious lifestyle to that of soldiers dying in battle.

For starters, Don Jr.'s claims that his family "gave up international deals" to avoid conflicts of interest during his father's presidency are patently false.

On top of Don Jr's claims of "sacrifice" being provably untrue, it's deeply tacky for him to make the death of thousands of soldiers about his business interests.

Veterans and people with friends buried at Arlington were quick to condemn Don Jr.'s intense narcissism.

Just when it seems the spectacle couldn't get worse, one commenter noted that while this story broke Trump's retail portal starting promoting its camouflage clothing for a Veterans Day sale that has no claims to support actual veterans.

God bless America, please God, if you're listening...bless us?! Satan has clearly already done a lot of work here.

23 tweets from women this week that will make you smile (not that we're telling women to smile).


It's been a wild week on the internet. Baby boomers acted like babies over the "ok boomer" meme, and Keanu Reeves was canonized as a saint for dating a woman who is only nine years younger than him.
























18 hostel employees share their weirdest stories from the job.


Hostels are hotbeds for wild stories. People pass through from all corners of the world, in all different phases of life, ready to experience a new country and party. Naturally, this confluence of open-minded strangers leads to a lot of memorable antics.

After all, if you're not going to let loose and make some mistakes while cruising abroad, when will you?!

In a popular Reddit thread, hostel employees shared the weirdest things they've seen backpackers do, and it proves the whole world is batty.

1. JamorDie survived a very strange ride.

Whilst staying in a hostel in Australia, we ran bus shuttle from the hostel to the town centre. One night we get on the bus, the driver starts it up and proceeds to drive like Keanu Reeves in Speed, bombing down the road in the opposite direction to our destination. After five minutes of fearing for our lives we ask him whats going on. The guy stops the bus and at this point informs us that he is in fact not our driver. He was just some random drunk guy that fancied a joy ride.

2. justjoeisfine gave a very outdated haircut, per request.

I was working on Crete in a youth hostel and cut my own hair using a couple of mirrors. An Albanian friend liked it and paid me to cut his hair, him being too afraid of being deported to go into the village to get a haircut. So I cut his hair. I made it look just like Roger Moore in Live and Let Die And his friends got interested. I cut 28 men's hair. Almost all of the migrant Albanians wore old 1970s clothes, like Albania stopped importing all clothes after 1978, so the haircuts were twerking their fly collars and no-belt golf pants.

3. sikadeemus saw a couple defy physics.

I used to manage a hostel in Mission Beach Australia for 4 years. I saw a couple have sex in a hammock while standing up.

4. ElHadjiDiouf watched man live his worst life.

At a hostel in Vietnam, I saw a drunk Danish guy slip off a table on a stray ping-pong ball, dislocate his shoulder and piss himself...at breakfast. Superb viewing.

5. drakesdrum met Spiderman.

I've never worked in a hostel but I've stayed in loads. I always remember this one guy in Warsaw. It was quite a big hostel but despite it being summer, quite empty, so I was in a room of 8 beds and it was me, this guy and a couple. On the first day I walked in the room to find him grappling the ceiling as if he was spiderman. I didn't notice him at first but then he thudded to the ground and acted as if nothing had happened. He repeated this trick a few times and I saw him walking around the hostel as if he was a kid trying not to touch the floor, clambering on stuff and the walls etc. When I woke up the next day, he was outside in the courtyard doing a cross between martial arts and some kind of yoga wearing a toga. When I got back that night, he was singing on skype. I also noticed he was reading a book purely about squirrels.

I was there for 3 nights and I think he spent his whole time in the hostel doing crackpot things

6. perryibanez has a few big stories.

I worked as a nights manager for a Hostel in Edinburgh for 2 years. I saw a lot of crazy shit. Here's a few things that happened to me whilst on duty.

We used to get a lot of homeless people coming in and thinking they could stay for free. Scotland is cold as fuck... So cold that my £180 north face "Wind stopper" jacket did nothing to prevent the piercing Scottish winds from cutting right through it. So I would usually let the homeless people chill in the lobby for a couple of hours and get warmed up or take a nap etc.

On this one occasion I let a homeless guy stay in the lobby for a couple of hours he went to the bathroom and had not returned after 40+ minutes. So I have one of my night porters go check out the toilets for me as I was worried he could be a drug user and was overdosing on my watch. So my night porter comes back and tells me he has locked himself in the disabled toilet. We knock really hard and shout for this homeless guy to open the door for about a minute before I announce that we are unlocking the door and coming in. As soon as we open the door we were met by the most foul smell imaginable.

Turned out this homeless guy had shit on the floor and then proceeded to smear shit over every inch of our disabled bathroom and had then fallen asleep in his own fecal matter. We had to block off the toilet for a couple of days and hire professional cleaners to come and sort it out. He had really worked shit into every crevice he could find.

Another event that happened on my watch was a man coming in and asking for me to call the police. I asked him why he wanted me to phone the police for him, had something happened? was he hurt etc... He then just stares at me blankly and replies "I am going to commit suicide". So I pretty much shat my pants and was completely gob smacked. I was 19 years old, this was my first managerial position and now I was faced with this suicidal guy in my lobby. I didn't want this on my conscience... So I asked the guy if he had any weapons with which he was going to hurt himself with or possibly my members of staff. He whips out this big ass crocodile dundee knife and calmly shows it to me. To this day I have no idea why I reacted in the way I did. I barely got this job and I wanted so very much to be successful in it. I could not have this guy killing himself on my watch.

As soon as he showed me the knife I grabbed his wrist and punched him as hard as I could in the face. He was clearly intoxicated so he dropped like a sack of shit. After securing the knife safely I jumped over the reception desk and tied his hands together (With the help of my night porters) with a piece of rope that had our floor buffers keys attached to it.

I then told him that I would kick his ass if he tried to kill himself on my watch, and that he had picked the wrong night to come in as I was working that evening. After that I sat him down on one of our sofa's, gave him a big mug of hot chocolate and put him on the phone with the Samaritans, as they are trained to deal with people in his mental state and I wasn't... Reinforced by the fact I had just punched a suicidal man in the face. After the police arrived it turned out that he wasn't suicidal at all, he simply wanted a place to sleep as he was homeless. He knew if he caused trouble that the police would come get him and find him somewhere warm to sleep. They knew him as soon as they walked into the Hostel as he was a repeat offender. So luckily for me I had just punched and disarmed a homeless guy playing the system for a good nights sleep, as opposed to a genuine suicidal person.

Last but not least is a story of when I myself was on a backpacking holiday. I was traveling the world and for this part of the adventure I was in South Africa. To keep it short as this is already long winded enough. I was sleeping in a 6 bed dorm that I had stayed in for a few nights already. About 3am in the morning 2 thick South African accent men come into the room and start looking for a free bed. I was paying attention as I was always vigilant in case someone tried to steal from me thinking I was asleep. Oh how I was wrong... These 2 deep voiced men literally start fucking in the bed 3 feet across from me. Heavy breathing, lots of grunting, really pounding the shit into each other. I just kept still as a mouse and pretended I was the deepest sleeper in the world.

So about 10 minutes into it one of them stops and whispers "There's a guy sleeping in that bed". Clearly they were talking about me! So now fear set in and I tightened my grip on my rock climbing hammer that I slept with for safety. So the same guy says "Should we stop?" and the other guy replies "Nah, he's probably a poof anyway".

Then they went right back to it and left shortly after they had both satisfied their sexual urges. While I was terrified during that experience I have to say that the last line one of them said about me being a poof was probably one of the funniest things I have heard in my life.

TLDR request:

Story 1: Homeless guy takes a shit and spreads it all over a disabled bathroom and then falls asleep in his own shit.

Story 2: Punched a suicidal guy in the face.

Story 3: Got called a poof by 2 burly South African men that were making love to each other.

7. nom_yourmom saw metal dudes go at it.

I was in Prague a few years ago, staying at a hostel, as high schoolers are wont to do. Me and my buddy had just gotten back from a night of drinking, poor decisions, etc. and were chillin in the lobby area when this Swedish metal band that was also staying at the hostel comes back, all of them absolutely shitfaced. The vocalist, who's this huge dude with long blonde hair, exactly what you'd expect from a Swedish metal band, is completely plastered and starts yelling, asking people to kick him in the head. Nobody really wants to do it but he was being really aggressive and eventually he puts his head down on this table and one of the other dudes in the band (I think the bassist) starts kicking him in the head, as requested. Like hard fucking kicks, right in the skull.

After each kick, the dude yells to do it again. After 3 or 4 kicks, the bassist stops cause his foot hurts too much, and they all go upstairs and pass out. I saw them all the next day and the vocalist was completely fine, with no ill effects other than being hungover. The bassist, however, BROKE HIS FUCKING FOOT on this dude's hard-ass head, and had to go to the hospital. TL;DR Swedish metal band at a hostel in Prague engage in some drunken masochistic behavior, hilarity ensues.

EDIT: okay, my friend thinks the band was called something like "ver koklin"

8. Bahrenfeld had to clean up the piss.

I was working the night shift and basically everything was quite. All of a sudden this weird little guy comes to the reception and tells me he needs two new mattresses. Why? Because he wet his bed (to be honest, it happens more often than you might think in hostels). I say no problem and ask him why he needs the second one, he goes umm, err, mmm, then another guy comes down the stairs looking pissed. And he actually was. He was in the bottom bunk. He woke because of the pee dripping on his face.

9. Murphy_York will never forget Steve-O.

At a hostel in Amsterdam, an Australian guy named Steve-O (incredibly drunk, btw) threw himself face first down the stairs. At the bottom he got up and yelled up to us "Now that's how you go down the stairs!"

10. skoorb13 has lot of hostel stories.

Worked in a party hostel in the middle of Melbourne for a couple of years.. I've seen some shit, man. Our hostel had three bars in the building, one of which was open 24/7.

Happy to elaborate, but in short I've seen the following:

  • a gorgeous Swedish girl in nothing but a g string stroll into reception and ask for another key for her room

  • a Scottish guy on ecstasy run a half marathon

  • an off-duty army guy drop trou, sit on a futon and proceed to shit on the futon and piss all over himself

  • an otherwise quiet and reserved Korean girl getting fisted in the middle of a bar

  • a 40-something divorced mother of three in the middle of a 6 guy sandwich

  • multiple porn-style sex scenes in full dorm rooms

And a lot of other shit I can't remember. It was a crazy couple of years and even now I look back and think "wow, did that shit really happen?"

EDIT: This has been fun, and evidently quite the karma mine, but I really have to go to bed. Feel free to ask any questions you have and I will answer tomorrow.

11. furinkasan doesn't know what happened to the baby.

Not hostel staff, but lived in a big hostel in central London when at university. Had a lot of fun in there and saw the weirdest things the time I was living there. By far the strangest of all, is related to this girl who was very introverted and lonely, didn't really talk to anybody in there and had the weirdest behaviour.

One day, there was a commotion in one of the floors because she was all covered in blood and weak, walking like a zombie along the hallways, near the toilets and shower rooms. To make a long story short, she had just gave birth to a baby in one of the shower rooms and nervously kept telling everyone that the baby wasn't hers. In come the police (as in other occasions) and social services and that was the last we saw of her.

12. Bracks3 was trapped over a threesome.

A few years back I stayed in a backpackers in Vienna, Austria for a few nights. On the last night I had a new bunkmate, and she seemed like a lovely girl. So I go out, get blackout drunk and awake at 5am in my top bunk to the unmistakable sound of shower sex. A few minutes later the girl brought her friend out and hopped into the bed under me. Several "Cum inside me"s and "Your dick is huge"s ensue as I am violently bounced around on the top bunk feeling sicker by the minute.

My bunkmate then calls out another mans name, and is soon joined by a second young buck and the party below me becomes a threesome. This continues for another 20 minutes while I am bounced around the loose bunk some more. Eventually they finish up and the guys leave, giving me the chance to escape to the bathroom and spew. When I return the girl says to me casually "Don't suppose you want a ride too" or something to that effect, I politely decline and proceed to return to the bathroom and fall asleep in the shower.

tl;dr Chick in bed below me rides the tricycle as I awkwardly ponder my escape.

13. aMANescape doesn't know who died.

I once stayed in a hostel in Sydney Australia... it had fresh, blood stained bullet holes in the wall.

14. Spriggyp has some questions about France.

I manage a hostel in America and nothing surprises me any more. I have seen people walking around the halls naked, people falling down stairs drunk the usual stuff ya know. But there was one French guest he was sober as he had just checked in. I get a call from the business below the hostel saying someone is pissing out the window. I run up catch the guy and he honestly thought it would be alright to do that. He swore tat in France that's what they do. Needless to say we kicked him out.

15. omarion99's friend sold acid over the counter.

A friend of mine worked the front desk at a hostel to pay for his room when he was in Australia, and by all metrics, he was good at his job, but they had to fire him when they found out he was selling acid over the counter.

16. kimchi_station is lucky they weren't murdered.

Once was staying in a hostel in Tokyo and woke up to someone loudly talking to his dad on skype in the common room about how he thinks he is infertile because when he jerks off nothing comes out, how much he wants to literally kill his brother, and "Oh by the way dad, I'm racist now." This was unfortunately the morning after my friend and I decided to be social and spent the night out with this guy. I know people say "He is the craziest guy I know" but this is the first time I ever thought someone would possibly kill me in my sleep because they were just that bat shit crazy.

17. Tizy doesn't know what the face dogs were all about.

I don't work at a hostel, but I was in one once in Venezuela when I saw three people laying in a row, arms by their sides and legs straight out, each with a small dog sleeping on their face. I still have no idea what the fuck that was about.

18. Saulg00de will never forget.

I've stayed in hostels lots over the past 6 or so years and among many this was simple but my fav.

In a 10 bed dorm in Coogee Beach, Sydney. All guys we went out together, got drunk and stumbled back and got into bed, we all chatted shit for a bit then people stated to drift off.

Some guy had met a girl at the bar and arrived later with her, they thought they were quiet but I was sure they were being so loud everyone was woken up too.

Either way I tried to ignore it while they had quick loud and noisy bottom bunk hostel sex. Once they were done the room was silent. I still wasn't sure if anyone else had been woken up by them.

Till one of the guys, a scoucer simply said out loud to break the silence "Can I have a go next?"

The poor girl ran out, everyone was awake and a good hour of laughing ensued.

Hostel are great, you def see the worst and best in people.

Parent asks if it's wrong to fake a girl's hospital trip to teach son a lesson about bullying.


No one ever said being a parent was easy. Raising tiny humans can present all kinds of obstacles—and other than Dr. Spock and about 5 million parenting blogs, there isn't exactly a trusty handbook explaining how to handle them. That's what Reddit is for!

One parent asked Reddit to weigh in on whether they did the right thing by lying to their son to teach him a lesson about bullying.

The problem began online, with the son "roasting" girls' photos without their permission.

This is a hellish thing to do to people of any age or gender—but particularly to young girls.

My son had a bad habit of starting online fights with other kids and sometimes older teens/young adults. It was mostly just kinda playful ribbing until either person took it a step too far and it became just vulgar "I F-ed your mom/relative" stuff. I saw it and told him to cut it out, and if someone took it too far to just walk away. It slowly came back in the form of "roasting" girl's photos without permission. Basically just calling them a name or comparing them to something or someone he deems undesirable.

The boy's parent first tried talking to him about it, explaining that this is "not how you treat people." This worked and the behavior ceased....for a while.

By that time I sat him down and told him that's not how you treat people, and girls at school aren't going to want to be around him if he kept doing it. The "roasting" stopped for a few months until this school year when a new girl who I was told had quite a high opinion of her looks despite not being very attractive joined his school.

But then a new girl came to his school, and the son and his friends started to "taunt her pretty badly." He wouldn't stop the bullying, even when his parent warned that she could "do something horrible to herself" if he and his friends kept it up.

He and a handful of his classmates began to taunt her pretty badly. I took his phone from him about a week before I hatched my plan. It came to my attention he was still harassing her in school. On the way home I told him my own bullying experience and the very real risk that she could do something horrible to herself if he and those other people kept at it. It seemed like I was getting through to him but he let it slip that he didn't think he could stop taunting her because it made him cool with his friends. They apparently hailed him as the "roast master", just a cringey name for bully.

I got really fed up of him doing this shit. Since the idea of the girl hurting herself seemed to scare him, I waited until the weekend to "break the news."

So the parent sat their son down and made up a big ol' lie—claiming that the girl he's been bullying had been hospitalized with self-sustained injuries. The boy reacted by "tearing up" and apologizing for his actions.

At breakfast on Saturday I sat him down very seriously and told him that the girl he had "roasted" had been hospitalized, and the cops think it was intentional. He was pretty quick to tear up and say that he was sorry. I told him that he shouldn't have taunted her the way he did and I asked him about how she must have felt to want to do something like that. About an hour and a half later and a very serious talk, I thought it was time to reveal that she was okay.

When the parent revealed the truth, the son had a "mixed" reaction. He was mad at his parent for doing "something douchey." But also, his bullying stopped, he apologized to the girl, and even convinced his friends to stop bullying her too.

I told him that it wasn't real and he had a pretty mixed reaction. Mad at me of course for doing something douchey like that but relieved that he hadn't contributed to a classmate hurting themselves. When he got back to school he told his friends to lay off and explained what had happened. While I do believe she still got some grief from students it wasn't nearly as bad. Him and that girl are not friends by any means but he said sorry to her and they appear to be okay.

The parent now says they "feel pretty badly" for lying to their kid and making him "distressed," even though the tactic worked in the end.

I feel pretty bad about what I did but I didn't see much of another option. He's got his phone back now and I'm proud to say he uses it much more responsibly now minus a few road bumps. I can't help put still feel bad about how distressed he was but who knows, maybe it did save a kids life?

So yeah, am I the asshole?

We all know lying is wrong—usually. But is this one of those exceptions?

Most commenters think this parent is not the a**hole—especially since they tried other tactics and those didn't work.

Shadowfury45 writes:

NTA: wakeup calls are needed sometimes and you dished out some pretty sweet justice.

  • now heres the thing though i'm surprised the school hasn't cracked down on it so he's very lucky. and there will be a point if he does it again he will have to learn the hard way

  • but points to trying to deal with it now instead of later on

cfishlips agrees, writing:

I agree. NTA. You did what many parents won't, put other people's saftey and needs above their own kids comfort.

This person makes the very good point that the parent was the a**hole, but that being an a**hole is what was needed in this particular situation.

Christwriter says:

But in this situation, an asshole was what was needed. You lied, broke trust, and there probably ought to be some pretty serious therapy involved for a while, but you gave your son the wake up call he needed.

Sometimes being an asshole is a good thing.

But notoriousfishtank disagrees, arguing that the parent's response was "an extreme scare tactic":

I don’t think a counselor would say this was the best parenting move. I hope they can help you guys figure out the best way to deal with this kind of stuff.

I’m sure you’re a good parent but that’s kind of an extreme scare tactic. On the other hand, I don’t have kids so what do I know 🤷🏻‍♀️

I also feel for this parent. Given their past—they were bullied themselves—it's understandable why their son's bullying elicited such an extreme response. And the truth is, bullying can have tragic consequences like the ones they fabricated to their kid. But at the same time, lying to your kid does seem like maybe not the best way to instill better behavior. What do you think?

Personally, IDK what I would do in this situation. Luckily my only "child" is a 7-lb. chihuahua who doesn't even have the courage to bully the mailman. To people out their with human children who have the potential to inflict real harm on others.....good luck to you!

25 Memes For Anyone Obsessed With True Crime.


True-crime junkies know there's nothing better than kicking back, relaxing, and learning everything there is to know about gruesome murders. These memes will be hilarious to anyone who's truly obsessed with true-crime.


























Chrissy Teigen apologizes for tweet about her mom losing AirPods after people got angry.


Because she tweets about pimples and stuff, it's easy to forget that Chrissy Teigen is a millionaire married to another millionaire and therefore, an uber-rich elite.

With income inequality at an all-time high, private jets melting the planet, and both Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren on the campaign discussing the need for big structural change, people are no longer charmed by the rich and famous flaunting their lifestyles.

Chrissy Teigen faced backlash for making a joke about her mom losing AirPods and having to buy the $150 gear over and over again. What is clearly a joke about the existence of earphones was to many a version of Marie Antoinette's classic tweet, "let them eat cake."

Yeah, this is not relatable content when the majority of people on the planet (and the planet) are suffering.

With this tweet, Chrissy was officially added to the "eat the rich" menu.

Chrissy, whose career success depends on the internet's adoration, apologized for the tone-deaf tweet, and vowed to read the room better in the future.

She vowed to be less tone-deaf in the future. She did not say whether or not she'd be down to be less rich.

Chrissy responded directly to a fan who used the iconic "Help me, I'm poor" GIF to summarize the controversy.

Being rich enough to afford multiple sets of AirPods a month. Not relatable.

Feeling incredibly guilty? That's me AF!

People are sharing the strangest things they've ever done for money.


Most of us have to work to put a roof over our heads and pay for Spotify premium and Netflix and booze and our phone bill and even sometimes food if there's any money left over. Life is expensive, and many of us have done all kinds of weird, random or NSFW things to pay those bills.

Someone recently asked Twitter: "what's the strangest thing you've ever done for cash?"

Mine is curating lists from strangers on Twitter and publishing them on the internet for other strangers to read.

Here are 23 people sharing the strangest things they ever did to make some extra $$$:
























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